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88.88% Blackheart (GoT, Witcher, DC) / Chapter 72: Chapter 16

Chapter 72: Chapter 16

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Damian Blackheart.

Everything turned out just about as Mum and I had agreed.

We celebrated my fifteenth birthday in Tretogor, we didn't want to be on the road for too long.

During this time I was finally convinced that Philippa had fallen in love with me, but she herself denied the feeling. She didn't know what the problem was and then decided to just flirt with me, but was crossing the line with her "friend's" son. That said, whereas before there were just rumours that she sometimes slept with women, and also with Sigismund Dijkstra, now she had dumped Dijkstra and started having affairs with all the ladies she could. Probably in spite of herself.

Anyway, we left Tretogor for Novigrad. There, with the help of my mother, Iskra and Baldur, I got the last "keys" to Alzur's tower. After that we went to the neighbourhood of Vyzima the same day and infiltrated the territory that once belonged to a famous mage and collected everything we could. It turns out that the genie thought we could get his manuscripts ourselves, or they were simply well protected, even from the Genius. The latter is entirely possible. Still, Alzur was far from a fool and far-sighted man.

I was especially pleased with the notes on chimerology and everything to do with Geniuses. I had long intended to get myself a fire genie, an Ifrit. And thanks to this, it's quite possible that I'll do it successfully. Fire is the closest thing I have to fire, followed by earth. It is true that only spellcasters of great skill can make Ifrit serve me. The easiest thing I could do would be to try to get a Water Genius - Marid, or an Earth Genius - Dao, but it's not interesting, and it stirs my blood, if I get such a creature as a familiary, I can do a lot.

I wish I had a fourth wish, I could have used it to map out the location of all the imprisoned Geniuses in the world. Stupid and young. On the other hand, after all these years, there aren't many imprisoned Geniuses left. I'll have to do everything myself, but it'll be even more interesting that way.

After Temeria we teleported back to Novigrad and found Francesca waiting for us, she wanted to talk to her mother about her business, I didn't interfere, but later it came to me, and her mother confirmed my guess that she had her own views on travelling with us, which she had asked for.

We did not understand her motives yet, but it was a matter of time, for everything secret sooner or later will be revealed.

We didn't hide much from her, or rather it wasn't necessary, she somehow got interested in Alzur and his heritage in one of our conversations. But we made fools of ourselves by not telling her anything directly, only saying that everyone would want his legacy. But it was clear that she probably already knew we had something and wanted more.

Once we were in the centre of Redania, it was just me and mum teleporting to the right place, passing all the traps, unsealing another Alzur hideout for ourselves, we cleaned out everything we could reach. Of course, there wasn't much of interest there, what pleased me the most were the developments on chimerology, which I will definitely use, but later.

Then we travelled to Aedirn, along Pontar, visiting the glorious Rinda, Haggu, Flotzam, Ban Glean and arrived in Vergen.

There we met Borchis from Dubrovka with his two sons, his nephew and a boy of about thirteen. It turned out that there was trouble in their family. Well, as a trouble... just the wife did not wait for her husband, taking all the money that he sent and taking the younger daughter and son, which, as it turned out, she had not begotten from him, ran away with her lover somewhere. As a result, the man already with two sons and strangely enough the son of that lover, who left his son, had to look for a better share together and plough again in mercenaries. I decided not to be stupid and invited them to join my squad. They said yes. Besides, that boy turned out to be "talentless" and would fit perfectly into the squad that I plan to create. And Borchis has trained his sons, if not personally, then he will train them in his likeness, so that they would not die in the first battle.

Already in Vergen we made a small break, where I realised that the future Queen of Elves was interested not only in the heritage of Alzur, but also in me. And not so much in a sexual or research way, but... I don't even know, some kind of personal interest of her own. I'd call it "cat curiosity," if that's what you want to call it. Sometimes I wonder if she knows something about me that I don't.

Though I suspect there's something political involved. I'm closed off from their Hosts, most likely, or they'd strangle me in my cradle if they knew who I really was.

So for now, I'm left to blink and stare at the beautiful elf, whom I'm already thinking about getting into bed with. I can't have a personal life with her, at least not for a long time, but getting her into bed once is another tick on my list of achievements.

After another week and a half in Wergen, we felt the frost approaching and decided to spend the winter in Wengerberg, as it was not far from Wergen.

And there we settled down for the wintering, where I recruited Kirk, who had grown up and his hair had turned slightly white from the sun or something else, but it was not grey yet. He got the nickname Kirk the Archer. Not only had he managed to become a good fist fighter and swordsman, but he had even won an archery tournament recently. But he wasn't accepted into the Demavend Guard, and he wasn't accepted as a squire either. There was one... "back-driver", but Kirk didn't want to go to him. So he's a normal bloke, he can be trusted with his back in every sense.

Then we made another small party of five young Red Men who had just left Marhia to seek adventure.

A week after our winter stay in the capital of Aedirn began, we were given three more elves by Francesca Findabair herself. Only she did it carefully, just offered to put us together with a trio of elves who like travelling and archery on live targets, and I and my squad do not suffer from racism. And here I am right at their side.

I realised almost immediately that they were lookouts for her in my squad.


Not even because of the fact that it was suggested in passing in our staff conversation by the elf lord, but because of one elf in particular from this trio. If on the elf named Sylmar and the elfess Malena I could not remember whether they were somewhere in the canon, but the one-eyed elf named Yorvet brought me back to reality at once.

Well, one of the best commanders of the "Squirrels", a man-hater and loyal dog of Francesca, which he was during the Northern Wars, can't be a decent guy, who at our personal meeting didn't tell me a single drop of irritation that they felt towards people, though in his eyes I read hidden discontent with the order of his mistress.

But he accepted them. I would rather have Francesca's peepers at my side, whom I knew of and useful, than those I would have to guess at.

And, a little later, Iskra warned me about this trio, which earned my even more trust and gratitude. She would definitely fight with me for me in case of anything, not the other way round. After all, she's already part of our squad, not the elven people, despite the sharpness of her ears.

Also we had an addition of a young nymphomaniac Marti Sodergren, this redhead shared a bed with me the first night and we both were satisfied with each other and continued our non-binding relationship all winter.

Apart from her, my mum's apprentice, we had an addition and a "Night". My chimera, which was like Jon's lute wolf, only not with white fur, but black and scarlet eyes. She was taller than a pony, you could even ride her if you wanted to, she was very fast, strong, hardy, predatory and loyal to me. So I fulfilled my long cherished dream.

Then I already dealt more with the affairs of the squad, instilled in them iron discipline, the necessary skills, knowledge, strengthened them in various ways. Thanks to elixirs, made according to Zerrikan recipes, that developed their bodies a little and strengthened their immunity, but not as much as the witches, they remained human and could have children. Then drills in the winter, so they could fight at that time of year too, although they didn't like it, I taught them literacy and how to think with their heads a bit.

They had much less time than usual, and complained little, for they received more from the "common" treasury than they would in the service of a lord or a mercenary band, and there were no conflicts among the people.

There was only one, it was when one of my boys tried to hug Malena, but she refused him intimacy, he called her rudely and told her to go to the Blue Mountains. A small fist fight started, which I broke up and decided to act fairly and as I think far-sightedly.

I simply drew lots out of all forty-five of my subordinates, in which five of them "won", including that greyhound who had been harassing Malena, and punished them. Everyone at first was indignant and surprised by this principle, but I explained that in order to stop squabbles in the squad, from now on everyone would be punished in this way for disciplinary offences of small and medium character, as well as racial intolerance from any side. After all, one of the five by lot was Yorveth. So that for the provocation of one might suffer the guilty as well as another of the innocent, and this would induce in them a greater calmness and responsibility for their actions.

The people took heart and throughout the winter and early spring during which we stayed in Wengerberg, there were no more such incidents of racism and brazen harassment in my troop. And even Yorvet seemed to look at me with a certain amount of respect. Though maybe I had mistaken the degree of his surprise for respect....

In any case, forty-five Minds, plus me, Mum and Marty moved north to Kaedwen after the wintering.

The first place we visited was Ban Glean. Which was Kaedwen's largest and most important outpost under Pontar. The Kaedwen kings always attacked Aedirn from there, and in order to wage an effective war against Kaedwen, the Aedirns or the Redanians and the Temerians always captured Ban Glean first. Two tracts run from it, one directly to the capital and the other to the lands of Redania.

We stayed there for a few days at most, but I recruited 13-15 year old boys back into our squad. Ten of them. And began training them along the way.

Where, midway between Ban Glean and Ard Carraig, we met our first adventure.

- Damian! - Kirk and Spark rode up to me, they had been on a reconnaissance mission during our leisurely walk. - A couple of miles from here, a small camp was attacked by unknown forces.

- What do you mean? - I didn't immediately realise what he meant, so I turned my gaze to Spark. - Spark?!

- This camp is a small bunch of survivors with a Kaedwen banner. Around them are heavily armed groups that are attacking them.

- Do you intend to intervene? Whose side are you on? - Immediately asked the mum who was next to me with her student.

- Hmm. I don't know. - I answered honestly. - Spark! Baldur! Osmund! Jorvet! You gather all our men and move to the battlefield. Borchis! You and my squire and the rest of the younglings stay with our sorceresses. You will tend to the wounded, if any, and protect them.

- Understood. - nodded and went straight to the youngsters.

Then he turned back to his mum:

- I don't know, maybe I'll help the Kaedwen, maybe I'll help their enemy. Depends on my mood. But!

And after less than a minute of preparations, we moved towards the battle site.

It was taking place near the bridge, and in three different places.

The first part was on the oldest but reliable bridge, where there were two dozen people in a circle protecting some nobleman and a sorceress who covered them with a shield to protect them from arrows and magical attacks, which were generously inflicted on them by a few enemy mages.

The second part of the battle took place a hundred metres from the bridge, where the same Kaedwen had to defend themselves in a circle of carts, against about a hundred fighters, but there were no mages there.

And there was a third part, where the Kaedwen were already being killed by five or six dozen enemy soldiers, but there was one, or no, two mages there.

And there were at least a hundred corpses in different colours from both sides that dotted the road and ditches.

- What are we going to do, commander? - Baldur asked.

- Let's help... the Kaedwen.

I closed my eyes and scanned the surrounding area, I realised that there was teleport interference, so the nobleman and the enchantress couldn't leave so easily. That being said, all the enchanters are already in battle. One of them is the one who placed the interference.

- What's the plan? - Miro the Turtle asked.

- You all attack those who are trying to break through the barricade from the other side. - I pointed to the Caedwen who were still holding out. - I'll take care of the mages. Spark and Yorvet!

- Yes!

- You and all the archers and crossbowmen who have crossbows and can shoot well, cover Baldur and Osmund. Guys? - I've already addressed them. - I need you as berserkers. You're the spearhead. Anyone who rides with me will follow you.

- What do you mean?

- I will lead as if "horse attack", but in fact we will go in the centre, and at one point I will deal with the mages on the bridge and on the left flank. And, of course, the same fighters that are fighting there now. You, Miro, will lead everyone to Baldur and Osmund's aid.

- I see. - Osmund grinned contentedly, and Baldur agreed with him. - My axe will drink enough blood today.

- Glad you appreciate the chance we've been given. Spark! Don't smear the main thing. You have the best bows and an ample supply of arrows. So every shot you fire is an increase in our chances of minimal casualties!

- Don't teach the scholars, Blackheart. - she snorted.

- I hope you are a scholar in this case. - I smiled back at her and stroked Night's rumbling backside. - When Baldur and Osmund reach the enemy, you switch to the left flank. Let's get to work, gentlemen. We're going to have a lot of booty tonight!

- Yes!

I lined up my men, and Iskra lined up her section of subordinates, and I gave the signal to begin.

Almost every arrow found its target, and the first volley was almost entirely successful, killing or maiming the opponents that were with an open rear. They had not expected an attack on themselves, much less such a small number of men.

Baldur and Osmund turned on their "berserker modes" and rushed at the enemy with great speed, we also immediately advanced in the centre, as if in the direction of the bridge itself.

I gave the signal and half a dozen of my guys turned to the right flank, by this time a couple of our berserkers had already caused chaos and blood in the ranks of the enemy, and our archers had already switched to the left flank.

I, on the other hand, cast Shield of Alzur on myself, and attacked the mages with my Night.

All five who were on the bridge and the two who were in the rear of the fifty fighters who were pushing the dozen survivors who had already formed a defensive circle.

Alzur's lightning bolts, through Alzur's Triple Circle (which quadrupled the area and power of the spell), flavoured with stone spears and followed by a fireball towards the two on the left flank.

At the "bridge mages" I followed in flight already with fire magic. From my left hand I let out a flame that enveloped almost completely my figure, and from the right through the sword followed a lightning discharge sent to the first mage closest to me.

The night took its toll on the common warriors.

I struck the first mage with lightning, but did not kill him, I had to finish the job with a sword, cutting off his head.

Before that, if the mages noticed me, they thought that I was a fool knight who would be dealt with by their subordinates. Appearances are deceiving. But I was both a knight and a mage. So flames raged around me, I and that group of four mages began to send spells at each other. A dozen and a half enemy fighters burned in my flames or got caught in the crossfire of the five mages on the bridge.

The fight was heated, my opponents were no weaklings.

But I made a mistake.

I was able to use a combination of earth and air magic to take the head off one of them and immediately received a spell that blinded me and took me out of the fight for a second.

It was enough to hurt my left arm and side, but I was able to pull myself together to evade the next attack and fry the one who blinded me with lightning.

With the help of my training I was able to rejoin the fight. It's not a good feeling to be blinded, but it's a mundane matter. It's not for nothing that I train both hands for swordfighting, and I learnt to navigate space and fight without eyes, like Philip in the game canon.

And on the bridge, my foresight played to my advantage.

My left arm was damaged to the point where it wouldn't listen to me, and I didn't feel much pain, it was too nerve wracking, and my side was bleeding, so I cast a light spell and mentally commanded my brain to constrict my blood vessels*.

I continued the fight.

Alzura's Thunder!

I only wounded one of the two, but I was attacked from the rear by one of the common soldiers, who immediately received a reverse sword grip to the chest and fell dead on the paving stones.

Triple fire wave!

The mages' strength began to weaken, but I was also beginning to give up, my wounds and magic were draining me.

Soon it was just the three of us. Everyone else was either under the dome or already dead.

Night helped me by sneaking up behind the wounded mage and slicing his neck. His mate reacted quickly, knocking me back and throwing a spell at Night, but she wasn't killed by it, though she was wounded and thrown a dozen metres away before smashing into the shield of the sorceress who was protecting the small group. But she survived...

With the death of the mage, I felt the interference disappear, and the first mage quickly retreated.

Though he was, as I later learnt, shot by Spark.

The two mages who were supporting fifty of their fighters also died immediately from my surprise attack, taking half a dozen more warriors with them because of the area of effect. And then those ordinary soldiers were fired upon by Spark and Co. In the end, when there were two dozen attackers left, they decided to retreat

Osmund and Baldur and the rest of my infantry and cavalry did just as well. Only three were killed and six were badly wounded, but with no real serious consequences that would have prevented them from fighting further.

Besides, the defenders themselves were not shoddy. One of the knights who commanded the defence took seven knights with him and went out to fight shoulder to shoulder with my guys and in the end, several tongues were taken and only half or at most two dozen people were able to escape.

- Sabrina! Help the warlock who saved us! - the man muttered, after the shield supported by the sorceress had fallen. - He needs help now more than any of us.

- Yes, Your Majesty. - The woman answered immediately.

I realised who they were, though, and that such obedience was not a consequence of the woman's loyalty or subordinate position, she was just going to do it, and she was playing at being loyal and submissive in public.

I felt the magic power and the scanning spell pass through me.

Then she began to heal me.

- I take it you are Sabrina Glevissig? - I asked her. - And you have your King Henselt with you?

- Yes. And what is your name, young man? - Even in such a situation, she found the strength to laugh a little.

- Damian Blackheart. - I answered.

- Hmm. I see. I recognise the familiar handwriting. - she was clearly confused and surprised. - Is Yennyfair around?

- I left my mum in the back.

- And she let you go? - There was obvious amusement in her voice.

- I'm not a little boy. I can manage on my own, I can decide for myself where to go and what to do. Besides, it's more like you need protection.

- Damian Blackheart. - Henselt said thoughtfully. - I've heard of you. You're rumoured to be Demavend's bastard, one of the strongest young warlocks in the world, and you're not afraid to use your sword, as I saw today. Son of Jennyfar of Wengerberg. Helped Kalanthe find a son-in-law and enchanted Princess Adda, daughter of Foltest? So that's what you are. I'm glad you're here at such a good time.

- I'm here by chance, Your Majesty. - I smiled at him. - I'd say I'm glad to see you, but I'm afraid that even with intensive treatment, my eyesight won't return for at least a month.

- So... you fought without sight! - King Kaedwen sighed in astonishment. - How?! How did you fight without eyes?

- Trained before for a while plus luck and speed.

At that moment, two portals opened on the bridge. Out of one came my mother, who immediately ran to me and, swearing in Elder Speech, began helping Sabrina heal me.

And from the second, Detmold and a dozen fighters. Detmold is also a mage in Henselt's service.

- Fucking hell, Detmold! Where the fuck have you been? We almost got slaughtered like chickens!

- I'm sorry, my king, I couldn't penetrate the interference, but as soon as I felt it disappear, I arrived with your best warriors. We are followed by another two hundred men of your guard.

- I don't care! Go help the wounded. My wife is about to give birth! Now, Detmold, or I'll chop your head off myself.

- Damian, are you all right? - Spark jumped up to me.

- I'm fine, I'll live.

- They stopped his blood. His side is almost healed. But it will still hurt, and besides, it will take a couple of days to heal completely. - Sabrina said, standing up and giving my carcass to Mum. - The arm, however, is badly damaged. Tendon, muscle, bone and nerve damage. I've repaired the bone, the veins, the tendons, but I'm exhausted and tired from maintaining the shield.

- My king! - One of the knights came running. - Are you all right?

- I'm fine. Can't you see?! How is my wife and heir about to be born? And where is that traitor? Where is Baron Herbert?

- I've sent out a search for him, but our forces are few, the survivors who can hold a weapon are only two dozen and that's it, the rest are courtiers and servants.

- What of my wife?!

- Your Majesty.

- Get out of my way! - and rode straight to his wife.

- You know, Jennyfar, I think I'm beginning to envy you.

- And why is that? - Mum kept concentrating on healing my hand, I could even feel it.

- Such a brave and strong firstborn, so much like you and so beautiful. I'm envious.

- Believe me, if he were your son, you'd go mad and grey, despite all the elixirs and magic. - she snorted.

- Better help my people, they need more help. I can feel it. I also understand a lot about medicine. - I smiled encouragingly and stroked her arm.

She must have had an unhappy face, but in her mind she realised that she would do more good and bring peace of mind by helping my squad. And so she did.

Help arrived in the form of Henselt's guards to King Kaedwen, and at the same time Iskra, Kirk and Bella brought me to the wagon on which they decided to lay me down. I didn't mind, for I was very sleepy.

I woke up about five hours later. My strength was restored, though not completely.

Then I listened to the report of my boys about what had happened.

Nothing much had changed, but they had treated whoever they could, bandaged them, assessed the damage, and sent messengers to send out messages about the betrayal of Baron Herbert, who was mysterious to me.

In addition, Queen Kaedwen survived the birth, though greatly weakened, she did lose her child. This is the third time Henselt's favourite wife has lost her child. Once about five years ago there was a six-month miscarriage, then another stillborn. And now premature labour in the seventh month.

The king is saddened, but has ordered that when I wake up, I must come to him. Though he gave me lip service to the invitation, the authority in his tone and words never faded. What can I say, kings are kings.

Mum and Marty were asleep, exhausted from helping, just mentally tired. It was even scary for the redhead, she used to take single or maximum group wounds (up to ten reasonable), I mean the number of victims, but not over a hundred with different degrees of severity.

My arm and side were a little sore, but it was tolerable and I had not endured such things in the past.

- Your Majesty? - I stood before him in his tent.

Though we fought a while ago near the bridge, we haven't gone anywhere. The Guards and the patrols of guardsmen who came up were scattering the dead, burying them, guarding the territory and the rescued. My boys were not harassed, but still they had settled into a camp on the outskirts of one large Kaedwen.

In his tent were just me, Sabrina and Detmold, with two knights of some sort.

- Come in, Ser Damian. It's good to see you.

- I am sorry for your loss. - my voice was as sympathetic as possible.

- Thank you, but you don't have to make a big deal out of it. I don't want to talk about it.

- I apologise.

- Don't be. - He sat down at the table and looked up at me. - I'm glad you were there to take our side. We would have lasted longer, except that my wife and courtiers would have been dead by the time Detmold and my vassals arrived to help.

- I was just helping those in need.

- Come on! You may be a knight with honour, as I've seen. But you're also a sorcerer, the son of Jennyfar, and the bastard son of my cousin from Aedirn.

- Then I've done you a kindred favour, "Uncle". - I smiled at him.

- Ha ha ha. Yeah, you've got a mouth on you, don't you?

- I wouldn't want a man putting anything in my mouth.

- That's right! Glad to see you're not a boring bloke. You saved me, my wife and my subjects. I owe you a debt of gratitude, so I will lavish it on you. Is there anything I can do for you?

- Hmm. I don't know, Your Majesty. - I answered honestly. - Something specific doesn't come to mind.

- I'd offer you service, lands, title, and wealth, but you've got most of that already in Aedirn, thanks to your kinship with Demavend and Jennyfair, and you're a good lad yourself. The only thing left to do is to buy off the highest reward, a horse, money, and a tournament in your honour.

- I will gladly accept it, Your Majesty. - I smiled again.

- I also give you my word that you and your companions will always be welcome in my palace.

- I dare suggest a small addition to my king's reward. - Sabrina entered the conversation. - I was also rescued by you and I think you could use some help in healing and a little magic lessons in some areas. Any spellcaster with brains would appreciate a free lesson and new knowledge.

- Of course, Mistress Sabrina. - I nodded.

Of course, I realise that she doesn't have the proverbial gratitude in her plans at all. She wants to explore me, to learn the secrets of my body, and to study me. I'm a "phenomenon."

I don't believe that my mother's old "sworn friend" wants me to be happy. But she's no real danger to me yet. She just won't raise her hand against me. It would not be to her advantage, and yet, in spite of everything, she owes me a debt of gratitude, for I saved her as well as Henselt. Albeit indirectly, but still.

- That's settled. I suggest you all come with us when we're ready, to Ard Carraig.

- I'll give this to my mother. And I gladly accept your offer on behalf of myself, my men and my mother, Your Majesty.

My mother, of course, was not very happy that Sabrina had survived and not very happy that I was going into 'her lair', but didn't particularly mind. They don't like each other, of course, but not to the point where I'd be in danger in her house, and I'm a big boy, I can handle it.

So two days later we all went to Ard Carraig, a place I had long wanted to visit.

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