Chang Xuefeng and I watched Hazel-Anne skipping away from the house, holding on to her mother's and father's hand. Every so often, she would swing forward, and they would take her weight and the sound of their laughter echoed on the wind.
"Are you sure that's a smart decision?" asked Chang Xuefeng as he cocked his head to the side.
I knew what he was talking about. The back of the father's head was missing part of his skull, and blood slowly leaked from the wound. Even the mother had an exit wound in the back of her head that must have been hidden by her bangs.
With a wave of my fingers, I watched the wounds heal over in seconds. The father must have felt something because he looked over his shoulder to stare at me, his eyes narrowing in a silent threat.
That look alone assured me that I had made the best decision possible. They would protect Hazel-Anne, the small demon with more wisdom than sense.
I've been neglecting the translations lately... I'm so sorry!
Frère--> brother
Moi --> me
amis--> friends
Let me know if I've missed any! And thanks so much for your continued support! My readers are the best!
T'aimes beaucoup! (Love you lots!)