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Chapter 3: 3. Metropolis

Supergirl hates this whole thing. First, Louis is target on her back. And with Kal offworld, it's up to her to protect her friend. Things would be much easier if the woman just agreed to Batman's idea of hiding in a safehouse but no. The stubborn woman just had to be a hero. 'I'm a journalist before I'm anything else' she remembers the woman say.

I guess that's why Kal fell in love with her, Supergirl thought to herself. She hovers in the sky as she watches her friend currently typing away in her office at the Daily Planet. On the streets, she can see her friends, Nightwing and Batgirl, watching the entrance to the building. Red Arrow is also in the building, watching over Louis from behind the walls. She didn' t really like him that much, but she was still happy he was willing to lend a hand.

Batman and Robin are currently figuring out who gave the kill order on Louis and the rest of the Young Justice are busy on a mission trying to figure out the Light. And there are still other problems that needs the Justice League's attention. As horrible as it is, protecting the reporter was the least of their priorities right now. Still, Supergirl puffs her chest. I'm here now. Don't worry Kal. I'll protect this city while you're away, she thinks to herself.

'Heads up', she heard Nightwing say on comms. 'We've got incoming'. Suddenly, Supergirl's ears ring as an explosion erupts in the streets.

'KGBeast just popped up', says the voice on the comms.

Supergirl quickly scans the area and finds KGBeast standing in an alleyway. He also noticed a few other armed villains slowly heading to the Daily Planet. 'It' not just him', she tells everyone. 'I see Deadshot, Cap't Boomerang and a few others heading your way. I'll take care of them. Protect Louis'.

The three other heroes agree and Supergirl watches them head towards the reporter. She then takes a deep breath and heads for the villains.


Toji knew it was a good idea to wait inside the building. He was busy cleaning the floors in a janitor outfit when he heard the explosion outside. He smiled to himself and started heading to the higher floors.

As he pass windows, he sees a blondie in a blue costume fighting a large man with a black mask. Before heading to Metropolis, he studied anyone he might encounter on his mission, which included Superman and his lesser half, Supergirl. Toji observes them for a few more seconds before continuing his way.

As Toji gets closer to his target, he suddenly smells the scent of steel and gun cleaner. He quickly dodges to the side as an arrow flies next to him and pierces the wall. He turns around and sees a boy in a red suit holding a bow. 'Someone managed to get past you' says the boy as his fingers pressed on the thing in his ear.

'You should leave the grown ups to their business, kid', says Toji, his cursed spirit now wrapped on his back. He pulls out two small blades and grins. 'Come on then, kid. Let's play'.

'I'm not a kid', yells the boy. As he pulls three arrows from his back and shoots Toji in quick succession. The assassin dodges to the side and runs towards the bowman. He strikes him with the blade but the kid manages to block it with the bow, now turned into a staff. Toji strikes him with the other blade and the kid parries his arm. The kid then jumps back and catches his breath.

'You're not from around here, are you, kid?' asks Toji. He still isn't familiar with all the heroes but he was pretty sure there wasn't any bowman stationed in Metropolis. After all, this city was protected by the Supers, same way Gotham was being watched over by the Bats.

Toji sighs. It doesn't matter now, Toji thinks. I just need to finish this mission and I'm gone.

The assassin decides to walk away but he could even reach the door, a pair of oddly shaped shuriken hit the door. 'No you don't', says the voice.

He turns and immediately smiles after seeing the blue sigil on the hero. 'It's been a while. You up for another round?'

Nightwing, Batgirl and the other one runs towards him. The four of them clash, Nightwing throws the first punch, which Toji blocks with his arm. He strikes him back with his blade but the attack was stopped by Batgirl. The other boy then tries to swing his staff over the assassin's head. Toji pushes Nightwing to the side and blocks the overhead attack with his blade but that left him open to Batgirl's attack. The girl manges to punch him in the face and Nightwing kicks him with a sweep, making Toji falls to the floor. He quickly kicks Batgirl towards the other two and jumps away. 'You're going down today', says Nightwing. 'You should surrender now before things get even worse'.

Toji chuckles as he wipes the blood off his lips. He puts back his blades before pulling out the Split Soul Katana from the cursed spirit's mouth. 'Do your worst', he tells them.


It's that sword again, Nightwing thinks. He makes the first move, knowing that Batgirl and Red Arrow is with him. He throws his wing-ding which the assassin easily blocks. He swings his baton, which the enemy blocks. Batgirl and Red Arrow sees the opening and attakcs. However, the assassin was ready this time. He grabs Batgirl and knees her in the belly before easily cutting through Red Arrow's staff and hitting him in the throat.

Finally, he kicks Nightwing's hands, making him drop his weapons. The assassin throws his weapon in the air before attacking him with a flurry of punches. As the sword falls back to the assassin's hand. Nightwing closes his eyes, ready to take the final blow. Instead, his ribs crack as the flat of the blade hit him in the chest.

'Now, to finish the mission' he hears the man say before finally falling into unconsciousness.

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