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6.56% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 17: A Warm Day on Hoth

Chapter 17: A Warm Day on Hoth

I don't own star wars

They smell as bad on the outside as they do on the inside.

So you guys, girls and other assorted sentient beings have been listening to me for a while, so have any of you guessed yet that I hated the cold? No? No hints whatsoever? Well, let's go down the list.

1: I was born on Dromund Kaas,

There was no snow on Dromund Kaas, it's very wet and gritty. It has a very humid but temperate climate.

2: I base my ship on Tattooine, the inbred capital of the outer rims.

I came for the convenience but stayed for the job. Granted this is more for Torga's convenience but it has its perks that lead directly to reason number 3…

3: When it's far too cold, the girls dressed much warmer

… I know, I'm weak…

So as I shivered through the heavy winds of Hoth I could not help but complain at the sheer bulk of clothing I now wore to protect myself that seemed to do nothing against the elements.

For one thing, I didn't have my armor or my duster coat, which made me sad. But it essentially rolled down to me unable to carry all my weapons. I only had my modded rifle, and my vibro-knife now strapped over my thick layer of clothes. My 'uniform' as it were, was designed to help me carry and store my weapons, so now I could only take what I could carry easily.

Ironic that the more clothes I wore the less safe I felt.

"Okay. Again. Why am I out here alone?!" I shouted over the winds into the com as I viewed the massive white expanse. Of snow, more snow, and snow-capped ridges… just for a small change of scenery.

"Because somebody took a contract from his sister's sexy, pet Cipher…" Came Yura's voice, crackling back over the com, I could practically feel her smug, warm face as she answered. "So we wouldn't want to interrupt you."

"…You just didn't want to come out into the snow, didn't you…" I grunted in annoyance as I continued on.

"Yeah my tits are already blue, they don't need any more help…" she replied and I could only imagine the smile on her face.

"Yes and a very nice shade they are." I replied trying to ignore the wanton desire to go back and firmly caress them as I felt the need for another warm body against me. "But that doesn't mean I need to be out here, alone, getting the real definition of blue balls…"

"Oh quit whining Short-round gave you an enviro-shield right? Use that."

"It hardly lasted 40 seconds out here!" I shouted back, checking the battery charge on Short-rounds homemade enviro-shield. At least it was solar-powered.

"Sorry sweetie can't hear you!" she shouted as the weather began to interfere with the coms, "Got to go! Milky made soup! Have fun with your imperial agent!"

"…Fuck." I mumbled as we were disconnected. I briefly debated on whether or not to punish her for that later, but I couldn't expect them to always agree with me on jobs; so that was a fair conversation.

But fuck, why even on hoth? Who even comes to hoth? Just crazies and disfavored soldiers, hell the republic only has base here because the Imperials have a base here. What kind of fucking reasoning is that?

"…Hello Aiden. Are you done with your girlfriend?" a voice filled with honey, suddenly asked over my ear com. "Tune in to frequency 314.5A if you have…"

Recognizing Cipher 10's voice I adjusted the com to the frequency.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello yourself." She replied softly, like a comsex-girl you'd call in the evening. "Think you can find me? I can see you…" she added playfully.

I quickly looked around the area, you'd think I'd be able to spot a sexy blue Chiss, but no. "…Sorry, how about a hint?"

"Hmmm…" I could feel her smirk over the com. "Hold on just a second while I… work something out."

I rolled my eyes and waited, and on a distance ridge something rose like a flag pole, hanging on it was a black pair of string panties flapping in the wind. But just as quickly it was gone, but it got the message across.

"Were those yours?" I asked pleasantly heading in that direction.

"Well, I figured I needed to get your attention." She chuckled seductively, "What better way to grab the attention of a horny young man?"

I didn't answer... It wasn't an untrue statement.

As I trudged up the cliff side I began to hunch low, even this close I could hardly see her. She matched perfectly into the snow in her white climate clothing. Her long barreled sniper rifle which still had her panties wrapped around the edges had been covered in a white cloth to prevent distinction. She was lying on a long white sheet to push off as much of the cold beneath her as possible. I lay down next to her and placed my rifle next to me.

"So. What are we waiting for?" I asked, she had been vague on the details, she just said she needed to go to Hoth over the comms and that my sister would like me to join her.

"See that group down there?" she asked, watching through the scope. "In that old shipwreck?"

I pulled out one of Short-round's monocle binoculars and looked. A small group of what looked like republic commandos were guarding the wreck, or stationed in there it was hard to tell. Each of them had a red vibro-knife painted over the hearts of their armor.

"Yeah, are they the targets?" I asked, looking at her.

"…Yes and no. Those are the Knives of the Republic, a sort of heavily militant militia but they're essentially small-time." she replied, "There's a hutt name Ubba who deals primarily in used ships, fully restoring them. then dealing them out. He's strictly small time but recently Imperial and republic bases have been raided by pirates, thugs, and renegades you name it. We could care less about the republic targets but we want to know where Ubba is getting his ships and who he might be selling them to…"

"So we can keep track… I get it." I replied, "So are we waiting on a deal before we strike?"

"Hmmm? Oh no I'm already done with the mission, this is a formality… I figured I could also track the Knives of the Republic in case we ever wanted to laugh in their faces."

I blinked at her as what she said registered in my brain. "…What?"

"Yeah your sister wanted me to make sure that you would actually come if I were to proposition you… and here you are! Second mission complete."

My eyes narrowed angrily as I looked at her, she turned and smiled at me underneath her face guard. Even though her thick clothing did nothing to hide the sheer size of her breasts, not even those would distract my anger.

"You got to be kidding me!" I shouted and slammed my hand onto the ground…

Before hearing a loud and audible crack…

I brushed the snow away hesitantly as we lay there perfectly still, underneath us was ice; very, very thin ice. And it quickly escalated as a spiderweb of cracks shot beneath us. With hardly a scream between us, the ground gave way and we vanished inside…

Although not the first time I have woken up with a sexy blue woman on top of me it was the most painful. I groaned as the ringing in my head deadened and I looked up. It would've been funny if it wasn't so annoying. I could see her sniper rifle hanging from a protruding rock edge just beneath the top of the hole, hanging by the panties she had used as a flag.

I quickly looked around as she lay on top of me, there were a couple of tunnels, but then I realized something else. My blaster rifle was still above us, we had fallen at least fifty feet but at least we landed in some snow to cushion the fall…

The fact that we were unarmed in a hostile environment however was the problem. No blasters and only a vibro-knife between us. We needed to get moving. Before I could wake her an eruption of noise roared over the opening above us as a massive blizzard ripped across it. And for half a second I thought my luck had changed as my blaster was thrown into the pit…

But they smashed against the floor with an unfortunate crack missing snow completely and denting the barrel. "Fuck me…" I grunted. Slapping my throbbing head onto the snow, letting it attempt to cool the ache.

"I thought you'd want to get to know me first…" she mumbled softly, blinking her ruby-colored eyes open as she viewed the surroundings, "…What happened?"

"We fell, got our bells rung, we are probably trapped and are now unarmed in the middle of a blizzard and unknown caves.…"

She looked up to see her riffle hanging there. "…That would be funny if this wasn't so serious…" she groaned before straddling my hips and staring down at me. I could still see her smile underneath her mask but she pulled it away to give me a better view. "…Do you want to cuddle for warmth?" she asked with a half smile, "…I'll be very gentle."

"Yes. But not now." I replied gently pushing her off and retrieving my sediment-filled rifle, Short-round could fix it, but until then if I didn't want my hand to explode from pushback, I couldn't fire it.

"We need to find a way out."

She glanced around thoughtfully and briefly walked up one of the two tunnels out of sight "…And we're going to want to do it quickly. She came back carrying an obviously gnarled on bone. "…This is a Wampa nest." She scowled and tossed the bone back up the cave. "Fun." she mumbled dryly

"Do you have your com?" I asked, turning mine on and adjusting to my frequency, "Short-round? Yura, Milky, can you hear me?" but only static. I figured it wouldn't work I was already too far away and the storm would definitely fiddle with it more.

"Yes. But the storm wouldn't get the signal through all this rock and ice." She replied, "…Nobody to call anyway." She said, turning up the other tunnel.

"Don't you have a crew?" I asked following her.

"Ciphers usually work alone, only the highest numbers have groups." She smirked at me over her shoulder, "…leads to some very lonely nights."

I smiled at her, and rolled my eyes. "Yeah well… I guess you can call me if you ever need someone to help you." she giggled, and then remembering how I got into this predicament in the first place I added sternly, "But I expect to actually be doing a mission mind you."

"I'll keep that in mind, you're still getting paid, by the way, I have to justify the presence of a bounty hunter. So win-win…"

"Well that'll make Yura happy, but I still have literal blue balls from the cold…" I grumbled.

She stopped walking suddenly and I was about to walk into her but she stopped me and placed her hand on my crotch, "Oh… maybe I should have a look at those. I have a wonderful bedside manner…" she was teasing me again. But hell, I could appreciate that even if I couldn't feel her hand through our clothes.

"Can we survive first?" I asked hesitantly, "My balls can wait; they won't do any good in a wampa's stomach.

"You and your sister have no sense of humor!" she laughed and we continued onward.

"Hey, I have a great sense of humor!" I shouted cheerfully at her, "What did the Sith say to the Jedi after the check for dinner arrived? We've got to balance this out!"

She looked at me confused, "…That was awful. Where did you even get that joke?"

"…Kavilla…" I replied sheepishly and we continued in silence.

The tunnel was a collection of twists and turns that seemed to go on forever, but soon enough we felt a sudden gust of wind from ahead of us. "Hey! We're almost out!" I shouted happily running ahead around the corner.

Promptly skidded to a stop and came back around, stopping her by placing a hand on her chest.

"Nope. Never mind." I replied.

She peeked around the corner to see what had me hesitating. I had never seen a Wampa before, but this one was obviously massive in comparison, six feet high and all muscle it blocked the entrance to the tunnel as it feasted on something that looked distinctly like an armored arm…

"That's unfortunate." She mumbled eyes wide in a small amount of terror. "…We could run for it." she said softly, looking at me. "We might make it out before it realizes we were here."

I shook my head no, it practically filled the exit with its massive frame. And I looked at her, she was actually terrified. Imagine a Cipher agent, actually afraid. Man, this was going to suck.

We could stay here hoping for it to leave. But it was eating, in all likelihood, it was going to come back up the tunnel and there was nowhere to hide. Nope. We'd have to make the first strike. I wasn't going to stay here and let the girls and my sisters worry about what happened to us. I wouldn't let them come looking for us and get caught unaware by that thing.

"…I assume your ship is nearby?" I asked.

"It's not too far away… just a few minutes, it has its cloak on." she replied, suddenly looking at me with interest. "Why?" I handed her my blaster rifle, she looked at it confused, "This… I can't even use this it's dented."

"Yeah but it's sentimental." I replied, making my decision and regretting it immediately… they were going to hate me forever for this one. "Give it to Tolara for me will you?" I said honestly, drawing my knife from its sheath.

"What are you…?"

I turned and ran up the tunnel vibro-knife in hand.

"AIDEN!" she shouted horrified, I leaped into the air, knife downwards pointing to the creature's exposed back.

"RUN FOR IT!" I roared as my vibro-knife erupted into noise as I slammed it deep into the creature. Slashing and stabbing away as its roar of pain and rage shook the room around us, I just kept slashing and stabbing, carving away at every stretch of fur and flesh I could, my free hand wrapped around a clump of fur to keep me in place on its back where it could just barely reach me with its sharp deadly claws as I bobbed and weaved away from them.

She didn't fucking run!

"Force damn it, GO!" I shouted looking at her as the wampa charged outside into the blizzard, smashing icicles away as it did.

"Come on you fuzzy piece of shit!" I snarled angrily, grimly holding on as my knife sunk into it. But honestly, it just wasn't long enough to hit anything vital. Wampa's were all muscle and fat to protect against the cold elements of Hoth, my knife while drawing a lot of blood was only causing it a mild irritation of pain I'd have to stab it dozens and dozens more times before blood loss set it.

Then it got me, it dived onto the snow and rolled down a hill.

I let go… it's not like I wanted to. A massive streak of its blood littered the snowscape, it got up and charged at me on all fours, quickly closing the distance. I grabbed my knife and prepared myself, but fuck what was I going to do prick it some more? I dodged its first swing and stabbed it deep in the side but it reacted quickly in its rage and smashed a powerful blunt hand on me face sending me spiraling into the snow with my knife still inside it…

Well shit… I tried to shake the dizziness… but he really rattled me.

But just as it was about to strike the finishing blow the repeated fire of a blaster pierced the air, it roared angrily as dozens of blaster bolts slammed into its back, then several black marks appeared on its chest as the blaster fire penetrated its insides. It gave one last feeble roar of tired anguish and collapsed onto its side. Good and dead.

Cipher 10, duel-wielding two republic carbines she had apparently scavenged from the exit of the tunnel, tossed them aside and dashed down towards me. "You are a fucking idiot!"

Shame I didn't hear the rest and passed out.

I woke to a gentle soothing touch on my chest. My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was her beautiful face. She wasn't wearing the bulky survival clothes but I tight-fitting black bodysuit that was zipped up just below her breasts so I could get a good view of her massive cleavage. She watched me for a moment, then gently applied a kolto patch to my skin (essentially a band-aid)

"…You know I've never had to use these before." She said softly, gently rubbing the patch onto my skin, "I do hope they haven't expired."

"Hmmm." I groaned my relief as the kolto soothed the pain as I relaxed on what was obviously her bed on her ship.

"…You are an idiot." She said softly, with a strange amount of concern for an Agent of the Empire. "Do you have any idea what your sister would've done to me if I left you in that cave to die?" she gave me a soft smile, "I would've rather become that wampa's frozen dinner."

"Yeah but…" I groaned, trying to explain myself as she applied, "I wasn't going to stay in there and wait for it to find us. The girls would've come looking, my sisters too maybe… not expecting that thing, worrying..." I looked at her surprised face. "One of us had to get out and tell them. And no offense but you're a cipher agent I didn't exactly expect you to take the bullet."

She stared at me, was that a genuine look of hurt on her face, "…You did that… so I could tell them not to look for you?"

I shrugged, and flinched because it hurt, she placed a comforting hand on me to steady me, "It was also kind of my fault we were in there in the first place so I wanted to get you out."

"…You're a very brave idiot Aiden." She said finally, after a moment of silence with a mysterious smile on her face "Don't do that again." She added firmly.

I smiled at her, "Why Cipher 10, I didn't know you cared." She rolled her eyes exasperated at me but her mysterious smile didn't fade, apparently she was still a little happy at my praise. "So do you have a real name?"

"Cipher 10." She replied instantly and gave me a warning look still smiling as she applied more patches.

"Come on. I think we've known each other long enough. I did save your life you know." I smiled, leaning back as her hands lingered across my bare chest.

"I saved your life remember?" she replied knowingly, "Wampa attack? Dragging your unconscious slab of meat to my ship?" then with a very mocking tone she added, "And you do realize that real Chiss names are about 15 syllables long right? Cipher 10 works fine."

"Well then how about a nickname?" I asked, "I'll tell you the one I got in the academy…"

"I already know that one." She replied, "Charmer." She looked at me, "It wasn't used in good company." She said, referring to the many, many arguments I got into with other guys over the girl's attention.

"Oh right, you were at the academy for awhile." I mumbled, "Come on." I begged, "Saved your life…"

"…Newt." She said finally after a long silence, giving me a faint smile, "My father shortened my name to Newt. IF you insist on calling me something it can be that, but only when alone." She pressed just a little harder on my chest, "Never in company understand? Or you will wish you had balls to be blue…"

"Got it…" I groaned as she let up the pressure. After a moment longer of silence, I gave her a grin, "You really do have a good bedside manner."

She smiled, "Yes well, I had a conversation with Yura about your condition…" she winked at me, "Let's just say she's not very happy about it so I offered to fix you up before I took you to your ship.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked nervously

"I didn't mention your suicide assault. As far as she's concerned we just took a nasty fall."

"…Good call."

"I thought so…"

We were silent again, this was becoming awkward as she finished patching me up, she stood up to place the first-aid kit back into the cabinet. I got a very good view of her tightly packed rear in the suit she wore. What was it about female spies and their tight clothing?

"So do you wear that all the time or only when playing nursemaid?" I asked as she turned with an odd smile on her face.

"Oh? Is it too… distracting?" slowly her hand caressed the zipper just under her breasts and she tantalizingly pulled it down. "…well it's supposed to be." She approached me slowly, one long leg in front of the other. the suit left nothing to the imagination. "I was wearing this under my climate gear, I wear it all the time when out in hostile territory. You never know when I need to draw someone's attention…" her breasts seemed eager to pop out of the tight suit, "...somewhere else…"

"Well, it's effective…" I said softly, watching her magnificent natural rack straining against it. "Newt." I smiled at her, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

She laughed, loudly, it was apparently hilarious "Oh no! Well, just a little in fun. But then I remember that Tolara will kill us…" she grinned at me, "She is really possessive."

I rolled my eyes, "No kidding. Still, she means well."

"She actually told me to keep my hands off you…" she said still laughing, placing her soft, warm hands on my chest, "Whoops!" she mocked.

We both laughed lightly. "Well… I better get going." I said, getting off her bed, "…It's been fun Newt, let's do it again. Preferably an actual job…"

"I'll keep it in mind." She smiled beautifully, "I do enjoy the company." I was about to grab my broken rifle when she giggled slightly like a schoolgirl.

"You know. It was very, very brave thing, what you did…" she said, "I guess it deserves a special reward. We can risk angry Tolara for something small."

Gently, her lips brushed on my lips and held for a couple of seconds in a very chaste kiss. She tasted like honey. And slowly she pulled away.

But she stopped, we felt each other's breath between us, and a look appeared on her face that I recognized many times before…

Her arms suddenly wrapped around me and my hands began to caress her hips as our mouths opened and her tongue shot desperately inside. My pants were already on the floor as she tackled me back to her bed, her zipper couldn't fly down her body fast enough to expose her suddenly wet pussy to the air.

"We never tell Tolara!" she shouted desperately, pressing me against the bed. "And we were cuddling for warmth because my ships enviro-shields briefly failed!"

"Agreed!" I shouted, burying myself lustfully into her breasts. They felt so amazing around my face, and she apparently agreed by throwing her head back and crying delightfully.

"Oh yes!" she screamed as I quickly penetrated her, "Suck them! I love it!" taking her nipples in my mouth in turn I thrust up to meet her slams, trying to get as far inside her as I could. I only needed one hand for her breasts, I used my free one to caress her shapely ass as she pounded against me.

"More! By the Emperor more!" she cried lustfully as she caressed my head and her own large breasts at the feeling, "Y-you are amazing!" she shouted.

"You're one to talk!" I groaned as she tightened around my length, "By the force… if you squeeze any tighter I won't be able to pull out."

"Nobody's pulling out shit!" she laughed pressing down on me, and placing her forehead onto my own as her ruby eyes gazed deeply into my own. "…You stay right in there where you belong." She gasped adoringly. She felt so warm, there was something about being in an extremely cold place and being with another sentient that just enhanced the feeling.

Unable to control myself I kissed her, and she moaned against me while she continued to bounce on me, her tight leather suit might as well not have been there at all, it was like her own skin. Finally she began to slam harder against me, pulling away from my mouth.

"I'm cuming." She breathed at me huskily, "I'm cuming and you better cum with me!" she quivered and I fired, for a long blissful moment it felt like forever as I held her hips in place and her head was thrown back displaying her wonderful breasts to me as if to say...

Look at me… look at what you did.

She collapsed on top of me, blearily she began kissing me chastely, and our lips would touch briefly as I caressed her whole body. Finally, after the eighth meeting of our lips, she smiled at me. "…If this is how all our missions together are going to end. I'll call you more often for them…"

I breathed in her exotic smell; like lavender, I was going to love lavender, "…I would like that…" I blinked suddenly in realization and I looked at her questioningly, "…Does this mean I'm getting paid to have sex with you?"

She chuckled, "…Well… sure, I guess it does in a way. But it's not like we'll be monogamous." She then grinned at me knowingly, "Who has got a sex slave and an ex-holo-girl on his ship again?"

"…Fair enough. I just wanted to know if I should add gigolo to my job resume."

She laughed, and sadly pulled away to adjust her suit, a small amount of my semen dripped onto her hand as the zipper flowed easily up her body and just below her breasts. She licked my essence off her fingers and smiled lustfully at me. licking her lips hungrily as if I tasted delicious.

You know I should really ask the girls if I was, I wondered what I tasted like.

"And again, I cannot stress this enough, we don't tell Tolara this happened." She added softly, "Or in a likely scenario, keeps happening."

"Oh force no, she has a star destroyer." I stared horrified as she tossed me my shirt. "Charging a wampa, sure. Charging Tolara, NO."

She landed her ship right next to the Scarlet Rebel and turned to face me, "…Stay out of trouble."

"I will until you get me into it." I smiled at her as I headed down her ramp, and she blew me a kiss…

Yura and Milky stood imposingly at the head of the ramp to my ship as Cipher 10's flew off. "Are you okay?" Yura asked concerned, seeing the Kolto patches on my skin.

"Yeah Cipher 10's bedside manner is surprisingly good." I smiled, touching them in remembrance, "Still a little sore though."

"Aw…" Milky said losing the imposing look and approaching me concerned, "You poor thing, why don't we go lie down and I can give you a massage and warm you up…" she had that recognizable look that Cipher 10 had on her face...

As Milky dragged me to my room to 'warm me up'. Gigolo suddenly sounded like an accurate addition to my resume…

End of Chapter

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