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35% DC: Harbinger Of Death / Chapter 20: The Perfect SuperSuit!

Chapter 20: The Perfect SuperSuit!

Kayn spoke with Francis one the phone for a little bit, scheduling a meeting at the Headquarters later that day, smiling happily as he imagined what his suit looked like.

He pocketed his phone and looked back to Kara, who looked at him curiously but didn't speak.

The two of them walked into their math class together, and as expected, Kayn's presence drew a few curious glances.

Kara, on the other hand, seemed content to stay under the radar, her earlier shyness still evident in the way she avoided eye contact with others. Kayn presumed Kara needed to go out more in order to truly break out of her shell, and accept humanity more.

They found seats near the middle of the room, side by side. The math teacher, Ms. Spencer, a no-nonsense woman in her late thirties, was already at the front of the class, writing out the day's objectives on the whiteboard.

"Settle down, everyone," she called out, not bothering to raise her voice. The students quickly quieted down, a testament to her authoritative presence.

Kayn watched as Kara pulled out her notebook again, her brows furrowing slightly in concentration as she readied herself for the lesson.

Throughout the class, Kayn kept his focus divided. On one hand, he pretended to pay attention to the lesson. He had already known everything anyway, so he didn't actually need to pay attention.

 On the other, he subtly observed Kara, noting her reactions and behaviors. She was sharp, quickly picking up on the concepts being taught, but she never raised her hand or engaged in discussion.

Instead, she kept to herself, quietly working through the problems, showing that she wasn't particularly confident or comfortable in speaking in front of everyone.

The class passed by with a breeze. It was only the first day of School after all, so the work wasn't particularly intense. 

When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the period, Kara let out a small sigh of relief, closing her notebook with a soft thud. Kayn, too, gathered his things, glancing at Kara as she stood up.

"Math isn't exactly my favorite subject, I've already studied most of the syllabus" she admitted with a small, sheepish smile. "But I guess it could be worse."

Kayn chuckled lightly, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I don't mind it."

Unlike how she was sometimes portrayed in the show, Kayn knew Supergirl was an exceptionally intelligent person, at least book wise.

It was said that she was taught Calculus when she was only 4 years old, and learned many more things until she left Krypton and came to Earth when she was between 12-13 years old. She was also part of Krypton's Science Guild, with worked with exceptionally advanced technology.

Kara nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, I get that. I just wish I could apply that logic to… other things."

Kayn raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more behind her words. "Like what?"

Kara hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether to open up or not. "Just… life in general, I guess. Sometimes things don't make sense no matter how much you try to figure them out."

Kayn nodded. It was natural she felt this way as a Alien on Earth experiencing such a foreign culture, especially with the pressure of her cousin Superman being such a popular hero.

"Life's complicated," he said, keeping his tone light but sincere. "But it's not something you have to figure out all at once. Sometimes it's enough to just take it one step at a time."

Kara looked at him, her blue eyes searching his for a moment before she nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

As they exited the classroom and made their way to their next class, Kayn continued to make small talk with Kara. He kept the conversation light, steering it toward harmless topics like movies, music, and hobbies. Kara gradually seemed to relax, opening up a bit more as they spoke.

By the time they reached their final class of the day, it was clear that Kayn had managed to break through some of her initial defenses.

She was still guarded, but there was a subtle shift in her demeanor—a sign that she was starting to trust him, even if only a little. It helped that he was attractive, and naturally charming due to a variety of factors, which was pivotal in helping him get closer to Kara.

The final bell rang, and students began to pack up their things, eager to head home. Kayn turned to Kara as they walked out of the classroom together.

"So, any plans for the rest of the day?" he asked casually.

Kara shrugged, adjusting the strap of her bag. "Not really. I'll probably just head home, maybe catch up on some reading."

Kayn nodded, considering his own schedule. He needed to head to AEGIS headquarters to meet Francis and check out the new suit. But he also didn't want to lose the momentum he'd gained with Kara.

"Sounds relaxing," he said, offering her a smile. "I've got some work to do, but maybe we can hang out sometime—get to know each other better."

Kara blinked, clearly taken aback by the offer. For a moment, she looked uncertain, but then she smiled back, albeit a bit shyly. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Kayn felt a small sense of satisfaction at her response. He was making progress, and that was exactly what he needed.

"Cool. I'll see you around, Kara," he said, giving her a friendly wave as they parted ways.

Kayn made his way to the school's exit, his mind already shifting gears as he prepared for his next task.

"System, Sign-In." Kayn muttered.

[ Congratulations! You have received – Six Eyes ( Mutated ) ]

Kayn smiled and read the introduction to the ability. From what he knew, the Six Eyes was adapted from Jujutsu Kaisen, where it worked with Cursed Energy.

{ Six Eyes ( Mutated ) - The Mutated Six Eyes give the host the ability to see the flow of Mana in extreme detail and the ability to use that flow to read various Spells, Mana Formations, Artifacts etc. The Six Eyes allow for the extremely precise manipulation of the host's energy, down to an atomic level. The amount of energy loss when a bearer spends energy to activate a spell or formation is infinitesimally close to zero, making it impossible for them to run out of energy normally )

Kayn stored the eyes, planning to merge with them later that day, while contacting Violet.

"Violet, I'm heading to HQ," he said, his tone all business now. "Keep an eye on things while I'm gone."

"Roger that," Violet's calm but serious voice echoed into his ear, "Everything's under control here."

Kayn ended the transmission and began walking toward the rendezvous point where a car would be waiting to take him to AEGIS headquarters.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about Kara. She was someone he could work with. With her traumatic past and personality, he could potentially get her on his side to understand his philosophy regarding killing enemies, but he needed to be smart.


The drive to AEGIS headquarters was uneventful, giving Kayn some time to clear his mind and prepare for the meeting with Francis.

The AEGIS headquarters was a testament to the success and reach of their organization. From the outside, it appeared as just another modern office building, located dead center of National City's business district.

However, beneath the surface of this building was an absolute fortress of technology, knowledge and power. The most important locations in the building were magically enchanted, stopping people without authorization to notice them.

When Kayn arrived at the sleek, modern building that housed their operations, he was greeted by the familiar sight of advanced security measures and a team of highly trained personnel.

As he entered the building, Kayn nodded to the guards and made his way to the secret elevator, his thoughts already turning to the new suit Francis had mentioned. It was likely an upgrade, something designed to enhance his capabilities in the field.

The elevator doors slid open with a soft chime, and Kayn stepped out into the high-tech corridor that led to the lab. The walls were lined with displays showcasing various projects and equipment.

AEGIS mainly worked on two fronts, Cybersecurity and Technology. The Technology division mostly worked on Phones, Laptops, Tablets and recreating various apps from Kayn's memory.

When he entered the lab, he found Francis waiting for him, the man's face lighting up with a grin as he saw Kayn.

"Boss! Right on time," Francis said, gesturing for Kayn to follow him to a large, reinforced table in the center of the room. "You're gonna love this."

Kayn walked over where he spotted the suit located on a mannequin, immediately beginning to appraise the suit.

"It's made the the latest fabric we cooked up, and enchanted with Mana Formations. The suit is form-fitting, designed to maximize mobility. It's durability is second to none. You'll need to go through a real slugfest with someone like Superman to even come close to damaging this Suit." Francis began explaining.

The SuperSuit in question is a striking ensemble, predominantly purple, exuding an air of power and mystique. The mannequin is dressed in a form-fitting, dark purple tunic with intricate gold embroidery and accents, particularly around the collar and chest area, which features a mystical scythe symbol.

The tunic is belted at the waist with a broad, ornate gold belt adorned with a central emblem that adds to the regal appearance.

Over the tunic, the suit has a flowing, deep purple cloak that drapes over the shoulders, fastened with a gold clasp. The cloak has a high collar, the gloves are black, matching the dark undertones of the outfit, and they extend up the forearms, secured with gold bracers that have detailed carvings.

"It's impressive," Kayn said, running a hand over the suit's surface. He could feel the subtle hum of energy beneath the fabric—a sign of the suit's integrated Mana formations and how well the fabric conducted the energy.

Kayn nodded, pleased with both the suit's look and it's features, "Good work, Francis. This will definitely give us an edge."

Francis chuckled, clearly enjoying the praise. "Just doing my job, boss. You've got a field test scheduled for tomorrow, so we can put it through its paces."

Kayn took a moment to admire the suit before turning back to Francis. "Anything else I should know?"

"The National City Government is very satisfied with our proposition to fund the SuperHuman Prison, the designs and everything are flawless. We should be getting the contract on Wednesday. You'll need to be there to oversee the signing."

Kayn gave a satisfied nod. "Excellent."

Kayn and Francis continued to discuss any final details as they walked out of the lab and back towards the business space. Kayn's mind had already turned to the tasks ahead.

There was much to do, and little time to waste.


Author's Note:

Suit Design Photo will be in this commented on this paragraph here. Obviously Kayn looks different from that guy, just the suit.

As for the Hero Name, I have two options, Fulcrum or Harbinger - You can decide, I'll check the comments.

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