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95.06% Blackheart (GoT, Witcher, DC) / Chapter 77: Chapter 20

Chapter 77: Chapter 20

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Damian Blackheart.

Shortly before arriving in what was already my office on the Red Shark, Corina Tilly, I was once again analysing the information I had received from the captured corsairs.

The Red Shark was one of the three surviving ships of the pirate alliance, the Hanging Captains, that had once been part of the Royal Navy of Nazair when it was still independent. As it turned out, these were not all the ships of this pirate alliance. There were six more, but they had travelled further south to sell a shipment of slaves in Gemmer, another southern province of Nilfgaard. The same squadron was returning to their hiding places in the same direction, and then we showed up and they thought it was a great opportunity to get rich.

Only it was me and Tilly, and in the end, the grand plans went down in the water, as did most of their squadron.

We got a lot of goodies and baddies out of it.

On the unpleasant side, I lost a lot of my guys. Half of them were new recruits to our squad that joined us in Cintra. The other half were battle-tested men. Twenty-six men died in all. Three more will retire from us, but not permanently, as I have already spoken to them, and they will be training youngsters and trading business in Gorse Velen, on behalf of the West Aedirn Trading Company. I am now determined to set it up even if this business with our banker friend doesn't work out. Not to mention we already have a small fleet of our own.

Not all three of the new ships will belong to us, but one of them will go to this gang of traders, because their men and Jocardi's men also took part in repelling the attack and many of them were killed. Nearly fifty on their side.

On the enemy side, we killed almost all of them, only four and a half dozen survived and are in our custody. They had seven mages, but two of them were neophytes who were with their teacher on the ship that exploded, and one mage each from Ophir on the ships underwater, which I destroyed with great difficulty. They were the most powerful opponents I'd faced in probably the last two or three years. There were also two mages, but one was killed by Night at the cost of his life, and the other was finished off by our berserkers, and by some miracle survived the fight with him.

Also in our hands were thirty-three freed prisoners of the pirates, a dozen of them simple travellers and children that accidentally fell into the hands of the pirates, and the others were either nobles or sailors from the recently plundered ship of merchants from Zerrikania.

I offered them to join my party, but half of them (the nobles) refused, and the other half agreed, but they were not so much fighters as sailors. In addition, there was a lady named Ilona Haaskis, who was from Zerrikania, but until recently had her own ship and business. Alas, pirates had ruined her future as a merchant ship captain and even took away one of her eyes when they raped her. But she is a woman of purpose, thirty years old and believes that she still has her whole life ahead of her, so she asked me to be a captain on the ship or at least an assistant captain. I listened to her and offered to be the first captain of my company's merchant fleet. A small crew of freed sailors, plus a trio of young guys that decided to "quit" after the first serious battle of their fighting career and decided that if there was a chance to make money peacefully and relatively safe, they would take this opportunity. That's smart of them. I'll get twenty or thirty more people and I'll have a normal average crew for my other ship. The other ship, by the way, has a rather interesting name, the One-Eyed Katie. Ilona appreciated my gesture, she also has a sense of humour. Well, this ship will be part of the Sith battle squadron.

I chose the name for my squadron by chance, but it is quite suitable considering my current appearance - black clothes, pale appearance and the ability to fly, to throw lightning and kinetic blows, and the sword flaming red....

A true sith motherfucker!

Too bad none of my countrymen can see me. They'd appreciate the irony and humour in all this.

Though I think Sapkowski would take offence at my bringing Force-users into his world.

In addition to the ships, we've got some fabulous supplies of tools, weapons, and money, but still a good harvest.

The main thing is information, with which we will sail to Metinna to the Viceroy, who will be able to help the authorities to nail this pirate banditry, which is already fed up with everyone. But we'll come back to that later.

It was twenty-four hours before we were all either on our feet or well enough not to die in bed. Still, we formed crews, put Bella's ship in tow to my "flagship," since we didn't have enough men to run her ship, and we barely had enough crews to get the minimum to take a dozen ships to the nearest port.

We went on our way, and I waited for Corina Tilly, who had come to see me after lunch after yesterday's request.

Corina was a rather pretty person. Like all sorceresses. There wasn't a single ugly one in the caste. I hadn't met any. After all, appearance is one of the main features and advantages of the wizarding circle.

She was dressed in her usual outfit that she loved so much. A white semi-transparent strapless dress, which gave a view of her cleavage, which was a little more decent than Keira Metz's, her arms and the hemline of the dress was above her knees, and with a slit on the sides. Though here she had learnt from me to walk in sandals instead of bare feet, at least one plus in terms of her clothing progress. Though I wouldn't complain if she walked around naked. But alas, I'm not likely to see that outside her bed.

- Not busy?

- No, I was waiting for you. - and activated the eavesdropping jammer on the office.

- It's good to know I'm welcome somewhere. That one-eyed captain's so angry and shushing, I thought about burning her.

- But I changed my mind.

- Of course, I don't want to end up in your hands as a traitor or in the teeth of that chimera you call Night. Has she been restored yet?

- No," I answered, and pulled the chair in front of me with telekinesis. - Sit down, there's no truth in your shapely legs, though I wouldn't mind looking between them.

- Oh. I'm sorry, but I have to disappoint you. Marti's a frequent birth attendant and gynaecologist to aristocrats, so she knows there's no truth there. My friend told me that a year or so ago. That was the last time I saw her before I travelled with you.

- It's sad. No one can find her. - I sighed theatrically and continued the conversation. - And in your dreams? What did you learn? What truth and information?

She tensed, though I couldn't read her thoughts, I could still see her emotions through her eyes.

- I think I said yesterday that....

- Yesterday you did very well and proved yourself Corinne, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about why you decided to join my squad. Don't say that you're bored or you decided to get into your mother's protégé through me, I won't believe it. An honest question and I expect an honest answer.

She didn't say anything.

- All right, let's forget about that question. I'll ask a new one, I've had it ripe in one interpretation for a long time, and now I think I'll rephrase it. What did you see tonight about my past?!

She flinched. 'So I guessed it, then.

- You saw my past? But definitely not my childhood. After the recent events, you were wondering how the son of Jennyfair of Vengerberg became such a... unique specimen and how I came into existence in the first place. And you used the most accessible method available to you - dreams! You may be good at disguising eye circles with make-up. But I know how to look closely. You spent all night using oneiromancy to get answers. And you got answers you can't process. - I think I'm overreacting, she's ready to send a spell at me at any moment. - Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. There's no point and no benefit to me. On the contrary, I've met a person with whom I can be frank, and not pretend to be not just a young man, but still not what I am. Or rather, not just him. What did you take from what you saw?

- That... you're not a young man, and the events I saw were happening to people I've never even heard of. - she gulped. - Is this... another world? Or is it a past we know little about? The old continent where mankind lived?

- No, it is not the past of this world. The fact is, the theories of many of our predecessors from the early members of the Chapter and the elven Wielders are true. I mean that this world is not the only one, there are others of different levels of development and they are similar to each other in many ways, as well as in many ways divergent. And as it happens, I managed to be reborn, albeit not entirely of my own free will. First after death in one world, and now in this one, after a happy old age in the previous one. So this is the third world in which I live.....

I spoke honestly, but I didn't tell her everything, she shouldn't know that I know more about the future of this world than some Oneiromancers and Knowers, so for now she'll just think I'm a traveller between worlds and a really cool guy.

--- Damian Blackheart. That was your name in the last world, too?

- Yeah. Actually, in the last world, my name was Damian Rivers first. Rivers was the name of a Riverlands bastard, but for my loyal service and deeds I was given a lordship in a kingdom and changed my name to the nickname my men gave me, Blackheart. Here I got the name Damian from my mother - "fertile". For in this name she saw a sign and irony to her and her condition. As I think you know, I used to go by the name Damian of Wengerberg here, and in Temeria, after I had already committed a number of duels and drenched the land in blood, I was nicknamed Blackheart again by a knight. It's a kind of irony. - I smiled. - In both the past and this one, I now have the same name, though my appearance is different. Here I'm more handsome and less brutal, because of that same appearance again. But I'm not complaining.

- As far as I'm concerned, you're not complaining about anything at all. Or should I call you my lord?

- No need to be sarcastic. Damian is fine. - I've moved closer. - You see, I'm glad to have you on my radar, you could be a valuable addition to my team. And I'm not talking about my squad so much as my team. Every leader, politician, schemer, commander, and so on has an inner circle. You are useful and you know a lot, and with you I think we can just talk about things, because sometimes the boredom eats away.

- Who else knows who you are?

- In this world? - Tilly nodded. - No one, not yet. You're the first. The thing is, I'm keeping my mother from knowing that information for now. You'll understand why later. I won't tell you the future.

- That's fine. But... what do I get out of being on your "team"?

- This is already a business conversation and reasonable. - I smiled. - A lot. Believe me, I have some information and quite a bit of experience. As you can see, it helps me even in such as it seemed difficult and hopeless situations and this is only the beginning. To attract you, my young padawan, to the "Dark Side", I will offer you banal pleasures of life like: money, fame, power and honour. It's easy with me. Well, it's not "easy" easy, because difficulties will always haunt us, but it's part of life. That you can achieve more with me than alone is a fact and you know it, you've seen it in my past. And besides, besides all of the above, you will get a lot of acquaintances, connections, friends, participate in events that you never dreamed of. Trust me, you won't regret it. But... if you don't want to, I won't force you. When our contract is up, you're free to move on. And I won't chase you, and I won't kill you. You have my word! - I gave her my word of honour. - But only if you don't turn against me and tell me what you know. Then, alas, I will use all the "sanctions" I know against you.

Corina Tilly sighed and shuddered slightly, she must have seen a lot of things. She must have seen a lot about my entertainment, too.

- I get it. How much time do I have to think?

- Until we reach the capital of Nilfgaard, I think. Until then, you can try it on, you can even look at my future all you want, if it helps you decide.

- Right. Can I go now?

- Of course, my dear. - I smiled. - You are free as the wind, but remember my words. Always remember.

After that, she left. And I smiled quite a bit, she got it and realised that I wasn't joking. Maybe because of the dream and the recent events here.

Anyway, I even wonder what she'll decide. I wish I had her with me, or at least just had her....

* * *

We arrived in the port town of Metinna, which was not the first time I had been there, as well as many of my people. We contacted the Viceroy of the province and gave him some important information.

The fact is that here was not only a matter of economic interests and guilds with sea merchants, but also a political one. As there was a certain Count Andreas Deinius aep Scharler involved in covering the Hanging Captains. A courtier of the Emperor, who is the Deputy Minister of Finance, and his brother is the Master of Ceremonies of the Imperial Court. Besides, I think that he is not the only one involved in this case, but the Viceroy will definitely bring the matter to an end. After all, his younger brother was a naval inspector, and he was also killed by these individuals a year ago. So he'll help us nail these cadres.

Otherwise, I'm gonna have to lose people again in another confrontation. And I've got a lot of them! It's not that I've grown attached to them, but the effort I put into training them is a shame. Time is precious, and there are events coming up that I want to cash in on, and for that I need people. Alas, even I can't fight the world alone.

And so it came to pass, I mean, the Viceroy's desire to get even with Count Charler. He even tapped into his other connections, which included some personalities I already knew before. Skellen Senior, the mages Adalbert and Vangemar were the first to arrive at his call, they knew each other and were even friends. Together they had already got the information to the right people. But not to the emperor. In front of him they wanted to present the Count and his cronies in all their glory. So the number of "conspirators" on our side increased thanks to the connections of Vangemar and Adalbert.

Thanks to them, I was able to meet two more representatives of the local sorcerer brotherhood: Albrych, a battle sorcerer who served in Nazair, and Assire var Anagyd herself.

This woman, as in canon, had a pale face with unhealthy skin, vague, inexpressive eyes, but most likely swamp-coloured, thin lips and a slightly crooked nose. On his head was a strange cone-shaped, slightly wrinkled hat with three round silver badges bearing crosses. From beneath the soft brim came dark hair that seemed not very clean, more like greasy hair. All this gave the impression of unattractiveness and slovenliness, which is not typical for a sorceress and was reinforced by black, loose and shapeless clothes with frayed silver embroidery on the shoulder and a burgundy silk belt, which was clearly inappropriate in terms of taste. The drawing of a crescent moon surrounded by stars was the only piece of jewellery on the Nilfgaardian sorceress that made any sense, as it was also a manna store for her. And her cap... it was more of an extra detail.

I've never met anyone as atypical as her.

When Assire learnt my name and met my mother in person, she took an interest in us. Rumours of my birth and my mother's pregnancy had reached even Vikovaro and the recluse. But now the situation demanded something else.

A plan was devised, according to which my mother and I and some of my people, as well as local authorities and wizards would participate in the capture of the desired targets and even get preferential treatment for it, besides the benefits and ease of the way in the future.

By the time the plan was made, the men were ready, and I had recovered sufficiently to participate in storming the estates and capturing important persons. For this purpose, I took all five of my remaining "no-talents", including Kirk, who commanded them, Bella, Miro-Turtle, Spark, Yorveth and his elves, and two more of the most capable fighters-universalists from my men that are on their feet and can help. The rest were superfluous. Skellen Senior had allocated us a couple of medium mages to support us.

The capture of our target was quite similar to the kidnappings of that girl in Braavos when I was a simple Rivers mercenary in the last world and partially kidnappings paid for by rich pigs in the first world.

No bodyguard mages. Chai was not the Emperor, his favourite or his minister, but just a tycoon and the head of a corporation that was in secret opposition to the Usurper and was a loyal secret partner of our dear corsairs.

But there were magic traps and many simple bodyguards. There was even one renegade witch doctor among them, but alas, it was out of my hands to fight him, as my whimsy threatened trouble for my other subordinates, and most importantly for my mother.

So I had to kill him with the help of my Fire Spirit encased in my sword.

Then it was a matter of technique, take the head of the corporation, knock out his lover and bring the tycoon to a safe place in the hands of experts.

After that, I had already moved out with my mother to break the magical protection on the safes and caches of the same individual, where there were black accounting and documents of different importance and size.

We were in Metinn, the centre of the province, with Adalbert and Vangemar and their men and apprentices in the two neighbouring towns. Skellen Senior had gathered all his subordinates, relatives and a couple of old debtors activated for action in Nazair. Assire and Albrych were already active in the Nilfgaard lands and the capital, they had more to do and fewer men. I heard from Assire that there was also a small gang of accomplices in Vicovaro, but it would be handled by her relatives. It seems that Kagyr's relatives will work here, you know, the one who is a "Nilfgaardian, but not completely Nilfgaardian", hehehe.....

Then it was interrogations and sitting on pins and needles.

Not that we were afraid of getting our arses grabbed by the accomplices of the "hung" or even our "allies". Just in case, I did not let my guys get drunk, did not let them into brothels and so on, explained the situation, and they understood, after all, my discipline works much better when my subordinates understand the order. After all, to the loyalty that I used to have in the past world here is still far away.

The investigations and providing the local emperor with proof of all the dirt and guilty parties didn't happen as fast as I thought. It took about a week. But no one got away from "justice". It seems to me that a few just old rivals and bad people went on trial for the company. Still, warlocks and politicians are like that, and local businessmen are no worse than those businessmen from my first homeland.

Then we were called to court as witnesses. We thought we were going to sail there, but we had to leave our ships and me, my mother, the captains of the ships, Marty, Corina, the head of our gang of peddlers and a few prisoners, plus the pirates we'd tied up.

The Emperor didn't try us, or rather one of his advisers did, but it was done. We helped to put behind bars who needed to be put behind bars, received a modest reward from the crown, and the capture of the other pirate captains was entrusted to the right people and magicians. So I was satisfied. In addition, to my surprise, we were even given medals - "For Bravery!". One of the highest honours, but still not the highest in the empire. But for my little collection.

After the trial, we returned to Metinna. But not alone, but in the company of Algernon Gwynkamp, aka old Pineti. All this time since my stay in Toussaint and further events, he was in the capital of this empire and was doing research, but because of criticism and even some political pressure he wanted to leave Nilfgaard, and then he heard about the scandal with the Count and the Hang Captains. And asked first for a story from our lips and just fellow countrymen, which he had already missed. And then I began to encourage him to join the West Aedirne Trading Company, giving him the opportunity to travel the world and finance his developments, in exchange for help with some of his problems and a few other small duties as a member of the company. He agreed. I was tempted to get him into the Sith, but if anything, that could be done later, and he's more of a science guy than a combat magician. So I'll need to recruit from Ban Ard, Ophir or Zerrikania in the near future. I mean mages. However, additional mages in my mercenary group is a separate conversation.

In Metinna we had an extra week of rest, during which time our merchants sold their extra sixth "trophy" ship, they didn't need it, and recruited additional mages from the locals and newcomers to their ships. We did the same, or rather my new one-eyed friend did it, she also let some of her survivors or acquaintances in the capital know that she wouldn't mind getting a crew there. Though she had enough people in Methinks port to run the ship.

All my men recovered, we managed to get more sailors to the "Red Shark", and a dozen more mercenaries, having heard about our glory, decided to join us as well. To my delight, almost all of them were of non-Nilfgaardian descent. One is from the capital, but he's not a patriot. He doesn't like the Emperor's rule, so he doesn't want to stay in this country.

Of course, I checked all of them for rottenness and additional assignments from someone. They were clean. There were other candidates with such 'maggots', but I rejected them early on.

After all this and the recovery of the team, we have already and went to Nilfgaard with the golden domes that pleased the soul of the emperors there. Although, it seems that soon it will be their turn to please another emperor. But that is another story altogether.

A day before reaching the Nilfgaardian capital Corina came to me again and we talked.

- Have you changed your mind about recruiting me? - She asked with a smile.

- No. Not if you agree to my terms of co-operation between us.

- I do. - she nodded. - They suit me. Only I want to add one more point.

- And what's that? - I was interested.

- I want to know everything about your two previous worlds. They interest me. I can learn a lot about magic and learn how to do it, but the material on the other worlds... m-m-m, it's very rare.

- If that's what it is... then I agree.

We immediately shook hands as a sign of agreement.

- I hope you don't disappoint my expectations. - she smiled radiantly.

- I also hope that I don't need to remember all my skills as an executioner in your attitude. - I smiled at her as kindly as possible.

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