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100% Reborn as a Giant Dragon / Chapter 4: Adventuring

Chapter 4: Adventuring

After mother told me about the tournament, almost 6 months have passed before mother deemed it safe for me to leave the cave and explore by myself.

In these past 6 months I have multiplied in size and strength. From being 50 feet in length, I am now 200 feet long, 75 feet tall, and with a wing span of 400 feet. 

Officially a giant toddler. 

My siblings are around the same size I was 6 months ago if not a little bigger. If before they were considered giant for their age, now they're humongous. the average size for 6 months around 40 feet in length, 12 feet in height, and a 80 foot wingspan.

I am around a 1/5 of my mothers size, but I won't be reaching her size anytime soon. The bigger you are the slower you grow, regardless of age. But I will still grow faster than any other dragon. 

I'll probably reach her size a little bit after the tournament. If I had to guess, I'll probably be around 3/4 her size by the time of the tournament. 

But now that mother deemed me old enough to explore by myself, I plan to do just that.

Finishing my monologue I looked at my siblings playing with each other and my mother laying down watching them.

"Mother, I'm going out to explore, maybe I'll find some humans to play with."

Over these 6 months, my human feelings have slowly began to fade, I still have emotions and feelings. I just don't have any bias for humans, I wouldn't feel bad about killing them or any other race.

Dragon mother looked over at me, and nodded slightly. 

She didn't bother to speak.

I walked over to the ledge and jumped off and let the wind take me. Guiding the wind to take me where I wanted it to.

I didn't go fast as I wanted to enjoy the view the flight showed me.

Around an hour into my flight, I saw a tiny village in the midst of a forest, I saw the tiny dots that looked like ants move around the village doing chores. I couldn't tell if it was humans or orcs, or some other kind of intelligent race.

I stooped down a little lower when the villagers finally saw me, they dropped what they were holding and ran into their tiny wooden huts.

I determined that they were humans as what looked like guards came to the outskirts and stood there with bows and arrows, and throwing spears trying to throw things at me.

The highest rank I could sense was a silver ranked human, who seemed to be a cultivator.

If I had to estimate, I would probably be a Black gold ranked dragon. Not too high in this planet, but for my age is very powerful. And very powerful for any civilization except for the capitals of said civilizations where the strongest warriors reside.

To be fair, this planet is pretty barbaric and not very powerful compared to others in the universe. But its not the weakest, probably ranked somewhere in the bottom of the middle.

"Humans, I am just passing by, If you wish to live go back to your village."

The guards seemed scared by the fact the dragon could talk, but they were not deterred.

"I haven't killed a dragon before, I wonder if they'll accept me in the capitals academy for cultivation if I bring them your head."

I couldn't tell whether they were stupid or brave, either way. 

They were going to die.

I was contemplating how they should die, by ice breath, or by a special ice magic spell I learned, when they started to shoot me with arrows, that bounced off of me. Leaving no damage, and throwing spears at me, with the same result.

"How about both."

I dive bombed, towards the battalion of men and circled them in the air, using ice dragons breath creating a wall of ice that completely surrounded them, trapping them. 

After trapping them in the ice wall, I flew up and looked down at them. Focusing for a second, hundreds of magic circles appeared on all sides of the circular death pit, with ice spears poking through the circles.

"Gate of Babylon: Ice Spears"

After saying the name of the spell, the hundreds of spears shot out of the runes, creating a sonic boom, because of the speed of said spears.

The spears killed more than half of them with just one round, though some hit non vital locations causing them to take great damage and be weakened.

The runes glowed for a second and more spears came out and shot into the circle pit. The shooting got faster and faster until it became like an automatic gun, shooting thousands of spears a second.

In just 10 seconds all of them were dead except for one. The silver tiered warrior who wanted my head.

More than 10 spears were piercing his body, he looked like a blue porcupine. He must have trained in a defensive martial art or skill as any normal silver would have already been dead by now.


Before he could finish his sentence I decided to finish him off by using a spear, but instead of ice, it was fire. The purple ghost flame spear ate the man alive as his skin, clothes, and armor were turned to dust, and then to nothingness.

When the man died, energy escaped his body and entered my body and I gained new knowledge about the skills and abilities the man had. My energy reserves and cultivation level increased by a bit as well.

Deciding that all the inhabitants of the village must die for the crimes of these soldiers he flew just two seconds over and rained hellfire on the village killing everyone. 

He used a custom made spell that created havoc everywhere it landed.

"Malevolent Rain"

Storm clouds filled the sky as lightning and thunder struck the ground dozens of times every second, striking houses and people who tried to run away. Hail the size of cars fell from the clouds and made ditches wherever it landed. Fireballs the size of basketballs homed in on flammable places and burned houses down, and scorched human bodies.

Wind speeds went up to hundreds of miles per hour, creating a tornado that absorbed the flame and hail and created a natural disaster razed the village to the ground.

While I thought that this was a village, this was actually a very important city that trade routes with merchants from other kingdoms and delivered the goods to the capital.

The destruction of this city would be notified to the king in almost no time at all. The tornado of death could be seen by the next city over, being almost 200 feet tall. 

After getting rid of my pent up emotions I decided to look around for a bit through the forest and then return home.

I looked around for a few more hours and found nothing of note, except for a cave with 2 ogres in it. which could be subordinates later.

The flight home was surprisingly peaceful, as nothing happened while I was going home. I decided to get there fast, so instead of gliding there I was flapping my wings and created sonic booms every time my wings flapped. I arrived at home in just a few minutes.

I smoothly glided in the cave entrance and landed. Dragon mother noticed me walking in and spoke. 

"Was that you destroying that human city, if it was I'm proud of you."

Her sly smirk was on full display.

"Yes, it was me mother. I thought that was just a human village? Also, they attacked me first."

The dragon mother looked angry about what I said.

"They attacked my baby, how dare they! I'll destroy their kingdom!"

She got up and jumped out of cave immediately, which surprised me. I didn't know she cared about me that much to destroy a country.

Perks of being the favorite I guess.

I watched her fly away at a speed that shocked me, she was much faster than me despite her size, and I was going at Mach speed.

I guess I'll wait for her to come back.


Its been a week since mother left, and I'm a bit worried. What if they killed her and used her body parts to create weapons and armor. 

As my worries started to come to light, I saw mother flying back to the cave in near perfect condition save for a scar on her chin. Her mouth and claws were full of gold and artifacts.

She flew in the cave and dropped the items in the far corner in the back of the cave. atop her already big pile of treasure.

"What happened mother, why'd you come back with treasure."

She looked proud of herself, more than any self respecting person should.

"After I killed their top powerhouses and destroyed the capital, I held the king and royal family ransom for gold and treasures. I milked them dry, HA HA HA."(Get your head out of the gutter.)

"Very impressive mother, thank you for getting revenge for me, aren't you worried about them coming to get revenge?"

Her laughing stopped for a second, then continued as she spoke.

"HA HA, if they come for revenge, they'll have to face my full wrath, HA HA HA.

Did momma make you proud."

"Yes mother, you made me proud of you, thank you for getting revenge for me."

I walked to the treasure pile and buried myself in it before falling asleep.

I could tell I'd be asleep for a while.


You can bow down now that I made three chapters in a week. I had a lot of free time.

I made this at 2 AM so if there's mistakes, deal with it.

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