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58.97% Am I Deadpool??? / Chapter 21: That Time I Got Kidnapped By An Elderly Metalhead, Literally

Chapter 21: That Time I Got Kidnapped By An Elderly Metalhead, Literally

Wade floated in the air beside Magneto, feeling more than a little miffed that the man didn't even have the decency to demonstrate how to wear a seatbelt or serve snacks during their mid-air flight. Not that Wade would've worn the seatbelt anyway. One star review—would not recommend. Still, he had to admit, it was pretty badass, if only his face weren't stuffed with a metal junk and his body literally being controlled like a puppet.

Wade tried to say something witty—probably involving the words "Gay Metal Gandalf" and "Shoving metal up into his ass"—but all that came out was, "Mmrrph hrmmmpph—," which, tragically, didn't translate to the genius-level sarcasm Wade had intended. Yep, this was a problem that needed fixing, ASAP. No one—and he means NO ONE—silences Wade Wilson—now—Howlett!

The only people you're gonna annoy with these muffled sounds are us, not that bucket-headed old man.

(Idk, he looks pretty pissed off by us constantly hmmph-ing at him.)

'I shall not be silenced!' Wade thought, mentally raising a fist in defiance.

Wade was seriously considering using the small amount of Magneto's power he had absorbed to release himself from this stupid fucking shit metal junk that in his mouth right now. He focused, feeling out the small sliver of Magneto's power he'd absorbed earlier—hmm, it just enough to lift a soda can, but soda can is a metal junk. Well, it was worth a shot.

So, Wade focused on that tiny soul that he was forced to be absorbed, trying to pull out the tiny soul power. Suddenly, the gag came loose, and with it, Wade's glorious voice was back but the tiny soul power he absorbed is gone. It seemed that his power depended on how much of the soul he could absorb, store it, and depleted over how much he used it. Unfortunately, the borrowed power fizzled out, leaving him back at zero, but hey, minor setback.

Why this plot kinda remind me of something? But I couldn't put my finger on it…

(Shit explanation if you tell me! Nerfed our MC like that!)

Wade took a deep breath, savoring the sweet, sweet taste of freedom. "Ohhhh, baby! Never silenced me again, you fuckin' Metalheaded Gandalf!"

Magneto shot him a side-eye that could've kill or could probably kill him right now. Wade gulped. Maybe taunting the guy who literally controlled metal wasn't the best idea but then again, he still have his card with him.

"It seems you've figured out how to use my gift now," Magneto said. "Excellent."

"Yeah, yeah, I know I'm fuckin' awesome. Anyway, where we headed? Is this a date? Because, just a heads-up, I'm not legal yet. And you're definitely not my type."

"You'll see soon enough," Magneto replied as they continued to descended from the Brotherhood hideout. Wade finally saw where they were headed—a boat with some kind machinery strapped into on top of it.

Magneto landed gracefully on the boat's deck, Wade following suit, still unable to move under Magneto's control. The deck creaked beneath them as the boat gently rocked in the water. Toad and Mystique stood near the controls, while Sabertooth loomed menacingly at the edge of the boat, looking like he'd just crawled out of a rage-induced hibernation.

"Oooh! Boat ride!!! I didn't know you were a romantic, Mags!" Wade quipped, wiggling his eyebrows for extra flair. "Can I call you Mags? I mean, I'm still not legal yet, but we could totally be friends. No pressure or anything."

Mystique shot Magneto a glance, barely holding back an eye roll, while Toad snickered in the corner.

Sabertooth, however, let out a low growl, clearly seconds away from tossing Wade overboard.

Wade looked around at the ominous setup on the boat—the machinery, the dark waters, and the brood squad of Magneto's merry band of misfits. His curiosity peaked, and of course, his mouth followed.

"So… where are we going? I mean, I'm all for spontaneous adventure, but a little heads-up would be nice. Are we off to some mutant island resort? I don't think I am allowed there, they did ban me from unforeseeable future!"

I don't think Krakoa is a thing right now in this universe.

(Because we actually a mutant, I think we are also welcomed there! unless they ban Deadpool because they just love bullying him...)

"You'll know soon enough." Magneto replied, not bothering to look at Wade. Clearly he's been rethinking his decision on using Wade for his plan.

Wade raised an eyebrow, undeterred. "You said it like that last time! Whatever! Is there a snack bar on this boat? You know, something to munch on while we're off to wherever villainous masterminds vacation these days?"

You know where we headed, you saw the movie…

(I hate Liberty, the statue just gave me creeps after I watched that Doctor Who episode…)

Toad snickered again from the corner, but Sabertooth just growled louder, his patience for Wade's constant chatter clearly wearing thin.

"Silence, Wade," Magneto said, his tone flat, but Wade could practically hear the exhaustion creeping in. Which perfect for his next moves.

"So... are we there yet?"

Magneto sighed, deeply, and annoyed.


"How about now?"


"So, like, now?"

Magneto's eye twitched slightly, clearly regretting every choice that led to this moment. "If you ask me one more time—"

"Are we there yet?"

"Do you want me to gag you again?" Magneto's eyes glinted dangerously, but Wade was too far committed into the bit to care.



"I told you I'm still Illegal! Ask me again in six years!"

And with that, Wade is being gagged by a metal junk once again. FUCK.


This is going to be a long night.

(No refund!!!)


Back at the X-Mansion, the X-Men assembled in the War Room. Professor Xavier sat at the center, his gaze focused and unwavering as his mind processed the information that Cerebro had revealed. Rogue stood nearby, arms crossed, her eyes full of a maternal rages that made even Wolverine glance at her cautiously.

Logan stood by the wall, pacing back and forth, his fists clenching and unclenching, while Cyclops, Jean, and Storm stood around the table, the weight of the situation pressing down on all of them. 

Wade was on Liberty Island.

Professor X turned his chair toward the team, his calm demeanor doing nothing to alleviate the dread building in the pit of Rogue's stomach. She was trying not to panic. She was trying to focus. Wade needed her focused. But the thought of her son in Magneto's hands, in danger, was driving her every maternal instinct to scream.

"I've located Magneto," Xavier said, breaking the quiet. His voice was steady, controlled—like the eye of a storm. "He and Wade are on Liberty Island. It seems Magneto plans to use the Statue of Liberty as part of his device."

Rogue sucked in a sharp breath, her hands curling into fists. "The Statue of Liberty?"

Logan growled from the corner, his voice low and dangerous. "He's probably planning to use it on the politicians at the summit on Ellis Island. World leaders from all over are gonna be there."

Everyone turned to look at Logan, a bit surprised. Cyclops raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "How do you know that?"

Logan scoffed with a hint of irritation visible in his eyes. "What? I read the news."

"He'll kill him," Rogue muttered, barely above a whisper, her green eyes narrowing. "He'll drain every ounce of his power and leave him to die."

Jean stepped forward, her voice soothing but firm. "We won't let that happen. We'll stop him before it gets to that point."

Cyclops, cut in. "Are you sure Wade actually could die? Based on what you told us, he basically got both of your powers. I think he'll be fine, it the world leaders we need to worry about. If Magneto succeeded, it'll spark global chaos and even more hatred to mutant kind." Both Jeans and Storm glanced at him disapprovingly, not to mention the glare both Logan and Rogue.

Logan slammed his fist against the table, the metallic clang reverberating through the room. "You got a lot of nerve saying that to us. That's my kid you're talking about!"

"How dare you," Rogue's face flushed with anger as she rounded on Cyclops. "How dare you say that to our faces! My son is just a kid! He's not invincible! And you call yourself a teacher!" Her fists clenched, fingernails biting into her palms.

Xavier stepped in. "We all want the same thing here—to stop Magneto and save everyone. Let's not lose sight of that." Xavier voice softened, turning to Rogue. "Wade is strong, Rogue. He's your son, and he has a resilience and unpredictability that even Magneto may not anticipate. But we must move quickly. The longer we wait, the closer Magneto comes to completing his plan."

Rogue nodded, pushing her emotions down deep, where they wouldn't distract her. "What's the plan?"

Cyclops' eyes narrowed as he examined the island's layout. "So, Magneto is here, Liberty Island. Presumably, his objective is to blanket the U.N. World Summit on Ellis Island with the radiation from his device. From this point of view, he probably strapped that machine in the Liberty's Torch."

Storm chimed in, her brow furrowing, "He doesn't know his machine kills,

and judging from what the professor saw, if Magneto were to give Wade enough power—"

 "—He could kill everyone in New York City. Not just those in Ellis Island." Rogue finished.

A heavy silence settles over the room as the gravity of the situation sinks in.

Cyclops, breaking the silence, pointed to the map, "All right, We can insert here, at the George Washington Bridge." He moved a marker to show their approach. "We come around the bank just off Manhattan. We land on the far side of Liberty Island. Here."

Logan, who'd been quietly stewing in his corner after his outburst at Scott, finally grumbled, "What about Harbor Patrol? Radar?"

"If they have anything that can spot our jet, they deserve to catch us." Scott replied, "we'll need to land on the island quietly. Storm, you'll need to cover us with fog. Jean, you and I will focus on how to destroy the machine. Rogue, Logan wait for—"

"I'm goin' straight for Wade," Logan cut him off, his voice firm, leaving no room for argument.

"Logan," Cyclops said, his tone firm, "we have to do this as a team. If you rush in alone—"

Logan's claws unsheathed with a snikt, and he glared at Cyclops. "I said I'm getting my son back."

Rogue stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Logan's arm. "Logan, we'll get him back. But we've got to this with them together, weakened or not, Magneto could still control our skeleton."

Logan met her gaze, the fury in his eyes slowly subsiding as he exhaled. "Fine. Let's just get this over with." Logan muttered, more to himself than to her, his claws retracting as he clenched his fists.

"Let's get to it. We don't have much time. Put on your suit! Meet me at the hangar!" Cyclops finally said.

The team moved quickly to put on their uniform and be ready to boar the Blackbird. Rogue and Logan look at the suits that their son has prepared. Rogue had a bright green and yellow suit, with green covering her torso and upper arms, and yellow on her legs, gloves, and boots, Wade also include brown leather bomber jacket, a utility belt, and a headband for her hair. The suit for Logan was a yellow and blue spandex with some tactical padding in the front and a pair of blue gloves with protective guard for his claws, there also a mask that hang like a hoodie in the back. When they put it on, they noticed that the suits did make them move more flexible and freely than the leather uniform that the X-Men provide. It made them teary eyed at first, their kid know their style.

The team moved quickly to suit up, preparing for the mission ahead. Rogue and Logan lingered a moment longer, staring at the uniforms Wade had designed for them.

Rogue's suit was a vibrant combination of bright green and yellow. The green hugged her torso and upper arms, while yellow streaked down her legs, gloves, and boots. Wade hadn't forgotten her love for vintage style either, adding a brown leather bomber jacket and a utility belt that gave her an edge of practicality. He even included a headband to pull her hair back, so that her hair won't distract her in a fight.

The suit for Logan was a yellow and blue spandex with some modern tactical padding over his chest and abdomen. Blue gloves with protective guards for his claws completed the look, along with a mask hanging loosely in the back, like a hoodie.

As they slipped into their new gear, both Rogue and Logan were surprised by how effortlessly the suits moved with them. The fabric seemed to stretch and shift naturally with every motion, much more comfortable and responsive than the stiff leather uniforms provided by the X-Men. They could feel the care Wade had put into crafting each piece, and it hit them hard, a swell of pride and emotion rising in their chests.

Their kid really knew them and better than they realized. And somehow, even though he was the one in danger, he still found a way to take care of them. He always does.

Logan slid his hands into the blue gloves, flexing his fingers before popping his claws with a sharp snikt. He paused, surprised at the difference. The usual sharp pain that shot through his knuckles felt… dulled, almost nonexistent. He flexed his claws a few more times, testing the movement.

"Huh," he grunted, more to himself than anyone else, "Kid really thought of everything."

Rogue looked over, her brow furrowing in curiosity. "What?"

He retracted his claws, then extended them again, slower this time. "The guards. Usually, it hurts like hell when these things come out. But this… it's like Wade knew I needed something to ease it. The pressure's almost gone."

Rogue's lips trembled into a soft smile as she adjusted her own suit. "He always did have a knack for looking out for us."

He grunted, but there was a softness in his voice he couldn't quite mask. "Damn that kid, he did always knew how to take care of us, didn't he? It made me feel bad."

"We're gonna get him back," Rogue chuckled softly, gripping the jacket that her son gave her, her heart aching and swelling at the same time.

As they headed for the Blackbird, Rogue found herself next to Logan, her mind already racing with a dozen scenarios, each one worse than the last.

As the team boarded the jet, the students of Xavier's school watched with wide eyes, some whispering among themselves, others too stunned to speak. This was no training exercise. This was the real thing.

Scott took the pilot's seat, his hands steady on the controls as the jet roared to life. The Blackbird lifted off into the night sky, cutting through the clouds, heading straight for Liberty Island.

For a moment, as the jet soared higher, Rogue allowed herself to close her eyes. She had to believe Wade was still okay. That they weren't too late. That they'd save him before Magneto could take everything from him.

"Hang on, Wade," she whispered to herself. "Momma's coming."


The boat sliced through the water in eerie silence, the Statue of Liberty looming larger with each passing minute. In the bowels of the boat, Wade with hands bound and gagged for the millionth time in his life, strapped to a chair, gagged but very much awake. Magneto stood beside him, cape billowing slightly in the wind.

He really does have that whole this villain thing down, doesn't he?

(Okay, but seriously, why is Lady Liberty really creeping me out right now? Damn, I hate statue!)

'Hey, hey, shut it! Here comes the villain monologue!!! HOOO! I am excited!'

"You know," Magneto began, his voice thoughtful as he looked out at the towering figure of Lady Liberty, "the first time I saw this statue was in 1949. Back then, America was supposed to be the land of tolerance, peace. A beacon of hope for the world." He chuckled darkly. "Now, it's just a monument to a lie."

Wade squinted up at him. 'Oh, now he wants to talk to me! Here I was just trying to tell stories and jokes to pass the time, but nooo, he had to gag me! Pfff, whatever. His machine's gonna get destroyed by me anyway. Oops, sorry, spoiler!' Wade tried to muffle through the gag as Magneto continued his monologue.

(Way to break it for the readers, you should start hang out with Holland and Ruffalo.)

(I mean, I am pretty sure some of the reader knew we gonna wreck that machine off!)

As the boat slowed to a stop, Wade felt the soft thud of it hitting the dock. The motor died, leaving them in near-total silence, broken only by the gentle lapping of water against the hull. Magneto stepped off the boat first, gliding onto the dock like some ancient monarch surveying his kingdom. Wade, on the other hand, was dragged unceremoniously to his feet by Sabretooth, who had all the grace of a charging lion. Damn, his uncle really hated him after that drawing-dicks-on-his-face stunt. Wade knew he shouldn't have shown the pictures, but he had to see Sabretooth's reaction.

I told you it was a bad idea from the start.

(It was hilarious tho, ngl)

"Sabretooth," Magneto greeted, his voice cutting through the night air. "Is everything ready?"

Sabretooth grunted, yellow eyes gleaming. "Yeah, boss. Cleared out the guards. We're good to go."

Magneto turned his gaze to Wade once more, with a look that could almost be mistaken for regret. Wade didn't truly believe it, though. "I truly do regret what must happen next. But sacrifices must be made for the greater good."

Wade let out a muffled groan and slumped forward, making a show of exaggerated defeat. Great. Another "greater good" speech. Boriiing! Can't a guy get kidnapped by someone with a little originality around here?

(He is considered as an actor for Dumbledore, maybe he got the role in this universe?)

I don't think Magneto work as an actor in this universe.

(Well, We are in universe with so many people with secret identity, we never know!)

Magneto gestured to Mystique. "Put him in the machine. I'll raise it."

As Magneto said that, a dense fog is rolling in over the island. "Everyone stay sharp, We're not alone".

Well, like that's not ominous at all.

(Oooh! They are here! They are here! I hope they wore the suits!!!)

Sabretooth growled and headed toward the stairs, probably ready to rip someone's throat out just for fun. Wade wasn't complaining—unless, of course, it was his throat getting torn out.

But Magneto, ever the buzzkill, held him back. Wade almost symphatized with Sabertooth, no one liked being held back from doing some good old-fashioned ass-kicking.

"Stay here, Sabretooth."

"But they're coming," Sabretooth rumbled, clearly itching for a fight.

"I need you with me." Magneto said, turning to face him. "Once I've given my power to the boy, I'll be temporarily weakened. You will be my only defense."

Sabretooth paused mid-step, yellow eyes flashing. Reluctantly, he obeyed, clearly not thrilled about playing bodyguard while the others had all the fun. Wade almost felt bad for him. Almost.

(Aww, poor guy. His owner didn't let him get some ass-kicking out of Wolvie?)

He's really having a rough week.

As Mystique and Sabretooth manhandled Wade into the machine. Honestly, what's with the roughness? He already said he was very delicate! But he still put on a little show, flailing dramatically like this wasn't exactly part of his plan. Gotta keep up appearances. Inside, though? He was smiling so hard he could feel it pulling at the gag. Things were actually going more or less according to plan—well, sorta. Now if his parents and the X-Men would be so kind as to distract the Brotherhood, he'd have a chance to mess with the machine.

(Uuh, I can't wait for Sabertooth vs Wolverine showdown again! We missed it so much last time!)

Why I felt like the author gonna lets us down about the fight?

'I'll hunt him down if he made us missed this fight again!'

Vha_Ann Vha_Ann

We almost at the last chapter of first X-Men movie arc, the second one, if anyone could guesses it, would be X2 arc, I am contemplating on doing Apocalyspe or The Days of Future Past or Last Stand or Wolverine to end Volume 1 or just ended it on X2 plot? or should we add some animation or comic plot before we ended it? I did planned a animation or comic plot for volume 2 or 3 since I need Wade to be a little bit taller and older... Well, I am open for suggestion!

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