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85.71% Original Aeldari / Chapter 5: War in Heaven II

Chapter 5: War in Heaven II

(Invoroth Rhyliac POV) 

It is honestly interesting to see the current state of the Aeldari Empire. I take one final look before entering my Phoenix Flyer and leaving our Coreworld for many years. I have long moved my entire laboratory and hold it in a separate dimension I created a while ago. Since I had time after my 'rebirth', as I like to call it, I have tried to recreate various technologies from across fiction. One of them was the Capsules from Dragon Ball, which Dr. Briefs created to make things compact and make them as small as a ... 'Capsule'. To say that it is very convenient is an understatement. 

With it, transportation is a very simple matter and I can transport anything with it. It will revolutionise the way we do battle. We don't really have a central figure or figures who rule the Aeldari Empire, since we respect individual freedom too much. But that doesn't mean that there is no order. I naturally have my group of soldiers who loyally follow me into battle, but I'm not an official figurehead ... yet. 

"Where to, Lord Invoroth?" my guardian Vathaesar asks. 

Our Phoenix Flyer shoots through space towards a specific place in the void, where my spaceship is located. I have invested a lot of time creating superior weapons to anything the rest of my brethren have and that includes vehicles and spaceships. I created two different ones. I took inspiration from fiction again and replicated two spaceships I thought would fit well. I was in the process of creating something akin to an Aeldari Craftworld, but I haven't gotten to that point yet. 

"We will now board Twilight and then go straight to Bylor, where my drones have picked up suspicious Necron activity. The Old Ones are desperate and therefore asked for our help. We will launch an attack on the Necrons when they least expect it."

"I understand, Lord Invoroth. Should I inform Mantle's Approach about our destination?" Vathaesar asks me. 

Mantle's Approach is the command vessel built specifically to serve as the personal flagship of my war effort. I copied the look from Halo's Forerunner Mantle's Approach but added my improved Aeldari technology and weaponry. 


"Indeed. Tell them to arrive at exactly 1¦8725#-027|12 and not a moment later. I want them to target their fighters when the time is right. The plan is ready in my mind and as long as we do it correctly, this will be an overwhelming victory for us."

"Already? I am impressed, my Lord. I will await your plans at your earliest convenience," Vathaesar says with a reverent look on his face. 

Our Phoenix Flyer finally approaches my spaceship, the Twilight. It is about half the length of an Aeldari Craftworld and naturally, that is not big enough for me. I can't help but feel pride seeing it in front of me. 


The massive amounts of time I invested in creating it, is astronomical and if I didn't have the countless drones I sent out to spy on the Necrontyr, I would have missed the moment they made contact with the C'tan and eventually became the Necrons. I also wouldn't have managed to acquire so much intelligence on them and created countless plans on how to fight them. 

"We are approaching the Twilight, my Lord."



As I walk through the grand halls of the Twilight I encounter many of my Aeldari soldiers who have sworn themselves to my cause. Normally, this is frowned upon in our Empire but my contributions and the massive amount of influence I wield have gathered quite a big crowd of admirers and those who want to learn from me or just follow me. Right now, I command a force of 2000 Aeldari, which is a pathetic amount considering our total population. 

But the interesting fact is, that I don't need more to win my first battle against the Necrons. I have chosen the Xun'bakakht Dynasty as my target. The way they operate and fight speaks of a lack of opposition. They have little experience in war, as they haven't really had much opposition after their biotransference to Necrons. I will make use of that and surprise them. 

I walk on deck of the Twilight and meet my Generals. 

"Greetings. Let us get straight to the battle at hand. Unlike my crafty brethren on the council, I have done extensive research and know what we are to expect. The Necrons are unlike any other race in the galaxy, because strictly speaking, they are no longer alive. They hold three great advantages, which will cause them to win this war if we don't do anything about it. 

#1 First, they are immortal. They are not just eternally young, but truly immortal. Their bodies are made up of Necrodermis, which is living metal, capable of mending itself to some degree and even adapting ever so slightly. If they are 'killed', their entire body and weapons are teleported away and back into their tombs where they respawn and march on the battlefield. You understand that this will eventually overwhelm any enemy. 

But there is a weakness. To truly win a battle, we have to reach their tombs and destroy them entirely, to stop them from respawning. This is easier said than done, because of the second advantage. 

#2 Their technology. The Necrons were granted the truths of the material universe by the C'tan. This means that they were told how to make reality-altering weapons and even the weakest of their soldiers, the Necron Warriors are in possession of a Gauss Flayer. These weapons literally destroy the electromagnetic force that holds our bodies together and sucks the atoms into their guns. And that is their weakest soldier. Imagine the technology their Lords, Overlords or even Phaerons hold. 

#3 The C'tan. Their Masters, the C'tan are beings of pure energy who were given Necrodermis bodies and have power over the laws of reality. This makes them almost impossible to defeat in battle as they have tremendous destructive capabilities."

I look around the room and see the three Generals and Vathaesar look surprised. 

"However, I have prepared us for this. The technology I have created is not yet at the Necrons level, but we have other strengths. Our access to the Webway and the Immaterium gives us a great counter to the Necrons and their C'tan Masters and that is something we will use."

I activate Twilight's AI at that moment and a series of holograms appear, showing 3D representations of a blue planet, Necrons and their weapons and finally a Necron Lord.

"Our target is Lord Asmanokh of the Xun'bakakht Dynasty. I have chosen this one as our unlucky first victim. We, the Superior Aeldari faction, will announce our presence in the War of Heaven with a victory. But not just any victory. A grand one at that. Here is the plan."


(3rd Person POV)

The planet Bylor was mostly covered in water. Despite being mostly covered in water, it was a strategically valuable planet in the War of Heaven, but only if you looked at it long-term. The C'tan of the Xun'bakakht Dynasty has the particular talent of impeccable strategic thinking. He chose Bylor for that reason and sent Necron Lord Asmanokh to take over the planet. But what he doesn't know, is that Invoroth knows about the long-term use of Bylor as well and has spent decades spying on the different Necron Dynasties. 

The Necron Lord Asmanokh is already in the process of taking over Bylor and making it one of their cornerstones for advancement. On the Twilight, Invoroth and his Generals were travelling through the Webway and went over the data his special drones were live-broadcasting. 

"It seems that the Necrons have no technology to surveil the Webway entrances, my Lord," Kararan Fael realises. 

"You are correct, Kararan Fael. They do not. And that is something we will abuse for now. The fact that the Necrons are dead for all intents and purposes gives us an evolutionary advantage," I comment.

"And if history has taught us anything, it is that evolution always wins," Baharwal Taldil says.

I smile upon hearing that. 

"Should we start, Lord Invoroth?" Yhunaethios, my third general asks. 

"Indeed. You know the plans. Use our strengths and the Necron's weaknesses to secure our victory."

"As you command." x3

The three generals leave to do their tasks and leave Invoroth alone. He has his own plans which he told the generals. After another moment of contemplation, his guardian Vathaesar arrives and gives him the silent sign that everything is ready. Without saying a word, Invoroth leaves the deck and moves. His clothes start to change as he walks and dark armour covers him completely. He has spent a long time preparing for the War in Heaven and has naturally started with his own body and equipment. 


Vathaesar is also in his armour, which Invoroth created for him. As his guardian, Vathaesar is the best fighter in almost all aspects and has been trained by him personally. Invoroth doesn't accept anyone but the best to be his guardian and therefore Vathaesar was enhanced as well as trained and equipped to fit the position. 


They reached a special place in the Twilight, where a special troop of Aeldari was waiting for their Lord and leader. Invoroth doesn't stand and hold a speech, that isn't necessary for someone of his skill and power. He transmits his thoughts and feelings to his forces and has them know what he thinks. He uses his massive psionic powers to raise morale and give them strength. 


Necron Lord Asmanokh was overseeing the work on Bylor and was rather calm as he did so. But his mood and the mood on Bylor suddenly change as a Webway portal opens and from it, thousands of Aeldari Flyers exit and shoot towards the Necrons. A Canoptek approaches Lord Asmarnokh to report the happenings. 

"Lord Asmanokh, there are Flyers who have exited the Webway attacking us. What are your orders?"

"Old Ones?"

"Negative, Aeldari."

"Those upstart nobodies have chosen death it would seem. Launch a counterattack. Send the Doom Scythes and set up the Pylons at once! We will make short work of this young race."

"As you command."

The Necron answer is fast and methodic. They use their advanced technology and immortal bodies to their advance to do damage to the Aeldari Flyers. 


However ...

This time things are different this time. Unlike the Old Ones, other weaker races or even the rest of the Aeldari, Invoroth's faction is anything but unprepared or arrogant. The Aeldari Flyers were redesigned and improved by Invoroth. There are various different types of Flyers. The ones which are used right now, are the agile and speedy ones, to confuse the Necrons' use of methodic attack patterns. 


The Aeldari, while they were clearly outnumbered, the AI Invoroth created was clearly doing work and was helping the Aeldari perfectly. But there weren't just the agile and fast ones. As the first wave of Aeldari Flyers were performing chaotic and seemingly random movements and outmanoeuvring the Necron Doom Scythes, more arrived from the Webway. 

Longer and bigger spaceships exited the Webway. The sleekly designed Aeldari spaceships positioned themselves right next to one another and started to fire up a weapon that would become known throughout the War in Heaven. All those who could feel the Immaterium and were sensitive enough could feel the massive amount of power starting to gather in front of all the ships. 

The Necrons didn't know what was going on and simply saw another target to attack. Their different versions of Gauss weapons shot towards the ships but didn't even reach them, as the power reached critical mass. 

The different massive balls of psychic energy which had been gathering in the front suddenly connected with one another and formed a massive net of psychic energy. This ginormous net was then shot forward towards the Necron Flyers. 


The psychic power seems to act similar to electricity and moved from one Necron vehicle to another and entangled them, turning them useless. It was important to note, that none of the Necrons were killed or destroyed, to keep them from reforming and teleporting away right away. 

The monstrous net of psychic energy captured and immobilised hundreds, thousands of Flyers and unnerved the Necron leadership, creating more chaos, and disrupting the methodic attack of the Necrons. 

As this was going on, another unit of Aeldari was finished with their preparations and was ready to attack on their part. Things were just starting and it was not looking good for the Necrons already. 

Chapter 6: War in Heaven III

(3rd Person POV)


The fight has been going on for a while now. In the logistics command room on Twilight, Yhunaethios observed the battle. Yhunaethios was the general responsible for intelligence gathering and relay. He used drones and other tools to spy on the Necrons. He was waiting for the right time to strike and after observing for hours, he finally saw the chance. 

"Baharwal Taldil, the time is right. The current positions of the Necrons are optimal for a strike against them," Yhunaethios transmitted his thoughts telepathically.

'Understood. We will launch them now,' came the reply. 

From the Webway another ship emerged, carrying the troops responsible for the next part of the plan in Invoroth's scheme. Invoroth created different plans to defeat the Necrons, but all of them had one thing in common: the importance of combining speed, preparation and confusion to overwhelm the powerful processing of the Necrons. It was a monumental task since the Necrons were built on pure logic, but he still used this chance to attack and was confident in his plan. 

The ships suddenly dropped several small pods into the deep water below. On the Necron command vessel, Lord Asmanokh was looking at the battlefield and listening to the strange reports from his Crypteks. If he could at that moment, he would have frowned at the confusing and conflicting reports he was receiving. 

"What is going on? Why are they dropping pods into the water?"

"We are unsure, my Lord. It would seem the Aeldari are new to warfare and don't know how to press their advantage," one of the Crypteks suggests.

"Unlikely, but possible nonetheless," Lord Asmanokh says. 

"My Lord, I believe the data clearly shows they were not expecting us to handle their attacks as well as we did and are overwhelmed. They are surely trying to confuse us with these actions," another Cryptek said, trying to undermine the analysis of the other. 

"An equally possible answer. If that were the case, we should press our advantage."

"My Lord! I think this would be a grave mistake on our part. What my two colleagues miss, is that this is all a feint and the true attack will come from a different side altogether. We should wait and gather more intel first," yet another Cryptek says. 

This was the Necron's weakness seen first-hand. Their fighting amongst themselves was what held them back and it was for this reason, the Silent King liked the idea of a unified Necrontyr race. For all their talking and planning, the Aeldari were already doing their thing. Normally, the Aeldari are very individual and aren't ruled by anyone. But Invoroth has established himself as the leader of those who willingly follow him and as such, he holds all authority to make the shots. There is no infighting amongst his troops. 

"My Lord, urgent news. The drop pods have started to move. I believe you should see this!"

"What now?!"


The drop pods, the Aeldari have dropped into the water, were ironically meant as a distraction and to confuse the Necrons, in that they were correct. But there was more to it, as these pods were the main attraction of this battle on Bylor. The pods opened and from the inside of each pod, one lone Aeldari warrior emerged, dressed in special armour that could deal with any water pressure and allowed them to breathe underwater. Hundreds of thousands of small discs also emerged from the pods and started to spread out inside the water. 

The Necrons who were still trying to advance using their Flyers and attacking the more nimble and speedy Aeldari Flyers, stopped for a very short moment to observe this. But the Aeldari never stopped attacking and used this momentary lapse of concentration to do more and more damage. The lack of command from the Necron Lord was harming the Necron war effort right now and allowed the Aeldari to go through with their plan. 

The small discs spread through the water and seemed to follow the movement of the Aeldari in the water. After spreading out hundreds of meters, the discs stopped.


Then they all started to move at the same time. The Aeldari who were submerged in the water swung their arms and shot through the water. Their movements were mimicked by the discs that had enveloped the water around the Aeldari in the form of large ... well Aeldari. As the Aeldari shot through the water's surface, something incredible was seen. the discs had the function to harden the water in their vicinity and using many of them, could connect to one another and form ginormous constructs made out of water. 

Invoroth had outdone himself. He had chosen this planet as the perfect one to use this technology. It was a genius move because the Gauss Weapons of the Necrons penetrated the large water constructs but didn't do anything else to it. The discs which were hit and destroyed were simply replaced. The only threat was if the Aeldari controlling the discs were killed. For this reason, Invoroth created an entire group of people who could help one another where needed. 

The Aeldari started attacking the Doom Scythes in the air and swatted them down, destroying them. The Necrons were being pushed back even more than before. Finally, the Necron Lord woke up from his stupor and calculated the most efficient way to handle this new threat. 

"My Lord, I believe we should handle this with as much firepower as possible. Our weapons are far more powerful than anything these creatures have. There is no way, they can handle it."

"That would be a mistake. We should target their Flyers first and foremost. If we focus too much on these water constructs, we may lose focus on the grander scope of the battle."

"My Lord, we-"

"Enough. Send out all the troops. Use as much firepower as possible to target the weakness in those water constructs, their flesh. If the one inside it crumbles, the rest will follow. As for the Flyers, we will simply send out all we have in turn. Use battle formation alpha-281 and strike them down as efficiently as possible. 

Meanwhile, we will attack anything that comes out of the Webway portal using this very commandship. I have had enough of these living creatures using parlour tricks to try and surprise us. We are the Necrons and we will destroy them!"

"Yes, my Lord."



(Invoroth Rhyliac POV) 

The battle raged on with more intensity than before. The Necron Lord has taken full command again and ignored his Crypteks. They overextend on the battlefield and the way things are going, they might think it is working. But I know better. 

I can feel the souls of the deceased in the Immaterium and guide them back to the cloned bodies without a soul I created on the Twilight, to be reborn and serve once more. This is very hard to do, but I am becoming better at it. I have prepared for this war for millennia and use my intelligence to the max. My power is growing every day. As I grow older, the more power I gain and the more control I acquire in the Immaterium. We Aeldari are an interesting species. Our collective psychic beliefs have the power to create gods. Since this is still early in the war, it hasn't happened yet, but it is coming soon, I can feel it. 

The way I have arranged it is that the more wins and successes I have in this war, both in terms of skill and achievements and scientific prowess, the more the Aeldari will consider me to be more than 'just' a normal Aeldari. The results of this have yet to be seen, but the Corpse Emperor is all I will say. 

As the battle continues, I can feel the time is right for the final part, for my part. My special unit of assassins is ready to kill our enemies. There are two types of fighters in this unit. 

The first ones are those who were trained in assassination and infiltration but will take the heavy fire of our enemies and respond in kind. They have heavier armour and weapons to go along with it. 


The second one is nimble and fast. Their skills might be comparable to the Harlequin Solitaires if the Harlequin Solitaires were over 100 times more powerful. I trained and equipped them all myself and made sure they were the most broken faction in the setting. No one will take them away from me ... no one!


"Prepare to board," I say and receive a telepathic nod in return. 

I focus and start to use my tremendous power on the vessel we are on right now. This piece of technology serves only one purpose. I use it to crash into enemy ships, pierce all shields and then board them. That is also what I will do right now. I control it and open a portal out of the Immaterium, which is not the Webway. 


The portal opens and we shoot out of it. I control the direction and push it faster and faster. I reach sunlight speeds and then crash into the command ship of the Necron fleet almost cutting right through it, but their powerful energy shields slow our momentum enough to 'only' pierce the vessel. 

I push my psychic power out and crush the wall in front of us. 


Our forces start to pour into the Necron ship, spreading and shooting anything that moves. Like a well-oiled machine, they move to the right positions and strike anything that comes across us. We don't have to worry about friendly fire. Nothing on this ship is alive and all of it has to die … as strange as that sounds. I move with powerful and quick steps. My training and enhancements have turned me into the most deadly Aeldari in existence. 

Alarms start to sound as we move forward. They have noticed us, but this was to be expected. It was the reason I planned to have the Necron Lord overextend on the battlefield. His defence right here was low and made it easy for us to rush him. I swing my psychic blades, cutting apart anything that stands in front of me.



My divination warns me of several approaching dangers. Over the course of my training, I tried to replicate the feeling Force users have through the Force that warns them of impending danger and other similar things. I not only managed to do just that but actually went above and beyond. Going as far as being able to peer into a growing number of possible futures at once and picking the most favourable for me.

The enemy arrives … Canoptek Wraiths.

While a Tomb World slumbers, Canoptek Wraiths are its eyes and ears. Canoptek Wraiths flit silently through the dusty halls, patrolling for intruders and inspecting systems for damage and decay. Their most notable feature is their dimensional destabilisation matrix - a phase shifter that allows them to skip in and out of reality.

While originally designed to allow a Canoptek Wraith to reach into and repair solid machinery, the dimensional destabilisation matrix is no less valuable when dealing with intruders. A Canoptek Wraith can phase its claws and tendrils inside an opponent, swiftly resolidifying them to sever arteries, nerve clusters and other vital pathways without leaving an external mark to show for it. They are a dangerous enemy for anyone who hasn't mastered the telekinetic pathway to a high degree. And in front of me …


They are nothing special. My blades channel massive amounts of psychic power inside them and turn the Canoptek Wraiths into scrap metal.

Finally, we reach the main hall, where I see the Necron Lord and his Lychguard waiting. In his hands is his scythe brimming with green power. He seems to have expected me to arrive, but I know better. He would have never made the mistakes he did if he had known. 

"You are brave to come to our command ship, Aeldari. Your lack of planning might appear unconventional, but is nothing short of pure luck. How embarrassing to see you come this far and still fail."

"Such arrogance despite being from a race that got rid of their souls and bodies to become slaves ... that is truly embarrassing."

"You will die today," the Necron Lord says and rushes towards me. He raises his weapon while his Lychguard is being engaged by Vathaesar and the rest of my troop. 

I don't move and simply observe the Hyperphase Sword approaching me. A Hyperphase Sword's energy blade vibrates across dimensional states, and can easily slice through armour and flesh to sever vital organs. Even my armour would not be able to block it, at least right now. The blade comes closer and closer and time seems to slow to a halt as the Necron Lord suddenly stops moving entirely right in front of me. 

"W-what is this?!"

"This is not a fight, you husk. This is what absolute domination looks like. You shall not be granted a fight. Allow me to show you the difference between our capabilities and powers," I say. 

The psychic power which is holding the Necron Lord in the air increases and slowly starts to crush him. This is not even hard for me as I crush the living metal known as Necrodermis fully. I pull him close to me and look right into his dead green eyes as I crush him completely into a small ball of Necrodermis, killing him finally. 

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