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79.38% Superbabes: Special Delivery Service / Chapter 335: Good Boy's Day Out

Chapter 335: Good Boy's Day Out

I don't own DC

"Now you stay here." Orders replied, petting Hector the Superbabes dog on the head before she grabbed her purse, "Keep Darcy Company. And don't let her do anything weird." Orders added as Darcy stood by the dog.

"…Mother. He is a dog." Orders eyed Darcy, but soon shrugged.

"True. But he's smarter then he looks." Hector, who didn't care about how he looked, moaned happily as Orders rubbed his head. "I'll be back in the morning, make sure he goes outside and walk him before you go to bed." She paused, "…I mean recharge."

"Yes Mother." Replied Darcy as Orders walked out. Hector moaned, sniffing the door as it shut, Darcy patting his back. "…Come, Hector. Let us go outside." She said, turning around and heading into the back yard."

The Back Yard wasn't much, in fact it was mostly pointless surrounded by other Gotham buildings, the old house probably once upon a time had more sunlight to grow things… but this is Gotham. Now it was barely anything more then a bathroom for Hector, a larger then average patch of grass surrounded by a five foot brick wall. Hector rushed out the back door, sniffing the meager grass before raising his leg and marking his territory as Darcy watched from the doorway… however…

A scraggly tomcat prowled the top of the brick wall, and Hector spotted him… after a stare down worthy of a classic western. It Hissed defiantly at Hector who roared angrily at him and rushed the fence. The cat defiant at Hector's dominance of the backyard viciously swatted the air with a clawed paw, hissing and spitting as Hector roared at him. Front paws on the wall and glaring with his good eye, teeth snapping at the cat… before turning around getting some distance… before rushing the fence and leaping at the cat…

Which to its credit didn't expect the big Hector able to reach such a feat of agility… it darted away, realizing that it's high ground didn't give him such an advantage anymore… Hector landed deftly in the alleyway and darted after the cat for offending Auntie Orders' home with his presence…

Darcy stood in the doorway at the backdoor and staring at where Hector was… and after a moment, stated obviously "…This is a problem."

Hector dashed angrily at the cat, chasing him down the street for what must have been minutes… the cat FINALLY escaping over a massive fence that Hector definitely couldn't leap. He rested his paws on the chain links, barking angrily at the cat as he leapt down and just ran for it before Hector decide to break the fence down and continue…

Once the cat was far out of sight, Hector snorted then dropped back down… before realizing that he was not in Auntie Orders' neighborhood anymore… he put his nose to the ground and sniffed, following the trail of the cat in reverse… ignoring all the people watching the big dog as he went back onto the sidewalk… turning into an alleyway he sniffed the odd smells of Gotham… it was a lot different from his hometown of Amnesty Bay. Though he didn't miss it… he liked his new Mama.

He raised his head and sniffed again, when he was suddenly startled by a whimpering cry.

"Joey. Joey. Joey…" said a voice, "You got a lot of nerve coming onto our turf."

"Come on man I-I didn't even mean to, it's just a shortcut!"

"Yeah? Well you still got to pay the toll." Hector looked at the group surrounding the young man, a bunch of average Gotham thugs. "Hand over your wallet, your watch and maybe my buddy Rico won't have to rearrange your face." At this a bigger thug suddenly produced a knife, holding it to the young man's face.

Hector snarled and rushed into action, leaping at the big thug, knocking away the other two from the young man, snapping his jaws around his arm. "Argh! Get it off! Get it off me!" The young man ran for it as the other two grabbed at Hector, yanking him from Rico, "Argh! Damn MUTT!" Rico's coat had been torn through and he was bleeding. "Hold that little fucker I'm going to cut it's head off and wear it as a hat!"

Hector defiantly thrashed and raved, at them snapping his jaws angrily. "It's just a dog man-" said the third man.

"Shut the fuck up! Stupid mutt!" raising the knife in the air to bring it down only for ANOTHER dog to rush into the alleyway, snarling as he screamed. "Agh not again! aah! Aaah!!" the huge green dog grabbed his leg and dragged him from Hector…

But it wasn't a weird green dog it was a weird green timber wolf… and now it was suddenly a big green gorilla, swinging the man into the wall as the other two were blasted by green energy, and black energy respectively sending them into the wall on top of the other one… before a trash can was suddenly encased in dark energy, expanded greatly before it restrained them inside, tightening around them as they groaned.

"Animals are people too you dirtbags!" the 'gorilla' suddenly barked, transforming into a green guy.

"Dirtbags?" came a sarcastic monotone voice as a purple hooded cloaked woman with nice legs appeared next to him. Literally, she teleported there.

"What? It's Gotham. I'm trying it out." The hooded cloaked woman rolled her eyes, as another beautiful woman flew down near Hector who sniffed the trashcan curiously with the men in it.

"The bags of dirt are appropriately in the trash can." She said cheerily as Hector spotted her…. she looked like Veronica, so he immediately approached her, sniffing her boots happily as she knelt down, smiling happily. "Hello you little bumgorf!" she cooed, petting Hector happily as he licked her face… "You are welcome." She smiled. Hector licked her again…

Hang on this isn't Veronica. He knew from the taste...

"Dude…" the green guy sighed, "That's what? The tenth group of guys we busted tonight? How does batman do it?"

"The eleventh… and it's batman." Said the purple woman as Hector went over to sniff her feet, and she recoiled slightly. "Don't even think about it." she said. "Starfire mind keeping him away from me."

"I thought you liked dogs Raven." Starfire said, still petting Hector.

"Dogs I know…" Raven corrected, "And even then I tolerate them… the last dog I let near me got gunk all over my face… BEAST BOY." She glared at him as he nervously chuckled.

"I said I was sorry… I didn't know you were in the shower." He added but she slapped the back of his head.

"Do you think he has an owner?" Starfire said, frowning. "…Should we take him to a shelter? Oh I wish I could take you home bumgorf but Nightwing's apartment doesn't allow dogs and the tower is so very far away…"

"Beast boy. Ask him." Raven said as Beast boy frowned.

"…Rae how many times do I have to say it? I don't actually speak animal, I just turn into them… I mean I can understand some of them with 'feelings' and stuff." he knelt down, ruffling Hector's head. "Dogs aren't on that list…"

"Well we can't just leave this handsome bumgorf here alone… I'll feel bad." Starfire pouted, pointing Hector's handsome face at Raven who sighed. "We have to help him. That's what Batman would want us to do while watching over Gotham for him…"

"…He's a dog." Raven replied bluntly, but Starfire's puppy dog eyes, plus Hectors… and soon added with Beast Boy's… Raven relented. "…FINE…" she knelt down, hands on Hector's head. Her face inches from his. "Let me try something… don't lick me." She said before closing her eyes. "Azerath, Metrion, Zynthos!"

Hector blinked… staring straight ahead. His brain feels itchy.

"Do you have a home dog?" came a voice in his head. It was the pretty lady in the cloak… but she wasn't speaking.

Home? Yes. Hector has a home.

"Where is it?"

Don't know… Hector lost. Mama takes him home… Auntie Orders is taking care of Hector now.

"…Auntie Orders? What kind of name is Auntie Orders?"

She smells nice… works in nice place. Lots of pretty ladies. Gives good belly rubs. Ladies look like you! And pretty lady that calls Hector wrong name. My name isn't Bumgorf.

Raven stopped and pulled her hands from Hector's face just in time for him to happily lick her. "Ugh!" she grunted, then frowned. "…His name is Hector…" she frowned, "And he does have a home. But he's lost…"

"You can read dog minds?!" Beast Boy replied as Raven rolled her eyes.

"We must return Hector to his home!" Starfire said, "His family will be missing him."

"He said…" Raven frowned. "That the woman taking care of him works at a place with lots of 'pretty ladies'. Ladies that look like Starfire and me-"

"OH!" Beast Boy suddenly cheered, then produced an oddly familiar card just as Starfire equally declared.

"SUPERBABES!" they said as Raven glared at Beast Boy.

"…Why do you still have that card?" she said ominously as he blinked. He had it because when some of the babes when on a Road Trip, they gave him a card… but Raven took it and threw it away… apparently he found it.

"…What? Nightwing says they got good food…" he then elbowed her cheekily. "…Why would I care what goes on there? I got the real thing right here Rae-Rae…" she stared at him, and slapped the back of his head again. "OW!"

"Let's just take him there then. Starfire you carry him." she mumbled, wiping her face of dog slobber… again… what is it about her face that attracts fuzzy man's best friends?"

"Come here little bumgorf!" Starfire easily, and carefully lifted him. "Let's go for a ride!" before she, Raven, and Beast Boy turning into a Raven all flew into Gotham… Hector was just having a ball, watching all of Gotham moving beneath him…

…He could pee on them all and own the whole neighborhood…

After a moment, even in the city of night life Gotham it was easy to spot 'Superbabes' with it's big neon sign. "There." Raven pointed. "Let's go…" she, Starfire and Beastboy landed in the parking lot… Hector scrambling from her arms and straight into the back of the lounge.

Orders was staring at him as he rushed to her and rested his head on her lap. She was not surprised, but she was a little disappointed, scratching his head affectionately before whispering, "You're cute but still in trouble." she declared firmly as Starfire walked right into the back…

"Hello! We have returned your dog!" she declared as Veronica blinked at her.

"Hi! Are you trying to get hired?!" she smiled but Starfire just stared at her, then shook her head cheerfully.

"No! It is so nice to meet you!" she said as Alice stared at her, realizing immediately who she was.

"…This is my nightmare." She breathed, sitting on the couch. "…My absolute nightmare."

"Ladies!" Beast Boy entered, looking smug, "Hold your applause and autographs please." SMACK! Raven slapped him again before approaching Orders.

"We found your dog."

"So I see." She replied stonefaced. "Thank you." But Raven's attention suddenly turned to Alice, frowning in disgust.

"…You have GOT to be kidding me." She said, as Alice nervously flinched. "…Can we leave now?" she said spitefully as Hector sniffed her. She frowned, but pat his head. "Don't lick me."

"Awe come on Rae-Rae…" Beast Boy moaned, "Can't we get like a bite? Do you have anything Vegetarian?" he asked Orders before noticing Raven's doppleganger… and… other things. "Wow… she is like 90% Accurate…" he said, though what he was staring at was throwing off that percentage: a pair of HUGE goth girl titties. "Ow! OW!" Raven pinched his pointed ear and yanked it. "Ow! Raven I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" he whimpered as Raven nodded to Orders…but food soon slid across the counter.

"I insist." Orders said cryptically. "Please… on the house." she flinched, "For returning Hector."

"Oh! Joy!" Starfire said happily, prying herself from talking with Veronica and retrieving the food. "Your food is excellent!" she said cheerfully as Orders smiled.

"Thank you."

"Ow-ow-ow! Thank you! Ow!" Beast Boy was dragged out the back door.

"You know. Looking at the real one." Veronica said cheerfully, "She is a LOT prettier… in the face." she said, gesturing to her own beautiful features.

"That's what I said." Orders said, casually as Raven groaned and went to the locker room.

"Excuse me I think I need a cold shower and a costume change." Seeing Raven in the flesh in uniform gave her an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

"Well hurry it up you have to go on that 2 for 1." Orders replied, petting Hector… just as Darcy entered the back door.

"…Mother. I have arrived…" she said, holding a collar and a leash. "Apologies for losing track of Hector."

"It all worked out." Then she flinched, "Except for that whole free food thing." She cringed again as if pained, then took a breath before looking down at Hector. "…Be a good boy and go with Darcy." Hector licked her hand, and let Darcy collar and leash him. Leading him out the back door and walking him home.

But not before peeing on a corner of Superbabes… this was HIS place.


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