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23.25% Reborn as Anakin / Chapter 20: Speculation-1

Chapter 20: Speculation-1

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Mandalore is a pretty inhospitable world. Anakin was able to see this from his own experience when he went to the forest to get something to eat. Eating a "smuggler's lunch" when the ship is in the forest and you can forage for food like the primitive Mandalorians? Nonsense, nonsense, provocation.

Anakin, this time without taking his rifle, equipped himself with his swords, left the droid to guard the ship, and walked off into the forest. No sooner had he walked a couple of hundred metres to a small undergrowth where he saw mushrooms, than Skywalker's gut told him he was going to be attacked. His instincts had developed well enough during his wanderings through the forest to anticipate an attack and try to avoid a confrontation. No such luck this time - the beast had clearly sensed Skywalker and knew where to go. Deciding that this time he would come across something as peaceful as a bear-pig, Anakin drew his sword and prepared to fight. But this time the situation was not in his favour - the beast was cunning and dangerous. It was only with the foresight of the force that Anakin was able to move out of the path of the throw. In a high leap, Skywalker activated his sword, and swung it away from his attacker. This time nature pleased Skywalker with variety - the attacking beast was a reptile, but a monstrously fast reptile. There was no way Anakin could hit it. The beast, which looked like a varan, only with sharp fangs and claws, lurked on the ground and seemed to be asleep.

Anakin immediately lunged upwards and sideways - and just in time - the beast lunged at him, easily changing the direction of impact.

Anakin wondered how the reptile could change direction so easily.

Green slit eyes glittered under the light of Mandalore's star. The moons of the morning were already being lost in the sky.

Anakin stood in front of the beast and thought, as fast and as hard as he had ever thought - he wasn't afraid of death, he just didn't think about it, but the realisation of his opponent's strength made it clear that Skywalker wouldn't be able to run for long.

The reptile lunged at Skywalker once more, only this time Anakin took a great leap backwards - the beast would have caught him any other way to escape.

Looking at the paws of the beast as it landed after a swift jump, Skywalker thought the movements had something to do with the structure of its limbs. Thick paws covered in green scales and with large dagger claws. The paws were not only thick, but also long.

In its next leap, the predator unwittingly demonstrated how it operated - grouping itself with its entire body and shooting itself forward, helping to accelerate with its hind paws. And then accelerates even more afterwards, throwing its front paw forward.

Skywalker figured his strength abilities weren't at a level yet that he could fight the beast - organics were much harder to lift than inorganic matter.

Anakin froze in place. The decision came to him almost instantly - he could at least try to speed up his movements with the force. Skywalker felt a current of force in himself, in his arms, legs, the rest of his body, and mentally, as when working with hyperdrive metal, increased the flow of force in almost his entire body. But this was echoed by an unpleasant tugging sensation. The reptile attacked again, and before Anakin could think he was dead, the beast leapt several metres closer. Unlike the first attacks, Skywalker now saw the attack coming. He grouped himself, just as the beast had done, and with a pulse of force through his entire body, leapt at the reptile. The ground hit his feet painfully and the next moment a swift stroke of the sword sliced the predator almost in half near the back. Anakin wanted to rejoice, but he didn't know how to slow down, so he flew a few metres and ploughed his belly into the ground. He would have stayed there, but the blood still rushing in his ears, mixed with adrenaline, kept him on the ground. Skywalker rose to his feet and looked at his defeated foe - dead, he didn't look so frightening. Anakin decided that this was the end of the adventure and decided to take the beast's pretty hide with him - in the sunlight it looked emerald, though it was a darker, more of a malachite green colour.

Skywalker peeled off the hide and stuffed it into the duffel bag he had taken for the mushrooms and trotted back.

When he arrived, he immediately turned to Erdva:

- Prepare the ship for departure.

The droid squeaked positively and left, and Anakin, finally finally coming to his senses after the battle, tossed the duffel bag in with the rest of his belongings in the cargo hold. Reptilian skins were not as demanding to handle as mammalian coats.

Ten minutes later, the ship was ready for departure. Skywalker didn't pilot it personally this time - he just threw his weapons into the cabinets and sat in the pilot's seat, resting while Erdva drove.

The droid only clarified the route.

- Find out who owns the land where we found the metal.

- Treasury land. Belongs to the Ritz family and its leader, Count Rice Ritz.

- Wow, that's like a Rolls-Royce," Anakin smiled. - Where is this Count?

- Most likely in the capital. He has a home there and a job in the government... he's a high-ranking official," the droid answered, but it took him a minute to write the entire text.

- Then let's go to the capital. I'm tired of running through the forests like Robinson," Skywalker frowned.

The droid steered the ship towards the capital. Remembering how long it had taken him to get from the Enzeri to the deposits, Skywalker immediately left the cockpit, even though the view from the cockpit was marvellous.

Anakin, without thinking long, headed for the shower, and from it, to bed.

The short nap took only a few hours, just enough time to pass the journey, and even more time to look up the local laws on the holonet and the local network.

There were many laws, but Anakin, already used to reading such texts, easily skimmed through them one by one. The law said he could buy land-if he were a Mandalorian, it would be difficult, since the planet's citizens were of legal age. But things changed when galactic laws came into play - the sale of land to non-Mandalorians was done in accordance with the procedure established by the Republic, and the Republic's laws bypassed the term "majority" altogether. That is, de jure minor citizens of the Republic were only on their own planet, according to local laws, and the laws of the Republic as a whole did not limit the reasonable by age. A child of four could buy land as long as he had the brains to form his thoughts into the right words, and the money, of course...

Skywalker put the datapad away and got out of bed - such lazy behaviour could do no good. The ship was still flying when he stepped onto the bridge. If this room could be called such a loud word, it was more like a cockpit or a deckhouse.

- What's up, Erdva? How much further are we?

- Thirty kilometres. Where should we land?

- Where does the Count live? - Skywalker asked.

- What are the exact coordinates?

- Land close to his house. I'll find him myself.

- Aye," the droid replied and returned to the controls of the ship.

G9 was flying over the outskirts of the Mandalore capital city of Keldabe. By galactic standards the city was not so big - only a couple of million inhabitants and the architecture resembled something forbidden - the houses were wooden, classic, then brick, then stone... In general, the city was interesting. The only thing that stood out against the background of these buildings was a huge skyscraper-tower. Anakin already knew that it belonged to Mandalmotors, a local engineering company.

Erdva brought the ship to a large spaceport. Relatively large, but still, not like the industrial worlds. The field, combined with a car park, was standard for almost all planets in the galaxy, only on Tatooine the hangars were covered, as the hulls of ships were heated in the sun and the ships turned into a kind of frying pans. The only exception was Padme's ship, whose hull was chrome-plated and reflected almost all the radiation.

Anakin landed the ship in manual mode, informing the spaceport of his call signs and destination. It was a procedure he was familiar with because of his past unofficial profession. He also had to pay for a couple of days of parking. Finally, with all official matters settled, Skywalker took his speedbike and flew out into the streets of the city. It took him a few seconds before he orientated himself - the city was disorientating. People were rushing about their business, landspeeders were scurrying down the street, and their high-rise counterparts were flying high above the heads of passersby. The architecture of the city was disorientating, or rather the fact that there was no architecture at all - the houses were built without any plan. And the advertisements on the streets added to the confusion. Skywalker, who had seen the sights of many cities in the galaxy, hovered in the saddle of his bike. But not for long - Erdva flew up behind him. The droid knew how to show up on time - it was his nature to always help in time. Skywalker turned round at the droid's squeak:

- The street we need is closer to the centre of the city. Go further down this street, to the right... I'll show you," the droid unfolded an illusory monitor and a three-dimensional map projection of the city appeared on it. Anakin, who was well-versed in the terrain, quickly realised where he was going and moved to the right address. Erdva kept pace with Anakin, as Skywalker walked at the maximum speed for the droid's repulsors.

Half an hour later, the unusual procession of Anakin and Erdva arrived at the right house. The owner was in no hurry to welcome them with open arms. The house was a four-story mansion with a small fence around it. Skywalker parked his bike at the curb and went in search of the man he needed.

Rice Ritza, Earl of Mandalore and owner of the land where the deposits were, served in the Mandalorian government. He was not in the highest position, but he was happy with his position as head of one of the departments, so he was content with his life. In his old age, he had grown comfortable with the young ruler's antics and had a philosophical outlook on life. After finishing his work in the office, he went home.

Rice arrived home as he always did, at eight in the evening. The Count's daughters were already married, and his wife rarely showed herself in public, preferring a secluded life. The Count entered his house. Usually he was met by the butler - as soon as he arrived. Now the servant was a few seconds late. Dropping his shoes, the Count went inside, but the butler immediately rushed to break the news:

- Count, you have a visitor.

- What visitor? - Ritza didn't understand.

- A young man. He arrived this afternoon and wanted to speak to you personally. Your wife invited him into the house and they spent some time talking.

- Talking? - The Count raised an eyebrow. - Is he patient enough to listen to my wife?

- More than patient," the butler nodded, "but you will see for yourself. They're in the small drawing-room.

- Wonderful," nodded the Count, and went to the visitor, though usually it was the other way round. If the matter was work-related, the visitor would be sent to him, and if it was unimportant, he would not be allowed in. If the visitor had been sitting for hours, something important had happened after all.....

Entering the living room with a quick step, the Count wanted to take the visitor by surprise, but he did not succeed.

In the armchair sat a man, a teenager. The young man's appearance suggested that he was not a Mandalorian, but not at all accustomed to the comforts of home - sturdy and utilitarian clothing, a blaster on his belt, a lazy but appraising gaze... Rice would have called him a typical fortune hunter - a smuggler or other fortune hunter - were it not for his age. There was a lot that didn't add up. Rice's wife sat across from the young man.

Anakin, noticing that his host had arrived, stood up, but did not speak first, not according to etiquette. The woman, noticing her husband's arrival, rose and immediately introduced the guest:

- Rice, this is Anakin Skywalker. Ani, this is my husband, Rice," she said. Anakin bowed briefly, as did Rice himself. Skywalker knew little of Mandalore etiquette, but he thought it best not to barge into the house shouting, "Who's the Count?" but to come in and talk, as he had attended ethics class regularly. Rice, as the master, was the first to speak:

- I wonder, young man, what brings you to me?

- Business, Count, just business," Skywalker smiled, "I recently came to Mandalore and decided to buy some land, away from civilisation....

- Honestly, why haven't you approached the proper authorities of the government?

- There are a couple of points, Count. One is my age. And I'd like to settle somewhere away from civilisation. The town of Enzeri was recommended to me. The nature there is truly magnificent. I've been there recently, and I found a beautiful place....

- Ah, I see," the Count nodded, "I have land there," the Count didn't understand why the young man was talking to him, but he didn't mind continuing the conversation - Skywalker's manners made a positive impression.

- Exactly. And I thought, why not? - Skywalker smiled demurely.

It looked unequivocal on the Count's part. But, taking pity on the young man, he decided to caution him:

- My ancestors used to hunt pitchforks there, but the hunting grounds have long since been abandoned... I believe there are vampires there now. They're lizards, very dangerous..." The Count shook his head and sat down in a deep armchair. - So think carefully, young man. It's almost impossible to get rid of vampires.

- That's all right," Skywalker replied thoughtfully, "I don't think there's anything that can't be dealt with.

- It's up to you," the Count shrugged, mentally thanking fate - he didn't know what to do with a completely useless piece of land in the middle of nowhere. And he didn't really care about it. The Countess leaned over her husband's ear, and Anakin tactfully took a glass of juice from the table and savoured it while the couple talked. His tactic in this matter was to win a woman's heart first, and then she would exert the necessary influence on her husband. The Earl was a man of honour; another man would not have warned of dangerous predators. The bear-pig, while tasty enough, was also dangerous - Mandalore seemed to have completely eliminated herbivores from its inhabitants and left only predators.

A few minutes later, the Count and Countess, who had already stepped aside, decided to talk. More precisely, the Countess had decided - Anakin, though not a master, was still a good hypocrite, and the woman liked him - how much is too much? Manners, a tired look, an emphasis on age, and that was it, his heart melted. Skywalker wasn't fooling himself, though - the aristocrats of Mandalore were just as scheming and hypocritical, so they could easily deceive him. But Skywalker hoped that even if his trick didn't work, he could simply negotiate.

The trick worked - after a dozen minutes, the Count came back in and sat back in his chair:

- I've made up my mind. If you are not afraid of danger, then I will cede the land to you, young man... For a certain sum of money.

- Of course, Count. Not too much, I hope? Students are not rich people..." Skywalker smiled again with the corners of his lips.

The Count was interested:

- Are you a student?

- University of Alderaan. Government. - Anakin replied. The Count's eyes sparkled:

- 'So you are my future colleague? Interesting, interesting...," the Count squinted, "eight hundred thousand. - The Count cut him off, hoping to bargain for five hundred. After all, land was quite a valuable commodity.

- Deal. - Skywalker nodded. The earl was alarmed by this statement - there was no doubt that Anakin, though he had studied at an elite institution that practically guaranteed good connections and a good life if he studied diligently, did not make the impression of a "golden youth". The Count stared at Anakin's face once more, and he had the distinct feeling that he had been deceived somewhere. Only he couldn't figure out where. The conversation was over, but there was no turning back - they both realised that the Count could not, but wanted to renege on the deal. Alas, to act against the law of honour, though very vague, would affect the reputation of the old conservative in a most unpleasant way.

The contract was drawn up and sealed by a summoned official.

Anakin, handing over most of the remaining money, left Count Ritz's house and travelled to the spaceport. Erdva, who was patiently waiting for him, followed Anakin.

- How did it go? - The droid asked.

- Wonderful, my friend, wonderful. Really, it took seven sweats out of me during the negotiations..." Skywalker grumbled. He was really worried - if the Count had been worried enough, Skywalker's plans would have gone to hell. But no, he got lucky. Or rather, Skywalker had handled the Count's wife correctly, and in the end the scales tipped in his favour.

Getting on the bike, the teenager made his way back to the spaceport, back to his ship.

- Where are we going? - asked the droid, standing in the corridor that led to the cabin and the rest of the ship.

- Flying? - Anakin wondered. - We need a mining company. And preferably one with honest management.

- Aye," the droid took Skywalker's words as an order and searched the holonet for information. Anakin went to his quarters while Erdva surfed the holonet, hoping to meditate for a while. He didn't succeed - as soon as Skywalker's mind was immersed in a state of meditation, Erdva entered the room and turned to the chief:

- 'Found a few options.

- Show me," Skywalker replied grudgingly. Although he had long since grown in strength and it was time to put his new knowledge and skills to use, Anakin considered the first task to be work.

First on the list Erdwa showed him was the Corellian Machine Corporation.

- I don't get it, why do we need shipbuilders?

- They make the best ships in the galaxy. According to them. Interested in high-grade metals, including beskar. Subsidiary firms are scouting for new mining sites and extracting metals. One of the largest consumers of high-value metals in the galaxy," the droid squeaked. It even seemed to Anakin that Erdva was upset.

- Well, so be it. Who else?

- Blas-tech, Kuata Shipyards," the droid continued.

- 'Understood,' Anakin had no choice but to think of a way to get the bescar. Since he already owned the land, there was no problem with mining it. What was a problem was the people who would mine it. Who to go to? How to negotiate? How not to be made a fool of?

- Let's go to Corellia," Anakin waved his hand, "we'll figure it out on the spot.

The droid left the cabin, and five minutes later Anakin himself went to the bridge to prepare for departure.

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