Kantor Forest…
Sadim and Rosemarie stood at the massive entrance of a very ancient dungeon.
The beautiful red-haired nun was still worried about Sadim's health and kept checking if all his bandages were in the right place, but Sadim didn't seem happy.
In fact, you could even say he was angry.
"Rosemarie, I can't believe y──ACHK!"
The nun didn't want to hear any more of his rubbish complaints, so she simply tightened his bandage, which was what made Sadim to scream in pain.
He looked back at her with a frown.
"Lie and say you didn't do that on purpose!"
"I didn't, mwhehehe!"
Rosemarie chuckled softly, smiling like a smug cat.
Sadim groaned and held his side.
When Rosemarie saw this, her smile slowly faded into concern, and she gently placed her tender hand on his side to check what was wrong.
"Are you still feeling pain there?"
Her brows furrowing with worry.
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