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10.76% Marvel : Homelander / Chapter 7: Mistakes

Chapter 7: Mistakes

Niklaus awoke suddenly, feeling more refreshed than he ever had before. It was strange, sleeping for only a few hours yet feeling completely energized.

His mind was clear, his body invigorated, and the morning sunlight filtering through the orphanage window felt like a gentle reminder of the new life he'd begun.

Throwing the thin blanket aside, he sat up and stretched, his muscles flexing with newfound strength.

Despite the oddness of waking so early and so refreshed, he couldn't find any reason to complain.

If anything, it was a sign that whatever power coursed through his veins was working in his favor.

He quickly got dressed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, where Ms. Penélope was busy frying up breakfast.

She was always in a bad mood this early, but Niklaus knew he had her wrapped around his finger, thanks to his compulsion.

He didn't have to say a word, and yet she prepared a plate of eggs and toast for him, sliding it onto the table with an almost robotic obedience.

"You're late waking up," she grumbled, but it was half-hearted, almost as if she didn't really care.

He ignored her gruff attitude and sat down to eat.

Most of the other kids had already left for school by now, leaving the orphanage unusually quiet.

That suited him just fine.

He mentally noted to compel the local school to enroll him without fuss.

He wasn't interested in reliving the torture of formal education, but it would keep up appearances until he was ready to move on.

Just as he started digging into his breakfast, the front door creaked open, and the heavy thud of an old cane announced the arrival of someone new.

Niklaus glanced up just in time to see an elderly black woman with a kind, weathered face and silver hair step into the room.

She had a slight hunch in her posture, but her movements were steady and graceful.

"Well, well, who's this handsome young man?" she asked in a voice warm as sunlight breaking through the clouds. Her badge read "Ms. Bennett," but her presence exuded that of a doting grandmother.

Ms. Penélope, who was usually curt with everyone, seemed to soften in the old woman's presence.

"This is the new boy," she replied simply, waving a hand toward Niklaus.

Ms. Bennett's eyes sparkled with something Niklaus couldn't quite put his finger on.

She made her way over to him, her cane tapping softly against the floor. "Aww, bless your heart," she cooed, her voice dripping with affection. "Let me have a look at you, child."

Niklaus tensed slightly as she came closer.

There was something about her, a sense of hidden depth that made his instincts bristle.

For a split second, he considered using his compulsion to ensure she wouldn't cause any trouble, but he held back.

She didn't seem to mean any harm, at least not yet.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a small tin, popping it open to reveal an assortment of homemade cookies.

"You look like you could use a treat," she said sweetly, offering him one.

He blinked, momentarily caught off guard.

He hadn't expected this.

Taking the cookie, he bit into it cautiously, but it melted in his mouth, soft and delicious.

It was the kind of treat that warmed the soul—simple, but full of care.

"Thank you," Niklaus mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

The gesture reminded him of what he'd lost in his previous life, the warmth and care of someone genuinely looking out for him.

It made him feel… strange.

Vulnerable, even. But he quickly pushed that feeling aside.

Ms. Bennett smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"You're welcome, dear. You keep your strength up, alright? You're a growing boy, and strong boys like you are destined for great things."

She patted his shoulder gently, her touch lingering just long enough for him to feel a flicker of something—power? Knowledge?

It wasn't clear, but it was there, just beneath the surface.

Turning to Ms. Penélope, Ms. Bennett said, "I'll be back on Sunday to take the children to the movies. Make sure they're ready by noon."

Ms. Penélope nodded, and with a final glance at Niklaus, Ms. Bennett shuffled back out the door, humming a soft tune to herself as she went.

Niklaus watched her go, his unease growing as he considered the encounter.

There was more to her than met the eye—he was certain of it now.

She wasn't just a harmless old lady with cookies and kind words.

But whatever she was, she didn't seem to be a threat. At least, not yet.

He finished his breakfast in silence, his mind racing with thoughts of what might come next.


After finishing his breakfast and exchanging pleasantries with Ms. Bennett, Niklaus returned to his room, eager to explore the depths of his newfound powers.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, he closed his eyes and began to focus, concentrating on the energy that flowed through him like an unstoppable current.

The concept of his "New Order" ability still fascinated him.

He could mold reality to some degree, though it came at a cost.

He attempted to create something new—a power that could vacuum other powers like "All for One."

The idea was simple, but as soon as he started forming it, pain shot through his chest.

Niklaus winced, his hands clutching at his heart as it burned with an intense, searing heat.

He immediately stopped, realizing the limits of his body, which had barely adapted to what he'd already done.

The energy surged too wildly, like a dam ready to burst.

His heart couldn't handle the strain.

Panting slightly, he reassessed.

If taking powers was too dangerous, perhaps he could create a power that would give energy instead.

He decided to go for the opposite idea: "One for All."

Creating this was much easier, a storage room of sorts where energy could be accumulated, and pipes leading from it to his other powers.

With this mold in place, he could distribute energy evenly, avoiding any sudden overloads like before.

After finalizing this, Niklaus felt drained. Between the failed "All for One" mold and his success with "One for All," his reserves were temporarily drained.

His mind flickered to another idea—sunlight absorption—but he quickly pushed that aside for later.

It was best not to push his limits further today.

Needing a break, and feeling the need to indulge, Niklaus decided to treat himself.

Ice cream sounded perfect.

He walked over to Miss Homer, one of the nicer staff at the orphanage, and asked for some money.

With a smile, she handed him a few bills, and he thanked her before heading out into the sunny afternoon.

Whistling to himself as he walked down the street, Niklaus felt a rare sense of contentment.

His powers were growing, his plans were coming together, and for once, everything seemed… right. But as he continued walking, something caught his attention—a presence that sent a ripple of awareness through him.

At first, he ignored the man he passed on the street.

He seemed like just another random pedestrian, albeit one with an impressive build.

But then, realization struck.

His eyes widened as he caught the unmistakable scent of metal and the faintest growl of something primal and animalistic beneath the surface.

It was him—Wolverine.

Niklaus froze mid-step, his pulse quickening.

Wolverine, or Logan as some called him, was one of the X-Men's most dangerous members, someone known for his unmatched regenerative abilities, indestructible adamantium skeleton, and ferocious combat prowess.

Seeing him out here, walking casually as if he were just another guy, sent Niklaus's mind racing.

What was he doing here? Had the X-Men sensed something? Were they onto him already?

Niklaus kept his cool, though his thoughts churned in the background.

He couldn't afford to attract too much attention right now.

He still needed time to solidify his power base.

He decided to move on without looking back, but his heart thudded in his chest as he turned the corner.

Ice cream would have to wait. Things were starting to get complicated.


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