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29.62% Blackheart (GoT, Witcher, DC) / Chapter 24: Chapter 21

Chapter 24: Chapter 21

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Damian Blackheart.

My mouth feels like it's been pooped on by kittens, more than once and more than twice, and my body feels like it's been beaten from all sides. That's the result of a long holiday break with my boys.

Two dozens of bodies piled into the brothel of Katai, where I personally rented both the owner of the brothel and her daughter, sultry Alaia. I had fun with them almost the whole night, and in the morning we were joined by another girl, a cute blonde with brown eyes and neat breasts, then I got my second wind, and it was impossible to reach me until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. And then we drank and ate some more and decided to visit Littlefinger's brothel for a tick. We were even met there by the owner of the place. Perhaps our meeting was even accidental, but it doesn't matter, the main thing is that we visited that place and had a good time.

I don't remember falling asleep, I only remember Roz, that northerner who now already works in that brothel and two others entertained me.

- Lord Blackheart! Lord Blackheart! - John's voice came from behind the door.

Varick and I managed to get him to buy a couple of whores yesterday. So our "snowball" melted then and became a man. And as it turned out, a very hardy man.

- Why are you yelling, John? - I asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

- The Kingsguard has arrived. He wants to see you.

What did the Guardsman want with me?

- I'll be right out. - I answered him and began to hurriedly dress.

My back was all scratched, my pelvis hurt, and my arms for some reason. In about five minutes, I came out a little dishevelled to this guard, who turned out to be Jaime Lannister himself.

- I wanted to say good morning to you, Sire, but I see it ended good for you when I got there. - grinned the blond man.

- I wouldn't say you're wrong. I have actually had wonderful dreams in the arms of marvellous girls with such shapes... Eh! Does the King wish to see me?

- No, Her Grace Queen Cersei wishes to see you, Ser Damien. It seems she has something important to discuss with you.

How interesting. And what does the broodmaid want with me first thing in the morning? I'll find out on the spot.

- Then could you wait a moment while I get cleaned up? It would be a little unbecoming and disrespectful to Her Majesty to appear before Her Majesty in such an unkempt state.

- Of course. - The Kingslayer nodded understandingly and smiled approvingly.

About twenty minutes later I was already more or less tidy and in new clothes, accompanied by Kingslayer, Rex, and John, and I went to the Red Castle. Winding through long corridors and up stairs, we reached her chambers, where another of the white cloaks, namely Ser Merrin Trant, was standing.

Behind the massive red oak door, Cersei Lannister was waiting for me. Cersei was an incredibly beautiful woman with typical Lannister features: golden hair, brilliant green eyes, fair clear skin, she was slender and graceful, had a lovely figure with a narrow waist, wide appetising buttocks and high breasts of about a size three. And it was all tucked behind a beautifully embroidered red and gold dress of silk, gold threads and Myrian lace. She knew her worth, I'd noticed that at Winterfell, though I think she exaggerated her importance at times. Perhaps it was the result of her upbringing and childhood.

- Your Grace. - I bowed. - It is good to see you in good health. I confess I did not expect you to see me.

She smiled indulgently and gestured for me to sit in the chair opposite her.

- How could I miss the opportunity to congratulate you on your victory in the Hand tournament and the resolution of the situation with the Storm Lords? They're a very savage people there. - and then she grimaced. - I wish I'd had time to offer you land in the Western Lands. My husband gave you a good deal, but it's in dangerous places and with unpleasant neighbours.

- Not to worry, Your Majesty. Neighbours are not the best anywhere, especially for a stranger. And the fact that I was attacked... that's the cost of life. At least I've expanded my lands a little and enriched myself. Now I can look for a wife.

- Have you chosen a candidate? - She's interested. - Who is the lucky lady?

- I have not decided exactly. There are several options, and then I will look at the reaction of the family of my possible bride. Not everyone wants to marry their daughters to bastards, even if they are already lords.

- It's sad. - Cersei's eyes sparkled. - We don't get to choose who we're born to be. But we can choose the path we follow and come to something good or bad. The question is, where to go and with whom? Tell me Lord Blackheart, who will you go with, or rather where and to what ends?

Recruitment. Ineptly.

- Wherever my honour and conscience and reason lead me.

- Sometimes honour, conscience and reason lead in different directions.

- They lead in the same direction, we just have different perceptions of where it takes us, Your Majesty. It led me here, for example.

- So, after this, where do you go? Back to Mourning Town? - the blonde asked.

- Most likely. But I don't know what will happen to me in an hour. Maybe I'll die from falling down the stairs and my future plans will be over in a heartbeat.

She laughed.

- You're very pessimistic. Never mind, though. Understand, Lord Blackheart, sometimes choosing the right wind direction is the most important thing in life. And for Walder Frey's bastard son.

- I understand that.

- That's good. - Cersei nodded approvingly. - And I hope you never forget. It will be easier for you if you're loyal to the crown, to those you've risen above.

- I will remember that, my queen. - I answered her with a smile and closed my eyes with my head bowed slightly.

I may have been smiling at her, but my soul was aflame. I wanted to take her for those words, bend her over, fuck her in her dirty hole, and then cum all over her face, and then show the result to a crowd of gawkers who would mock her. But, alas, my wishes are not to be fulfilled. She is right, I am only Walder Frey's bastard and I am dependent on the "favour of the monarch". She told me so clearly that even a dork could understand.

I wanted to rip her throat out, but I couldn't. No, I could, but as a result I would lose my entire future, and my plans were destined to end on a tragic note. It's too early to do anything about that bitch. But I'll remember that for her.

In the meantime, we'll play our part.

- Right again, Lord Blackheart. - she replied smugly. I think she actually felt a ghostly note of control over me. - Do you like wine?

- I rarely drink, really. I prefer to keep my mind clear. But sometimes I do. For example.

- Never mind. Pour me some wine, Sire. - and pointed to a crystal goblet and a gold lion jug that appeared to be filled with wine.

- I would be honoured, my queen.

A wretched woman and stupid. She's not a good recruiter. She has leadership skills, some, and the knowledge Tywin must have put in her head, but she's a blonde, a natural, and now I despise her.

She wants to show me where I belong? All right, I'll play that game, but only for the time being. Enjoy your position, Cersei. But I know it won't last long.

An hour and a half later, I left her with a smile on my face, but a storm in my soul.

Once outside her chambers, I strode at a brisk pace to our abode. Rex and John realised halfway there that I was in a bad mood, so they decided not to touch me yet.

I locked myself in my room. It was medium-sized, clean, and had a large bed, as well as other necessities like a table, a few chairs, a couple of chests, a shelf of books, and so on.

I wanted to throw up and throw down, I hadn't been humiliated like Cersei had done in a long time. I'd thought she'd want to recruit me in a more appropriate way. But she decided to press my position, and apparently she didn't realise what she'd done and set me up to be aggressive towards her. I hid it well outwardly and she didn't realise it, so she took my reaction as submission and for granted.

But she would realise that she had acted rashly, but then it would be too late.

There was a knock at the door.

- It's me, Damian. - Obara, her voice is unmistakable, and I have a very good memory, I remember everything. - Open up.

Annoyed that someone was distracting me from my thoughts, I growled involuntarily, but I pulled myself together and went to open the door.

Obara slipped inside and sat down on a chair beside my bed. John and Rex were talking to Lesho and Varick about something, but they were glancing interestedly in my direction. I closed the door and turned to Sand.

- What do you want?

- Why are you so angry? Since you came back from the queen's, you've been off the rails. Did something bad happen?

- She's been pissing me off with her arrogance and stupidity. But that's the way it is in this world. Especially among noble ladies.

- They are. - Obara grinned and leaned back in her chair.

I pictured Cersei's image again, her haughty smile, and the storm of emotion rose in me again.

Obara wanted to say something, but I didn't let her. Roughly, I took the back of her head and kissed her. She obediently responded to the kiss and started lacing my breeches with her hands. In a few seconds my excited cock was ready for action and was in the older snake's hands.

I pulled away from her lips and took both hands on the back of her head and pulled her to my cock. Obara obediently took it in her mouth like a normal whore and without my help she worked her head back and forth.

At that moment, despite Obara's best efforts, I couldn't get Cersei out of my head. At some point I began to imagine her in Obara's place, which made my blood run hotter and my pelvic thrusts faster and sharper. It made Obara almost choke on my cock.

Soon I poured into her mouth, shoving my cock all the way down her throat, she tried to pull out of my grip but I wouldn't let her. The cum was even coming through her nose. Somehow escaping from my grasp, or rather I let her go, she fell to her knees and started coughing it up.

But my excitement and lust were taking over me.

With one tug I pulled her leather trousers down to her knees. Obara realised what would follow, for almost every night after our first time and every morning I repeated it with her.

- Not in the arse! - hissed the snake.

Yeah, I love hurting others. Especially in situations like this. Tenderness is not my thing. Obara wasn't my lover. She was my bitch, my property, though she didn't realise it yet, but I'd trained her, and soon she'd be happy to give me her luscious, firm ass for my praise. It would be easier to do that with her, she has that nature that hides behind the image of a strong warrior.

She roared with arousal and pain, yet she reeked of satisfaction. Her arse was tight, though not as tight as the first time we'd been there.

I doubt it had anything to do with her "virginity". It was more likely due to her athletic figure and muscles that were always toned.

The tension inside her was still great, and after literally ten minutes I cum inside her.

And I lay on top of her and stroked her legs with pleasure, not taking my already softening cock out of her. Then we recovered and collapsed on the bed, resting.

I had undressed completely by then, and Obara was without trousers and boots, but she was wearing her shirt and a waistcoat that was torn in many places. Her dark wavy hair was tangled and wet with sweat.

Her face was turned towards me, and from under her covered eyelids she looked up at me while stroking the "hurt spot". She was lying on her stomach.

- An animal like no other. - she snorted. - Why do you rarely take me from the front?

- Your arse is special. - I answered her honestly. - I've never seen such a juicy arse. It's tight even after almost a month of non-stop fucking in it.

- Next time fuck me from the front. Let my arse heal. I can't ride properly. - she complained and threw her left leg over my groin, hugged me with her arm, putting her head on my chest and stared at me blankly.

- Where I want to fuck you, I'll fuck you. Don't you dare tell me what to do. If you're going to advise me as a warrior and as the leader of your squad, then be my guest. But as a woman, your place is in my bed and wherever I want you. Do you understand?

She frowned.

- I only mean to you as a woman that belongs to you and as a whore you can do whatever you want with?

- Just like I told you the first time. - I nodded to her and closed my eyes. - I didn't lie to you once. I told you your role in my life. I need an obedient girl who will do whatever I want. If you still want to keep your 'pride and honour', this time will be the last, after that we will have a relationship as fellow soldiers and as employer and mercenary. Nothing more. But if you come to me again, it means you recognise that I have power over you, absolute and complete. And if, for example, I want to put you in a circle between my friends, I will, and you will obediently fulfil it.

- You won't do it. - she snorted. - You're possessive. And if you do perform an orgy with me, the other participants will be women.

- And you've studied me pretty well. - And then I laughed. - Good for you. As an incentive, I'll let your arse heal a bit and fuck you in your mouth and womb.

- Animal!

- And I like being one. - I smiled.

- And I also like you being who you are.

- I've noticed that. You wiggle during sex.

- It's different.

- My lord! John's voice came from outside the door.

- What do you want, John? - I asked him, and immediately began to dress, my gut telling me something was coming.

- The Hand summons you. A messenger has come from him, Jory Cassel.

- Oh, yeah? - I chuckled to myself. - Let him wait, I'll get dressed and go out to him, give him something to eat. Show him some hospitality.

- Yes, I will! - the distant footsteps of the bastard were heard outside the door.

- Think and decide, Obara, while I give you this chance. - I told her one last time and walked out the door.

Rex moved out of the alcove that was near the door to my room and nestled in beside me.

- Are you calmed down? - He asked without emotion.

- Yeah. It helped.

- Good. Ned Stark is a very straightforward man, honest and thoughtful. He's not impulsive, but ...

- I know what Ned Stark is, even more than you do. - I stopped my brother.

- Perhaps. - He agreed with me evasively. - But you can guess why he wants to meet with you, can't you?

- I have a few guesses, but as they say, we'll see. Either way, my gut tells me the business Lord Stark wants me on is dangerous, interesting, and likely to yield something.

- Sometimes it seems to me that if you were a Great Lord's bastard, you'd be on the Iron Throne and at war with all the Free Cities. To be satisfied with what you've accomplished, and to stifle your bloodlust.

- Why stifle it? - I was genuinely surprised. - It must be kept in check and released when necessary. But "strangle it"? That's nonsense. You actually kill yourself when you "strangle" such a necessary and important feeling for any person.

- I still can't figure out if it's our blood or twisted thoughts from your past.

- Could it be a symbiosis?

- It could be. But at any rate, it amuses me.

- Lord Blackheart. - Jory Cassel nodded to me in greeting.

He looked a little like John, except he was about ten years older, with rounder features, darker skin, brown eyes, and a neat beard. He was also a little more wiry than John and half a head taller than him. But still, you could tell that the northerner was....

- Jory Cassel? - he nodded. - What is the reason Lord Stark summons me?

- I don't know. But it must be important or he wouldn't have interrupted the Small Council and summoned you.

Interesting how the wenches are dancing.

- Are all the masters there now?

- Not that I know of. Only Lord Stark is there now.

I wonder what happened there that Stark interrupted the small council meeting and called me in on an emergency?

- I see. Then lead the way. John, Rex, you come with me.

I wonder what happened today.

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