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59.25% Genshin Impact: They all seem to like me!? / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Sakura Tree

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Sakura Tree

Teiyu was startled! His heart raced as he realized how valuable these seemingly insignificant Inazuman goods were when sold overseas.

"However, we've hit a snag recently," Beidou's once high spirits dampened as she spoke. "While Thunderstruck Filletfish is rare, it's still traceable and catchable. The real trouble is Sakura Bloom, which is sparsely distributed and difficult to gather in large quantities."

"Shinobu and I found out that the Grand Narukami Shrine is a good place to source Sakura Bloom, so we planned to negotiate with them. But that fox woman on the mountain demanded an outrageous 50-50 split!"

"I'm out here risking my life on the seas, and she expects me to hand over half of my earnings? All while she sits pretty, doing nothing? Does she think I'm that easy to push around?" Beidou's anger flared as she unleashed a fierce bolt of lightning, leaving the ground scorched and ruined.

Teiyu felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched. "What a terrifying woman..."

Indeed, it seemed no one could get the better of Yae Miko. Even someone as formidable as Beidou, who could hold her own in dealings with Liyue's "Tianquan" Ningguang, was left frustrated by Yae Miko.

Despite her prowess and the respect she commanded from Liyue's major merchants, Beidou found herself helpless against Yae Miko's cunning.

Teiyu couldn't help but recall his own unpleasant experiences with Yae Miko—the sly smiles, the alluring figure, the way she manipulated every situation to her advantage...

"Stop, stop... let's not think about that fox right now," Teiyu muttered, shaking his head vigorously to clear his thoughts.

"What should we do now?" Itto, seeing everyone downcast, couldn't help but feel disheartened. They had finally found a promising venture, and he had even worked hard to overcome his bean allergy, only to be thwarted by a single woman.

"Forget it! We won't source from her!" Beidou crossed her arms in frustration, her ample chest heaving with each angry breath. Even with her usually calm demeanor, dealing with Yae Miko had pushed her to the edge.

Sakura Bloom wasn't exclusive to the Grand Narukami Shrine; it could be found in other parts of Inazuma as well. However, it was so scattered that gathering it in large quantities was nearly impossible—only the shrine had a consistent supply.

"That woman thinks she has the upper hand, but she's not getting off that easily!" Kuki Shinobu's face, hidden beneath her mask, was also tinged with frustration. Despite her resourcefulness, she had yet to best Yae Miko in any of their dealings.

From polite negotiations to outright bribery, nothing had worked. Yae Miko would accept gifts with a smile, but she never budged on her demands.

"She would say things like, 'Oh, this gift came just in time to cover a shrine maiden's medical expenses!' or 'What a thoughtful gesture—why don't I perform a dance as thanks?' And then, she'd just pocket the gift!" Kuki Shinobu grumbled, feeling utterly defeated by Yae Miko's craftiness.

Every time Shinobu tried to use connections to pressure Yae Miko, it backfired. The official she approached turned out to be too scared of Yae Miko to help and instead ratted her out, giving Yae Miko more leverage.

"Even before I say a word, she gives me that mocking look, and I end up losing before the conversation even starts," Shinobu admitted, feeling as if all her training had been for nothing. Yae Miko was simply too cunning.

Teiyu was speechless, awed by Yae Miko's ability to outmaneuver someone as skilled as Kuki Shinobu.

The mood was somber as everyone pondered their next move. They all felt beaten down by Yae Miko, that sly fox.

"Maybe I should ask my sister for help in getting on Yae Miko's good side," Shinobu hesitated before suggesting. Her sister, Akane, was a shrine maiden at the Grand Narukami Shrine. Normally, Shinobu avoided her, but she was willing to set aside her personal discomfort for the sake of the Arataki Gang.

Beidou and Itto exchanged glances, knowing how much it would mean for Shinobu to ask her sister for such a favor. They were both touched and ashamed that it had come to this.

"Why don't we all go up the mountain tomorrow? I'll confront Yae Miko myself!" Teiyu offered, unable to bear seeing them so troubled. He felt a sense of responsibility as the Arataki Gang's temporary leader, even if only in name, to help them out.


"Teiyu, you don't need to get involved," they tried to dissuade him, grateful for his offer but concerned for his safety.

"Thanks, but if we couldn't handle Yae Miko, what can you do?" they reasoned, doubting that Teiyu could succeed where they had failed.

Teiyu thought for a moment and decided to come clean about his connection with Yae Miko, though he chose to leave out the more personal details of their interactions.

"Wait, what? You wrote *Legend of the Condor Heroes*?" Itto's entire demeanor changed upon hearing this. "That's my favorite novel! I was so upset when the guys at Yae Publishing House almost canceled it..."

He suddenly squeezed Teiyu's hand, overwhelmed with excitement.

"Ouch... Itto, could you ease up a bit?" Teiyu winced as his hand was crushed by Itto's powerful grip.

"Sorry, sorry," Itto quickly let go, embarrassed by his overenthusiastic reaction.

"Teiyu, is it true? You really wrote *Legend of the Condor Heroes*?" Beidou asked, still in shock.


Before Teiyu could respond, Beidou shoved Itto aside and pulled Teiyu into a tight embrace.

"What just happened?" Teiyu wondered, suddenly finding himself enveloped in Beidou's strong embrace. He was momentarily stunned, feeling her firm, muscular body against him, her powerful arms holding him tightly.

"No way, this is too much!" he thought, realizing he was being held in an incredibly awkward position. Even with his high tolerance for embarrassment, this was too much.

"Wow, I can't believe it! To think this little guy turned out to be my favorite author, Rainy Night with Sword and Umbrella!" Beidou's voice was slurred, as if she were drunk. She adjusted her grip, holding Teiyu in a more comfortable position.

"Does this feel better, Rainy Night... sensei?"

"This is even worse!" Teiyu's mind raced as he felt the full impact of Beidou's embrace, his senses overwhelmed by the closeness.

"I... I can't... breathe..." he managed to gasp, feeling suffocated by the situation.

Kuki Shinobu, the only one still in her right mind, stepped in to separate the two.

"What... just happened?" Shinobu asked, trying to make sense of the situation. All she had heard was Teiyu revealing that he was the author of *Legend of the Condor Heroes*, and then the two of them had lost their minds.

"Thanks... Shinobu-senpai," Teiyu said, breathing heavily as he finally got some air. He had never imagined that revealing his pen name would cause such a reaction.

He didn't realize that Legend of the Condor Heroes had become a sensation in Liyue, with everyone from scholars to sailors discussing it.

For Beidou, a self-proclaimed "Condor Hero fanatic," the news was earth-shattering.

The group eventually made their way through the forest to the base of the mountain leading to Narukami Shrine. After some discussion, they decided to use the Thunder Sakura branches to ascend directly to the top.

Normally, the group would have hiked up the mountain, but upon hearing that Kuki Shinobu and Beidou could harness the power of their Electro Visions to ride the "Thunder Sakura Express," Itto couldn't contain his excitement. He threw a fit, demanding to be taken up the fast way.

"Come on, Shinobu! I want to fly up there!" Itto whined, much to the embarrassment of the others.

"Alright, alright… I never said I wouldn't take you," Shinobu sighed, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Teiyu, trying to stay out of the spotlight, hid behind the group. Itto's antics were too much for him to handle, and he didn't want to be associated with the spectacle.

"Fine, I'll take you up!" Beidou finally relented, kicking Itto lightly to get him moving.

The group gathered at the base of the Thunder Sakura. "This is the 'Thunder Sakura'?" Teiyu asked, looking up at the immense tree, awestruck by its size and the power it radiated.

Teiyu was awestruck by the sight before him. The Thunder Sakura, with its ethereal glow and intricate design, was nothing short of mesmerizing. The branches intertwined like serpents, each one pulsating with a mysterious purple energy. He could almost feel the power radiating from within, a power that only those blessed by the Thunder Spirit could harness.

The Thunder Sakura's branches were said to house these elusive spirits, and those who managed to win their favor could wield their power for flight. Even more intriguingly, with enough patience and care, these spirits could form a bond with their chosen, allowing them to assist in battle.

"Who wouldn't want a power like that?" Teiyu thought, enviously watching as Beidou and Kuki Shinobu casually summoned bolts of lightning that danced across their hands. He and Arataki Itto, on the other hand, were mere mortals—unable to access the mystical energy contained within the Thunder Sakura.

Itto was fortunate enough to possess a Geo Vision, which gave him considerable strength, but Teiyu? He had nothing, not even the blessing of the Thunder Spirit. It was as if he were standing at the threshold of greatness, yet unable to cross it.

"Let's go, Teiyu," Kuki Shinobu called, extending her hand.

"Come on, kid!" Beidou echoed, also reaching out to him.

Teiyu was caught off guard, staring at the two outstretched hands. He could feel the tension in the air, as if making the wrong choice could lead to something disastrous.

"Uh… I…" Teiyu stammered, unsure of what to do.

The silence was thick, and the atmosphere grew increasingly uncomfortable.

"Hey, what's the big deal? Shinobu's the second-in-command of the Arataki Gang, so she should go with Teiyu! I'm not the leader anymore, so I'll go with Beidou," Itto interjected, trying to diffuse the awkward situation.

Teiyu shot Itto a grateful look, relieved that the pressure had been lifted. Itto, oblivious as ever, just grinned and scratched his head.

However, Beidou's expression darkened. Without warning, she kicked Itto to the ground, then stepped on him as she released a surge of lightning, propelling them both into the air.

"Why'd you kick me, Beidou!?" Itto yelled as they ascended.

"Shut up," she snapped, her voice trailing off as they disappeared into the sky.

"Uh… okay," Teiyu muttered, turning back to Shinobu, who was blushing and looking away.

"Hold on tight," she said, her voice slightly shaky as she took his hand.

Teiyu could feel how cold and smooth her hand was, like a piece of finely polished jade. But he also noticed how stiff she was, as if she were a statue rather than a person.

"Is she really this nervous?" Teiyu wondered, a mischievous thought crossing his mind. He gently traced his finger across her palm.

Shinobu jolted as if struck by lightning, freezing up completely.

"Did I go too far?" Teiyu thought, now feeling a bit guilty.

"Shinobu, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

Suddenly, Shinobu's face flushed red, and without another word, she gripped his hand tightly and released a burst of lightning. They shot into the air, following the path Beidou had taken.

The sensation of flying with the Thunder Sakura was unlike anything Teiyu had ever experienced. It was as if a thin thread of lightning connected him to the tree, pulling him through the air with incredible speed. The wind roared in his ears, and the world below became a blur of colors.

But as they ascended higher, a wave of panic surged through him. His grip on Shinobu's hand slackened, and he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Wait! No, I'm afraid of heights!" Teiyu realized too late as he began to plummet.

"Teiyu!" Shinobu shouted in alarm. Without hesitation, she severed her connection with the Thunder Sakura and dove after him.

Teiyu's heart raced as he fell, the ground rushing up to meet him. He was powerless to stop his descent, and terror gripped him.

But then, Shinobu's voice cut through the wind, urging him to hold on. She unleashed the full power of her Vision, transforming the energy into a series of rings that propelled her downward. In an instant, she reached Teiyu and wrapped her arms around him, using her wings to steer them toward the safety of the mountain's steps.

Both of them lay on the ground, panting heavily. The adrenaline slowly ebbed, leaving them exhausted.

"I'm sorry… Shinobu. I didn't mean to scare you," Teiyu said once he caught his breath.

Shinobu, still shaken, shot him an angry glare. "You should have told me you were afraid of heights!"

Teiyu winced, realizing how serious the situation had been. "You're right. I should've said something."

After a moment, Shinobu sighed, the tension in her shoulders easing. "Just… tell me next time, okay? I don't want to lose you like that."

Teiyu nodded, grateful for her understanding.

When they finally reached Narukami Shrine, Beidou was waiting impatiently at the entrance.

"What took you so long?" she demanded, her irritation clear.

Shinobu explained what had happened, and Beidou's expression softened slightly. "We'll have to work on that fear of heights, Teiyu. You'll need to overcome it if we're going to adventure together in Liyue."

Teiyu nodded, determined to address the issue. He didn't want to let Beidou or anyone else down.

"Alright, let's go settle things with that fox woman," Itto declared, leading the way into the shrine.

At the shrine, Yae Miko was in the middle of a meeting, dressed in her traditional red and white shrine maiden attire. Her expression was serious, a stark contrast to her usual playful demeanor. The shrine's large sakura tree loomed overhead, its blossoms gently falling like pink snow.

Teiyu felt a mix of emotions as they approached, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


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