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Chapter 115: 115

Ep. 115

"Hey, it's shift time."

"Phew, I thought I was bored to death."

"The temporary captain called. "Go and come back before you go to bed."

"Fuck, is the bastard who works with me developing himself? "Why aren't you coming?"

The pirate standing guard outside the ship kicked the dirt in frustration.

The pirates, who took turns standing guard, calmed him down with a wry smile.

"There's nothing to be jealous of. "He has to write a report on the shipment he sent a few days ago."

"Oh, that? "So you were sending the captured Wolff slaves to a large camp in the jungle?"

"okay. "There are dozens of people sent, so he probably won't be able to sleep."

"Kkkkk, you idiot, use it sooner. "It's really fucked up."

They started to scoff at their colleagues who were suffering from overtime, laughing at them.

This is boring guard work that takes place in three shifts. I can't survive without at least chatting.

"Let's at least smoke a cigarette."

"I think the guy on shift will be here soon."

"It's an electronic cigarette anyway, so what does it matter?"

"Of course."

The pirate who spoke first took out an electronic cigarette from his pocket and pressed a small switch. He took a deep breath of the thick synthetic drug contained in the cigarette and made a dazed expression.

"Fuck this is sex."

"Let's suck one and then I'll have a little…huh?"

The temporary streetlight above their heads suddenly flickered on and then went out.

As darkness fell, they turned on the headlights on their helmets.

"What happened?"

"Everything else is fine?"

"What's going on there?"

"The street light is out here!"

When a colleague asked what was going on from afar, they waved their hands saying it was nothing. The street lights above the heads of my colleagues in the distance were emitting light just fine.

"Has the electricity gone out? Why all of a sudden…fuck!"

"what's the matter?"

"A mosquito got into my ear!"

The pirate, who had a cigarette in his mouth, nervously dusted his ears and pointed his headlights at the streetlight.


"What is this?"

As the two were examining the streetlight, something strange caught their eyes.

Something that looked like silver moss was coming up from the base of a streetlight buried in the ground. The moss had spread all the way to the top of the streetlight.

"This is moss, right?"

"Why moss all of a sudden? And it hasn't rained, so why is the floor so wet?"

As soon as those words were finished, the wet dirt began to shake. Soon, a brightly colored plant broke through the mound of dirt and came out.

The plant looked like a bright red vine, with small rake-like stems hanging from its surface.

"What is this again? Is it a mushroom? what?"


The pirate holding the electronic cigarette frowned when he saw the mysterious plant. It was a beautiful color that made me feel good just looking at it, but it felt uncomfortable somehow.

He pulled out the communicator and called a colleague who was staring blankly at the plant.

"Hey, I need to report this to the top."



"It's so beautiful it's driving me crazy!"

The pirate, who did not smoke, brought his face close to the plant with an ecstatic expression. Then the still vine flew in so fast that the eye couldn't see it and wrapped around his face.

"Holy shit!"


The pirate was horrified to see his comrade kneeling with his face pressed against a vine. He quickly activated his communicator and tried to contact the interior of the cruiser.

If it weren't for the voice calling him from far away.


The sound he heard was clearly a woman's excited moans. It sounded like it was coming from inside a cave, but it was unmistakable.

Because he really liked having relationships with women.

"Good. "It's been a while since I drained the water."

The pirate followed the voice with bloodshot eyes. He was so focused that he didn't even notice the blood flowing from his ears.

"Fuck you, you're screwed now."

Following the voice, he jumped into the bushes. Along with that, a familiar clicking sound reached his ears.

The sound was the sound of a mine buried nearby being activated. Ultra-high-temperature flames rose from the floor and engulfed him.

'Is this the beginning?'

A nest installed deep underground reports to me. It is said that large and small scale tremors are occurring continuously on the surface of the earth.

Lying leisurely in the nest and linked to the nest, I was able to observe everything that was happening on the ground.

As the pirates infected with the 'hallucinating bug' jumped onto the mine, the area around the cruiser became complete chaos. Even the pirates who escaped the hallucination bug's surprise attack were not unharmed.

This is because the seductive pheromones emitted from the sundew that grows on the ground are entrancing them.

As the name suggests, the sundew is a man-eating plant that eats victims that approach its nest. Although it has almost no direct combat power, it emits a unique seduction pheromone to hold on to its enemies.

By default, the lure pheromones emitted by sundews give fantastic pleasure to their prey, similar to drugs. It does not work against enemies whose bodies have been replaced by machines, such as cyborgs or androids, but it works very well against races such as humans.

'Children who smell this probably want to scoop up all the dirt and eat it.'

Moreover, I now possess pheromone enhancement properties. Since some of my physical characteristics are applied to the nest, it may not be easy for any of them to withstand the pheromones emitted by sundews.

In the past, I used this trait a lot to catch other people, so some players in the community called me a drug morph.

'It's the fault of the person who gets caught.'

Anyway, the heavy walkers who were standing guard together will be very embarrassed as their colleagues suddenly go crazy.

We will try our best to respond to attacks coming from all directions, but will it be easy?

The creature detector mounted inside the walker would not show anything around the cruiser.

It would be impossible to see it with the naked eye because of the heavy fog surrounding it. This is because the 'smog tower' that arose from the nest continues to spew toxic fog around the cruiser.

Although it is much worse than the fog that spreads over swamps, this fog is also quite lethal. If you stay in the fog for a long time without realizing it, your lungs will become polluted and you will die.

In fact, some of the Walker pilots stopped moving because their lungs were weak to begin with. The other walkers seemed to be frightened as their colleagues suddenly coughed up blood and collapsed.

There's such a fuss outside, so what's going on inside the ship?

'They'll probably be trying to figure out what happened outside.'

That's impossible.

This is because the cameras connected to the temporary streetlights all stopped working due to 'gremlin moss'. The same goes for the Stormgun, which is the same machine.

Gremlin Moss is a counter trait for machines that operates in a different way than hijacking jamming.

Unlike hijacking radio disruption, which disables the control of a machine with its unique vibration waves, Gremlin Moss requires the machine to be directly infected with the moss. Infected machines are completely disabled until 20 minutes, the survival time of moss, have elapsed.

The disadvantage is that once a machine is infected with moss, it cannot be infected again, but it has the advantage of being able to infect enemies in the nest like now, and unlike hijacking where only one machine can be controlled at a time, it can destroy multiple machines.

'It is difficult to infect enemies that move frequently, such as walkers, or large machines, such as cruisers.'

Although there are still walkers remaining, it seems that the enemy's defense line has been neutralized to some extent.

Now it's time to move on to the next step.

I unlinked the nest and started digging in the ground just above my head.

If you go up like this, you will be right under the cruiser.

It was about a hundred meters away, but when I started digging the tunnel, which was 25 meters long, I quickly reached the ground.

When I slightly put my head down on the ground, there was a landing gear in front of me.

The entire outline of the cruiser can now be sensed through the auxiliary organs under the chin, which have now increased to four.

It is a cruiser with a cult-specific elongated diamond shape.

Rather than being clunky like the Megacorp Star Union, the external armor was made of a smooth material like an egg and had an ivory color.

'I made it Moonsilver because I thought it might be a cult warship.'

Contrary to black silver, which is a metal that weakens psychic power, 'Moon Silver' has the effect of amplifying the action of psychic power.

'I'm glad we attacked the cruiser first.'

The pirate leader's race is a cult. It is subject to Moon Silver's strengthening effect.

'Not anymore.'

Nearby, the metallic sounds of walkers wandering through the thick fog can be heard. He didn't seem to notice that I was right underneath the cruiser.

I opened my mouth wide and pressed myself under the cruiser. The acidic fungal gland located near my esophagus began producing fungi with terrifying power in accordance with my intentions.

Acidic Fungal Gland is a fusion trait created using the Acid Blood trait from which I received the Fluid trait.

Previously, you had to injure yourself to use the acid blood trait, but now you can spit out a highly acidic substance at any enemy you want, whenever you want.

Soon, the acidic fungus that had been created in an instant came out of the mouth.

The light green acidic fungus that had spread to the bottom of the cruiser instantly melted the ivory colored moon silver.

While the fungus was hard at work, I activated the tooth fairy nest. The tooth fairy's nest on the inside of my back exploded, spitting out man-eating fleas.

Because they were strengthened by type, the tooth fairies' appearance was different from before. The size was the same as before, the size of a child's palm, but carapace had grown on its head and body.

'It looks like a flea is wearing a helmet.'

As if reading my thoughts, the Tooth Fairies saluted. It was quite cute.

'Go inside the ship and bite the wires connected to various important facilities. 'You can eat the sailors if you need to.'

Dozens of tooth fairies entered the ship through the molten hole.

Feeling the man-eating fleas scattering throughout the ship, I waited until the hole widened.

I can feel the pirates on the ship becoming confused.

An all-out attack that occurred outside. Sudden damage to the bottom of the ship. Because everything will just be beyond their expectations.

While I was examining the internal situation with an auxiliary device, I felt a human being approaching the hole from inside the ship.

'I can go in quickly, right?'

I held onto the still melting hole with my fighting arms. When I grabbed it with four arms and stretched it in all directions, the hole widened enough that I could barely fit in.


"Fuck! "Shoot everyone!"

The moment I climbed through the hole in the floor, the cult and human pirates wearing reinforced suits spotted me.

Perhaps because they were clearly protecting the cruiser, they calmly fired with the purple spray guns they were holding.

'He's calm, though.'

The problem is that I have super-powerful reflective gloves.

'It reflects part of the psychic power attack.'

Superpower reflective gloves can be seen as a deteriorated or superpower version of 'Reflection', a psychic power technology. This is because when you take damage from a supernatural attack, 30% of the damage is automatically reflected.

Flames of psychic power engulf my outer shell. Perhaps because their outer shell has been upgraded as they become semi-adults, they are no longer in much pain.

'There is no pain relief.'

To me, it's just hot enough to be unpleasant, but what about over there?

Some of the flames that had been engulfing me flowed back in the opposite direction.

At the end are pirates holding purple spray guns. As a stream of purple flames flew towards them, their complexions turned pale.

"Uh huh?"

"Everyone p…keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

I have strong armor, so I don't suffer much damage from the purple spray gun, but not them.

Pirates wearing reinforced suits tried to extinguish the unquenchable fire, but they probably knew best that it was useless.

'Was the situation room this way?'

I walked on, ignoring the pirates who fell one by one.

Going up here is the situation room.

A defensive position set up far away from the cruiser.

As the Seintopia 02 continent approaches the jungle near the center where the Temple of the Forgotten Earth is located, radio interference becomes worse. This is because of the unique energy that the temple radiates.

So, Muriel built a fortress to serve as a bridgehead between the cruiser and the temple and as a temporary headquarters in the event of an unexpected disaster.

"I will stay here today."

Muriel and her men, who were returning from dismantling the camp near the temple, decided to spend the night here. We were scheduled to catch a transport early tomorrow morning and return to the cruiser.

There was a reason why Muriel did not return in a hurry even though an attack by an enemy player was half certain. This was partly due to the radio interference that occurs intermittently around here, but it was also to obtain additional information about the Amorph Player from the Mother of Heaven.

「Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Cough! Cough!」

"Oppa. "You're not going to die anyway, so pull hard."


Even though it was late at night, the torture of the Mother of Heaven was in full swing in the vacant lot of the defensive position. The Mother of Heaven cried out as the wheels turned and her internal organs tied to wire were torn apart.

Muriel was watching this with a bored expression.

"That must have hurt so much. "At this point, can't you just tell me?"

"You fucking bitch! Even if I tell you, there's nothing you can do!"

"That's up to me to decide. "I'm sure you've fought that guy before."

The reason Muriel changed her mind was because she felt doubtful about the attitude shown by her heavenly mother.

'I'm sure I've met that guy before.'

She also knows that the 5th-ranked Aimov player is notorious abroad.

However, Heavenly Mother's attitude was clearly abnormal.

She is also a ranker like Muriel. Wolf ranker ranked 15th, even higher than Muriel.

Even if the opponent had a higher ranking in the past, isn't he or she just a sub-adult now?

Moreover, the Heavenly Mother that Muriel saw here was very skilled.

'Because I even learned about deification.'

'Deification' is Wolff's advanced skill and is known to be quite difficult to learn.

As far as Muriel knew, Heavenly Mother did not have a high desire for improvement, unlike other players. Unlike others, she chose to live with the current residents, and it was certainly not easy to see that she even learned about deification along the way.

'If I hadn't brought that equipment, I wouldn't have been able to win.'

It was originally a 'weapon' brought to subdue the Earth Father.

Anyway, Muriel couldn't understand why such a great Mother of Heaven was so afraid.

There is no reason for Muriel, who has subdued Wolff, who has mastered deification, to be afraid of him.

'As expected, the two must have met and fought in a game in the past.'

That was a reaction that only someone who met him and experienced something bad could show.

'The Mother of Heaven was probably defeated miserably.'

Muriel thought that she was afraid because of that memory.

"If he were that scary, you wouldn't be safe either. "If you don't want to die…"

"Tsk!" You killed my family. "I'm willing to sell my soul to that Eimoff if I can kill you!"

"Hmm. Is that so?"

Muriel, the designer, knew best that that torture was extremely painful. Despite this, the Mother of Heaven did not give up.

Muriel motioned for the pirate to stop spinning the wheel.

"Then, shall we talk to your favorite family members?"


She flicked her hand and other pirates brought Wolf prisoners with them. The Wolfs with iron chains around their necks were all young boys.

"You fucking bitch!"

"Come on, brothers. "Get the wheels."

"Stop it!"

The pirates came carrying a wheel similar to the tool used to torture the Mother of Heaven. The young Wolffs who saw the bloody instruments of torture began to tremble pitifully.

"I will ask you one last question. "If you don't answer, all of Wolf's friends here will have a talent show."

"This bitch won't make you feel better even if you chew it! You are a person like me! But how can you do something like this!?"

"Ah, it's noisy. Now, please tell me quickly. "Otherwise, your brothers might do bad things?"

The Heavenly Mother could tell that Muriel's words were not lies.

That vicious pirate leader had done enough.

"…I will tell you. "I'll tell you everything, so don't touch them."

"It depends on what attitude you take."

"What are you curious about?"

"You've had a fight with that guy, right? "Tell me first what happened."

Eventually, Heavenly Mother gave in to Muriel's threats and began to speak in an obedient manner.

"…You know that too, right? "Battle of Planet Shepard."

"You mean the battle fought by four clans on that jungle planet? At that time, there was a fuss about catching a player… Ah. no way?"

"okay. They gathered together to catch that Amorph player. "I was the leader of the Savage Clan, one of the clans I participated in at the time."

The fact that the Heavenly Mother was once a clan leader was unknown to Muriel.

That's because the Mother of Heaven was famous for turning down all offers to join famous clans in the game.

"He wasn't a ranker at the time. The evolution stage was only a semi-adult. So we thought we would win easily. But…"


"They destroyed our ship less than an hour after we entered the planet. The communication tower responsible for communicating with ships outside the planet was also completely destroyed, leaving only one."


"It must have been a plan to block the escape route. After that, we were hunted by him in the jungle, one or two at a time. He acted as if he knew our plan, so it was useless to plan anything." "


"A skinned corpse? That's medicine. He played with us in all kinds of crazy ways. Because of him, we split and fought with each other. Well, that may have been his intention."

Heaven's mother spoke calmly, but there were deep feelings inside.

"…I heard there is only one communication tower left? "You can just contact the outside world and call for support."

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's right. Of the four clans, only one communication tower remained, so at first we thought they had betrayed us. But as time passed, we were able to rely on each other. "While waiting for the reinforcements called by that clan."

The Mother of Heaven speaks bitterly.

Looking at her attitude, Muriel was able to predict what the future would hold.

Perhaps reinforcements never came.

But the truth that came out of the Heavenly Mother's mouth exceeded her expectations.

"I found out later that there was a reason why that communication tower remained."

"What is it?"

"He left it behind on purpose."


"The clan member on the communication tower was already dead, and this guy was imitating the clan member. "He knew everything about our meeting and reported falsely to the outside world."


"After that, he deceived us several times. We couldn't hold out and were wiped out, and my clan was completely torn apart. "We've been deceived by him so many times that we can't trust each other."

Muriel thought after hearing that.

That Amorph player is truly crazy.

And that she was in a really fucked up situation.

"Oh, it's a game anyway…."

「Okay. It's a game. But this is reality. That guy came out in real life. "How can you be so carefree when you have no idea how terrible a tactic he will use?"

"…Well, he's barely an adult!"

"While you are relaxing here!"

The Heavenly Mother's voice cut off her words. Muriel flinched because the spirit of that moment was truly terrifying.

"He must have made all preparations to punish you. "The cruiser would have been in their hands by now, right?"

When Muriel heard those words, she quickly began to become anxious.

'if? no. That can't be possible.'

She tried to act calm and called her subordinate in charge of communications. It was to contact the cruiser.

Because of the radio interference in the jungle, communication was only possible with special equipment, so it took some time to connect with the cruiser.

After a while, the subordinate brought the communicator to life. She picked up the communicator and asked the cruiser in a trembling voice without realizing it.

"There's nothing going on over there, right?"


Instead of an answer, the only sound that came back was static. When her eyes turned to her subordinate, he gave her a glance indicating that they were already connected.

"If anyone is alive, answer me!"

"Chijijik, you, you, me? Chijijijik."

To the words heard over the communicator.

She felt fear and trembling.

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