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Chapter 61: 061

Ep. 61

There are more than thousands of characteristics in the world of space survival.

Some of them have characteristics that are powerful enough to completely change the course of the war, while others make you question how they passed the review process.

Since there are many characteristics with all kinds of effects, naturally, characteristics such as body transformation are also present.

For example, the Wolf I caught before.

They are like werewolves of the space age, each with the unique ability to transform into a beast form for a short period of time. When playing as a Volpro, regaining their true form becomes your main goal.

It may be similar to Amorph in that it pursues the evolution of a better existence.

The reason I say this is because the current changes in my body were similar to Wolff's transformation. Originally, I had the body of a monster, but my new appearance was closer to a beast than a monster.

The skin covering its head grew rapidly until it covered my eyes, and its horns became long and massive like spears.

The existing 3m tall body became much larger, making it impossible to stand inside the room.

Thanks to the full organic effect, the thick, muscled fighting arms were further strengthened and their shape changed. Only the skin covering the wrist grew unbalanced, giving the appearance of wearing a small shield. The outer surface of the shield-like outer shell had small thorns, so it seemed like it could be used not only to defend against enemy attacks, but also to actively attack.

The spine firing organ on the left forearm has also changed significantly, and what was previously a long gun is now closer to a mortar.

'Besides, there are three muzzles, right?'

This means that you can now fire three shots at the same time or in succession. Thanks to this, there is no longer a lack of long-distance firepower.

It's shocking up to this point, but the biggest change was in my back.

'Are your arms extended?'

Two more arms were added to the back.

Unlike my other arms, it had four joints, and instead of a hand, it had an elongated, crescent-shaped bone blade at the end of the arm. It was truly an arm designed solely for fighting and killing.

'Was this the reason wings were banned?'

Seeing that the sensation of moving the wings was almost identical, it was clear that the arms on the back were organs that replaced the wings.

I swung my back arm a few times. The bone blade at the end of the arm must have been sharp, so it made a threatening sound of cutting the air every time it was swung.

It was definitely a change that was worthy of being called a 'representation' of hunting.

'I never thought it would feel so vivid even though I couldn't see.'

Although I completely lost my vision, I did not feel any regrets at all, perhaps because the function of my auxiliary organs improved by more than three times.

Thanks to the auxiliary organ, I was able to read not only the changes in my body but also the movements of the people in this entire building. You could even hear the heartbeats of the four people wrapped in reinforced suits.

'There is a price for powerful characteristics, and if this is a change, the backlash will be enormous.'

If it were a characteristic that accompanied this level of change, the energy consumption rate would be insanely high. If you're not careful, you could starve to death as soon as the effect ends.

'Let's go out first…'

"This way!"

At that time, a knight outside aimed a plasma bolter at the room I was in. The plasma fuel inside the bolter was converted into energy and fired out of the muzzle.

Plasma energy, the essence of pure destruction, was not enough to turn the wall into dust and attacked me.



A voice modulated by mechanical sounds. The only emotion inside him was embarrassment.

Even though I was hit with plasma energy from the front, my outer skin was intact except for being slightly scorched.

'Are you okay?'

It's not that there was no pain at all, but it was only a very slight pain. Does your tongue feel slightly sore when you drink slightly hot coffee?

I brushed the soot off my skin with my fighting arms and crawled out of the room.

Because of my size, I couldn't bend my back, so I placed all my fighting arms on the floor and moved in a half-crawling form. However, because he was so big, the hallway was filled with just me.

Unlike before, the enemy seemed to be overwhelmed by its larger size, so it hesitated and retreated.


"It's a plasma bolter, but it doesn't work!"

"Everyone get back!"

As I growled, the enemies began to retreat quickly.

This situation got quite interesting.

I gave strength to my tail and swung it strongly.

Not only did the tail destroy the hallway wall, but it also struck one of the enemies, a knight at the back. The reinforced suit, which easily destroyed concrete walls, was dented in an instant.


The knight's back was bent unnaturally after being hit by my tail. Although his injuries should have resulted in his immediate death, he did not die because he had an optional life support machine installed.


"Damn it, it's already too late! We need to step back and reorganize!"

"Damn it!"

Instead of chasing the other knights, I approached the wounded knight named Fifield.

'Because my jaw has been strengthened, there will be no problem if I eat it as is.'

If you eat after activating the metal absorption effect, your defense will double, but considering you will return to the nest, you must leave the current cloaking function behind.

I grabbed the knight with my fighting arms.

The advanced reinforced suit he is wearing is close to an armor suit. So he was tall, almost 3 meters tall, but he had to look up at me because I was taller than him.

"Cough, our Silver Lion Knights, sneeze at you…"

The voice was modulated to a mechanical sound, but the coughing sound could not be hidden. The scent of blood lingered inside his armor, as if he had vomited blood.

I stopped attacking for a moment.

It was not to save him, but because one of his words was caught.

'It's the Knights.'

Edgerton is the only force in Megacorp that can use the word knights.

'The head of the family is here.'

If you play as the Egerton family, you will be provided with mercenaries called the family's knights as a perk when you become the head of the family. In the game, the name is determined randomly, but in real life, it seems to be called the Silver Lion Knights.

'Well, since it's a board meeting, all 7 Megacorp families will come.'

It was highly likely that those coming from other families would also bring a large number of bodyguards like them.

'I know that some families' guards are fixed in the system.'

Just as Egerton has knights, some families have mercenaries that are provided unconditionally. However, not everyone is like that, so I have to check that myself.

Anyway, there is nothing more for the prey to hear. I grabbed his head with my back arm.

The sharp and hard bone blade pierced the visor helmet of the advanced armored suit and lodged itself in the top of the guy's head. As the blade was pulled out, blood and brain fluid were scattered, and the reinforced suit stopped working upon the owner's death.

Inside the destroyed helmet was the face of a young, handsome white man. He may have been quite popular when he was alive, but now he was nothing more than a corpse with brain fluid dripping from a hole in the top of his head.

I opened my mouth wide and bit into the knight's corpse. Thanks to his enlarged body and flexible jaws, I was able to take his entire chest in my mouth at once.

When I applied force to my chin in that state, the advanced reinforced clothing shattered without any help. The flesh and blood inside came out of the armor and flowed into my body.

It was similar to the sensation of biting into a candy filled with sweet jam.

'It looks like this guy is also a remodeled human.'

That means the taste is excellent.

The reinforced clothing, which was almost like a piece of metal, was a negative factor, but considering its interesting texture, it was still worth eating.

The knight wearing the reinforced suit became my food in just a few minutes. Its body grew so large that it could quickly eat food that was 3 meters long.

As I finished eating, a translucent text box came to mind, but I ignored it.

'It's still hunting time.'

You must diligently catch the fleeing sheep until the symbol of the hunt is over.

"Your Highness, Laila's general manager, is said to be throwing a soiree for you."

"Huh, when did you prepare that again?"

"As you may know, she is the daughter of the famous Saddam Chamberlain. "It shouldn't be difficult to demonstrate this level of resourcefulness."

"Tsk, Saddam is a very lucky man."

Denver was amazed by the resourcefulness of Lila Chamberlain, who had just become an adult.

Currently, he was staying in a luxurious room located within the Monument skyscraper in the administrative district. There was nothing special up to that point, but the condition of the room was unusual.

All the facilities and decorations in the room were exactly the same as those in Denver's office. Not only was the appearance the same, but even the material and age of the furniture was the same.

'I don't have to worry since he is such a good farmer.'

Although it is not known to the outside world, Prime Capital Edgerton and Noble Capital T&C have been in a secret relationship since Denver became a state. This was because T&C was providing the money for the new Hulk Mutant development project, which was being secretly promoted by Denver, and was costing a huge amount of money.

The reward for receiving the money is that Edgerton votes for T&C's Saddam Chamberlain at board meetings. I don't know about Laila, but Denver had already finished talking with Saddam and came here.

'Anyway, I thought about calling William again after seeing him for a long time, but I never thought something like that would happen.'

Denver was quite surprised to see his former subordinate attempting suicide in front of him. In his memory, William was not a person who would consider suicide.


Denver pondered William's last words.

What exactly did his old subordinate ask him to do? In the past, when the first project ended due to an unfortunate incident, Denver provided a considerable amount of compensation to the project team members.

'I don't think it's because of the credits.'

Even if credit is urgent, is it more urgent than life? It didn't seem like his self-harm came from such a trivial reason.

'A problem that cannot be solved by oneself. And a very urgent matter.'

Unfortunately, Denver does not know much about the circumstances of the T&C Special Trade Center. Although I have a very detailed knowledge of political issues, it is difficult to know what issues ordinary police officers are risking their lives to ask for help with.

'I need to gather information about William.'

After gathering his thoughts, Denver asked the vice-captain.

"What happened to the person who attempted suicide?"

"He is currently in a hospital in the commercial district. "The surgery was completed successfully and he is currently in a recovery capsule."

"hmm. "He's an old friend of mine, so don't feel bad about him."

"We have attached four members of the Knights of the Silver Lion. "We are all veterans, so you don't have to worry."

"If the vice-captain says so, then I can feel at ease."

As befits a vice-captain, he acknowledged, it was a neat job done. Denver nodded and gave further instructions to the vice-captain.

"And then. "Please investigate and tell me about the recent security issues in this city."

"You mean security issues?"

"uh. "I have a question."

"All right. "I will investigate and report by tomorrow."

Now Denver had to get ready to go to the soiree, so the vice-captain came out.

He didn't understand why Denver cared about a police officer who ruined the welcome ceremony, but he didn't really question it. Denver's capricious instructions were more than once.

Just like the Knights of the Silver Lion, it is also just your Majesty's sword. The wielder of the sword is never questioned.

The vice-captain, who returned to his room, called another knight. It was to carry out orders given by Denver.

"We will investigate with the members."


After sending his subordinates away, the vice-captain took out a luxuriously decorated communication device.

"I guess I should check this one more time."

The Silver Lion Knights are one of Egerton's best special forces, made up of veteran warriors with hundreds of victories. Since all of them were human weapons armed with high-grade reinforced clothing and various vicious weapons, the vice-captain was not particularly worried.

I just want to check whether the operation is being carried out as usual.

But today's operation did not go as he expected.


「Damn it! Milburn has been hit!"

"Vice-Captain Vickers!" Please apply! Fifield Milburn has already been hit…

hell was unfolding beyond the communicator.

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