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Write a reviewI am really enjoying this book. I wish it was printed so I could just buy it outright. the cost of any of these apps is ridiculous . There are a few characters that I adore, and, of course, ones that I hate. The author has excellent storytelling skills.
initial was like painful story and it really broke my heart to read Lyla character and by the chapters progress her development and her growth was magnificent. the secret and revolving of story from one point to other is gripping. awaiting for more chapters. please do post whenever you publish it. incase you publish do publish it on Amazon India as well for ur fan😉
Why is there a chapter discrepancy, it shows more chapters then what is available? Absolutely amazing storytelling, need to get this book published. What does it take to make that happen!!!!
So far this is going to be a good read, let's hope it holds out. Just need to be able to read more.
Will this book ever be printed? Would love to support this author by buying a physical copy! Absolutely amazing story teller 🙌🔥
Absolutely love this book, wish I could just buy it as a printed book! slowly but surely will I work through this whole book
This book is very well written with the right amount of suspense to keep you hooked without making you tired of the wait or excess drag .The povs give you a real insight into the characters themselves ,their values and unique perspectives of the same situation .Very Good !
the book is nice though so many secrets all in lyla and nobody is talking. my question is it shows there are 207 chapters updated but I have only 171 chapters .so where are the rest of chapters???please help me out here.and how many chapters are there total does the book have?
Lyla es una mutante lobo de alta estirpe con una energia sexual muy bonita. Hay hombres lobo interesantes y poderosos en su vida . Es una historia de no humanos para no humanos atrapados en el mundo humano. Da un alivio leer sobre tu clan de mutantes. Es como de la familia.
I picked this story up for an event and dipped my feet to test the waters. The writing quality is superb! Aside from very few formatting problems at the beginning of a handful of chapters, I truly enjoyed the descriptive and emotional language. It was a pleasant read. Definitely worth continuing, so dropping this in my reading folder 👍 p.s. Nathan is such a sweetheart 😭 He is 'hope' in the sea of hatred, disdain and ridicule that's been enclosed in Pandora's Box.
A very good book. I read over and over again. I would love to explore more of your books. This piece is wonfderful
Your story is amazing 😻, please 🙏 am an upcoming writer please I will really appreciate if you support my book. Title: The Runaway moon 🌙
I am really enjoying this book. I wish it was printed so I could just buy it outright. the cost of any of these apps is ridiculous . There are a few characters that I adore, and, of course, ones that I hate. The author has excellent storytelling skills.
initial was like painful story and it really broke my heart to read Lyla character and by the chapters progress her development and her growth was magnificent. the secret and revolving of story from one point to other is gripping. awaiting for more chapters. please do post whenever you publish it. incase you publish do publish it on Amazon India as well for ur fan😉
Why is there a chapter discrepancy, it shows more chapters then what is available? Absolutely amazing storytelling, need to get this book published. What does it take to make that happen!!!!
So far this is going to be a good read, let's hope it holds out. Just need to be able to read more.
Will this book ever be printed? Would love to support this author by buying a physical copy! Absolutely amazing story teller 🙌🔥
Absolutely love this book, wish I could just buy it as a printed book! slowly but surely will I work through this whole book
This book is very well written with the right amount of suspense to keep you hooked without making you tired of the wait or excess drag .The povs give you a real insight into the characters themselves ,their values and unique perspectives of the same situation .Very Good !
the book is nice though so many secrets all in lyla and nobody is talking. my question is it shows there are 207 chapters updated but I have only 171 chapters .so where are the rest of chapters???please help me out here.and how many chapters are there total does the book have?
Lyla es una mutante lobo de alta estirpe con una energia sexual muy bonita. Hay hombres lobo interesantes y poderosos en su vida . Es una historia de no humanos para no humanos atrapados en el mundo humano. Da un alivio leer sobre tu clan de mutantes. Es como de la familia.
I picked this story up for an event and dipped my feet to test the waters. The writing quality is superb! Aside from very few formatting problems at the beginning of a handful of chapters, I truly enjoyed the descriptive and emotional language. It was a pleasant read. Definitely worth continuing, so dropping this in my reading folder 👍 p.s. Nathan is such a sweetheart 😭 He is 'hope' in the sea of hatred, disdain and ridicule that's been enclosed in Pandora's Box.
A very good book. I read over and over again. I would love to explore more of your books. This piece is wonfderful
Your story is amazing 😻, please 🙏 am an upcoming writer please I will really appreciate if you support my book. Title: The Runaway moon 🌙
amazing to read this novel wish i could have more points to read it once at all