Andrew was all smiles as they left the room while Maxwell seemed to be a bit more…subdued. Andrew had no idea why. He also had no idea why Maxwell elbowed him so hard in the stomach, even as Mrs. Beckett looked on with sparkling blue eyes.
After Andrew had learned how she had been caught with Mr. Beckett in a closet, he didn't think she'd say anything about it. Especially since she had also walked in on them kissing before. Maxwell was the one who was going to be in his head about it.
That was okay. It just meant that Andrew had to comfort him. Oh no. How horrible. Andrew potentially needed to take Maxwell away from prying eyes and kiss him better? That sounded like a nightmare.
So Andrew was chuckling to himself as they arrived at the actual location where the wedding was going to take place.
At least now Maxwell's family know not to make jokes about it around them. And Mr. Beckett is so excited to be a grandfather :)