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75% DC: Harbinger Of Death / Chapter 44: A Potential Lead!

Chapter 44: A Potential Lead!

Two Days Later

The brilliant sun had slowly faded away as the moon rose into the sky, illuminating National City. The city had been alive with energy as the weekend approached, and the vibrant nightlife was certainly active.

The streets were filled with laughter and music, the echoes of conversation and vehicles boomed all around, alongside the underlying scent of alcohol and drugs.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious estate in the City, a luxurious black sedan pulled up to the curb in front of Felicia's mansion, the sleek vehicle standing out amongst the more modest cars lining the street.

Inside, Kayn and Violet exchanged one last look, both of them nodding to each-other, prepared for what was about to happen.

Kayn, dressed in a fitted black hoodie and dark jeans, glanced at Violet, who was adjusting the hem of her dark red dress. She looked stunning, as always, but her eyes was completely focused on the mission.

With that, Kayn opened the door and stepped out of the car. The moment his foot hit the pavement, it was as if a switch had been flipped. The crowd of teenagers and young adults gathered outside the house erupted into excited whispers.

Their attention instantly zeroed in on him. Kayn, the enigmatic and popular figure who had quickly become the talk of the school, was here, and his presence electrified the atmosphere.

Violet followed him out of the car, her presence no less magnetic. But it was Kayn who drew the most attention, his tall, athletic frame and striking features making him the center of everyone's focus.

As they began to walk towards the entrance, the crowd surged forward, eager to get closer to him.

"Kayn!" someone called out, "Over here!"

Kayn smiled, giving a few nods and waves as they moved through the throngs of people. But the crowd was relentless, pressing in closer with each step they took.

A group of girls, three in particular, managed to break through the throng, their eyes locked on Kayn with clear intent.

The first, a blonde with bright green eyes and a dazzling smile, reached out and grabbed his left arm, her fingers curling around his bicep. "Kayn! It's so great to see you!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with enthusiasm. She pressed herself against his side, her body brushing up against his, her ample chest pressing into his arm.

Kayn's smile didn't falter, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of amusement. "Hey Felicia," he greeted her smoothly, his voice as calm as ever.

The second girl, a brunette with long, wavy hair and a figure that drew more than a few admiring glances from the other partygoers, quickly latched onto his right arm.

She was just as bold as the blonde, leaning in close and giving him a playful wink. "You're always the life of the party, aren't you, Kayn?" she purred, her lips curving into a suggestive smile as she too pressed her chest against him.

Before Kayn could respond, the third girl, a petite redhead with striking green eyes, joined the fray, slipping in front of him with a bright, flirtatious grin, "Don't forget about me!" she giggled, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly, her head resting against his chest.

Kayn chuckled softly, his demeanor unfazed as he looked down at the redhead, his hands gently patting her back, "How could I forget Morgan? And I just try to have fun Victoria." Kayn said, his voice carrying just the right amount of charm.

Violet, who had been watching the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and mild exasperation, rolled her eyes and let out a quiet sigh.

She knew this was part of the the plan, Kayn's natural charisma and good looks made him irresistible to many, especially in a setting like this.

Kayn was friendly to everyone, building connections and establishing himself as the King of National City's student body. This allowed him to maneuver around easily, using his friendships to find out street level information easily.

Beneath Kayn's immense charm and smiles was his calculating and observing gaze, always focused on his goal.

"Kayn, you're so popular," the blonde cooed, her hand sliding down his arm as she looked up at him with adoring eyes. "Everyone's talking about you."

"Yeah," the brunette chimed in, her voice dripping with admiration. "You're like... a celebrity or something. It's crazy!"

Kayn smiled, giving each of the girls a nod as he gently extricated himself from their grasp, "You're all too kind," he said smoothly,"But I'm just here to enjoy the party like everyone else."

The girls pouted slightly, clearly not wanting to let go, but they reluctantly stepped back, their eyes lingering on him as he and Violet continued towards the entrance.

The crowd parted for them, a sea of eager faces and excited whispers following them all the way to the door.

Once they were inside, the noise of the party enveloped them, the music thumping through the walls and the chatter of the partygoers filling the air. Kayn cast a quick glance at Violet, who was smirking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Enjoying yourself?" she teased, her voice low enough that only he could hear.

Kayn chuckled, shaking his head. "Just another day," he replied with a wry grin, "Let's focus on the mission."

Violet nodded, her expression turning serious again. "Right. Let's see what we can find out."

Kayn and Violet split apart, moving their way throughout the party, their keen eyes and enhanced senses picking up on any subtle changes in the atmosphere, looking for any mysterious looking people who could potentially be the real sellers.

The house holding the party was large, a sprawling mansion estate, owned by Felicia's parents, who were conveniently out of town for the weekend. The music was loud, the bass thumping through the walls, and the air was thick with the smell of alcohol and sweat.

Although it technically wasn't legal for high schoolers to be drinking, a couple bribes here and there could easily solve that.


45 minutes later!

The pulsating beat of the music reverberated through the walls as Kayn made his way through the throngs of people in the mansion. Time had ticked by, with Kayn enjoying the party, but neither he or Violet had found anything as of yet.

The air was thick with the scent of perfume, cologne, and alcohol, mingling with the energy of the partygoers. Laughter and chatter filled the room, a cacophony of voices blending with the bass-heavy music.

Kayn moved with a purpose, his sharp eyes scanning the room as he made his way to the bar, wanting a drink to wet his throat as he sunk in thought.

The bar was a sleek, polished counter set up near the back of the room, adorned with an array of bottles showcasing all manner of colorful, glowing liquids. The bartender, a young man with a sharp suit and a professional smile, greeted Kayn with a nod as he approached.

"What can I get for you?" the bartender asked, his tone respectful, recognizing Kayn as someone of importance.

Kayn glanced over the selection, his eyes lingering on a bottle of aged whiskey that sat on the top shelf, its amber liquid catching the light. "I'll take that one," he said, pointing to the bottle, "Make it a double."

The bartender's eyebrows raised slightly, but he quickly complied, it wasn't his business to ask questions. He reached for the bottle and pouring the rich, amber liquid into a glass.

Kayn accepted the drink with a nod, his fingers curling around the cool glass as he turned his attention back to the room. He took a sip, savoring the warmth of the alcohol as it slid down his throat, but his eyes never stopped moving.

He was looking for something—or rather, someone. The information he and Violet had gathered pointed to this party as a potential hotspot for Forza distribution.

If ORION was indeed behind the drug, they'd likely have a presence here, mingling with the crowd, searching for new people to hand off their drug so they can sell it.

As Kayn scanned the room, he noticed the usual partygoers, cliques of teenagers and young adults gathered in small groups, some dancing, others engaged in conversations.

But then, near the far corner of the room, something caught his eye.

A small group of teenagers was huddled together, their postures tense, their voices low as they spoke in hushed tones. They were trying to stay inconspicuous, but the way they glanced around nervously told Kayn that they were up to something.

It wasn't the casual relaxation of people enjoying the party; there was an air of secrecy about them, a certain unease that set them apart from the rest.

Kayn's gaze narrowed as he observed them. There were five of them, all dressed in trendy but understated clothes, the kind that allowed them to blend into the background.

But it wasn't just their appearance that piqued his interest, it was the way they acted, hushed, secretive, quickly exchanging glances and subtly passing something to another, trying to keep it out of sight.

Kayn's eyes were naturally special, and he easily saw what they were trying to hide. A small bag filled with a fine purple powder, Forza, confirming Kayn's suspicions.

Finishing his drink in one smooth motion, Kayn set the empty glass down on the bar and began to make his way towards the group.

As Kayn approached, many people made way for him, but the secretive group were too absorbed in their own conversation to notice him.

 As they approached, Kayn could hear snippets of their conversation, the frantic, whispered tones of addicts desperate for their next fix.

"Just one more hit, man," One of them muttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation. "I just need one more, and then I'll stop, I swear."

The boy with the bag nodded shakily, his hands trembling as he passed the powder to the others, "This is the last of it," he said, his voice barely audible over the music, "I don't know when I'll get more. The guy who gave it to me hasn't been around."

"Relax, they'll show up. They always do." Another said.

"I don't like this. It's getting too risky. Did you hear what happened to that guy last week? He went totally psycho, almost killed his own friend." Another boy said.

Kayn's eyes narrowed as he listened, his mind racing. The mention of a "guy" who had supplied the Forza was the lead he needed, but he had to be careful. If the dealer suspected anything, he could vanish without a trace, leaving them back at square one.

Kayn called over Violet. Once she arrived, the two of them moved forward.

"Hey," Violet said with a friendly smile, her tone light and carefree, "What's going on over here? You guys seem a little... tense."

The group tensed even more at her approach, their eyes darting around nervously. The boy with the bag quickly shoved it into his pocket, his expression wary, "Nothing," he muttered, avoiding her gaze. "Just talking."

Kayn stepped forward, his presence calm and reassuring, "No need to be nervous," he said, his voice smooth. "We're not here to cause trouble. We're just... curious."

The boy hesitated, his eyes flickering between Kayn and Violet. Something in Kayn's demeanor seemed to put him at ease, and after a moment, he relaxed slightly, "You looking to score?" he asked, his voice low,"This stuff... it's the best."

Violet nodded, playing along. "Yeah, we heard about it. Forza, right? People have been talking about it all over the city."

The boy's expression darkened at the mention of the drug's name. "Yeah," he said quietly, his voice tinged with fear, "But it's dangerous. You don't want to mess with it unless you know what you're doing."

Kayn's eyes softened, his voice taking on a gentle tone, "You seem like you know a lot about it. Where'd you get it from?"

The boy hesitated again, his gaze shifting nervously. "I... I don't know," he said finally, his voice shaky, "Some guy. He just... showed up one day, said he had something that would make all our problems go away. We didn't ask questions."

Before Kayn could press for more details, the boy's eyes widened in sudden fear. He backed away from Kayn and Violet, his expression panicked, "I shouldn't be talking about this," he muttered, his voice trembling. "He'll know. He always knows."

Kayn's heart sank as he realized that the boy was too scared to say anything more. Whoever was behind Forza had instilled a deep fear in these kids, making it nearly impossible to get any useful information out of them.

He didn't want to telepathically invade the boy's mind, in case there was some kind of failsafe, it would be too dangerous.

Violet, sensing the boy's distress, gently placed a hand on his arm, her voice soothing. "It's okay," she said softly. "You don't have to say anything else. Just... be careful, okay?"

The boy nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and fear. He quickly turned and disappeared into the crowd alongside his other friends, leaving Kayn and Violet standing there, their minds racing with the implications of what they had just learned.

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