/ Anime & Comics / Survive with skill adaptation
Ren Keitaro, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a world anime High School of the Dead. Awakening in a high school classroom surrounded by familiar faces like Takashi Komuro, Hisashi Igou, and Rei Miyamoto, Ren realizes he has been thrust into a scenario he once only knew as fiction. The date displayed on his phone reveals it's eight months prior to the events of the anime.
Ren is initially disoriented, grappling with the realization that he’s in a pre-apocalyptic world and uncertain of the motives behind his sudden relocation. With a unique adaptation skill at his disposal, which allows him to adjust to new environments and situations, Ren decides to focus on surviving and thriving in this dangerous new reality.
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Write a reviewfirst of, I dont have some beef with ur writing style but dafq u did butchering the casts personality?? Secondly, this fic is the usual gary stu types of mc that roams the wn that magically makes the womens fall in love with the "bare minimum" of interaction(1 chap), and it so predictable tht u can basically just skim-read it and still know the same result. lastly, ur lemon sucks, better write none at all for ur further chaps
in the end, this novel will stop. hhaayyssst So many Highschiool of the Dead but can't continue 100+more 😅
Okay i understans author first fic so i will say these nicely, Mc is plain like no unique characteristics or design you need to help them understand. The interactions feel forced like him meeting saeko and saya, Then saeko bringing up its fine for an harem during the time of no outbreaks bad on author part and no jealousy for saya. Author needs to describe the adaptation ability better i still don't understand how much of an help or boost its giving like he said it helps the recovery by how much??? Then author bad at going at timeskips its hard to understand.and then hitting saeko in the hand with im assuming a wooden sword wouldn't be bad to the point she needs help to eat.
Es muy irreal como el protagonista consigue a todas las mujeres, no sería tan desagradable si hubiera siedo solo una... El haren se debería construir luego del día Z, es por eso que tienes una baja calificación. 🙄
Keep up the enthusiasm for writing, I think the story is more developed so that it is more alive and hopefully it will continue until it is finished.
That's great work keep it author san🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
The story is coming soon
Author Keitaro_kaiza
While the writing is alright and good, the story as a Highschool of the Dead and overall the MC is just plain bland and boring. It is mostly due to how uninteresting and generic the MC is, him being the same nice guy that you tend to see in Harem Anime. While not overall completely cliche, their is nothing about him that makes him interesting to read. His thoughts, his actions and his overall attitude is bland. Yeah sure he is skilled in planning but that doesn't really convey much of his personality as anyone placed in his situation with his knowledge would do the same. Having all these situations could have been better if the MC was more different than just the generic nice guy. Even if he was nice, he could have other interesting traits that made him fun to read.