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85.18% Blackheart (GoT, Witcher, DC) / Chapter 69: Chapter 14

Chapter 69: Chapter 14

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Damian Blackheart.

I stood proudly and importantly in the royal hall in Vyzim.

I was being honoured personally by King Foltest. And though the official reward was half a kingdom and three thousand orens before my exploit, I was awarded five and the Order of the White Lily, the highest honour of the state.

Moreover, it was awarded not to Damian of Wengerberg, but to Damian Blackheart. And the story was ridiculous and silly to the point of simplicity. Back in my first days in Temeria, I had managed to get into a brawl with some visiting knights in a pub. Then I had a formal duel, where I slaughtered one jerk and then four more of his mates who were trying to avenge their friend. Eventually, when they had their heads and I was exclusively chopping their heads off, an old knight who had just witnessed the whole thing said that I had a "Black Heart" and enjoyed chopping off heads.

Then first in the village where we were, the news spread and I was called Damian Blackheart, and then when we went to a local tournament, just for fun, I was called Damian "Blackheart" from Wengerberg. But in Vyzim, after I rescued Adda, the Foltesta's daughter, they wanted to call me that, but I shortened my "title" a bit and translated it into English, which was rather an old dialect of the language once spoken by the first settlers in Aedirn and Caedwen.

As it happened, it was Damian Blackheart who was already officially receiving the award.

I did the same thing with Foltest's daughter as canon Geralt, who was supposed to rescue her in the not-too-distant future. But that old geezer will do, I need King Foltest's gratitude and fame more.

I have read many treatises and books on curses and heard much from my many teachers. The method that Geralt used was the simplest and most effective, but nevertheless still difficult for mages. The magicians, the same Capitol, knew how to cast a spell on Adda, but they did not want to risk their own skins and sweat. Besides, I suspect Princess Adda wasn't in their plans, didn't figure as a full-fledged figure. It is quite possible that they want or wanted to slip a certain lady to Foltest and organise a certain alliance. Still, the Nilfgaard already inspires fear and the Chapter needs a strong North. So they're making a fuss. Though I don't think Wilhelforz will let that happen with his boys.

The warlocks could have bound the girl with magical ropes, but then it would have prevented the curse from sleeping. So I used very strong ropes, ropes and fishing lines for the snares. As well as elixirs for combat. Magic was not used against her and after an hour of using Counsellor Ostreet for bait, I caught and tied the princess up for a long time, Adda squeaked and roared but could not break free.

I didn't repeat Geralt's mistake and until I felt that the curse had broken and the girl was asleep I didn't check for outward signs of the curse.

After that I already dragged Adda and Ostreet to the palace.

Taren Merigold, who was already losing his health, was impressed by this and was one of the first to congratulate me on my successful feat.

And in the evening there was already the awarding ceremony. Where the grateful Foltest presented me with an order, and the master of ceremonies with an award for my squire.

When we had finished with the official part Foltest called me back for a private conversation.

He'd had a few drinks and now reminded me vaguely of Robert Baratheon. He must have been like that when he was younger. They were similar in personality. Though their looks were different, Foltest was also dark-haired, but brown-eyed rather than blue-eyed, and his skin tone was darker than Stag's. And he was shorter in stature than Stag.

- Damian Blackheart-- that's a sound name. I like your name, dear Damian.

- I also like the sound of it, Your Majesty.

- What do you intend to do next?

- I love travelling. I also like to fight, to learn new things. I still have a lot to learn and see.

- Ha-ha-ha! I see, I see. I'd like to travel myself, but government business doesn't allow me to.

But they do allow you to stick your dick wherever you want.

- So I have a slight advantage.

- You do. - Foltest smiled. - I can't give you my daughter's hand. You're not a fool, Jennyfair of Wengerberg can't have a son who is a fool and a simpleton. I can see that. You're certainly not Damian of Jennyfair now.

Right now he wants to take a punch. But you can't.

- Sorry, I couldn't resist. I guess I had a little too much to drink. Well, I won't beat around the bush. I'm gonna offer you the Temeria service right off the bat. I think Taren mentioned that you and little Triss are quite fond of each other? A willing bride, a title, military service, and if you serve me faithfully, you might even become a councillor like your possible father-in-law.

- That is a generous offer, Your Majesty, but alas, I have no control over myself. My heart yearns for something. And I can't settle here yet.

- Ha! Now, who says I'm asking you to settle here now? I'm telling you about the future. And maybe in the future, you'll die before I do. Or maybe there'll be a catastrophe and we'll all die, no-one knows what'll happen. But I've made an offer, and it's still on the table.

- I'm glad you understand me, Your Majesty. - I smiled.

- It's not hard to understand you, because I used to be like that myself. I remember.

I listened to the details of the king's growing up for about an hour before Taren distracted him and led him away to the other councillors, and I was distracted by another person.

- There's no need to hide in corners and columns, dear Triss. - I said, looking at the pillar where Merigold stood under her veil. - I might think you're spying or trying to kill me.

- You were not killed by the princess. - she opened herself to me and I noticed the change in her figure and the elegance of her dress. - You weren't killed by monsters and drunken knights, I'm not likely to be. Besides, I don't want to.

- It's good to see you, Triss. You have lovely curls and hair.

- Thanks. - She blushed. - You've also matured and gotten taller.

I stepped closer to her and when she was about to say something, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She was surprised and dumbfounded, but didn't push away. And soon gave in completely to the feelings.

The fifteen-year-old girl, who apparently didn't know men yet, judging by her reaction, responded to the kiss ineptly, but passionately and with desire. Her feelings hadn't gone anywhere, which was good to know.

I pulled away first, holding her by the waist, looking into her blue eyes, which she didn't know where to look.

She's a warlock, but she's a child.

- We're being watched.

- I missed you. - I ignored her words and put my other hand on her arse, making it blush even more, and then pressed it against the surface of the column. - I missed her a lot. Did you?

- Me too, but... we're being watched, Damian.

- So what's the big deal? - I was playing dumb.

- Let's get out of here. Mm-mm, to my chambers or yours. And then we'll talk.

She didn't know where to look.

- All right, let's go quickly. There's something I can't wait to tell you and show you.

Playing the part of the horny young man is easy. Although to be honest, I rarely do. Still, my childhood often plays out in one particular place.

Triss pulled me away from the Hall under the understanding gazes of Taren Merigold, the king, some of the courtiers, and Keira Metz, who had finally shown up at the reception.

The old man clearly didn't mind our relationship. He liked me and perhaps he saw me as his successor and family member. It was a fact that he was the one who'd suggested I be accepted into the service and predicted my future in Temeria, closer to Triss. You sly old geezer! I respect that. But I don't buy that if it's not good for me.

* * *

Triss couldn't come with me to Tretogor. Taren needed her, but Keira came with me on her own. And she was trying to get me to tell her about my relationship with Triss with her excessive curiosity. She already knew it, but women are women.

On the 30th of August, we were already in Tretogore.

The king was on a hunting trip with his courtiers, and I had arrived not as a guest, but as an appendage to Keira, who was the official face of Temeria.

My mother met me, of course.

- Damian. - and immediately gave me a hug. - Mm-hmm. You've grown as well as matured, and you've only been gone a short while," she looked me over and groped me without shying away from anyone or anything. - I'm so happy to see you.

- I missed you too, Mum. But you shouldn't be kissing in public. - I smiled obediently, accepting the strokes on my cheek and the way she ran her fingers through my hair, stroking the top of my head.

- It looks nice, but you could have hugged me once and kissed me, too. - Keira pouted. - I know Damian's a handsome man, but you're his mother, not his wife or lover. Triss might get jealous. Speaking of which, they're--

- Stop spreading rumours, Keira. - Philippa interrupted her, appearing after her mother, not alone, but in the company of Francesca and, I understand, Sigismund Dijkstra. - Or rather, one should not spread the truth in the guise of rumour. And in the presence of such a nice young man.

- It's good to see you, Mistress Philippa. - I smiled at her and kissed her hand. - And you, Mistress Francesca. - I kissed her hand next.

- Come on, Dami, my boy. - Philippa pouted jokingly. - Just Philippa or Fil. When you talk so formally, it makes me feel like an old bag. And that's unpleasant, you know.

- So you are an old bag. - Metz smiled at her and kissed all three of them on the cheeks.

- It's not about the little ones.

Hmm. Is it just me, or is the body reaction and the look Eilhart throws at me different from what I've seen from her before? I guess my desire must have worked, and now she has fallen for me or is falling in love with me. Anyway, we'll see a little later.

- Perhaps you'd like to introduce us? - I glanced at the heavyset, bald man who towered over the other ladies.

- Excuse me. It's my fault. - Eilhart spoke up. - Damian, this is Sigismund Dijkstra, head of the secret service and chief spy of the kingdom. And this," she began to introduce me in turn, "is the son of Jennyfair you have heard so much about, his name is Damian, Damian of Wengerberg.

- I am Damian Blackheart now," I corrected her, noting the strange reaction of the elf lord towards me. But only I noticed it; she quickly suppressed her surprise and interest, giving her usual good-natured indifference. - And a knight, too.

- I'm sorry, my dear, - Fil even stroked my cheek like a child. - I forgot. It's just that it's rare that anyone in our brotherhood likes to swing a sword.

- Everyone has their weaknesses. - I answered her and shook hands with the spy.

- I heard about you and the fact that you have already managed to free Princess Adda from the curse.

From the looks on the faces of the three spellcasters, except for Metz, they didn't know about it. And the one who didn't know the most was my mother, who had managed her surprise and was now burning me with a look of indignation.

- So you risked your life to save a girl who was hurt because Foltest doesn't know how to keep his cock in his trousers?

- Ian. - Keira came to my defence. - He wasn't even hurt. He did something no one had hoped for or expected. And he's rubbed the noses of the entire knighthood and a huge portion of the mages and druids!

- I don't give a damn about those fools. My son.

- Jennyfair, you can tell your son everything in a private conversation, we still have some things to discuss with Keira, and both of them and their travelling companions need to rest from the road, it's not like using portals. - Eilhart came to my defence, to which I shot her a grateful glance.

- Pfft. Okay, we'll talk to you later. There's someone else I need to introduce you to, so get cleaned up. And your friends you arrived with, sort them out. Who are they?

- Friends and part of my team.

- Team? - Mum's interested.

- I want to organise a mercenary squad. I've even thought of a name.

- We'll talk about a lot of things. We'll talk about that too. Go to my chambers. You'll be stationed there!

- You're Jennyfair, as serious and rigid as ever, even to your sweet Damian. - Francesca scolded her. - The boy has done a good deed.

- That's what he'll get for it.

Feminism seems to be in full bloom around here. Sometimes I think that when more than three Arethusa alumnae gather in one place, there is a risk of forming a new secret society or just a conspiracy. And given the personalities of those gathered, four future members of the Enchanters' Lodge is a powerful aid to my thoughts and speculations.

- I meant no harm, Ser Damian. I'm afraid my knowledge has put you at a disadvantage.

- Just Damian. - I smiled and waved him away. - Don't worry about me.

- I suggest we don't stand still. Your mother and Keira and I will have something to talk about. - Philippa intervened again. - And Damian can rest now, and then he can, um, answer to you, Jennyfair.

- All right, then. Thank Philippa, Dami. - She looked at me sternly, then still looked away and nodded to the others.

All five of them went about their business, and I... and I followed the servant who led me to my mother's chambers, where I changed my clothes and in half an hour was standing at the window looking out at Tretogor.

In Vyzima, I had failed to collect all the "keys" to Alzur's abode. Only five out of ten. It turned out that most likely the other five are probably at different people and places in Novigrad. This complicates matters, but only postpones the fulfilment of my plans for a while, after the tower in Temeria there is also a tower in Redania. Only the latter will be harder to find.

I'll have to listen to my parents about my "childishness" and mental abilities. And then I'll have to get on with finding the "keys". Although, I think my mum wanted me to meet someone?

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