/ History / Rebirth : Revolution Of the New India

Rebirth : Revolution Of the New India Original

Rebirth : Revolution Of the New India

History 11 Chapters 17.7K Views

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Surya, a brilliant scientist in 2024, dies tragically, only to wake up in 1945—right before India gains independence from British rule. Reborn as a 19-year-old revolutionary, Surya still remembers everything from his past life, including the future of India.

Now in the body of a young leader in the fight for independence, Surya realizes this is his second chance. But he doesn't just want to free India from British rule; he wants to make it a strong, self-sufficient nation. With knowledge from the future, he dreams of an India that’s powerful in defense, rich in culture, and a leader in education, technology, and the economy.

Even though he’s young, Surya starts using his future knowledge to push for changes. He dreams of becoming India’s Prime Minister, guiding the country towards greatness. He fights against the British, but also faces challenges from people who doubt him, both within the freedom movement and the country.

In this new life, What will be his new future, and India's future in his lead?

General Audiences
    WAIT_A_MINUTE Contributed 45
    VOID_TIME Contributed 20
  3. Iambored23
    Iambored23 Contributed 18

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Story is just starting but it is best and my favourite type. It has unique elements which I like.

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i think it has been going well and really good story i wish a few moments where slowed down and expanded and built up but other than that i really liked it so i recommend it

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