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90.76% Marvel : Homelander / Chapter 59: Ashley is not a good Parent

Chapter 59: Ashley is not a good Parent

A storm raged over the Indian ocean, thunder cracking violently as waves rose and fell like mountains.

A massive cargo ship, battered by the ferocious winds and rain, had begun to sink, its hull split by the relentless force of the sea.

The passengers, helpless and terrified, clung to whatever they could, their screams lost in the chaos.

Suddenly, a streak of blue cut through the stormy sky like a comet.

Homelander descended from the clouds, his cape billowing behind him.

He hovered above the sinking ship for a moment, surveying the disaster below.

Without hesitation, he flew to the fractured hull, his hands glowing with a power he crafted on the fly.

Grabbing the broken edges of the ship, he pressed the steel back together, his strength overwhelming as the metal groaned and bent under his grip.

In moments, the gap was sealed, and the ship was whole again.

But the storm was far from over.

Waves continued to crash against the ship, threatening to capsize it at any moment.

Homelander shot up into the sky, his eyes glowing bright red as he unleashed an overcharged blast of heat vision at the towering waves.

The water boiled and evaporated almost instantly , creating a harsh barrier of steam around the ship.

He turned his attention to the passengers, many of whom were trapped or struggling to stay above water already filling the ship.

Homelander swooped down, scooping people up in his arms, pulling them to safety one by one.

His speed was incredible, a blur of motion as he zipped across the ship, rescuing the last few passengers who had been swept overboard by the waves.

With the passengers safely aboard, Homelander lifted the ship with his bare hands, rising into the stormy sky.

Lightning crackled around him, illuminating his figure as he carried the ship away from the storm.

As he gently set the ship down, now far from the chaos of the storm, the passengers looked up at him in awe.

Soaked and exhausted, they could barely comprehend what had just happened.

Homelander stood before them, arms crossed, his expression unreadable.

"You're safe now" he said simply, before taking off into the sky once more, disappearing into the clouds as quickly as he had come.


Homelander strode into his room, shoulders slightly slouched as he lazily thought of the things he has to do tonight.

As the door clicked shut behind him, he rubbed his neck, loosening the tension.

He was ready for a moment of peace—at least, until he looked up and froze.

Standing in the center of the room were Ashley and Laura, both dressed in maid outfits.

Ashley's dress hugged her figure, her red hair pinned up in an attempt at a polished look, while Laura stood beside her, eyes wide, her maid dress slightly too big, making her look more awkward than alluring.

Laura, with her blank stare and unsure stance, looked painfully out of place.

"What the hell..." Homelander muttered, his brow furrowing as he took in the sight.

He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze flicking between Ashley, who stood smiling nervously, and Laura, who looked confused but obedient.

Ashley cleared her throat, stepping forward with a bright, if slightly anxious, smile. "Uh, I thought... I thought you might like this, Master. You know, a little extra... attention for when you come back."

Her voice wavered just a bit, the unease of trying to please him evident in every word considering his frown.

Niklaus, however, was not amused.

He raised a hand, cutting her off before she could continue. "Ashley, what in the hell have you been teaching Laura?"

His voice was sharp, more exasperated than angry, though his patience was clearly running thin.

He cast a glance at Laura, who stood like a deer caught in headlights, completely out of her depth.

Ashley blinked, her smile faltering as she nervously fidgeted with the edge of her maid apron. "I... I just thought it would be good for her to learn how to serve, you know? To be... useful."

Homelander let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "She's practically a kid in the mind" he said, the frustration clear in his voice.

"You really think dressing her up like this is what she needs? or What I need from her ?"

Laura, sensing the tension, remained silent, her eyes darting between the two.

She had no idea what was wrong, but the energy in the room made her feel like she had done something to displease him.

Ashley stumbled over her words, trying to backtrack. "I... I just thought it might help her... fit in. I wasn't—"

"Stop." Homelander cut her off again, his voice stern as he fixed Ashley with a cold stare. "You've been trying to turn her into... something she doesn't need to be , okay"

He gestured to Laura, who stood rigidly, still trying to comprehend the situation. "She's not ready for this. Hell, she barely knows how to fucking speak properly , let alone... whatever you'repushing her into."

Ashley's face flushed, and she lowered her eyes to the ground, stammering, "I-I didn't mean any harm, I just thought—"

"Yeah, well, stop thinking." Homelander's voice was ice, he might love her but he couldn't allow her clearly crazy mind, that he loved too, to affect others.

"Next time, ask me before you try pulling something like this again."

He turned his gaze to Laura, his expression softening slightly. "You," he said, his tone less harsh, though still firm, "get changed. This isn't what you should be worrying about."

Laura, without a word, nodded and quickly shuffled out of the room, leaving Ashley standing alone, her hands clasped nervously in front of her.

Homelander sighed again, letting the silence hang for a moment before he spoke. "Clean this up, Ashley" he muttered, running a hand through his hair.


A bit shorter than usual

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