As soon as his bones were fixed, the wish went to work on his skin, healing everything until he was back to normal. His blonde hair flowed from his skull and his piercing brown eyes stared down at me as his black eye healed.
The look of hatred on his face wasn't one that one gave to their savior, but I didn't mind. After all, I wasn't his savior, and he was about to realize that.
As soon as his body was healed, he gasped and looked at his hands in awe. Every last cut, every scar, every imperfection on his skin was completely gone, and now he looked to be more in his 20s than his 60s.
It was amazing what a bit of torture could do to age a person.
He was an attractive sort of human, and I could see where he had gotten his attitude from. Most people wouldn't have been able to deny him anything. He looked like one of those movie stars or the popular kid on TV.