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good, but the update takes a while ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. .................
it's good..... MC-isn't annoying DEVELOPMENT - no forced plots it's good but could be better (don't know what's lacking but it needs something)....... WORLD BACKGROUND- If you like AOT read it currently I have no problems with it except for the update stability otherwise it's good also author-San you're doing a great job, you should have more confidence in yourself..... also anyone who reads this... Have an blessed and awesome year
So this novel is based on another fanfiction of a similar name. The author dropped it so I’ll be going with a similar premise but twist it a bit
Please for the love of god don't drop this..........................................................................................................................................................
Goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood goodgood
good, but the update takes a while ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. .................
it's good..... MC-isn't annoying DEVELOPMENT - no forced plots it's good but could be better (don't know what's lacking but it needs something)....... WORLD BACKGROUND- If you like AOT read it currently I have no problems with it except for the update stability otherwise it's good also author-San you're doing a great job, you should have more confidence in yourself..... also anyone who reads this... Have an blessed and awesome year
So this novel is based on another fanfiction of a similar name. The author dropped it so I’ll be going with a similar premise but twist it a bit
Please for the love of god don't drop this..........................................................................................................................................................