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Chapter 87: 087

Ep. 87

When Code Black begins to engage its target.

There was a girl wearing a red dress at the aerial observation deck on the 50th floor of the Monument.

The slender arms and legs and small face were those of a young girl, but anyone who looked into her eyes would be scared.

"Tuning the psychic control web."

Because her eyes resemble those of a chameleon, not those of a human.

Her eyes were constantly moving up, down, left and right, looking down at the entire administrative district.

This girl with a bizarre appearance was Code Red, one of the Eugene family's secret weapons.

A vivid purple halo hovered above her head.

If someone who could sense psychic power was here, he would have definitely seen it.

The fact that a spider-thin psychic power from Halo extends around her to an area with a radius of 1 km.

Code Red lacks potential and did not receive Gallagon's genes like Code White, who is already dead, as well as Code Black, who are operating together.

Instead, she was given genes related to combat assistance, allowing her to support other shadows.

One of them is the angel spider.

It is a carnivore that lives on a jungle-type planet and has the ability to create spider webs made of psychic power.

Creatures caught in the psychic web spread by the angel spider are manipulated by the spider and become prey without resistance.

Unlike the original, Code Red does not have the ability to control other creatures.

Instead, it gained the ability to sense and control the flow of psychic power occurring in a vast area beyond that of a spider.

Thanks to this technology, called Psychic Control Web, Code Red took on the role of supporting other Shadows from the rear.

Normally, her job was to keep Code Black informed about the target, but not like this.

This is because someone messed up the vast control web she had spread.

'Detecting a psychic power as strong as mine. 'Target not detected.'

It was as if someone had thrown a stone into a spider's web.

Even if the spider's web is damaged by a stone, the spider cannot know who did it or how to stop it.

The situation she was in right now was like being the owner of a messed up spider web.

The good news was that the opponent didn't seem as familiar with using psychic powers as she was.

If it were her, she would have taken control of the control web, but the opponent did not try to take control from her.

'Focus on recovery first.'

If nothing else, it would be a big deal if the spiritual attunement linked to Code Black is released.

While paying attention to Black, she gradually restored the control web.


But then she felt something new within her sensing field.

Her eyes turned to the black sky.

A green star was visible in the artificially created darkness.


The identity of the green aircraft was something she knew well.

The being with large wings, a slim body, four horns, and a tail was the Green Gallagon.

The Green Gallagon, of unknown origin, was flying toward the monument at very high speed.

"Spotted enemy approaching. "Interception commenced."

Red, who intuitively decided that Green Gallagon was the enemy, stopped spiritual tuning and began to respond.

She picked up the long sniper coil gun she had placed next to her.

She aimed the bullet at a tungsten bullet filled with condensed plasma and fired the coil gun into the air.

Then, strangely enough, the bullet randomly changed its trajectory and started flying toward its target.

She used the psychic control web to control the trajectory of the bullet in the direction she wanted.

And when it got close to Green Gallagon, which was flying in the sky, the plasma bullet exploded.

'Removal complete.'

Just when I thought I had eliminated my target, a green light burst out from the smoke cloud created by the explosion.


Heedless of the explosion of the plasma bullet, it was quickly approaching this direction.

"Start re-firing."

After confirming the target's survival, Red fired a series of shots with the coil gun.

The sight of dozens of silver, oval-shaped bullets flying out of the muzzle was like playing a meteor shower scene in reverse.

Red had no doubt that she would eliminate him by shooting now, but reality was different from her expectations.


She was astonished because her emotions were so worn out that her facial expression rarely changed.

The green object evaded the plasma explosion by showing amazing flight skills.

Even though the bullets were deliberately placed in a way to surround the enemy from all directions in order to pressure the enemy at once, the Green Gallagon used aerobatics to escape through the gap.

As the green light of death, which takes away all life, continued to decorate the night sky, an uproar broke out inside the monument.

Red also knew that his actions were rash, but he did so because he judged that an enemy that showed off his amazing flying skills was more dangerous.

'Akira-sama's risk factors.'

While Code Black is in battle, Code Blue is in charge of protecting Akira Eugene. She is the only one who can defend this place.

However, despite Red's active suppressing fire, Green Gallagon was quickly closing the distance from the monument rather than moving away from it.

"Start re-firing until target elimination is confirmed!"

The black sky above the monument lit up with an untimely fireworks festival.

She was born when a white meteor shower decorated the hem of the night goddess.

She was born as the youngest of the great Od Grad group.

She was given the name Aadhai, meaning daughter of the shining star.

It was an auspicious event for a special stellar phenomenon to occur among the Gallagons.

So she lived up to the expectations of the Od Grad group.

Of course, it didn't take long for that expectation to turn into disappointment.

She was born with a cursed body.

Unlike her compatriots, she was small.

Even as time passed, she did not change from the way she looked when she hatched from the egg.

There was no need for weak individuals to exist in the Od Grad group.

With no chance of becoming stronger, she was expelled from the nest.

She had lived in a nest all her life and had weak physical abilities, so it was nearly impossible for her to survive in the cold wild.

After being exiled, she slowly starved to death.

If the strange-looking dwarves hadn't shown up, she would have definitely died.

The dwarves were thieves who came to steal the eggs of their own people.

As they were coming out of the nest, they found her and dragged her to the dwarf's nest.

The dwarves stabbed her with strange skewers that could be teeth or claws and threw her into a block of cold ice.

My memories after that were blurry.

When she woke up, what was in front of her was a creature.

As she was a particularly weak creature among her kind, she was quick-witted and was able to recognize the creature as soon as she saw it.

The being had a smell similar to that of its own people.

These are people who grow their strength by preying on treasures containing psychic power.

But there were also differences.

That being was a cruel predator that enjoyed killing and eating living things.

He tried to eat her and she offered him a deal before she died.

I'll give you the nest's treasure, so I ask you to protect me.

Originally, her people were the pinnacle of the ecosystem, so they did not negotiate or trade.

Having depended on other creatures, including her own people, throughout her life, she knew that this method of survival had its limits.

Still, I consoled myself. Because they are weak, they have no choice but to live as parasites on other beings.

The being seemed to know her people well. The being looked at her foreign appearance in wonder and accepted.

That was her first meeting with the 'great adult'.


When she saw the silver stones flying in front of her, she quickly folded her wings.

The body plummeted downward and an explosion occurred above her head.

As she fell, she continued to think.

An 'adult' who promised to protect him.

In her view, the adults were certainly excellent predators, but compared to their compatriots, they were weak.

In the huge metal structure where the dwarves lived, there were many beings that could kill him.

Still, the adult did not give up.

The adult worked tirelessly and as a result, he fought against dwarves who were stronger than him and won.

So she yearned.

Factors that help adults become great.

I wanted to learn it.


She fell to the ground and spread her wings wide.

With that, her body soared high into the sky. The silver stones that followed her were unable to catch up with her and exploded on the way.

She skillfully dodged the explosion by rotating her body.

Because she had a small body, she had an advantage in such evasive maneuvers.

If she wasn't a mutant, she wouldn't have been able to avoid it this easily.

The older and younger adults who took care of her taught her.

How she, weak, hunts down enemies stronger than herself.

And the most important thing to her is 'how to survive alone'.

She learned hard.

Then, one day, I'm sure.

「I」「Longing」「Great Adult」「Spouse」

Purple lightning streaks stretched out from her tentacles and hit the silver stones flying around.

Green meteors swirl within the veil spread by the goddess of night.

It was just like the name she was given when she was born.

She is Adha, the daughter of the star.

Cord Black, decapitated by my own hands.

Her head fell to the floor.

'It's not over yet.'

The black shroud she wore remains.

The Black Shroud, a relic-grade reinforced suit, allows the wearer to avoid death unconditionally once every three days. When the effect of


Shroud was activated, the headless corpse and head became black fog and dispersed.

The resurrection point designated by Black Shroud is not far from the place of death.

'When you are revived, all injuries are recovered and you receive special effects for a certain period of time.'

According to the setting, if you die while wearing the Black Shroud, your soul fuses with the equipment and turns into a being called a Necrofactor.

When you become a Necrofactor, you only take half the damage from all types of attacks.

Additionally, whenever physical damage is inflicted on an enemy, it absorbs the enemy's life force and strengthens itself with that life force.

Looking at it up to this point, it looks like a very good effect, but it has a fatal flaw.


When you become unstable, you lose your reason and cannot utilize your original characteristics properly.

It can be said that it is similar to me becoming an animal starving for meat after the symbolic effect of hunting is over.

It literally becomes an evil spirit itself that attacks any living creature.

'Although it receives strengthening effects, it is an enemy that has lost its temper. 'It's not that difficult to deal with.'

The problem is next.

The surrounding area was devastated by the battle with Black.

Numerous people saw me and Black fighting, so disabling the camera made no sense.

The fact that a fight occurred in an administrative district is a completely different issue from incidents in other districts.

'Because it's like the head that runs the city.'

If Monument leaders knew that such an important place was dangerous, they would definitely mobilize the defense fleet. Not only land forces but also small patrol ships.

Besides, I don't have much time left.

In about three minutes, the effect of the symbol of the hunt will end, and when that happens, the plasma bullets fired by the warship will turn into dust.

Of course, we have already taken action against it.

'Because I sent Aadhai to the monument.'

Adhai went to Monument to deal with Code Red.

'In order to teleport through spiritual attunement, you must be in a position to check the battlefield in real time.

The only place where this is possible is the Monument, the tallest building in the administrative district.

Perhaps, like black, Code Red also has the characteristic of being able to see distant objects.

'The means of protecting oneself may also be related to that.'

Spiritual attunement long-distance detection characteristic.

These are all useful skills for fighting at a distance rather than close range combat. Therefore, Code Red's means of defense is likely to be a long-distance attack weapon such as a gun.

'Aadhai is the counter to Code Red.'

Green Gallagon specializes in speed-based hit-and-run tactics.

Just as the Blue Gallagon, which is weak because it is a cub, has the ability to call its brethren, the Green Gallagon is characterized by extremely fast speed.

In addition, it has a 'super acceleration' characteristic that makes its originally fast flight speed more than 3 times faster, so it is difficult to catch Green Gallagon unless it is an area attack that deals damage in a wide area at once.

'Besides, Aadhai is small, so it will be much more difficult to intercept him.'

Green Gallagon, which is not a mutant, grows up to 10m, so even if its speed is high, the area it is hit by is relatively large.

However, Aadhai's body length, including the tail, is as small as that of a middle school student, and its wingspan is less than 2 meters per wing.

The area to be hit is so narrow that even if an android or a warship fires at it, it won't be easy to shoot it down.

'If a battle breaks out over the Monument, the defense fleet will have no choice but to pay attention there first.'

Before sending Aadhai, I warned him.

They tell you to run away when metal-smelling chunks come flying at you.

As far as I know, the Green Gallagon is faster than a Megacorp corvette. The only ship faster than the Green Gallagon is the cult's patrol ship, Egerton's fast battleship, but neither of them exist in this space city.

'He's a smart guy, so he'll be able to get out safely.'

While Aadhai is biding his time, he must find a way to eliminate Black and escape the city.

'Seeing as how this situation has already occurred and the patrol ship is not visible…'

After the previous battle in the sewers, a deadly virus has spread throughout the city.

Perhaps the epidemic spread to the defense fleet faster than I expected, causing problems in the command system.

'no. 'Let's think about the rest later.'

The battle is not over yet.

A few seconds after the black fog disappeared before me, I felt Black's movement inside the nearby ruins.

He was resurrected as a Necrofactor thanks to the Black Shroud's unique effect.

"Big baby. "I can feel the ugly soot nearby."

Number 26, who had escaped from the pit, made a signal as if he felt the same way.

As soon as he sent out the wave, the remains of the ruins exploded with a loud noise.

A pitch-black figure walked out of the fire.

Black's appearance was very different from before he died.

Her white skin turned pitch black like a black shroud, and her eyes glowed bright red.

"I am confident that I will admit it."

Her voice was noisy, like a snake hissing.

He seemed to have some reason left, but he seemed a little uneasy.

"Can't you forgive, forgive, forgive? "I am a special, special being who cannot forgive me?!"

No, I will correct it.

She was truly crazy due to her Necrofactor mode.

As she spoke something incomprehensible, her body suddenly began to twist.

Just like the Hulk Mutant mutates when entering battle.

When I looked into it through insight, I found that she had the trait of 'body transformation'.

When you become a Necrofactor, you cannot properly use your existing characteristics due to instability characteristics.

Problems arise, such as skills not being activated at all or the effects of passive characteristics changing erratically.

The physical deformation characteristics may also be affected by instability.

[Zuzuzuzzuzu (be careful because this is a strong enemy)]

"Yes. "Be careful, even big kids."

Although the transformation took a short period of time, it was difficult to see her as a human or a Hulk mutant anymore.

The four eyes on her face all looked at me.

"Are you going to die yourself? I am Akira-sama's self-die! The most special self-shaaaaa!"

The monster created by the Eugene family roared at us.



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