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93.5% I Am Ironman (MHA) / Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Finished Products

Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Finished Products

[Third Person's PoV] 

As Tony secretly worked on designing Maria's suit, he turned to David with a question. "So, Father-in-law, what type of suit do you want?"

David scratched his head, feeling a bit awkward. "I can't give you a definite answer, Tony. You know, I'm more of an inventor. When I was younger, working for All Might, I might've gone for a suit built for fighting. But now… I enjoy making things for others. So maybe something that helps me with that… a suit for crafting, inventing, something along those lines."

Tony nodded thoughtfully. "I see… I can work with that. Actually, that's a pretty fun idea. You know what, why not? Let's do it," he muttered to himself, already considering the possibilities.

"Melissa," Tony called out, beckoning her over.

"Yeah?" Melissa replied, walking up to him.

Tony leaned in and whispered something in her ear, causing the adults in the room to exchange curious glances.

"You want me to design something like that?" Melissa asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

Tony nodded. "You focus on designing your father's suit, while I focus on designing my parents' suits."

Melissa shrugged. "Sure, I haven't designed something like that before… It might be tricky, but it should be fairly straightforward."

Tony then turned to the adults. "What are you guys still doing here? Go be somewhere else. We'll call you down when we're done. We don't want to ruin the surprise."

The adults looked at each other, unsure of what to do. "So what do we do in the meantime?" Howard finally asked.

Tony shrugged nonchalantly. "Hell if I know. Go watch a movie or something. Just don't leave the house—I don't want to have to rescue you guys again."

Howard raised an eyebrow. "Are you putting us under house arrest?"

Tony turned to him with a serious expression and nodded. "Yes, yes I am. Now shoo, shoo, you're interrupting my creative time. I have to take advantage of it."

"Fine…" Howard grumbled, heading out with David and Maria following close behind.

As the adults left, two suits of armor materialized beside Tony, and he began working on them simultaneously. "Take Melissa's electrical weapon design and move it here… Now use this for the distribution of kinetic energy," Tony muttered to himself as he switched between working on his mother's suit and his father's.

An hour later, Melissa tossed a hologram of a small chip towards Tony, who easily caught it. "What do you think of this?" she asked.

Tony examined the design for a moment. "Here, change this tiny section. It'll give you a faster response time. After that, you should be good to go," he said, highlighting the section and tossing the hologram back to Melissa, who caught it mid-air.

Melissa studied it for a moment, then nodded. "I see… that makes sense. Jarvis, begin production of the chip. So, does this mean I can use the microbots now to start making my father's suit?" she asked, a bit expectantly.

"Melly, you've got to stop asking for permission and just use them. I've got some finishing touches to do, so go ahead."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure you didn't need them first," Melissa said, grabbing the neural transmitter.

Not paying attention, Tony noticed Melissa flying past him out of the corner of his eye, shouting, "Weeeeee!!"

He turned to see her riding the microbots away, and he couldn't help but scoff in amusement before refocusing on the suits in front of him.

Melissa sat cross-legged in the creation room, a space Tony had designed specifically for building their suits. The microbots, which had begun moving and shifting with precision, started assembling the parts Melissa had selected. They worked seamlessly, joining pieces together and shaping the suit according to the image she had in her mind.

After a brief mental fatigue, Melissa rubbed her temples. "Wow, I didn't expect this to be so mentally taxing…"

Once she'd rested, the microbots resumed their work.

Tony, having completed the designs for each suit, wore a satisfied smirk. 

"Boss, I have something important to report," Friday's voice interrupted.

"Hm? What's wrong, Friday? They didn't leave the house and get kidnapped again, did they?" Tony asked, alarmed.


"Damn, I'm treating them like pets," Tony muttered.

"No, boss, but it is related. The man responsible, the Dark Forger, has escaped during his escort to prison."

Tony clicked his tongue in frustration. "And by whom?"

"The same group responsible for the attack during the USJ."

"Of course," Tony said with a touch of sarcasm. "I assume they've already teleported away?"

"Yes, as we speak."

"Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll need to be prepared for him to be among their ranks next time they attack."

Tony shook his head, muttering to himself, "Small steps, Tony, small steps… That's how we've gotten this far."

"I assume all the men involved have been killed?" Tony asked in a somber tone.

"I'm afraid so, and rather gruesomely, I might add…"

Tony fell into a heavy silence, processing the information. "Friday, schedule a meeting with the National Police Force for this week. I'm not doing anyone any good by keeping all this technology to myself. At least, the non-dangerous stuff should be shared, to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands."

"It will be arranged, boss," Friday replied.

Tony then joined Melissa, noticing she was nearly finished, only a few parts left to add.

"You hungry?" Tony asked with a smile.

"Yes, please… You always seem to know exactly what I need," Melissa sighed.

Tony smiled and went to fetch some food. When he returned, he began feeding Melissa, who smiled contentedly as she completed the suit.

After covering the suit with a white tarp, Melissa leaned her head on Tony's shoulder. "You're too good to me," she sighed happily.

Tony rolled his eyes and began working on the suits he had designed. The microbots operated at a faster pace and with greater efficiency than Melissa's.

"Wow… they move really fast. How are you doing that?" Melissa wondered.

"That's because you have to picture each part of the suit individually and assemble it piece by piece. I, on the other hand, already have the entire suit envisioned in my mind, down to the tiniest bolt and thinnest wire. So I don't need to stop and start; it's all in my head," Tony explained.

Howard, David, and Maria were upstairs watching a movie, completely engrossed. Suddenly, the TV screen flickered and displayed a video of Tony, looking tired as he massaged the bridge of his nose and said, "Come on down; the suits are ready…"

"Come on! We were just getting to the good part!" Howard shouted.

"I'll throw these suits into the ocean if you keep testing my patience, old man," Tony's voice warned as the TV turned off.

"Am I the father or is he?" Howard scoffed.

David chuckled. "Looks like you're being outmaneuvered by your son, Howard. Not a good look for a father," he teased.

Howard turned to David, patting his shoulder. "My son is probably already having sex with your daughter," he said before patting Maria's thigh and standing up.

David's forehead showed visible veins. "I've never wanted to kill you more than right now."

David then turned to Maria. "You don't think they're already…?"

Maria patted David's shoulder awkwardly as she stood up. 

"WHY AREN'T YOU DENYING IT?" David demanded.

They gathered with Tony and Melissa in the lab, where three large tarps covered the suits. Tony and Melissa stood ready to present them.

"First, let's start with the most complex of the suits… Yours, Dad," Tony said, grabbing the right tarp and pulling it off to reveal a sleek black vibranium Iron Man suit with blue, red, and white accents.

"I might have gone a bit overboard with the weapons, so bear with me as I explain some of its capabilities. I call this suit The Kinetic Patriot."

Tony looked at the sleek black suit, a mix of Vibranium and Iron Patriot colors, taking a deep breath before starting his explanation. "Honestly, where do I even begin with this thing…"

He walked around the suit, gesturing to different parts as he spoke. "Alright, first off, the core of this suit is pure Vibranium, making it practically indestructible. This baby can absorb and redistribute kinetic energy. So, if you take a hit from, say, a giant or even a missile, the suit absorbs that energy, stores it, and you can use it to power your weapons or even amplify your own strength."

Tony then tapped on the chest piece, where a faint glow pulsed beneath the surface. "This is the Vibranium power core. It's not just an energy source; it's a kinetic energy battery. Every time you take a hit, you get stronger, faster, and can unleash more devastating attacks. And that energy can be channeled into your repulsors, which have been supercharged with Vibranium tech. They're not just more powerful, but they can cut through nearly anything."

He moved to the arms of the suit. "These gauntlets here are equipped with Vibranium energy blades. They're retractable, razor-sharp, and can slice through pretty much any material out there. They also absorb kinetic energy on impact, so the more you hit, the more energy you build up. And if you need to unleash it all at once? You've got a shockwave generator built right in. Perfect for crowd control or just sending someone flying."

Tony then pointed to the shoulders. "Now, I did say I overdid it with the weapons, right? We've got mini-missile launchers here, loaded with Vibranium-tipped projectiles. These bad boys can pierce through even the toughest armors. And they're smart missiles, so they'll track and follow targets with pinpoint accuracy." 

He walked around to the back of the suit, revealing sleek, streamlined thrusters. "Flight capabilities are off the charts. The thrusters are enhanced with Vibranium, making them more efficient and quiet. You'll be able to fly faster, with better agility, and with almost no heat signature—so good luck to anyone trying to track you."

Tony stepped back to admire the suit, then pointed to the forearms. "Oh, and did I mention the plasma cannons? Yeah, they're powered by Vibranium too. These plasma bolts are intense, capable of vaporizing targets or cutting through nearly anything. And if that's not enough, the suit has a deployable Vibranium shield that can absorb and reflect energy attacks right back at your enemies."

Finally, Tony looked back at the group with a grin. "But it's not all about offense. The suit has advanced stealth capabilities, radar invisibility, and sound dampening, so you can go full ninja when needed." 

He took a step back, giving them a moment to take it all in. "So, yeah… it's a lot. But if you're going to wear a suit, might as well go all out, right? The Kinetic Patriot is ready for just about anything you can throw at it—or anything that can be thrown at you."

"I know I'm not supposed to curse infront of children but Jesus fucking christ Tony. Which country are you trying to take over, with this I don't doubt anyone can just become the number 1 hero" Howard said looking at the suit. "And the suit is just for me?" 

Tony grinned, soaking in the odd looks he was getting after his dramatic reveal. "Now then, let's move to my mother dearest," he continued, walking over to the second tarp. With a flourish, he pulled it off, revealing a sleek, black-and-pink Vibranium suit, its surface shimmering slightly under the lights.

"I call this suit, MOMMY WITH THE BELT!!" Tony announced, raising his arms dramatically toward the ceiling. The room fell silent as everyone exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of the name. 

Tony chuckled, enjoying the confusion. "Trust me, the name will make sense in a second." He moved around to the front of the suit and pressed two buttons on the wrist. Instantly, two long, pink, crackling electric whips unfurled from the suit's arms, snapping to life with a menacing hum. "It's a whipping suit—hence the name."

He flicked the whips in the air, and they responded with lightning-fast precision, creating arcs of pink energy as they moved. "These aren't just any ordinary whips. They're made from a Vibranium-infused alloy, making them both incredibly strong and flexible. They can cut through almost anything, and when they connect with a target, the electrical charge can disable tech, fry circuits, or just deliver one heck of a shock. And because they're made from Vibranium, they absorb kinetic energy, so the harder you strike, the more energy you build up to use."

Tony gestured to the suit itself. "The suit is, of course, Vibranium-based as well, so it's just as durable as the Kinetic Patriot. It's designed for agility and Midrange combat, with enhanced flexibility and speed. The Vibranium mesh allows for quick movements while still offering top-tier protection."

He pointed to the suit's back and shoulders. "For added versatility, the suit has a magnetic grappling system. You can extend the whips, latch onto targets, and then pull them in—or pull yourself toward them. It's perfect for mobility in battle or for getting up close and personal with an enemy while also keeping your distance from them."

Tony then tapped the chest piece, where a faint pink glow emanated. "And just like the other suit, this one has a Vibranium power core, capable of absorbing energy from impacts and then releasing it through the whips. You can also channel the energy into a powerful electric shockwave, sending out a pulse that disables electronics and stuns enemies within a wide radius."

He stepped back, giving the suit one last look. "So yeah, it's a bit more… hands-on, but I think it suits you perfectly, Mom. You'll be able to handle anything—up close and personal, with a little extra zap for good measure. "Of course, you can control the voltage, and it can be adjusted so they don't feel anything. This suit is primarily for capture and defense. It features holographic shields powered by kinetic energy. The more they hit the shield, the stronger it becomes, so you'll always be protected."

Tony looked back at the group with a smirk. "So, what do you think? Pretty electrifying, huh?"

Howard's face turned serious. "Tony, please don't give your mother any ideas for our bedroom life. I'll say this here and now—I'm not into it."

Melissa's face turned a deep shade of red as Maria slapped Howard's arm and glared at him.

"Oh no, Tony, she's already started hitting me. Look at what you've done!" Howard exclaimed, fearfully looking at Maria.

Maria, blushing and puffed up with embarrassment, continued to bang her fist towards Howard, clearly embarrassed by his comments.

"MOVING ON!" Melissa shouted, pulling off the last tarp with a flourish. "We name this one… The Iron Octopus…" she continued, revealing a red and yellow Iron Man suit with a slightly bulkier build compared to the others. 

The crowd's attention was immediately drawn to the suit's back, where four distinct sections began to open with a soft whirring sound. From these sections, four gleaming, mechanical grapplers extended outward. Each grappler, crafted from a combination of Vibranium and high-tensile alloys, moved with an almost organic fluidity.

"This suit is designed for both combat and inventive work," Melissa explained, her enthusiasm evident. "It's like having four extra helping hands. The limbs are reinforced with Vibranium, which means they have the same kinetic energy absorption capabilities as our previous suits, providing enhanced durability and resilience."

She gestured to the extending grapplers. "Each tentacle is equipped with advanced repulsor technology. They adapt to whatever you need during your build. Whether you require a laser cutter, a welding tool, or any other specialized equipment, the tentacles can shift and provide the necessary tools instantly."

Melissa's eyes sparkled with excitement. "So, whether you're in the lab or in the field, this suit's got you covered. It combines the versatility of Vibranium with the precision and adaptability inspired by octopus anatomy."

"Not to mention its strength, you would be able to lift up to a couple tons with this thing. Well it's better If you try it one so you could understand how it really works" Tony said 

Tony then bowed towards All of them, "And that will be all for our presentation everyone! Come back time!" 


+31 advance Chapters on:

[Images of the suits]

Ps. I really couldn't find a pick of a good whiplash armor for the mom.

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