"___" Text speech
'___' Internal thoughts
[___] status
(___) skills
(Great Sage:___)
{Author:___} author notes
Some things are subject to change depending on how I develop this story
Meanwhile Meelis, not knowing he attracted the attention of two Satans, is currently waiting in a private room set up by the receptionist thinking about which Satan he's about to meet.
Sitting in a quiet room, the walls painted a soft, neutral color. The room is sparsely furnished: a few chairs, a small table with a lamp, and a window with blinds partially drawn, letting in just a sliver of daylight, or at least whatever type of Magic light is used to light the skies of the Underworld, considering there is no Sun in here.
Bored of just waiting there, Meelis plays with his slightly long Black hair and starts betting on which Satan is coming.
'The most probable is Ajuka, after all, he's the one in charge of bringing the young High-class devils towards his King Piece monument inside his private island. On the other hand, if they believe my 'identity' as a Zagan, Sirzechs could very well be the one to come since he's the one in charge of the Domestic Affairs between Devils.'
'Speaking of Sirzechs, when am I?....' Meelis realized a crucial piece of information he overlooked.
'Great Sage, how old is Rias Gremory, has she already been arranged to marry Riser Phenex?'
(Great Sage: Rias Gremory is currently 12 years old, her arranged marriage to Riser Phenex has already been established and set to proceed once Rias comes of age.)
'Dam, I'm a bit late, but this also means that I'm around a year younger than Rias, so that mean's I'm around Issei's age. Now how do I fit that to my benefit. I could go the classic damsel in distress route and just help Rias out like Issei did in cannon, but I am not a reincarnated devil (at least not via an Evil Piece), if everything goes according to plan I could end up as the Heir to the newly reformed Zagan house, so I can't lower myself to be her servant, neither would my non existent pride would allow that since I am tired of being under anyone. I could fight Riser in a duel for Rias' hand, but Rias could see this as an attempt to gain her favor and use her background to revive 'my' house, so if I want to take this route, I need an in, and I think I know just the right guy for that.' Meelis inwardly smirked.
Suddenly, two different colored magic circles popped into existence, bringing in two of the strongest devils and Satans.
Two men, who looked like they were in their late 20s, one with long red crimson hair, the other one with slightly shorter green hair. If Meelis didn't know any better, he probably would have thought of them as the new power rangers, which if he remembers the cannon correctly would not be too far off.
"Greetings Zagan Heir, it's a pleasure to meet you and see that the Zagan house left some roots behind for Devil kind." Sizechs greeted.
"Greetings Zagan, I am here to confirm your identity as a Zagan, and also to finish the Evil Piece process so you can get on with your day." Ajuka, ever the eccentric researcher, just wanted to confirm his identity and go back to his research.
"Greetings lord Satans. I am Meelis Zagan, I just named myself as such recently, after discovering my heritage." Meelis quickly introduced himself and did a small bow towards them as a greeting, while Meelis does not want to be under anyone, that doesn't mean he's going to let his stupid pride get the best of him, he know when to bend and when to not, besides, it's not like it would kill him to bow towards others as a greeting, its completely different than bowing to someone as a gesture of submission.
"Now then Meelis, before we begin, could you show us your house's Crest Magic Circle." Ajuka quick to the point immediately asked Meelis.
Meelis expression froze for a second before asking, "Lord Satans, what is the Family Crest Magic Circle?" he asked in confusion meanwhile, inside his head he was cursing his brains out.
'FUCK, I can't believe I am so stupid to forget that. Every devil from a house had their Family's Crest impeded into their magic circles, this serves as not only proof their lineage but also provides an identification of their house's heir.'
Sirzechs' and Ajuka's expressions froze for a microsecond before Sirzechs helpfully explained to Meelis. "The Family Crest Magic Circle is their house's symbol imbedded into their magic circles, this is to identify their clan members and their heir. You don't need to worry you just need to show it to us, we don't harm you."
While Sirzechs took it as a kid's ignorance, Ajuka carefully studied Meelis' expression with a slightly doubtful look in his eyes.
'Shit, ok, I can still salvage this.'
"Yes, I understand lord Satans, let me prepare myself since I have low Demonic Power reserves."
'(Get Creative) I'm counting on you.'
[To craft the skill (Magic Circle Customization) it costs 400LP]
[(Magic Circle Customization)]
[Allows for any Magic Circle produced by the user to be customized to allow for more varied results.]
Immediately, Meelis felt the effects of his LP drastically and felt very tired, still he held on until he at least used his Demonic Power, or else he just looks weird for suddenly getting tired without doing anything.
Zagan then used his (Advanced Life Magic) and combined it with his new (Magic Circle Customization) to make a magic circle with a circular design, Earth, Water, and Life elements inserted in the motif, with runic symbols across the edges of the magic circle, the Zagan crest, within the magic circle, a rodent-like flying squirrel came to life, its body a rounded white, with black on his backside, big ears of black, yellow, and white design, a tail which resembled a small lightning bolt, and small electric yellow pouches on its cheeks on its cute face.
Yes, that's right, Meelis made a Pokémon.
Soon after, Meelis fainted from exhaustion, you see, he was not lying about his abysmal Demonic Power reserves, just that his exhaustion was the result of using great sage, using his LP to make new skills, and using his demonic power to make new life.
{Author: I changed up Life magic just a bit, instead of non-sentient life I changed it to non-intelligent life, basically instead of basically making animal puppets, he can make animals that are fully sentient just obviously not to the extent humans are, and well as for a Pokémon they're just weird cause they're basically animals with human like intelligence I mean just look at Meowth, but whatever lets just roll with it. I promise not to mess around like this too much, since if this is allowed, I could basically make any creature like Incursio or even a Xenomorph, which if done too much could just ruin the fun, so just take this as a small mascot for every now and then, especially later on since devils do have familiars. On another note, Great sage is not omnipotent, anything that can be considered public knowledge is accessible to him hence, why I don't use it for private stuff like Grayfia's Panty's color, anyways a side effect of great sage is horribly painful headaches after each use, hence why Meelis had to make (Headache Resistance) in order to counteract the effects of the skill, but the key word here is Resistance, not immunity, consecutive usage, or even just one usage can still cause him small headaches, just at a much more manageable degree.}
As soon as Meelis fainted, Ajuka and Sirzechs caught Emolga and Meelis respectively.
While Sirzechs studied Meelis to make sure he was alright, Ajuka called out while examining Emolga who stared back at him curiously, "It's okay, Sirzechs, he's fine he's just exhausted, and from what I could tell his talent in Life Magic is very good, probably more so than his ancestor. Just let him sleep this off for a while. From what I could tell, before he used his Life magic, his Life force was consumed a bit, which sapped him of his stamina, to create this creature. I don't know if his life magic consumed some of his Life force to create this creature, or if his life magic took some of his Life force as fuel as a result of his abysmal Demonic Power Reserves."
"The way he used his life magic was similar to Touki or Senjutsu, maybe you should get him an expert on that field to let him control his expenditure better." Ajuka recommended.
After witnessing Meelis' magic circle bear the crest of the Zagan house and create a new life right in front of their eyes, both Sirzechs and Ajuka had no doubt that Meelis was truly a member of the Zagan house, whether he was a direct descendant, or an illegitimate offspring mattered not to them since the house was all but extinct and any remaining blood was more than welcomed, but it did make them question, if a supposedly extinct house still had descendants until now, then what about Meelis' parents, or other relatives.
"So, what do plan to do with him." asked Ajuka, though he already had a slight idea.
Sirzechs contemplated for a bit before saying, "Considering his background, it would be best not to tell the other houses that an extinct house still has a living member, especially one from the Zagan house, let's issue a gag order on all the personnel in this building to prevent any leakage of information."
"That's a given, but I was asking about where you plan to house him, obviously he is homeless as of now since he left the Orphanage." Ajuka deadpanned.
"House? Obviously in my house, if I take him to Rias-chan, maybe I could get him to make another pet for my sister." Sirzechs stated with dumb smile.
"Haaa….I figured as much." Ajuka just conceded before giving Emolga to Sirzechs before they both teleported back to do their own tasks, with Sirzechs taking Emolga and Meelis with him.
LP: 130
Devil Nobility Class: Low, Mid, High, Ultimate, Special (these are the actual cannon rankings of DxD)
Devil Strength Rank: Low(F), Mid(E), High(D), Ultimate(C), Satan(B-), Maxed Longinus(B), Dragon Kings(B+), Heavenly Dragons/Super Devils(A), Indra(A+), Ophis/Red(S+ to EX)
"___" Text speech
'___' Internal thoughts
[___] status
(___) skills
(Great Sage:___)
{Author:___} author notes
Some things are subject to change depending on how I develop this story
Waking up, Meelis felt his body was really heavy. Especially his face, strangely enough, the back of his head actually felt very comfortable.
Shaking off his grogginess, Meelis opens his eyes, only to meet face to boobs with the biggest boobs he's seen in his two lives.
'Beautiful...' he thinks. His lust boosting his LP.
"Have you awakened, Meelis-sama." A cold and serious voice calls him.
"Where...am I." Meelis asked in a confused tone, though in his head he has some ideas since recognizes the owner of those boobs and their voice.
"You are currently in the Gremory Mansion, Sirzechs-sama brought you here after you fainted earlier today." The woman says.
She then gets him off of her thighs and stands before Meelis, before bowing towards him and introducing herself, "I am Grayfia Lucifuge, maid and Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer-sama."
Meelis, laying on the bed finally sits down before taking a look at Grayfia, before finally observing his surroundings.
Heavy embroidered curtains of a vast elegantly furnished bedroom. high ceiling above, adorned with a grand chandelier that shines with a warm and soothing light. The room smells faintly of polished wood and fresh linens. Meelis felt like he was placed in a luxury hotel room, which is not too far off considering the Gremory's businesses, money, and expertise.
Not waiting for him to introduce himself, Grayfia urges Meelis, "Now then, Meelis-sama, please change yourself before meeting with Sirzechs-sama."
She then brings Meelis to the bathroom, and as Meelis is being brought to the bathroom his mind is racing, 'Is this it, the legendary bathroom scene, will I get to see the legendary maid's tits.?' Only to be brought back to reality as Grayfia brings him inside the bathroom only to leave him alone inside.
'Yeah… too good to be true.' He laments.
-Scene Change-
As Meelis finished bathing and changed into his new clothes that Grayfia left in his room. Grayfia took him to another room, where Sirzechs and Venelana are talking.
"So, he's the Zagan heir?" Venelana asked, her tone laced with curiosity.
'So that's how she looks in real life.' Meelis appraises her beauty as they met.
Venelana is a woman of striking beauty, embodying both elegance and authority. She has long, flaxen brown hair that cascades down her back in soft waves, complementing her deep violet eyes that gleam with intelligence and warmth. Her features are graceful and refined, reflecting her noble status, yet there's an underlying sense of calm strength and authority in her expression. Yet despite the aura she emits, it still cannot hide her charms, in fact, Meelis dared to say it actually accentuated her beauty.
"My name is Meelis Zagan, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Gremory." Meelis stated as he bowed in greeting to Venelana.
"It's nice to meet you Meelis, no need for formalities, you'll be with us for a while, so sticking to formalities would be too exhausting." Venelana greeted him back in a warm tone.
'For a while?' Meelis pondered about the exact meaning of her words.
"May I ask, what did Lady Gremory mean by 'For a while.'" Curious, and slightly hopeful that his thoughts were correct, he decided to ask.
This time, Sirzechs is the one who responds to Meelis' question, "Meelis, because of your unique background I have decided to let you live for a few months with my parents, Zeoticus Gremory and Venelana Gremory, and have some of my peerage members train your abilities, after the training is completed, you'll be given some small territory previously owned by the Zagans in order to rebuild your house. Obviously, we're going to do this under the table because your unique identity would make you a target for not only other devils but also the Angels and Fallen Angels."
"In between your training, you'll be studying about devil history, math, reading, and other important subjects as an heir, such as noble etiquette, which is the specialty of my mother, so she's the one in charge of educating you. Normally, we'd get you a special instructor for all these subjects, but the less people know about you the better, at least until you have the strength to protect yourself."
'Just a few months? Hmm no, I need to stay close to the caste if I want to achieve my dreams, and I think I know just the thing to say to massively increase my value, danger be dammed.' Meelis planned.
Immediately, Meelis interrupted Sirzechs, with a serious expression he stated," Sirzechs-sama, ever since I learned of my powers, I have realized their potential, one of the things I learned is that by using my life magic, I could temporarily boost a devils fertility."
As soon as those words were uttered, the mood in the room changed dramatically, not only Sirzechs, but also Venelana, were staring at Meelis, with both shock and utmost seriousness.
Sirzechs, straight to the point said, "Meelis, never mention this again, if you have that ability as you stated, you'd be either killed or kidnapped by all factions."
Meelis, despite having a rough understanding of his situation decided to ask some questions, in hopes of subtly guiding Sirzechs thoughts "Why should I be wary of other devils, Angels I can understand, but shouldn't my existence be a good thing for devil kind? Especially when I'll eventually have my own house and territory back?"
"Normally yes, but Devils, especially those from the from the Old Satan Faction would do everything in their power to boost the number of devil offspring from their houses, and while that itself is good for devil kind, the reason for their need of offspring is anything but good, as for the Fallen Angels and Angels, killing someone who could boost the numbers of the Devils is a must, so unless you somehow reach our level of strength, then you'd never be safe."
"Okay, change of plans, Meelis, from now on you'll stay with us until you come of age, and in the meantime, you'll be in intense training for your Demonic Power control, reserves, combat experience, and other combat techniques, aside from what I previously mentioned, I'll be sending Grayfia to train you personally."
Sirzechs, now in a much more casual tone said, "Okay now that that's settled, lets-." Before he was interrupted by a door being opened.
Two girls walked in, one with strikingly crimson long hair, and another with raven black hair, and in the raven-haired girls arms, there was a rodent-like flying squirrel lying comfortably in her arms.
The crimson haired girl called out to Sirzechs, "Onii-sama, where did you get this squirrel, can you get me one too?!" she asked in excitement.
LP: 430
Devil Nobility Class: Low, Mid, High, Ultimate, Special (these are the actual cannon rankings of DxD)
Devil Strength Rank: Low(F), Mid(E), High(D), Ultimate(C), Satan(B-), Maxed Longinus(B), Dragon Kings(B+), Heavenly Dragons/Super Devils(A), Indra(A+), Ophis/Red(S+ to EX)
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