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9.75% Undeads are walking: Kingdom of Living / Chapter 3: Kingdom of Living I - Part 3

Chapter 3: Kingdom of Living I - Part 3


When the helicopter has reached the ground, the five fighters and their commander from the Organization Fighting Squad, are heading out of the helicopter as fast as possible and the moment they catch a glimpse from a zombie, the squad starts firing their assault rifles at any nearby zombies in their proximity. Attacking with melee weapons would be pointless because the noise coming from helicopter blades and motors would make zombies turn around and walk after its source from hundreds of meters away. The five people manage to hit the heads of twelve zombies, then they start running ahead, while all six members continue to shoot the upcoming zombies that are walking on their two feet and those who are crawling. 

"We're one kilometer from Dicang Village, people!" says the commander to the five people. "We run to it! Don't you all dare to stop walking, pansies!"

"Yes, sir!" says the five people following the commander and proceed to run toward that place called Dicang Village.

After a few minutes of running, the squad of five people arrives at the entrance of Dicang village, and there they see a lot of zombies that are roaming on the streets of this village. The zombies that followed them were in smaller numbers than how it was in the beginning. The whole squad proceeds to reload their firearms as fast as possible and continue the fighting. Two of these masked fighters were killing some of the zombies in their proximity. Some of these zombies were laying down due to having their limbs cut, others were running to the people, while some were jumping from a house roof and falling on their face to the street, killing themselves rather than incapacitating survivors. This operation takes about seventeen minutes as the commander calculated by looking on his watch, they entered the village at 1232 and killed the last zombie at 1249.

The squad of five people are entering a place that looks like a restaurant. Commander, who was last to enter, closes the door behind him, and they all take available seats, tables and everything from that room and use it as a blockage for the door. After they did this all the moving, all the fighters are taking a rest in there after this running, shooting and fighting a horde of zombies on the hill. Two fighters wearing their armor check the building, and lock the windows from zombies who could enter the building through the small windows.

"We did good." says Ri in English to his people and commander.

"Yes." Yu Tang says, breathing heavily and looking at her gun, then speaks in English. "I don't have too many bullets, guys."

"Neither I." responded Kay, showing his only magazine of AK-47 he has. "But I still have the pistol."

"We're good." says the commander. "As long as we have each other, we can survive. But for now, we should rest. Later I'll contact you for the backup."

"We should check the area?" asks Kay looking at his commander.

"No." responds the commander to Kay. "You all should be in the same house. We are not sure if we've killed all the zombies in this area."

Kay is looking at Ri, who is cleaning his machete with a piece of cloth he has taken from a corpse that is laying on the floor, near his feet. After the man cleaned his machete, he is looking at his teammates, sees Yan having her armor covered in blood and offers the cloth to clean it, but Yan declines it. The others stay on their chairs, hearing the zombies outside trying to break through the door that is blocked by furniture.

After this, the commander gets off from the chair, and decides to go in the other room to make a call to report their status and call for backup. The call lasts for about two minutes through the walkie-talkie, then the commander comes back to the room where his people are resisting.

"We've got bad news. I cannot contact the other squad. Something must've happened in the city."

"Are we on our own?" asks Kay to the commander.

"Yes," says the commander. "For a while."

The commander sees outside through a barricaded window zombies walking from other said "houses" nearby toward their building. He notices the ones who got up were the ones he and his teammates have killed earlier, meaning they did not hit the head of the zombie, which allows them to be knocked out, and get back up somehow. The fighters of Shi Huang squad hear growls and snarling outside, meaning their break ended sooner, and now it is time for round two. All the people are taking their weapons, and decide to use this house as a stronghold against the zombies rather than go outside and risk being encircled by zombies. They take off the furniture that blocks the windows and start shooting immediately.

"Shoot their heads!" yells the commander at the five fighters who immediately opened fire to the first zombies that are at close distance.

"Yes, sire!" yells the five fighters at the same time accompanied by the sounds of their guns.

Zombies keep coming, and they keep coming to that house, ignoring the bodies of their dead friends laying on the ground, walking on them, while some supposed Undeads are digging into these dead zombies bodies to become fully dead walking zombies. The squad noticed how some Undeads were digging into other zombies, and they shot them on the spot without thinking. It doesn't matter that they have orders to bring any undead alive and train them to become like Ana-Maria or other Undeads around the world, they are not risking causing a commotion in their new home.

After an hour of this fierce fight, the squad of five people, who have by now ran out of bullets, are killing the last five zombies with their guns barrels and machetes. Ahmed decapitated a zombie by a single hit. Liu has kicked a zombie on the torso, then did a spin with the machete and slashes the brain zone of that zombie. Ri has stabbed the zombie head with the machete, then he takes it back and kicks the zombie into another dead body on the ground. Yu stabs one zombie neck, then twists the machete, takes it from the neck of the zombie, and does another strike that decapitates the thing from the body. And Yu decapitates the zombie with her machete, then she looks at the zombie head and smashes the thing's head with the shotgun back. 

All five people are breathing heavily, decide to lay down on their ass and look around them, to all the destruction they caused here. Hundreds of zombies are laying on the area in this village, many zombies are decapitated, shot in the head, smashed and mutilated beyond recognition by the guns of this squad. All six of them are having their armor covered in zombie blood, all of their armor, including their visors from the gas masks. 

"We did good." says Yu Tong to his teammates, sitting near Ri Ku and Li Kay.

"Yeah…" sighs Ahmed. "We did good enough."

"Congratulations!" says the commander, covered in blood, and with his shotgun in his hands. "You survived the first wave!"

"Thank you, sir!" says Ri. "But we have a problem."

"What is it?" asks the commander.

"We have no ammo." says Ri showing the magazine from his assault rifle and submachine gun are all empty. 

"Don't worry, friend." says the commander in a friendly voice. "We called for backup minutes ago. They are on their way to help us clean this place."

"The cleaning will take an eternity." says Li.

"That is a joke, recruit?" asks the commander looking at Li. He wears a breathing helmet like everyone which doesn't really sound like a joke, more like a threat.

"Sorry, sir!" says Li, feeling ashamed for making a dumb joke like this in front of his supervisor.

"Don't worry," says the commander. "You're right. It will take an eternity. That is why we will let them clean this place while all of you are going to clean your suits and rest in one of these houses. You all deserve some rest after the fight. You all have done it."

"Is the air safe?" asks Ahmed to the commander.

The commander takes off his helmet, revealing he is the one who had trained them back in the bootcamp six months ago, he takes a deep breath and exhales the fresh air of the mountains.

"Seems like it!"

"Thank you, sir!" says the five people feeling happy they finally get a break.

Soon, the five people are getting up, walks outside the said restaurant after they've taken off the furniture, walking inside a house, where everyone gets in one of the rooms and proceed to take out piece by piece of their armor, leaving only the gas mask on because they did not ask to take their gas mask off. After all of them have taken their armor off, and put some changing clothes they've found laying in this house. Some were the size of the fighters, while others were a little too big. They all head outside in these clothes, where the commander looks at them, still wearing the armor but without the helmet, analyzes their spare outfits and tells them.

"Nice clothes," he says. 

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