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46.66% DC: Harbinger Of Death / Chapter 27: A Mysterious Case!

Chapter 27: A Mysterious Case!

The sun hung low in the sky, its morning rays casting a warm, golden hue across National City Technical High School. Students of various ages flooded inside for another long, probably boring school day filled with uninteresting classes.

Kayn walked through the bustling hallway with a calm demeanor, his sharp eyes taking in everything around him. It had been over a week since he'd started attending the school, and in that short time, he had already made quite an impression.

"System, Sign-In!" Kayn thought in his mind.

[ Congratulations! You have received – Master of Photography ]

Kayn saw the reward and nodded, most of his rewards were similar to that, either skills or objects that would improve his knowledge but not necessarily his combat power. However, the past week he did receive a massive potential power boost in a Sign-In reward:

[ Congratulations! You have received – Aurelion Sol Template ]

Kayn certainly knew who Aurelion Sol was, in the LOL Universe, he was a Celestial Being who existed far before Runeterra, traveling through the universe, creating stars, forging systems and galaxies simply for fun.

Kayn received many powers from Aurelion Soul that would only continue to improve, such as a connection to Cosmic Energy, a deep understanding of Celestial Magic that would only improve over time which allows him to create and manipulate the cosmos to his will at full strength.

Kayn can also now draw power from the stars, making him immensely stronger at night time when the Stars are out and visible, and he can also create mini-stars currently with immense power, but in the future, he would be able to cause supernovas at will and even drop stars on enemies.

With this immense power boost that would only improve in the future, Kayn was only more confident in his actions. He moved towards his locker, putting away his bag and taking out a tracksuit as it was time for Gym class.

Kayn soon arrived at the Gymnasium, heading towards the changing room and quickly changing his clothes while he thought about what happened yesterday.

Yesterday's bank robbery had been an unexpected event, and while it had been easy to handle, it had left Kayn with a lot of things to think about. The coordination of the robbers, the insider involvement—it all pointed to something larger at play.

Plus, the robbers were very aware of his potential ruining of their plans as they had many backup plans, but were foiled simply due to the fact Kayn was way too powerful for them to handle. Kayn decided to stealthily enter the Police Station later that day and see what results came up from their interrogation.

Once he finished changing, he returned to the gym space, which echoed with the sounds of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor and the chatter of students as they prepared for the day's activities.

He noticed Kara standing near the bleachers, already in her gym uniform as she stood by herself. Kara glanced up as she sensed someone approaching and saw Kayn walking towards her. 

"Morning, Kara," Kayn greeted, his voice calm and smooth.

"Morning," she replied, offering him a small smile. "Ready for gym class?"

Kayn nodded. "It should be interesting."

Kayn shrugged before asking, "Did you hear about the Bank Robbery yesterday?"

Kara laughed lightly, "Of course, it's not every day a new hero appears. I've been mostly keeping up with information about Harbinger."

"Yeah, I heard it took him barely any effort to defeat the robbers, pretty cool." Kayn responded, not at all ashamed about praising himself.

"Mhmm, it's nice to have a hero here." Kara said before looking forward, his eyes containing an expression deeper than she let on.

Before the conversation could continue, the gym teacher, Coach Reynolds, a burly man in his mid-forties with a no-nonsense attitude, called the class to attention.

"Alright, everyone, gather around! Today, we're going to be doing a series of physical tests—basic stuff to see where everyone stands. We'll start with some stretches, then move on to running, push-ups, sit-ups, and finally, a few rounds of dodgeball."

There was a collective groan from the students, but Kayn remained unfazed. To him, these basic drills were child's play. He was doing all of this to a much more extreme level when he was literally 12 years old, so this couldn't even be described as a warmup.

Instead, Kayn was more interested in how Kara would perform. From what he remembered, Arrowverse version of Kara showed off her power slightly in school, performing exceptionally in Gym class and other subjects like Math that were done on Krypton.

As the class began with stretching exercises, Kayn followed along, his movements fluid and controlled. He could feel Kara's gaze on him occasionally, and though he didn't look her way, he was keenly aware of her presence.

When the stretches were finished, Coach Reynolds divided the class into groups for the running portion of the test. Kayn was placed in the first group, along with some of the school's more athletic students. Kara watched from the sidelines, curious to see how he would perform.

The whistle blew, and the students took off, sprinting down the track. Kayn immediately pulled ahead, his strides long and powerful. He moved with a grace and speed that seemed almost effortless, leaving the others struggling to keep up.

He just used a standard Human level of running speed. But even then, with his exceptional training, even limiting his speed to a normal human was still far faster and more explosive than any of these students could handle.

By the time he crossed the finish line, Kayn was far ahead of the rest, not even winded. The other students arrived shortly after, panting and out of breath, casting amazed glances in his direction.

"Damn, man," one of the boys gasped, bending over to catch his breath. "You're like a machine!"

Kayn simply shrugged, offering a polite smile. "Just used to running, I guess."

Coach Reynolds paid particular attention to Kayn, impressed by his running skills. He had heard from teachers that Kayn was a genius student, able to answer anything effortlessly in their classes and perfectly completing any work given, but he didn't also expect him to be so good in a sporting environment.

As the class moved on to push-ups and sit-ups, Kayn continued to impress. His strength and endurance were unparalleled, and even the more athletic students found themselves struggling to keep pace with him.

Kara, who had been doing her exercises nearby, couldn't help but notice the way his muscles flexed with each movement, the way he handled each challenge with ease, leading her to be more curious.

She had naturally perfected these basic exercises on Krypton, so this couldn't even be called a warmup for her either, her form and athletic skill was trained by the best advisors after tens if not hundreds of thousands of years of learning and perfecting the training strategy passed down through Kryptonian civilization.

Yet Kayn to her was only a normal human in her mind, and yet his skill was equal, if not even slightly better than hers, leaving her even more intrigued and also flustered, why was he so perfect?

Finally, the class moved on to dodgeball, and Kayn found himself on the same team as Kara. The game was fast-paced, with balls flying across the gymnasium as students dodged and weaved, trying to avoid getting hit.

Kayn, with his quick reflexes and sharp senses, was a natural. To him, this was basically an exercise he did all the time on missions, dodging bullets. However the bullets were much much slower, not deadly and he can throw back.

He moved with a speed and precision that left his opponents scrambling, taking out several players with well-aimed throws.

Kara, too, found herself enjoying the game more than she expected. She was fast and agile, her Kryptonian abilities allowing her to anticipate the movements of the other players and react accordingly.

She and Kayn made a formidable team, and it wasn't long before they had whittled down the opposing side and won the match for their team.

The gym erupted in cheers, their classmates applauding the impressive display of teamwork and skill, especially Kara, no-one had expected her to perform so well, since she was usually so shy and reserved.

Kara couldn't help but smile, her earlier worries momentarily forgotten in the thrill of the game. It was the first time on Earth she had experienced so much positive attention, leaving her momentarily stunned.

"You're pretty good at this, we should exercise together sometime." Kayn said, grabbing a towel and wiping off the illusionary sweat he created. After all, he didn't want to seem suspicious and never sweat.

She blushed slightly, "Thanks and sure."

As the class wrapped up and the students began to change back into their regular clothes, Kara found herself lingering near Kayn. She wasn't sure why, but she felt drawn to him, as if there was something more beneath the surface that she couldn't quite grasp.

"Kayn," she began hesitantly, "I was wondering… if you wanted to hang out sometime. Maybe grab a coffee or something?"

Kayn looked at her, his eyes studying her face for a moment before he nodded. "I'd like that."

Kara smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. It was the first time she had taken the initiative to ask someone to hang out, and she was glad he had agreed.

Maybe becoming closer with her classmates today in Gym class, and getting more popular also had a part to play in her becoming more friendly with Kayn, as he also helped that happen.

As the school day came to an end, Kayn made his way to the exit, his mind already shifting back to the other matters that had been occupying his thoughts.

He had just stepped outside moving towards his and Violet's driver, Alexis, a normal human who was also part of AEGIS, and tasked with driving them too and from school, so they'd seem more like normal people.

As he entered the car, he spotted Violet already waiting for him, and the vehicle sped off.

As he was dazing out, thinking about other things, Violet tapped his shoulder, "Listen in." while pointing towards the radio,

"Reports state that the men had only yesterday attempted to rob the National City Bank and now are already dead today, murdered while in police custody under mysterious circumstances. Citizens must be worried, if even the police station can't do anything, what can we do?" The radio-speaker said in a worried tone.

Kayn's eyes narrowed as he continued listening. The other details were sparse, but he got the main gist of it, someone had already silenced the bank robbers, and had the power to do it while inside of a police station.

Their method was mysterious, and Kayn suspected the killers leaked the news to make the public more worried, since news like this would never normally be revealed publicly. 

Kayn made a quick decision. He needed to investigate this further. He couldn't afford to let something like this slip by, especially if it was connected to a larger threat. 

"I'll head out and investigate. Listen to the news on if they release more information for me." Kayn said and created a clone to go home in his place, just for extra safety.

Then, Kayn vanished into the shadows, his SuperSuit appearing on his body as he stepped into his role as Harbinger.

Kayn flashed through the shadows and quickly appeared at the Police Station, which was now mysteriously closed off.

Kayn teleported into the room where the bodies of the dead robbers were kept, inspecting them before he turned to his left, seeing someone arriving, but not bothering to go invisible, as he knew who this was,

Suddenly, the door opened, and a tall black man, around 6'2 entered the room, a serious expression on his face as he spotted Kayn, or Harbinger,

"Hello Harbinger, I am John Jones, Director of Department of Extra-normal Operations and we need your assistance."

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