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30.76% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 20: League of Villains

Chapter 20: League of Villains

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- Shigaraki Tomura, we have received the correct information. The Almighty is here, Sotrigolova and Thirteen are with him. - A purple mist that had something resembling a face peeking through spoke.

- Great... we didn't gather so many people for nothing... just for one single purpose...'' replied the creepy guy that the revived mist called Shigaraki Tomura, but he wasn't in a hurry to attack just yet.

- Villains!? Where did they come from!?

- Sensei, what about the motion sensors, they should be going off by now!!!! - Yaoyorozu asked, trying not to panic.

- Of course we have them, but-' Thirteen started to say, but I interrupted her.

- It's no use, I've already tried contacting the academy, nothing works. It looks like one of the intruders has an electromagnetic quirk that has disabled all nearby electrical devices, including sensors. I'm more stressed about how they knew when and where the class would be held....

- It doesn't matter now, Thirteen, start evacuating the students and try to contact the academy, and we'll buy you some time. - Aizawa said.

- Don't worry! - The Almighty stretched his smile to his ears, trying to reassure the students. - It's alright because I'm with you young heroes! - loudly declared Hero Number 1... and immediately flew off in the direction of the simulated city, rammed by a monster with dark skin, brains sticking out and a beak instead of a mouth. What surprised me wasn't so much that it was a head bigger than the Almighty, but that he was able to make it move at all. That means that the horrible monster that frightened the disciples is at least not weaker than the Almighty.....

- Ha ha ha ha, how about the Almighty? This Nomu isn't as strong and fast as you, but it makes up for it with its mad durability and regeneration. Nomu was created specifically to kill you, he's the Anti-Peace Symbol! - Tomura said cheerfully as he saw that this creature he called Nomu was fighting with the Almighty, occasionally demolishing buildings in the course of the fight, and was not much inferior to him in combat as the Almighty's blows did him no damage at all.

- Shigaraki Tomura, while the Almighty is busy, we need to deal with Sotrigolova, Thirteen, and Yuei's students. - The talking mist said at once, glancing unkindly in our direction. It was clear from the start that they had come to kill the Almighty, and Yuei's teachers and students would be in the way, so it was logical to kill them all while the Almighty was fighting the monster. That way, they'll have a numerical advantage over the Peace Symbol.

- You're right, Kurogiri. Let's attack. - agreed the psycho with the fog he called Kurogiri, and gave the command for the rest of the villains to attack us.

- Thirteen, evacuate the students and call for backup while I distract the villains. - Aizawa put his special goggles over his eyes as he saw Shigaraki Tomura's henchmen approaching us.

- Master, you can't fight them alone! - Kirishima declared belligerently, strengthening his arms.

- Heroes always take risks, it's part of our, and your future, job. - Aizawa said pathetically and jumped down, straight at the henchmen. By the way, Sotrigolova was good at scattering villains left and right, it seems that almost all the villains here, with the exception of Nomu, Shigaraki and Kurogiri, are simple street scum, at least none of them are a danger to me.

By the way, I've heard the name Tomura before, from an ugly, eyeless creature, and this Nomu also looks a lot like the mutant bomber from Tokyo Tower and the Hood that attacked me in the underground ring, where there was a strange purple mist...Well, that explains a lot. Shigaraki Tomura is not the initiator of this attack, but a simple pawn, only I don't understand one thing, how did they even know where the drills would take place? There are only three conclusions, either they have an individual with a quirk that allows them to monitor the actions of certain people, including teachers, or the Quirk Thief has that power, but then he would have known my identity a long time ago, so that option is out. The last option, somewhere in the academy is a rat that supplies information to the enemy, and perhaps this rat right in my class.

- I wanted to get stronger and fight, and here you are, not even a year later. - I said, standing still, unlike my classmates running for the exit.

- Akira, we have to leave! - Uraraka shouted, hurrying towards the exit with the others and seeing me standing there thinking about something with a cold weapon in my hands.

- I'm not going to run away. When else will I get the chance to fight so many opponents? - I said with excitement. - Create a construct: Infinity Blades! - I created fifty blades around me, and launched them at Aizawa's opponents, who were slowly crowding him, because he can't 'switch off' the quirks of several people at once, only one, and he can't take his eyes off him for that.

My blades hit half of the villains, stunning and knocking them out. Aizawa noticed that I had given him a little help, but there were still plenty of villains out there, so he focused on them.

- Mizuiro, what are you doing?! Hurry up and get out of there! - Thirteen noticed what I did. - Do you realise that you're acting extremely recklessly!

- Just the opposite, I'm acting based on logic. There were much more enemies, and if they killed Sotrigolova, we would have to fight them.

- Take your student's advice, Thirteen. - said Kurogiri, who instantly moved in front of the students, blocking the main exit. - Pleased to meet you, we are the League of Villains. I think it's rude for us to come uninvited to Yuei Academy, but we decided to invite ourselves. For the sole purpose of letting the Almighty, the Symbol of Peace, draw his last breath. - Kurogiri said hello in the most polite manner for a criminal. - I'm afraid I'll have to torture you all to death.

- You know, I'm kind of tired of hearing threats from the 'talking whisperer'. - I replied with a sneer, instantly stepping in front of the fog and activating Infinity at full strength, causing the sword to glow brightly, and then unleashing a diagonal plasma slash at Kurogiri that was ten times more powerful than the slash of light I'd unleashed with my katana.

The attack dispelled some of his fog, but I realised that his weak point, namely his physical body where the black fog was coming from, must be somewhere inside him, so I kept sending plasma attacks at him until metal plates appeared from the fog, which should keep his physical body from disintegrating into the fog, at least in theory.

- Mizuiro, stand aside! - Thirteen turned to me and held her finger out in front of me, apparently about to use her quirk.

Kurogiri realised that if everyone else, including Thirteen, joined in the attack, he would be in trouble, so he returned almost all of the mist to his physical body and appeared in a different form. He looked like a man in a dinner jacket, except that instead of a head, he had a purple mist with facial features, which was held in place by metal plates around the neck area. He spread his mist teleport around the students, creating a large dome, within which he opened many portals, drawing the students into them.

I wanted to fly upwards, breaking through the mist dome and then attack Kurogiri, but he anticipated this and opened a portal right in front of me, where I was pulled in. I could have attacked him full force, but there were too many people there, so there was little chance that my attack wouldn't hit anyone. This Kurogiri was not stupid and realised that I would be the most dangerous of all the students, so I attacked him without thinking. But before I disappeared into the misty teleport, I managed to leave a small gift.....


Kurogiri was glad that he was able to scatter most of the students to different zones where the other villains would deal with them, and he was especially glad to get rid of the cheeky boy with the sword that had almost killed him. Unfortunately his strength wasn't enough to capture the remaining students from Thirteen.

- Akira! - Shouted Ochako, seeing him being pulled into the portal as he took off. Besides Ochako, Mina was also worried about Akira, but now everyone realised that unnecessary panic wouldn't help them. In addition to Ashido, Uraraki, and Thirteen, Iida, Koji, Sato, and Sero were also not pulled into the portal.

- Where did everyone else go! - Iida asked dumbfounded as the dome dissipated and he realised that half of the students were gone.

- It's okay, they're scattered in different zones, but they're still at U.S.J.! - replied Koji, whose replicant had turned into an ear. With his quirk, he picked up the voices of the other students.

Suddenly, right out of thin air, a man in a futuristic suit and helmet materialised, which immediately, attacked Kurogiri with a punch of a twisted fist covered in light.

- Heavenly Guillotine! - shouted the unknown man in a mechanical voice from underneath his helmet, the impact created a powerful air vortex that sent Kurogiri flying into the distance, somewhere in the fire zone that, along with the mountain zone, was the furthest away.

- No one was hurt? - The unknown hero asked the dazed students.

- N-no, thank you. - replied Thirteen with a hesitation. - Have you come to our aid? Where are the other heroes? - She looked around.

- Actually, no, you've jumped to conclusions a little wrong.

- I recognise you! You're the Tengu vigilante! - Pointed a finger in the direction of the named Sero Hunt.

- Vigilante? But where did you come from? - Iida asked, surprised.

- I was just hanging out nearby and heard the commotion, so I thought I'd drop in for a look. - replied Tengu in the same machine voice. - You should leave and call for help, I'll help the others. Orevoir. - The vigilante got off the ground and flew to Sotrigolova's aid.

Meanwhile, Sotrigolova was fighting off the baddies who didn't think to start running out at all, plus he himself was exhausted from the prolonged fight with a lot of enemies and due to using his quirk without stopping.

- Hold on bum, I'll save you! - Putting his fist forward, Tengu slammed it into the ground, creating a small crater and knocking back the villains who were closing in on Sotrigolova.

- Why are you here? - Aizawa said, recognising his saviour at once, and from the tone in his voice, he was never happy to see Tengu.

- Is that, like, hobo-speak for 'thank you'? Then you're welcome, we good people should help the homeless. - With a sneer he said and knocked out the last villain that already wanted to run away from him.

- And your jokes are still the same...unfunny.

- Yeah, yeah, we'll talk about me, the great and powerful, later. It's time to deal with the final boss. - Tengu turned towards Shigaraki Tomura, who was watching.

- Teacher was talking about you, he guessed that you would come and ruin everything...It doesn't matter though, I'm not the final boss. - Shigaraki replied with a psychotic smile, and in the next instant, Nomu landed near the fountain, holding the Almighty by the side with a dead grip.

- Kha! - The Almighty spat out blood from his mouth as he tried to release the monster's grip.


Before I was sucked into the portal, I managed to create a humanoid shell of solid light that I could control remotely, a clone of sorts, but you can only control a clone like that if there's only one. If there is more than one, they become dumb-headed dummies, and all because my brain and mind is not designed to control a large number of bodies, even if they are not made of meat and bones. I have an extra stream of consciousness called Umbra, and he could control the shell, but right now, his job is to control the system.

While Tengu is helping Aizawa and the others, I'm going to help everyone who got sucked into the fog teleporter, that is, I'm going to try to save everyone, playing two roles at the same time: student and vigilante.

I was transported to a watery disaster zone, where it is necessary to prevent incidents such as floods, shipwrecks, preventing illegal activities in the sea space, etc. Fool knows they wouldn't just move me here, there are a lot of freaks with aquatic type quirks in the water.

- Kwaaa! - Shouted Tsuyu in a fall, right next to me...well this situation is not hard to fix.

- Tsuu, you're a screamer. - I commented on her actions, picking her up in my arms as she flew, and smoothly descending to the nearest ship.

- Thank you for catching me Akira. - Asui looked at me gratefully. Hmm, she's very cute, by the way. - Um, could you...take your hand off my butt? - She asked with the same face, though her cheeks were a little flushed.

- I should take my hand off, yes you're right. - I said, but I did the opposite, starting to knead her buttocks, by the way, they are very soft and firm, you can see that she tries to keep in shape, plus the fabric of the jumpsuit makes it even more firm.

- Naughty. - she correctly noted one of my personality traits.

- I'm sorry, but when am I ever gonna get a chance to grope a pretty frog like that again. - I got cocky and switched to the other buttock. Oddly enough, the girl didn't let the act of seducing her get in the way, just a couple of groans.

- Hey, guys! - Kendo called out to us on the deck of the ship as we landed next to her. - I'm so glad you're here, I thought I was the only one here! - she said excitedly.

- I'm so glad. - I smiled broadly at her, while my gaze was directed at her breasts.

- Kwa. - Tsu looked at me suspiciously, covering her heel with one hand and her breasts with the other.

- We need to get out of here, but it will be very difficult, there are a lot of villains in the water and they are unlikely to let us go just like that. We'll have to find a way round them. - Kendo informed me and Tsu.

There were indeed a lot of freaks in the water, but I took a quick look at them while still in flight, and almost all of them are such zero baddies. It would have been easier to just fly out of here with Kendo and Tsu on my shoulders, they wouldn't have gotten us in the air anyway, but that's not as much fun....

- What other villains? - I walked up to the deck and with a direct hit from Infinity, created a vertical, giant slash that literally cut the water body in half, creating a huge empty space that was rapidly filling up with water...and at the same time pulled all the baddies into one pile, some of whom were knocked out immediately.

- You really are very strong, Akira. - Kendo said, shocked by what she saw. Asui was also surprised, but it was hard to tell from her facial expression.

- We should get out of here...and you'd better hold on tight. - I hoisted both girls onto my shoulders and flew towards the main entrance.

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