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Chapter 27: 027

'Damn you bastards…!'

A pile of steel structures from a collapsed cargo hold.

Elchen was lying inside. The auxiliary heart was destroyed by his subordinate Garlic, but he did not die because he had another heart.

The problem is that his current condition is no different from just breathing.

The auxiliary heart serves to stabilize the Hulk mutant injected with all kinds of genes. A Hulk mutant without a secondary heart dies shortly after.

It's a shame he's an improved being, otherwise his body would have collapsed.

'How dare you betray me? 'I'll make you beg me to kill you.'

In fact, it was the presence of the traitor that made him as angry as the threat of death.

I wanted to grab it right away and tear its limbs apart, but there was something to do first.

'Fuck. 'I never thought the device would be broken.'

Garlic, a clever man, knew that it was a percussion trigger, but he didn't hesitate to destroy it.

Thanks to this, the timer installed in the nuclear reactor has already started working. In exactly 10 minutes, everyone on this ship will turn to dust.

'I'm going to die here? Don't be funny! Who am I? This is Elchen Dvarada.'

He crawled hard even though his paralyzed body was still unrelieved.

With the sole intention of surviving somehow.

"Baby, aren't you in pain?"

Number 26 spoke to me while I was running. I can feel the guy being held in my small hands trembling.

[Zuzuzuzu (It's already healed)]


Because I have the characteristic of 'regenerative power', even a small tear in the outer skin can be repaired quickly. Although the wound remains on my leg, the bleeding has stopped.

I stroked No. 26 with my small hand and wondered how to attack Sihyeon.

'A surprise attack would probably be difficult.'

Her eyes, Terrordevil's, have the ability to see through. Even if I'm hiding, she'll see right through me. And it's my guess, but besides her eyes, she seems to have the ability to detect invisible enemies.

And currently I have a time limit. In such a situation, wasting time by hiding is rather counterproductive.

The trigger device the boss had was a type that activated when subjected to a strong shock. The timer would have started the moment the device was stabbed by Sihyeon's knife.

'I don't think the time limit will be short.'

The bomb is the boss's bluff card. Even if it worked regardless of his will, he would have left enough room to turn it off somehow.

I want to go and disarm the bomb first, but that isn't easy.

This is a vision of activating a bomb by piercing the trigger device and the heart of the leader. You probably already knew that there was a bomb installed on this ship. However, it is obvious that he committed such a dangerous act.

'You're probably trying to get me to act.'

My attention to bombs would also fall within her calculations. They're probably expecting me to try to board an escape ship.

'…I feel a sense of déjà vu.'

Just as I guided the enemy's actions when fighting pirates, Sihyeon used the same strategy. Should I say that it feels like fighting with the player when I see this?

In any case, there is only one result she can achieve by pushing me.


To subdue me with overwhelming force in the place she intended.

That is Sihyeon Eugene's strategy.

As long as the other side is pushing me, I have no choice but to follow them.

If you were a 'normal' player.

'First, let's organize the factors that are negative to me.'

There are currently three conditions that are unfavorable to me.

Weak attack ability and lack of information on defense ability compared to time-limited enemies.

The problem here that I cannot solve right away is the time limit. This isn't an enemy you'll fight with even worrying about bombs. You have to pay attention to the bombs and focus only on killing the enemies.

'The lack of information can only be resolved by confronting it directly.'

If I were a player who enjoyed other races, I would have been broken by her, but I am an Aimorph player. The only people in the game who know more about genetic traits than me are the production team.

'Then what's left is attack and defense…'

I've even thought about going to the situation room and catching the cyborg, but that method also has a problem. When I evolve to the next level, my body will be completely disabled for at least a few hours. If the bomb explodes or is discovered along the way, that's it.

'Evolution is on hold…ah.'

As I was thinking about evolution, a thought occurred to me.

That was in the lab. If only we had that, we might be able to turn the unfavorable situation around.


I walked into the laboratory.

If you eat psionium, you can use the abilities of a subadult for a short period of time.

Sihyeon Eugene possesses the Gallagon Claw trait. Therefore, in a cutting wind game where psychic power and other energies are mixed, energy commonly called sword energy can be released. Currently, I have no resistance to psychic powers at all, so I cannot respond to Gallagon's claws.

But what if it becomes a subadult here? When it becomes a sub-adult, it gains psychic power resistance as an evolution perk. I don't know if she's a real Gallagon, but if she has implanted claws, my shell can handle it.

'Plus, you have a means of long-distance attack.'

I have saw blade tentacles, but these are only a mid-range deterrent at best. It is not enough to fight Gallagon's claws on Sihyeon's arm. Moreover, their senses are also connected, so it would be a disaster if they recklessly stick out their tentacles and get cut.

'Because the subadult's long-distance attacks have no such disadvantages.'

If we have to be honest, does it mean that energy consumption is high? In any case, we need to win before the psionium effect wears off. There is no time to worry about energy.

When I arrived at the laboratory nest, I put down No. 26.

[Zuzu Zuzuzu (Wait a minute)]

「Where are you going?」

[Zuzuz Zuzu (I have something to take care of)]

「Baby, no.」

[Zuzuzu (Don't worry)]

No. 26 didn't move even though I said it was okay because it wasn't a big deal. . The guy's body blinked uneasily, as if he had something to say but was having trouble saying it.

[Zuzuzuz (What's wrong?)]

The guy who was worried didn't say anything in the end. If it had been any other time, I would have waited for him to say something, but now I don't have time.

I left him behind and approached the laboratory refrigerator. Purple liquid stored in the refrigerator. I took it out and drank it in one gulp.


My body becomes hot as if on fire. I somehow thought that would be the case when No. 26, who was forcibly injected with medicine, was in pain, but the pain was more than I expected.

In the game, when you eat it, it ends with a buff effect appearing at the top of the screen, but this is reality. I had to go through the entire process of my body being forcibly transformed by drugs.

Pain surged through my bones as if someone was forcibly holding and stretching my skeleton, and my muscles became firm like a forcibly inflated balloon, but eventually tore. The outer shell covering the body also suddenly became heavier.

I unconsciously fell to my knees due to the immense pain. I almost screamed, but I gritted my teeth and barely held it in.

'…I can't faint like this.'

How much time has passed? The pain that made me lose my mind gradually subsided. It felt like the growing pains that should have taken years were completed in one minute.

After successfully completing the change, I stood up. As always, a translucent text window greeted me without fail.

「Species: Unidentified hostile space creature

Status: Subadult (temporary)

Goal: Survive (successfully evolve once).

Possessed characteristics

-Body-related (applying type): Wings Chitinous shell Regeneration (fusion) Neurotoxin glands (fusion) Monster skeleton (temporary) Acid blood Strengthening leg strength Mimic Saw blade Tentacles Contamination organ Spiny bone Projection organ (temporary) -Superpower-related:

Predator Senses (fusion) Superpower Organ Humanity Superpower Resistance (Temporary)

Type: Physical Enhancement Type」

'It's a success.'

Among the characteristics, some changes are noticeable. The reinforced exoskeleton received as a fluid perk has been upgraded to a monster skeleton. Due to the combination of the chitinous skin characteristics and the type effect, my height has grown significantly compared to before. About a little over 2m? The tail became longer, reaching almost 4 meters.

'And it also got horns.'

Stunning horns reminiscent of yak horns grew on the outer covering of the head. Just like the outer shell, the chitin material also received a strengthening effect, making it very hard and sharp. Previously, the outer shell of the head was only used to protect the body, but now that it has horns, it can be used to actively attack or stab enemies.

When I checked my arms and legs, I saw that they were much thicker than before. One thing worth noting is the subtle purple sheen on the outer surface of the shell.

'It's a super power shield. 'It's been a while since I saw you.'

While the characteristic is effective, it is as if my body has a protective shield against psychic power. You can block Sihyeon's Gallagon's claws with this.

'Finally, the spine projectile organ.'

The left lower arm changed into a different shape than before. If you look below the wrist, there were long stick-like organs instead of four fingers. It looked similar to a gun barrel, but as it looked, it was a part that functioned as a kind of living gun.

'It shoots spines instead of bullets.'

It is a structure that fires spines, which are automatically generated within the body, through a small hole at the end of the barrel. If you look at it this way, it may not seem like a big deal, but the advantages of the spiny bone launcher are by no means small.

'The spine-piercing power exceeds that of a plasma pistol.'

Although its destructive power itself is weak, its penetrating power is enormous, making it perfect for fighting heavily armored opponents. If I had fought the boss against a subadult opponent, he would have turned into a hive and died as soon as the fight started.

'And you can also give characteristic effects to the spines.'

Like the pollutant, it can shoot acid or poison bones. In other words, I can say that I got a gun that allows me to choose the bullets I want and shoot them.

Although the number of polluting organs that spit out spores has been reduced to one, this should be seen as a benefit unless you go for nest specialization.

With that, the inspection of the new ability was completed. The last thing I need to check is the timeout.

'There's probably 5 minutes left.'

The psionium time limit in the game was 5 minutes.

It's definitely not a long time. We need to win the game as quickly as possible.

When all preparations were completed, Si-hyeon approached the area I could sense.

I linked to the nest and activated all the spores in her path. Because I need to drain as much power as possible before fighting her. Fortunately, perhaps because it became a subadult, the spore activation was much faster and more accurate than previous attempts.


The entire ship trembled violently along with the explosion. It must have been destroyed in one go because the slime threatening her was flowing down the hallway.

I released the link and immediately picked up No. 26 who was next to me. The guy, who had been immersed in an unknown concern just a moment ago, kept blinking the light as if he was amazed at how big I had suddenly become.

"and! The baby has grown again!」

[Zuzuzu zuzuzuzu (I'm going to run, so hold on tight)]


The place I'm going to is where the bomb was installed, that is, the nuclear reactor.

It is so sensitive that it will explode if you touch it even slightly. No matter how many genes she absorbed, it would be impossible to survive a nuclear explosion. It would be difficult for her to fight properly around a nuclear reactor.

As I was running with No. 26 in my arms, she appeared in the hallway in front of me.

"Where are you going?"

She was covered in acidic slime and her clothes had melted away, leaving her almost half naked, but there was not a single wound on her body. She glared at me and pulled out Gallagon's claws from both hands.


I quickly threw No. 26 in the back.

There is no time to feel sorry for this guy. Because her offensive has already begun.

As the white blade cut through the air, a crescent-shaped sword energy was created in the air. The sword energy hit my body like a guided missile without the slightest error. As it collided with the shield, purple sparks flew out and scratches appeared on the area where it was hit.


Although there is a protective shield, it does not completely block it, so there is some pain. Fortunately, it is not a deep wound, and this level can be recovered using the regenerative ability.


Sihyeon tilts his head. I guess it's strange that despite my intentions, I'm still fine.

I was just as surprised as she was when she saw me.

'It's normal if you can't see it.'

The reason Gallagon's claws are scary is not only because they are supernatural attacks, but most of all because the attack path is invisible. It's bound to be tricky because you have to predict where the attack will come from just by looking at the enemy's swing.

I'm sure she did, but I didn't miss the attack she made just now. I wondered what was going on, but something popped into my head.

'Could it be a superpower organization?'

I've never gotten it while playing a game, so I never dreamed it would even have this feature.

Although we received unexpected information, we are now fighting. Deciding to think about this information later, I rushed towards her.

My strengthened legs kicked down the hallway. The combination of the three factors of type, characteristic, and evolution status made my rush truly explosive.

Like a missile fired from a silo, my body was shot at Sihyeon. Her pupils dilated slightly, as if my movements were faster than expected.

I was planning to pierce her abdomen with the horns on her head, but she was a formidable opponent. She pulled out Gallagon's claws from her other arm and then flicked my horn.


"Are you faster than before?"

Perhaps because he also acquired a gene that increases his strength, he has incredible strength. It easily surpasses the strength of that large Hulk mutant. If it hadn't been a sub-adult, my neck would have been broken by a counter attack right now.

Her slender legs flew into my abdomen like lightning. I turned my body sideways to avoid the kick and swung my tail wildly while lying down on the floor. A huge 4 meter long tail swept across the floor and hit her thigh.

"ha ha ha! "It's not enough!"

I know. Her posture collapses slightly, but there is no sign of pain on her face.

But my attack is not over yet. With my tail wrapped around her and pinned down, my left forearm was pointed directly at her head.



The sound of a piano string being plucked was heard, and a spike was fired from the end of the barrel that replaced the wrist. She quickly blocked three of Gallagon's claws before the thorn bone pierced her head.

"Is it pretty? "You're pushing me like this."

While saying that, she bit my tail with her Gallagon claw. I was already working my tail off because I was expecting a counterattack.

At that moment, her black hair glowed red.

'Red hair? 'Wait, no way?'

I quickly distanced myself from her, but I was a little late. For a brief moment, less than a second, a dazed feeling as if I was suffering from body ailment enveloped my entire body. When I woke up from the dream-like sensation, a terrible pain came from my tail.

He barely came to his senses and retrieved his tail, but the injuries were so severe that almost a third of the circumference was cut off.

'That's Red Mist's ability!'

Redmist is an apex predator that lives on a jungle-type planet. It is a jaguar-like animal with a red mane that can emit hallucinogenic pheromones. It may not seem like a big deal when you first hear about it, but once you are caught in that pheromone, it is impossible to escape on your own, so it is a very threatening ability. To the extent that the only solution is to minimize the hallucinogenic effect by increasing the distance.

It's an animal as rare as the White Gallagon, but I don't know where on earth they got those genes.

"You're increasing the distance. You seem to know a lot about Red Mist? "As expected, I'm interested."

She smiles as if she likes it.

'As expected, he is not an easy opponent.'

If you have Red Mist's hallucination ability, you have to fight it out somehow until the Psionium effect ends. When I become a body, I lose my ability to attack from a distance.

'In times like this, you need to stay calm.'

Nothing will change if you panic. Calmly seeking opportunities is the only way for me to win.

After seeing that her tail had recovered somewhat, I rushed at her again.

"Kyahaha! "It has to come out like that!"

She laughed and kicked my arm. As my arm was splitting the air, Gallagon's claws dug into my arms.

Her attack on my abdomen was thwarted by me twisting my back. My lower arm wasn't idle all this time. Slime shot from the holes between the four toes towards her eyes.


No matter how strong she was, she couldn't help but feel physiological disgust, so she closed her eyes for a moment. I did not let go of a situation where the enemy was temporarily neutralized.

I aimed for her shoulder with my sharp horn, but unfortunately it was shallow. Because she quickly pulled her shoulder away, it only caused scratches on her body.

"Are you going to keep making this boring?"

I quickly backed away because her hair was starting to glow red again. As he retreated, he shot a thorn bone at her as a check.


She clicked her tongue, halting the transformation, and pulled out Gallagon's claws again, flicking away the spines.

'What did you just do?'

She counterattacked by shooting sword energy at me. I avoided the sword energy by pressing my body against the floor and glared at her again.


She looked calm as if nothing had happened. But I could sense the unnaturalness on her face.

I think I have a vague idea what her problem is.

'You can't use two abilities at once, right?'

I finally got a clue on how to attack her.

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