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95.94% Life Simulation: Propose Marriage To Kushina Uzumaki at the Beginning / Chapter 71: Chapter 70 » Simulation Reward: Gura Gura no Mi! Another Way to Use the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Chapter 71: Chapter 70 » Simulation Reward: Gura Gura no Mi! Another Way to Use the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

T/N: Just for information, the Smut chapter in the previous chapter was quite spicy. Kurenai + Tsunade + MC... and there was even a Harem at the end!

Check it out if you want! (-‿◦)


On the rooftop of the Kiri ANBU headquarters, Yusuke had just consumed the Gura Gura no Mi. He could now easily sense the Devil Fruit's power coursing through his body.

The Tremor-Tremor Fruit — a power capable of inducing tremors in the sky, earth, atmosphere, and even the ocean. Its strength is determined by the user's mastery of the fruit.

When sufficiently developed, it can trigger earthquakes and tsunamis with ease, possessing immense destructive power. Yet, this isn't even its ultimate form. The Gura Gura no Mi's true strength lies in vibration — ranging from subtle tingles to mountain-shaking tremors.

At its peak, this fruit could shatter mountains with a single punch. Having experience with the Lightning-Lightning and Ice-Ice fruits, Yusuke was confident he could rapidly master the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, despite it being his first time.


A soft sound came from behind as Mei gracefully approached Yusuke.

"Hubby~ I'm here~" She called, having rushed from home after receiving his message.

"Come on. I'll take you to test a new ability I've just developed." Yusuke said, scooping her into his arms.

Feeling his warmth, Mei smiled, her cheeks flushing crimson as she nestled her head against his chest.

"Hubby, what new trick have you come up with this time?" She asked, curiosity tinging her voice.

Yusuke's eyes widened as he looked at Mei, her face still full of shy intent. With a wry smile, he said, "Oh, my dear Mei. What goes on in that little head of yours? It's not what you're thinking... I've developed a new ability. The power is considerable, so we can't test it in the village."

Hearing his words, Mei's cheeks flushed from rosy pink to bright crimson.

"I thought... Hubby! You're so mean..." She mumbled, burying her face against him once more.

Yusuke laughed heartily. Then, he leaped into the air, his figure transforming into a faint light and vanishing without a trace!

Flying Thunder God Technique!


When they reappeared, they found themselves at a lake on the outskirts of Kirigakure.

It was a natural lake, and Yusuke, carrying Mei, had descended onto its surface.

"Hubby, what's this ability exactly? Why all the secrecy?" She asked, looking at him curiously.

"Vibration!" Yusuke replied without hesitation.

He took a deep breath and slowly clenched his right fist. Suddenly, a white ring of light appeared around it!

Mei's eyes widened as she beheld this incredible sight.

Vibration Release: Kaishin — Seaquake!

In the next second, Yusuke finished charging his power. He thrust his right fist fiercely towards the lake before him!


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In an instant, the water in the entire lake began to churn violently. The previously calm surface had now transformed into surging waves!


Suddenly, huge waves leapt directly out of the lake, rushing madly towards the surrounding forest!

In a moment, the surrounding forest was completely submerged by the lake water. Many cracks appeared around the lake's edge!

Mei, caught off guard, lost her balance and fell into the lake. When she resurfaced, she was soaking wet from head to toe.

With a somewhat resentful expression, she looked at the smiling Yusuke.

"Hmph... Hubby... You did that on purpose, didn't you?" She bit her silver teeth, her voice filled with playful indignation.

Such powerful force, and he didn't even warn her beforehand! Initially, she thought it was just an ordinary ninja technique. But now, she realized it was something far more extraordinary.

Yusuke surveyed the destruction around the lake, nodding with satisfaction. He had only used about 30% of his power, yet it was enough to completely churn up the entire body of water.

His initial estimate placed the power at least in the realm of S-rank ninja techniques. Moreover, this ability could be described as a large-scale destructive weapon!

Without the corresponding reaction and ability, almost no one could escape the explosion of tremors from this technique.

Furthermore, the Gura Gura no Mi could gradually become stronger as the user developed it!

Just imagine! When it reached its full potential, how terrifying would the vibration frequency be?

It's worth noting that any object, under extremely rapid frequency, becomes fragile and weak. The vibration frequency is truly the most terrifying aspect!

Yusuke turned to the pouting, angry Mei in front of him. He pinched her cheek, stealing a quick kiss.

"I've tested the attack power. The results seem quite promising so far. Next, I want to try another application."

She exhaled and asked, "Another application?"

The corners of his mouth curved slightly upward as he raised his right hand. Under the vibration frequency, his fingers began to show afterimages.

Mei's eyes widened as she looked at his hand. Her pretty face immediately turned crimson! She already knew what this other application entailed...

"Hubby..." She glanced at him shyly.

"What else did you think I called you here for?" Yusuke said with a smirk.

"Umm..." Mei mumbled, her face burning even brighter.



Over the past two days, the entire village has mobilized. An enormous ninja force has assembled, including the Legendary Sannin of Konoha.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade are all present in the village. Each leads a contingent of ninja forces. They've reached the border region of the Land of Fire, awaiting only the order to launch a war to reclaim territory!

With the Legendary Sannin of Konoha joining the battlefield, Konoha's morale is soaring!

Kirigakure is also mobilizing. Thousands of ninja have already reached the border. If Konoha's forces dare to cross the line, they'll face merciless interception from Kiri ninja!

War teeters on the brink of erupting once again.


At the ANBU headquarters of Kiri.

"Report, Lord Yusuke! Kumogakure has assembled a force of at least five thousand ninja at the border with our Land of Water." Mangetsu quickly reported the intelligence he had just received.

"Five thousand ninja, huh..." Seated at the head of the table, Yusuke tapped his fingers lightly on the desk before him, "Send out the order. Have the main ninja forces continue to be sent towards the Land of Fire border. Don't worry about Kumo."

Hearing this, Mangetsu's pupils constricted slightly.

"Lord Yusuke! If we move all our main ninja forces to the Land of Fire border, our defenses above will become extremely weak. If Kumogakure takes advantage while we're fighting Konoha and launches a sudden attack on our village, we won't be able to counterattack quickly. Moreover, Konoha's ninja will definitely hold back our Kiri ninja frantically."

Mangetsu expressed his deepest concerns.

For Kirigakure to deal with Konoha alone, he was very confident they could achieve a great victory! Even if not a great victory, they could easily defend against the Leaf's attacks.

However, in war, what's most feared is a sneak attack by a third force! If they really allow the enemy to form an encirclement, it would be a disaster of epic proportions for Kiri!

"Mangetsu, I understand your concerns." Yusuke tapped his fingers lightly on the table, "But, as I've already said, Kumogakure is not a concern. Moreover, this is also a test — to see if Kumo really has such courage!"

A cold glint flashed in his eyes.

"If they're just mobilizing ninja and then watching from the sidelines, we can let them off for a short while. But if they dare to actually cooperate with Konoha at this time, and moreover, take advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack our Kirigakure, then I'll give them a lesson they'll never forget!"

Yusuke smiled confidently.

"Those squads with fifty half-Kage ninja have already infiltrated the border between the Land of Water and the Land of Lightning. If they discover any large-scale attack by Kumo ninja, Juzo Biwa will notify me."

After hearing his arrangements, Mangetsu was instantly filled with admiration! He bowed and accepted the order.

"Yes, sir!"


That night, Yusuke was in Mikoto's specially provided room on the top floor of the ANBU building.

Seated on the sofa, he pondered the likelihood of Kumogakure taking action.

Meanwhile, Mikoto sat on his lap, slowly kissing his earlobe. Her maid dress was particularly alluring today, her white breasts with pink areolas fully exposed and pressed against his chest. She was also carefully massaging his shaft with her hands.

Thinking and enjoying — these two activities did not interfere with each other. While savoring the moment, Yusuke continued to contemplate the main problem at hand.

Would Kumogakure take action? They would, but they also wouldn't.

Taking action required the right timing. And what was the right timing? Naturally, when Kiri and Konoha were locked in fierce battle. Kumo would absolutely not miss this opportunity. After all, there was no shortage of war grudges between the Cloud Village and the Mist Village!

Not taking action also had its reasons. If Konoha and Kiri fought but couldn't last even a few days, ending in a total defeat for even one of the sides, then Kumo naturally wouldn't foolishly choose to attack.

The ability to advance or retreat — this was the Cloud Village's current approach.

Yusuke had already made his plans: to send all the main ninja forces to the battlefield against the Leaf. As for the border between the Land of Water and the Land of Lightning, he wanted to set a trap for Kumogakure, a bait!

It remained to be seen if they would take the bait!


After contemplating the situation, Yusuke exhaled slowly. Realizing he wouldn't have answers until tomorrow, he decided to focus on another matter.

"Mikoto." He called, his hands gliding up her back, eliciting a shiver from her body.

At the sound of his voice, Mikoto ceased kissing his neck and met his gaze, concealing her anger. She loathed the pleasure she felt, trembling at this demon's touch.

"Yes, Mast — AH~" She couldn't finish speaking as his hand moved to her hair, her eyes rolling back from the jolt of pleasure.

Seizing the moment, Yusuke captured her lips, their kiss deepening despite her reluctance.

For over two months, he'd engaged in these daily sessions with Mikoto, using her at will. He ensured her "enjoyment" at every opportunity, knowing it was the most effective form of manipulation.

Unwittingly, she moaned at his touch, addressing him as "master" with each command.

But, the process was far from complete. Just yesterday, after an intense session involving her mouth, he'd gained 50,000 Villain Points in one go.

After a while, Yusuke gently pushed her away, though his hands continued to provoke waves of pleasure through her body.

"Mikoto. We'll soon launch another war against Konoha." He stated, his hand moving to her buttocks and squeezing firmly.

As soon as she heard his words, Mikoto's expression crumpled, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Such a pitiful and tearful appearance on a black-haired beauty like her was truly tempting. He felt an urge to console her but resisted.

Mikoto bit her lip, tidying her disheveled hair.

Her heart was heavy with worry. Another war? A conflict between Konohagakure and Kirigakure. How many clan members would be sent to the battlefield?

How many more would fall to Kiri ninja? The thought filled her with grief, anger, and resentment.

Unable to contain herself, Mikoto began to sob.

Yusuke regarded her calmly, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"Crying at the mere mention of war? I'm surprised they chose you as the next matriarch." He paused, letting his words sink in. His thumb pressed lightly on her cheek, guiding a tear down her face, "You're thinking, 'How many of my clan will die?' or 'How many of them will Kiri kill?' But remember, Konoha started this war, not us."

His hands slid lower, pulling her closer as he whispered in her ear.

"You should be grateful, Mikoto. With me, you pay the smallest price for the greatest peace, comfort and pleasure. In the hands of other villages, your fate would be far worse. After all, your Uchiha clan has no shortage of enemies."

Hearing this, she stopped crying. Though loath to admit it, Yusuke's words rang true. But yet...

This humiliation was worse than death. Surrendering herself into the arms of another man, while her former fiancé worried about her at home.

But concern for her clan members stayed her hand. She dared not die, clinging to the words she often used to comfort Kushina: While you're alive, there's still hope...

"Alright." He said, planting another kiss on her lips and giving her bottom a light smack, "Let's move on to your main course for today. I know you're eager for it."

Mikoto's body trembled slightly, then she bent down.


Konohagakure and Kirigakure have fully assembled at the border, with tensions already rising. The battle has finally erupted!

Anger-fueled ninja on both sides are primed for conflict. As soon as the fuse was lit, the entire battlefield ignited. The war between Konoha and Kiri has broken out once again!

The Three Legendary Sannin of the Leaf are demonstrating their full potential on the battlefield!

Orochimaru, known for his sneak attacks, is also secretly collecting corpses. He has already established cooperation with Fugaku. The bodies of fallen Uchiha clan members, as well as ninja from other clans, serve as valuable experimental subjects for him.

Jiraiya, too, strikes without hesitation. If they don't win this war, Konoha will face an unprecedented crisis. What's more, Yusuke Kamizuki has kidnapped Jiraiya's own disciple, Minato Namikaze!

It's worth noting that Minato was someone Jiraiya had high hopes for. Upon learning of his prized student's kidnapping by Yusuke, his heart filled with rage.

Moreover, after returning to the village, Jiraiya had thoroughly examined all intelligence about the "Ice God of the Battlefield". That man, he realized, is a battlefield butcher — a demon in human form!

With Minato in Yusuke's hands, Jiraiya fears his student will suffer inhuman tortures.

Meanwhile, the ninja forces led by Tsunade are fighting strategically against Kirigakure's ninja. With her providing rear support, even though she's not on the front lines, she uses Katsuyu for healing techniques. This allows her to tend to the injuries of the ninja fighting on the front lines and replenish their chakra.

For a brief moment, Konoha seemed to gain the upper hand against the Kiri ninja!

The battle had been raging for three days. Konohagakure and Kirigakure appeared to have reached a stalemate.

At this critical juncture, Kumogakure began to stir, poised to strike!


T/N: If you want more chapters like this, check out my Patreon! I'm constantly translating and the difference will keep getting bigger!

For just $1 you can access all the extra content, and the Smut chapters, plus descriptive images, costs only $2!

That's it and happy reading! (-‿◦)

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