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Chapter 69: 069

Ep. 69

It is known that Megacorp owns over hundreds of colony planets.

Under Megacorp law, colony planets are classified as a type of production organization that nurtures the financial resources necessary for Megacorp. Legally, the rights to all types of resources on a colony planet belong to the planet's owner.

To compare a colonial planet more directly, it is as follows.

Livestock shed.

A pigsty on a cosmic level.

It may sound obvious, but no ordinary human being would like being treated like slave livestock. Even if the entity that dominates them has galactic power, backlash is bound to occur.

Therefore, Megacorp's top capitals use various methods to easily rule colonial planets.

For example, reimbursement activities.

This concept, first developed by T&C, gives hope that one can escape from the status of an employee if one only completes the tasks he or she is asked to do.

T&C went one step further and granted capital status to employees who succeeded in repaying.

In fact, as the number of people who completed their repayment activities and returned to their hometowns as capitals increased one by one, the backlash from the colonial planet decreased significantly.

Instead of choosing to resist T&C's rule, many people came to want to become Megacorp's capital.

The same goes for Brody, who was brought to the T&C Special Trade Center.

An opportunity came to him who had been waiting for the day to die in the entertainment district.

The head of the human resources management team said that he was recruiting sewer exploration personnel in exchange for completing repayment.

Brody thought after hearing that.

'It's better to roll around in some shit than to be skinned alive.'

210 volunteers who made similar decisions gathered.

When 80, 70, and 60 people were divided into three groups and entered the sewer, Brody thought his judgment was not bad.

Just rolling around in shit is nothing compared to what you have to go through in the entertainment district.

My easy thoughts disappeared as soon as I entered the sewer.


The sewers were worse than he had imagined.

The unpleasant smell of something passing between your legs amidst the foreign substances floating on the water, the stench penetrating you even though you were wearing a mask.

Each one was something he didn't want to see, even in his dreams, but there was one that particularly got on Brody's nerves.

'I can feel those eyes again.'

I've heard for a long time that he has good senses.

In the water as dark as the universe surrounding the city. There is probably something lurking inside.

'How come the conditions are so good…'

"Hey, why are you all so dumb? "Don't make the atmosphere shitty and say something."

"I'm your mother, bastard. "If you really regret it, why don't you talk about it first?"

"This bastard?"

I don't know how much longer I have to stay in this suffocating sewer, not just metaphorically. Maybe that's why everyone seems to be on edge.


It's not just that my nerves have become sharper.

Brody felt his body heat up even though he was in the cold water. The hand holding the flashlight was barely perched on the surface of the water, and his legs were heavy, as if they were shackled.

Is darkness swallowing him up? My vision feels like it's spinning around.

"Hey, I think he's gone crazy?"

"So what?"

"Think about it. Maybe it's because you kicked his head, but what if he falls apart? "Fuck us too."

"…A.C. wait."

The man in the lead turned on the communicator.

"Oh hello. Sir. "I have something to tell you."

"What is chijik? "Did you find something?"

"Hehe, isn't that one of our colleagues who fell earlier? "It seems like he's having a bit of a hard time."

"If you're thinking of saying something like taking a break…"

"Oh my! Sir! Absolutely not! "I thought I might be able to carry out my mission longer if I moved a little more slowly, so I contacted you to ask if I could get permission."

"hmm. If that's the case, there won't be a big problem. "I understand."

"Thank you!"

The man continued to bow his head until the communication ended on the other side.

When he heard the sound of communication being cut off, his face changed completely.

"하 씹새끼 애미없는 새끼답게 좆나 까다롭네."

"good job."

"Thank you…."


"Hey, I'll stand behind you, so go forward."

"Oh, I understand."

The three changed places and set off again.

Since I reported it to the driver, I slowed down a bit compared to before.

That didn't make his painful body any better, but Brody managed to come to his senses.

Once he leaves here, he is free.

He walked relentlessly, thinking only of freedom.

As they walked like that, they saw a small sewage treatment facility in front of them.

Dead end. From here they must move again to another designated location.

The man in the lead grumbled as if he was tired.

"Oh shit, I don't know how many more times I have to do this."

"I see."

"Hey, the kid behind you follows along… huh?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Where did the kid behind you go?"


Brody turned his head at what the man in front said.

There was no one behind him.

"Hey, hey, it's a joke, right? "Where did he go?"

"Oh, I don't know either."

The man's face was pale. Is it because of the cold water or because I feel afraid of this situation?

What was clear was that Brody would not be much different from men.

My body, which had been feverish just a moment ago, had cooled down as if all the blood had drained out.

"The fuck, those bastards up there don't even know that the person is gone?!"

The man hurriedly found the communicator. My hands were shaking and I almost dropped it several times, but I managed to get the communicator to work.

"Chijik, what's going on?"

"Chief Engineer, one of our team members is missing!"

"The person disappeared?"

"Yes! The friend who was following behind…"

"What are you talking about?" All three are moving normally on the signal.


The gaze of the man holding the communicator was fixed on Brody's back.

Brody swallowed and turned his head.

The black water flows like waves. A man's head rises from the swaying waves.

The man following behind did not disappear. However, instead of calming down, Brody's heart began to beat even more vigorously.

The reason the waves shook so much was not because of the man.

What caused a stir was "that thing" behind the man.

A black thing that seemed so large that it filled the sewer passage was holding the man.


The man holding the communicator opened his mouth. Just before the air escaped his throat, a long snake came out of the water and stabbed him in the neck.

The man remained motionless, ready to scream.

"It" silently passed by Brody and approached the man. He then raised an arm with creepy long claws and snatched the communicator out of the man's hand.

"Article 15: If a problem occurs, report it immediately."

The engineer's voice could be heard over the communicator, but Brody couldn't even breathe.

"It" in front of him is looking down at him.

Matte black skin as dark as water and teeth shining pale in contrast. It seemed like an unidentified monster was going to bite his neck off at any moment.

"It" reached out its hand to him.


Brody closed his eyes tightly against the coming pain.

A few seconds passed, but nothing happened. When Brody opened his eyes slightly, "It" was holding out a communicator to him.

Brody suddenly received the communicator that the monster held out.

And then "it" brought its long claws to its mouth full of vicious teeth.


There weren't many actions Brody could take in this situation.

The man in front of me reported into the communicator in a trembling voice.

"This is Brody from Fifteen. "The person who was originally in charge of the communicator fell, so I took it instead."

"Tsk, it's all different. "As soon as you wake up, move right away."

"Oh, I understand!"

The man who called himself Brody faithfully followed my wishes.

'Then let's get started.'

I activated the parasitic colony. A parasite escaped from my arm and swam in the scum.

"Stop that!"

Brody is scared and hesitates, but he cannot escape. Because the tip of my tail was behind him and poking his back.

"Kkeok kek kek kek!"

He coughed and trembled as parasites entered his nostrils.

His eyes rolled back and his tongue hung out of his mouth out of control. This is due to the process by which parasites settle in the brain.

The person standing at the front was paralyzed and had to watch as his colleague was being dealt the same punishment.

'You looked rebellious.'

Unlike the person I infected with parasites, that person had a pretty rough mouth.

Those infected with parasites must obey me, but as was the case with William last time, those who are overly rebellious are difficult to control.

Because I can do things that are different from what I expected.

'We need to check the chip inside the body as well.'

To do that, you have to take a close look at one of your employees.

'It just worked out. 'Let's check this person first.'

I approached the lead man, holding the one I had paralyzed first with one arm.

If you do this, it will look like the two are supporting each other on the other side. In that state, I picked up the lead man.

I examined the man's body using assistive organs.

'There must be a signal chip planted somewhere.'

There are subtle electrical signals flowing through my brain, but I'll get rid of that later. Since it is a device for managing employees, it must be taken care of rather than destroyed.

While examining the man's body, I felt a signal near his wrist.

I grabbed the man's arm with my fighting arm and ripped it off.

"Hee hee!"

Brody, who was watching from the side, was astonished.

The man looked down blankly as his arm fell off.

Because your entire body is paralyzed, you will not feel any pain. You probably think you're having a terrible nightmare.

When I cut my arm open, a small chip was glowing. I carefully took out the chip with the small arms of my chest.

'it's okay.'

The moment the chip was in my hand, the communicator rang.


"It's Brody!"

"What's going on? "Why isn't it moving?"

"Oh no! "I'll move right away!"

"Tsk, I can't believe I had to do something like this."

I tried, but even if the chip escaped the person's body, there was no signal going to the other side.

That means…

'There is no need for this person.'

I was hungry because I was making a nest, but it turned out well.

I opened my mouth wide and bit the man's shoulder. Perhaps because I had grown in size, half of the man's upper body was crushed by my strong jaw.



Brody couldn't even scream and just trembled.

Even the person who was paralyzed and captured by me must have been quite shocked to see his comrades being eaten alive. The water around me suddenly warmed up.

After taking a few bites, all the other parts went into my stomach and only the head remained.

'Let me see.'

He grabbed his head with his fighting arm and applied so much force that his skull resembled a broken pumpkin.

A black mechanical device was visible among the flowing debris. This device was also held tightly in the small hand on the chest.

I poured all the rest into my mouth. I licked all of the nails, including the tip, with my tongue.

After eating all of the man, I handed over two chips to Brody, who was overcome with fear.



Now that I know how the chip works, the ruler in my arm is not particularly useful.

In a paralyzed state, the most useful way for this person to urinate or urinate is to become my nourishment.


His eyes flutter, as if he sensed what I was going to do to him.

It's always been like that until now, but I'm not the type of person who would treat it like that.

With Brody watching, I completely ate this guy too.

The time it took to deal with two adult men was short, less than a few minutes.

After replenishing the energy I had spent building the nest, I handed over the newly acquired chip and device to Brody.

「This…girl…go…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of…' "…Yes


Brody, who saw his two colleagues being eaten, quietly followed my instructions. He placed two servings of chips and devices between the gaps in the mask.

After sending him off, I moved towards the other team.

There's still a lot left to do.

「Ah, I understand! "I'll be moving soon."

Tennessee roughly turned off the communicator.

"Why do these lowly servants fall so often? "I can't believe it's so difficult even though it's just barely walking."

This was already the fifth communication.

Those pathetic bastards were slowing down the operation by saying all kinds of nonsense, like saying they were late because they fell off their seats, or that they were wandering around.

"It was dishonorable to have low-ranking servants participate in the operation in the first place."

If the people here were his comrades who had fought a glorious battle with him, the unidentified monster would have been slaughtered in an instant.


In the first place, this situation and operation were not what Tennessee had hoped for.

'I wanted revenge…'

Unfortunately, His Majesty, to whom he was loyal, did not allow it.

'He told me to capture him alive when I find him.'

Currently, the Knights who participated in the support role of the National Guard were divided into three groups to carry out operations, but in reality, they were divided into four groups.

Group 2, commanded by Jacob, and Group 4, commanded by Yanek, are mixed together.

Group 4 was tasked with secretly waiting on the ground and when a target was discovered, they were tasked with capturing the monster or impeding the approach of the National Guard.

Since they are fully armed with the weapons they brought with them from the fleet, capturing the mysterious monster will not be very difficult.

'Capture the enemy who brutally killed his comrades.'

Tennessee would at least try to fight if it participated in Group 4, but Tennessee was very frustrated with the reality that even that was impossible.

"…Tch, I guess I'll have to go up after this cycle."

Tennessee shook his head and managed to calm his anger.

Strangely enough, I felt like I was getting feverish while I was in the water.

Even though he was a human who had undergone genetic modification, it did not mean that he could not feel hot and cold.

Surely the water in the sewer felt as cold as ice to him, but his senses were currently off track. My body suddenly developed a fever and my senses became dull.

This was sending a red signal to his brain, but Tennessee decided it was just because he was angry. They believed that he, who was genetically perfect, could not possibly get sick.


Suddenly I heard the sound of water.

Tennessee looked in the direction from which the sound was heard. It was a place full of deep darkness, but it didn't matter to him.

Concealment is useless in front of advanced reinforced suits that support various vision functions.

'Did I hear wrong?'

I tried several detection systems such as heat detection, visual field, vibration detection field, etc., but nothing was caught.

Tennessee turned its head again.

At that moment, "it" came out from behind and attacked him.

A simple camp installed inside the sewer around the manhole.

Because the depth of the water here is low, a group of knights were laying down mechanical equipment and supplies to assist in exploration and combat.

"How has communication equipment been supplemented?"

"We did our best to improve it, but maybe because it's underground, they don't listen very well."

"Hmm, maybe it's because of the anti-EMP systems the board put in place all over the city."

"Kuhmm, that's true as expected. Anyway, let's try our best."

"All right."

Nearby, members and National Guardsmen were moving around diligently and inspecting equipment.

There, Vickers was checking the cameras connected to each group representative.


Vickers, who was checking the camera, felt something strange and picked up the communicator.

"It's 1 trillion Vickers. "The direction of the Tennessee camera is strange. Please adjust it."

"I understand, that's fine."

"While you're at it, make sure to coordinate the communicator as well. "There's noise."


A moment passed and the camera returned to its original state. The camera didn't move at all as Tennessee stayed in place.

Seeing that disciplined appearance, Vickers secretly sighed.

'Well, you probably want revenge.'

The vice-captain also knew well how much Tennessee cared for its teammates. If his personality had been even a little calmer, he would have been given command of Group 4 instead of Yanek.

While I was lost in thought, a nearby signal manager started making noise and crying.


"You're a bastard!"

This is a device that displays the movement path when the bait moves outside of the designated path.

When this machine rings, it means that the monster has taken the bait.

Vickers quickly picked up the communicator.

"That's 1 trillion Vickers! "He took the bait!"

「Job 2. This is Jacob. Where is it?」

「Where is it?」

"The location is…."

Vickers, who was trying to tell the location, was speechless when he saw the signals that appeared on the manager screen.

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route signals are rapidly increasing. There was.

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