"I guess this is as far as I can lead you. Try to avoid attracting too much attention." Martin said, leaving the group as he faded into the corridors.
The night was dark, a good time to operate.
'It's a lot more easier to sense the people around' Garmond thought.
With his heightened senses, he could perceive the mana in the air much more clearly, and even with his eyes closed he could still pinpoint any fluctuations.
'There's a difference between everybody' Garmond thought realizing his new found ability.
Not only could he feel the mana around him, but with his perceptive vision, he could make out a framework if all those around him.
Not only that, he could also tell if they were hosts or casters!.
'For Devine, her mana seems to be going through a constant cycle, as natural as her breathing. In and then out.... But Aliya, Hendrix and I, it's as though our bodies are absorbing the energy completely'
Thanks for reading... Seems this chapter had a lot of info dumps.