Part I: In the wake of the Triwizard Tournament, Edelweiss Potter discovers a secret complex beneath the Chamber of Secrets. Within, she stumbles upon the last secret of Salazar Slytherin: holocrons of Sith Lords long dead from worlds half a galaxy away. Faced with threats from all sides, Edelweiss must pursue power and victory, regardless of the price.
Part II: Victorious over her foes, three tasks lay before the newly named Darth Gladiolus: to finalize her hold on magical Britain, to prepare her world for their inevitable encounter with her enemies, the Jedi, and the Galactic Republic they serve, and to select a Sith apprentice, should any with the potential exist on her world.
Heavily AU
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Write a reviewlove the idea & the concept only two chapters and I'm sold! very happy with how the story started off and how well I believe the force could fit into the story and Earth just be some ball of dirt in the galaxy far far away the only thing I can say I hope for is that she doesn't just learn Force techniques from those holocrons since Bastila Shan is there it would be good if she could introduce lessons from mission Garth HK and the others on medicine electronics machinery building resources àssássssination piloting languages etc etc from Ravens crew and not just force techniques from her and revan that would give her a pretty decent education and a pretty good plot point to introducing her to more of the galaxy I can't wait for many many more chapters from you dear author! hope to see more of your work soon
Author Chartso_
This seems like it was ripped from the oringinal author who posted this story with the exact same title on “Archive of our Own” by Kamil_the_Awesome. There’s already 38 chapters done with 295,158 words in it. If for whatever reason you are the original author then just do a simple copy paste with the already written chapters.