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79.15% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 205: Patched Together

Chapter 205: Patched Together

I don't own star wars

He tossed his gear onto his bunk, glancing around at the dozen or so other trainees and recruits. Men of various races and builds. He took a deep breath… it was just like the academy… only… much more nerve wracking.

"Hurry up." Grunted a large cadet, shoving past him. "Unless you want to go hungry." He watched him go and took another breath. There were four beds to a room, and dozens of rooms in this hall alone. Soon enough he'll even be assigned a squad but at least he could go and get something to eat… however once he walked out the door he was roughly shoved back in by a bulky cadet. "Out of the way. Cromwell coming through!"

A blonde man with glowing sapphire blue eyes walked past his door, sword on his shoulder and surrounded by other cadets. He didn't even look at him as he sighed, and the group moved on. However, another appeared, glancing at him with a rather cheerful smile on his face… and a slight sooty tinge to his skin and black hair… in fact he had a smoky smell to him and seemed to be dusting his room with black powder from his hair.

"Ah don't mind him… he can't help being an asshole." He held out his hand, "I'm DTA-504. But my crew calls me Boomer."

"Why?" he asked curiously but took his hand as he helped him up.

"Because 'DTA-504 blow up that turret!' Is too long to say." He said shouting slightly and winking at him with one of his dark eyes. "So-Boomer." He tilted his head up the hall and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, guiding him. "So. What's your number?"

"…MT-654." He said nervously as Boomer whistled.

"Medic huh? Well the squads are going to be after you…" he then patted his chest, "Listen MT. You're new here so I'll give you the down low." They passed through a couple hallways into a vast cafeteria with dozens on dozens of long tables that could easily seat thirty side-by-side, comfortably.

"The down low?" he asked as Boomer winked at him again.

"Oh yeah. Number 1. Don't mess with Daemon." He gestured towards the blue eyed blonde and his cronies. And for a moment MT-654 was studying him with interest… then his interest IMMEDIATELY focused on the beautiful twi'lek with bright sapphire blue eyes sitting next to him easily the most beautiful twi'lek he had ever- "Number 2. Don't hit on his sister… that's going the right way for a punch in the mouth with his vibrosword…" he rotated his shoulder, "…And that really hurts…" he led him away as he continued to watch the beautiful twi'lek, now somewhat a little forlorn… she looked up from her food and caught his eye and he immediately looked away again, just as forlorn.

"Number 3. Don't hit on Aida Kane."

"What?" he then noticed the beautiful, red haired, green eyed woman sitting rather stiffly at a table surrounded by a togruta with cybernetic arms and an attractive Mirialan. She had a somewhat haughty, but cute, noble air to her.

"Well… I mean you can hit on her but that's going the right way for a punch in the mouth…"

"…She's violent?" MT-654 asked as Boomer sat him down at the far end of the table where Aida Kane was sitting at.

"Yes… but not what I mean, which leads me to Number 4. Don't hit on Oriana." Patch immediately noticed a beautiful, busty, Chiss girl, her breasts wobbling slightly with each step as she sat across from Aida, and they immediately began to talk like old friends, Aida laughing at something Oriana said. "In general don't hit on the top three beauties…"

"Why shouldn't I hit on-" but he caught himself and shook his head at the silliness of it… this wasn't the academy! This was trooper training!

"Because Oriana and Aida Kane have the distinct advantage of having a violent, vicious 'big brother' type of guy by the name of Kallus Kane. Ironically however he is their cousin. Who gets really touchy if you try to get touchy…"

"What the hell are you doing Boomer?" MT-654 glanced nervously up at the tall, fit, and powerfully built red head that had shown up behind him. Boomer grinned at him as he rolled his green eyes. "Not the 'low downs' again…"

"What? I'm just warning the guy…" he smirked, punching the big man in the arm, he smirked, then punched Boomer back. He visibly flinched and rotated his shoulder.

"Kal sit down already." Oriana said, her distracting cleavage granting uniform on display as Aida smiled at him. "How'd you do?" Boomer sat MT-654 on the bench as Kal sat down next to the beautiful chiss… she hung onto his every word.

"As usual, great in close combat. Poor shot." He mumbled as Boomer laughed.

"Maybe KATE should give you tips?"

"Not bloody likely…" said a harsh looking blonde woman with a Dromund Kaas accent, sitting across from MT-654. "Trying to get Wolf to aim properly is like asking Proctor Carack to ease up shouting." Boomer and Kal stared at her as she blinked, "…What?"

"Did you make a joke?" Boomer asked, legitimately confused.

"Am I only supposed to let you jokers do it?" she noted, her red eyes flashing slightly, a rather cold look on her face as a lean dark-haired man sat down next to her.

"I'd rather they didn't, but it's hard to get Boomer to stop when he gets going." Boomer smirked and elbowed Kal lightly who also smirked. He eyed MT-654 down his nose, once upon a time it had been broken and reset, but it gave him a rather rugged look. "Who are you?"

"Oh. I'm MT-65-"

"Patch. He's Patch, a medic trooper." Boomer noted.

"Do you have your squad assignment yet?" the man asked as 'Patch' suddenly scrambled towards his pocket, pulling out his info sheet and reading.

"Uh. Delta Alpha Gamma 143." He looked at as Boomer grinned and they all glared at him.

The dark-haired man shook his head with a rather annoyed sigh, "…You knew?"

"I might have had a look." Boomer chuckled, taking a swig of his recently acquired water."

"What?" 'Patch' asked curiously as the dark-haired man cleared his throat.

"We're D.A.G.-143." He said, he gestured to the blonde. "That's KATE our sniper." He gestured to Boomer. "You've met our demolitionist, Boomer." He then waved a hand to Kal who nodded. "And Kallus Kane, our assault. But to the squad he's Wolf." He then held out his hand to 'Patch' who shook it rather bemused. "And I'm Boss. Squad leader."

"I… what?" he blinked as Oriana, the pretty Chiss chuckled beside Kallus.

"Welcome to DAG. Just stick near Kal and you'll be fine." Aida glared at Oriana and shook her head as Boomer sat him down.

"So Patch you any good? Had to chop anyone up yet?" he then jerked a thumb at Kallus… or Wolf. Whatever he was supposed to call him."

"…Is 'Patch' going to be my nickname?" he asked as Boomer just grinned cheerily at him.

"Eh. We'll change it later. We're not calling you MT-654. They're a stickler for the regulars using real names…"

Patch blinked curiously. "But Kallus-"

"Is the son of an Admiral. A HIGH RANKING admiral." Aida said suddenly, glancing politely at him. "He's given a little leeway. As is Oriana, and Myself. And Daemon…" she then glanced over Patch's shoulder. "Is there something you need to say Daemon?"

Patch jumped and looked over his shoulder at the vibrosword wearing Cromwell as he smiled charmingly at all of them surrounded by other recruits and cadets in armor, as well as the pretty blue twi'lek. "No. I just thought I'd come to remind my favorite Rivals that they got thirty minutes before our squad training."

Kallus Kane glared at him, "…Then why don't you head to the field rooms and leave us be?"

Daemon shrugged, "Because this is more fun… don't forget your kitty claws Kane."

"Don't hide behind your sister this time." Kallus noted as Daemon's glowing blue eyes flashed angrily, the twi'lek girl immediately gripped his arm, looking concerned but he yanked it from her grip and flashed her a cold look as she wilted.

Daemon wasn't so much insulted that Kallus implied that he hid behind Emila… he was insulted that she was referred to as 'his sister'. He would of course keep the perverted wolves at bay, but the fact that they were related was never mentioned or touched upon in Training. Not if his opponents and Rival's wanted to keep their skin…

"Don't hide behind your cousin." He snapped back as Kallus stood up, suddenly all the members of D.A.G were much more tense… except Boomer who seemed utterly amused.

Aida had significant pull in the hierarchy of the Training Academy, but she never had to use it on Kallus. Not that she wouldn't, she just didn't have to. Kallus took offense to that.

"I will be UPFRONT and IN. YOUR. FACE." he growled, as Daemon stared him back down, grinning smugly, "Don't forget your sword…" he said coolly as Oriana, looking a little more than bored, gently squeezed his wrist. Kallus, originally at the boiling point of utter rage… was suddenly calmed. He sniffed indignantly and sat back down.

"Try not to injure your new squaddie." Daemon grinned, walking away with his unit behind him. About eight in all including the twi'lek.

"Um… does he have… more guys than us?" Boomer grinned cheerfully, smacking Kallus' upper arm as he sat back down.

"Yep! But not nearly enough, right buddy?"

"Right." Kallus snarled, gulping down his water in suppressed fury as Oriana gently stroked his upper arm, seemingly calming him down.

"Try to keep that temper under control Kal." Aida noted, looking over a mug of hot tea she had been sipping. "You should really work on that rage of yours."

Kallus snorted angrily but Boomer merely chuckled. "Nah… if he got control of his temper then Oriana wouldn't get to calm him down…" Oriana blushed lightly as Kal glared coolly at Boomer. "I'm pretty sure that's why he never took con-TROL!"

Before Patch realized what was going on, Boss was off the bench and lept away as Boomer was suddenly shoved roughly against Patch's shoulder as they both let out a sudden "OOF!!" as the powerful force shoved them both a seat over. Patch was now sitting where Boss had been and Boomer sat where Patch was, aggressively rubbing the sudden soreness in his arm.

"Ow!" Boomer groaned as he rubbed his upper arm, "Damn Kal!" he hissed through his teeth as Patch stumbled to his feet, a little dizzy. He blinked as he saw Kal's well-muscled arm outstretched in a fist, glaring at the chuckling Boomer. Aida laughed out loud, covering her mouth as Oriana rubbed her forehead in annoyance… trying very hard to hide her blush.

"You better get suited up cousin, you don't want to be late." Aida Kane noted, coughing as she got her laughter under control.

Kallus got to his feet, Boomer followed along with KATE and Boss, 'Patch' watched them for a second before scampering behind them. Boomer swung an arm around him and led him towards the training hall, entering what looked like a locker room as they immediately began collecting and equipping gear. KATE took her armor along with a sniper rifle and walked around behind the lockers to change. She was still a girl.

Kallus slid a pair of odd glovers over his hands, they had strange bladed grooves on the back and he jerked his hands slightly as they snapped over, giving him three very sharp and deadly claws before they snapped back onto the back of his glove. Boomer tossed him a blaster rifle that he slung over his back before donning a red helmet with a rather wolf-like design… it was a little unnerving.

Boomer's armor had crude spray painted flames on his wrist guards, shin guards, and armor, along with the sides of his helmet as he lassoed a belt of thermal detonators across his shoulder like a bandoleer, Boss helped him attach it properly before hefted a blaster rifle with a grenade launching under-barrel and handed it to a rather disappointed Boomer

"Aw… no flamethrower today?" he asked sadly as Boss spun a pair of blaster pistols on his fingers and holstered them at his sides.

"No were competing scores against droids today, it'll only slow us down." Boss said practically.

"Wolf gets his claws!" Boomer complained.

"Wolf is a close combat specialist. Literally specializing with those." Boss replied casually as KATE reappeared, her waist adorned with several spare clips for her sniper-rifle and her helmet standard trooper design apart from a target assisting computer attached over her left visor eye. "This is about timing and accuracy." He then pulled up a data holo screen on his wrist showing them all a map of the upcoming training mission.

'Wolf'… Kallus... whoever, he handed Patch a helmet and a blaster rifle before clapping a hand on his shoulder and guiding him towards Boss as they all watched.

"Capture the point and hold." He said stating the objective. "KATE as usual you'll take the high ground. Here." He gestured to a high point of the image. "Boomer. Patch you'll provide suppressing fire with me…" he pointed to a section. "Here. Keep those droid heads down until KATE is in position." He then glanced at Wolf. "Wolf. After KATE is in position and starts firing that's when you make you move."

Wolf nodded behind his wolf helmet, Patch swore he could hear a growl.

"KATE will start taking them out, then we'll push the center while Wolf circles them and start dispatching them." He circled a group of dots on the screen. "Then we'll take the point and hold. Everyone got that?"

"Yes sir." They (apart from Patch who quickly said it) said together. They all began walking down a pristine white hallway as Boomer shook Patch by the shoulder.

"You alright? Ever been in live fire training before? You're really learning on the fly today huh?"

"Uh no. Not really." He said, examining the blaster rifle in his hands.

"Well don't worry they won't fire real blaster rounds at you they're all set to stun." He said calmly but shrugged, "…It'll still hurt though." He added, not really helping.


"Yeah they want to get across the fact that getting shot really hurts… you know, just in case we weren't aware in the first place. They entered a large empty space with low walls and tall walls and tall thin walls… at the far end was a raised platform with more low walls, and lots and lots of platforms. Boomer pointed to the raised platform. "That right there is where we got to go…" he said as they all squatted down by the closest low wall. Wolf and KATE on either side with Boss in the middle. "Smile for the camera's Patch." Boomer noted as he gestured with a tilt of his head towards the obvious cameras all over the room. "The Proctors are watching…"

A low buzz echoed three times over the air and suddenly the squad was tense. "Ready." Boss said quietly.

Suddenly the room roared with life as dozens of old model combat droids began to drop, pop, or simply appear, firing on their position. "Go!" Boss shouted as he and Boomer, soon joined by a quickly adapting Patch knelt up and began firing over the wall. Two droids went down before the rest took cover. KATE and Wolf darted out of cover left and right respectively.

KATE used a tall wall to propel herself up to a higher platform, spinning in place before lying prone, her rifle blasting across the room as a droid went down. "Boomer! Get ready to cover!" Boss shouted, sending a hail of duel pistol fire across the room peppering a droid's chest as it stumbled back. "Patch! We're moving up!"

"Yes Sir!" he said as Boomer roared out a laugh, standing up and gripping his blaster tightly.

"BOOM!" a grenade propelled itself from the under barrel and clattered right next to a cluster of droids. The explosion echoed across the room as arms and legs clattered everywhere. Boss and Patch were over the low wall, they charged forward skidding behind a pair of long thin walls, supposedly trees, seconds before a stun bolt slammed against Patch's shoulder.

He screamed. It DID hurt like hell! KATE however seemed to pay the droid its due because seconds later its head exploded with a well aimed shot.

"You good?!" Boss yelled before firing blind around his cover.

"Yes sir!" Patch replied, hissing as the stinging didn't stop. Boss watched him for a minute, before his head turned to look over his shoulder before he gave Patch an encouraging nod.

"Walk it off." He said flatly, not so encouraging. "Wolf!"

A loud echoing roar caused Patch to turn just in time to see the clawed assault trooper flank a trio of droids, charging them from the side as his claws rammed into a nearby droid's chest, lifting and holding it in front of himself as the stun bolts peppered his moving cover before he hurled it at them. One fell under the weight as the other two managed to hit him twice in the chest and Patch for a second thought they lost one…


"RAAAGH!!" he swung his claw across one droids head taking it clean off, as KATE's blaster fire covered him, taking down two droids trying to stop him as he took out the next closet.

"…Holy crap." Patch said breathlessly as in a killing rage Wolf bounded quickly across the room as Boomer casually walked up next to him, obviously grinning under his helmet as they watch Wolf clear the room. Patch absently rubbed his still stinging shoulder. "…Those shot's really hurt… did he actually take two of those in the chest?" he asked surprised as Boomer casually stepped on a twitching droid's back and shot it in the back of the head. 'Turning it off'

"Yeah when Kal gets going he really gets going… he just shrugs it off sometimes it's freaking awesome.

"Take the hill." Boss said as a droid came whizzing by, hurled by Wolf as he ripped the last one in half. "Wolf fall in!"

They all took the hill together as the room seemed to become less hostile instantly… then a woman spoke over the room and Wolf visibly shivered.

"Excellent! Good work! Come on up!"

Boomer turned to Wolf, and Patch once again immediately knew that he was grinning. "Oh. Man what a surprise…"

"Shut up Boomer." Wolf grunted, shoving past Boomer and heading towards the back of the training field to a hidden elevator. They all quickly joined him before they rose a few stories and the doors slid open…

There were of course the Proctors, staring sternly at them all. Along with a red haired, green-eyed woman dressed in a pristine white admiral uniform. She was obviously an older woman but looking at her you wouldn't have guessed. She had a strange youthfulness to her even though her bright red hair was flecked with a few strands of grey she still looked to be a woman in her early forties, maybe late thirties… she was still very beautiful regardless.

She approached them, hands behind her back and a coy smile on her face as she looked them over. "…Helmets." She ordered as immediately, except for Patch who was somewhat delayed, took off their helmets, holding them under their arms and stood to attention. She then reached forward and rubbed Wolf's bright red hair as his face became just as red. "Good boy!" she praised proudly.

"…Mother…" he said in a reluctant growl under his breath as she pulled her hand away.

"What!? I'm your mother I'm allowed to spoil you a little!"

"You're really not, Admiral Kane you-" one of the proctors began but a quick look from her silenced him immediately.

"I'm so proud of you!" she continued as if she wasn't interrupted "How many did you get?!"

"…17." Wolf noted, a small smile stretching across his lips.

"17!" she shouted, turning coyly towards the trio of Proctors… who visibly flinched. "17! Did you hear that!? He got 17 of them on his own!"

"I didn't think we were keeping score…" Boomer said with a grin to Patch.

"I assume then that is a satisfactory result?" Admiral Kavilla Kane said conversationally as the Proctors fidgeted.

"Well… there is no doubt that their squad cohesion is efficient, but they do not function like a normal squad…"

"Because they're not supposed to be!" Admiral Kane said in annoyance, "If I wanted idiots who couldn't adjust to their current situation I'd take you idiots!" she gestured to the proctors. "Their scores are high. Their kill counts are high. They don't suffer casualties…"

"Your son received two stun blaster rounds in the chest, Ma'am if he was shot in the chest in the field…" one pointed out practically

Admiral Kane stared at him placidly for a moment… "Kal sweetie…" she said flatly, holding out her hand to her son who obediently and immediately slapped his blaster into it. Without hesitating she aimed it at the Proctor and shot him square in the chest, he fell backward with a suppressed but painful groan as he twitched on the floor. "He took two of those to the chest and kept killing…" Admiral Kane said casually, handing back the blaster to her son. "Most think that's something to be proud off…"

The head Proctor cleared his throat and diplomatically ignored his stunned colleague. "A-As it seems you are right Madam Admiral… we will allow them a little leeway… and continue sending in their results."

Admiral Kane grinned sweetly at them. They flinched again as she waved them away. Turning to her son grinning proudly at him before she ruffled his hair again. "Good boy… keep it up."

Kal fidgeted slightly and turned red, "…Yes mother." He said.

"Momma's boy." Boomer grinned.

"Shut up Boomer." Admiral Kane said as he obeyed. "Kal sweetie let's go have lunch with Aida while I'm here. Escort me." Then taking her son's arm he led her away…

Patched scratched his head as Boomer elbowed him playfully, and he followed him back out…

…It was hard to believe most of his friends died not too long ago.

"MT-654 is something the matter?" the imperial commander said imperiously glaring at him as he looked up from the dead body before him… a demolitionist…

"No sir." He said, shaking his head. "Just examining the body…"

"He's DEAD MT-654. Tend to the living…" he said callously, "Or perhaps you think because you saved a Cromwell's life you're entitled to some benefits?" he said with a hiss, and Patch could not help but think the commander was envious of his 'connections'.

"No sir. I'm just seeing what he died from… learning on the fly and hoping to avoid it next time."

"Listen here MT-654-" he began sternly, but before he could say anything another voice echoed around the medlab.

"Shut up Wesley." The commander flinched as Admiral Kane entered with her aides Jazzle and Idale. "Patch." She said as he stood a little straight, "What can you tell me?"

"They're using some sort of shrapnel grenade…" he said, frowning as he examined the body. "…The shrapnel itself laced with poison of some sort… I'd have more for you ma'am but Commander Wesley asked me to move along…"

Wesley shot him a very nasty look.

"Oh really? How interesting that once again Wesley thinks he can override my orders…" Aida said coolly, she glanced at Jazzle. "Jazzle can he override my orders?"

"Don't think so ma'am." She replied abruptly, almost lazily, "Check with Idale."

"Idale can he override my orders?" Aida said playfully as the pretty Miralan woman shook her head, tossing her hair.

"No Ma'am he cannot… in fact he is supposed to obey you without question according to his superior, Daemon Cromwell."

"Indeed?" Aida asked curiously, humming to herself in thought. "Well then… he better STOP-" she suddenly got uncomfortably close to Commander Wesley, "-Being an annoying prat?! Shouldn't he?!"

Wesley flinched in surprise, suppressed anger clearly on his face before Aida waved a dismissive hand, "Jazzle get him out of here before I shoot him."

Jazzle didn't touch him, but 'politely' and clearly mocking him, gestured towards the door, Wesley snarled to himself before stomping out of the lab as Aida returned her attention to Patch. "Is that all? Or was there more?"

Patch hesitated for a second and shook his head, "…It took him a long time to die… the explosion was weak, but the poison was not…"

Aida frowned, "Shame… keep up the good work Patch."

"Yes Ma'am." He saluted as she smirked, waving him off. She took a few steps away before he said, "Ma'am?" she paused glancing at him curiously. "…Is there… any sign of him?"

Aida watched him for a moment and shook her head sadly, "…Not a lot… he's still alive." She smiled, "It takes a lot to kill my cousin…" she then walked out without another word as Patch stared at the silent body…

…He missed his squad…

End of chapter.

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