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81.39% Konoha: My Infinite Leveling System / Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

During the lunch break, the first thing that Kayn did was take out a piece of paper and start writing something on it.

An action that immediately caught Uchiha Inahiro's attention.

"What are you writing?"

"Well... just thought I'd start writing some novel."

"A novel?!" Inahiro quickly became interested. He thought that someone with Kayn's personality could only create good plans and the like. He genuinely didn't expect that he also had some artistic side to him

"May I take a look at it once you're done?"

"Of course, no problem. I was thinking of showing it to you anyway to get some opinion."

In more than half an hour, Kayn finished writing three chapters. He could've done more but as the golden rule stated, what he did is already enough.

Besides, the expected outcome for such action has already been reached. Inahiro is already hooked. The intended cliffhanger at the end of the third chapter got him so bad it made him want to look for more.

"Kayn, this is really good! Is there anything else? Would you make more of this?!"

Hearing such a reaction, Kayn made a tired expression and sighed heavily "Well, I don't know. It seems that the lack of enthusiasm for today's training made me feel quite unsatisfied. Due to that, I don't think I have the energy anymore to write for more chapters."

Uchiha Inahiro was no fool, he obviously realized the hidden meaning behind Kayn's words. That's why he quickly spoke up while forcing out a reassuring smile on his face "M- Maybe you haven't trained enough. We will make up for it later, but this novel..."

"Well... just later?" Kayn said with quite a dissatisfied expression.

"W- we'll train even harder! Starting today!"

"Oh? Everyday? Then If that's the case... I could surely do two chapters a day."


After finishing the small matters at hand, Kayn once again devoted himself to the great cause of training.

With the full cooperation of Uchiha Inahiro, Kayn's training efficiency has improved a lot.

Coupled with abundant training resources, the experience bar grew rapidly like a bicycle turning into a car.

Chakra is at its lowest point, take pills.

If eyeballs become dry and painful, use eye drops.

He originally thought that the Sharingan would be the slowest to level up out of all the skills he has. But now it's the other way around, it's starting to rise to the top pretty quickly.

[Sharingan(Three-Tomoe): 248/6000]

Looking at the panel, Kayn thought to himself "I have almost mastered the Insight feature of the Sharingan. I can probably start learning the next feature already. Gosh, I'm so good."

However, given such bold thoughts, Kayn's actions going forward remained the same. He suppressed his expectations and continued to practice with the Eye of Insight.

During this time, he also explored other methods to see which one was the most efficient and natural for him. Specifically speaking, the usage of Genjutsu Reversal.

Upon gaining some mastery over such a technique, the amount of exp-gain is now starting to be affected as well.

Given that D-level illusions were no longer effective against Kayn, he now needs a much higher form of illusion to counter. Of course, Uchiha Inahiro easily upped the level of illusion he was using upon knowing this.

In any case, such cases were also the same for other related things and techniques that were taught to him. Over time, Kayn would master something and the other party would increase it. 

Such a thing would go on over and over again. Obviously, the exp gain would also increase at the same time.

Experience points +3, +5, +6, +5...

And that's how the day would go until evening.

After dinner, Kayn can be now seen in his bedroom, sitting in front of a table, not muttering a word. The only thing that can be heard is the pencil violently smashing against the table as he furiously writes on a piece of paper.

That's right, right now, he's busily writing the two chapters of the novel he promised to give to Inahiro tomorrow.

This action of his would go on for a couple of minutes before he's finally finished. At the same time, he decided to release one of his shadow clones, specifically, the one that he ordered to join in the search for Shisui's body today.

After the shadow clone dissolves itself, the memory is transmitted back.

Kayn finished reviewing the memory almost instantly, and a frown quickly appeared on his face.

'Why did Uchiha Itachi take the initiative to ask to be in a group with me?'

The original Kayn had an average relationship with Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Itachi was too aloof and arrogant, so the two of them were just nodding acquaintances.

But all of a sudden, this happened. Seemingly out of nowhere.

"Is it Fugaku... or those two old men? Either of the three could be the suspect so this is quite hard."

Due to the lack of information, Kayn could not make an accurate inference.

That's the reason why he chose to not make any more wild guesses. Such a thing would only do him more harm than good.

In any case, no matter what Uchiha Itachi's plan is, it will be exposed sooner or later.

Caution is the utmost priority whilst moving forward.

"Haha, now that I think about it, it's probably a good thing that Uchiha Itachi approached me. Tomorrow I'll attach some recording equipment to the shadow clone. Maybe I can get something surprising out of it."

Kayn seemed to be smiling, but in fact, he did not look relaxed at all.

The oppressive feeling and weight of the impending storm grew heavier on his heart.

'In the end, strength is what determines this world.'

After this, Kayn took a quick rest and then got back to training.

Although the secret pill for restoring chakra is effective, it cannot be taken frequently.

It still accumulates drug toxins and damages the body. Not to mention that there's also the after-effect that made Kayn's body quite heavy after the effect wore out.

More reason as to why he cannot keep doing this... well, it's not like he doesn't know that but, it's not like he had much choice either.

If he cannot get past the present, there will be no future. 

As long as he can survive the current disaster, these kinds of problems can be easily fixed.

Oh yeah, through this whole time, Uchiha Inahiro was still around. And currently, he was frightened by the madness displayed within Kayn's eyes.

He had already seen many shinobis throughout his life, but this was the first time he had seen someone as crazy as Kayn in regard to training.

"Kayn, you have your reasons for training hard, so I won't persuade you. But as a friend, I have to remind you that if you continue like this, your body will start to break. "

Kayn deactivated his Sharingan with a tired face and said "Thank you for your concerns, Inahiro-senpai. I appreciate it, I truly do... but as much as I wanted to do nothing but laze around, I don't have much time left."

"... Today, Uchiha Itachi took the initiative and asked me to act together starting tomorrow. Which means, the enemy is not idle either. Whenever we make our moves, they are also doing the same."

Uchiha Inahiro was startled after hearing this. Just because he was acting lazy during training didn't mean he was actually a lazy person. In fact, when it comes to serious situations such as this, he is just as sharp as his father.

'We must quickly report this information to Elder Setsuna, and it would be best if we could add more people here to protect Kayn.'

After talking with his father, he knew exactly what the Clan's situation was like now. And after spending some time with Kayn, he knew now why he was labeled as the most important person in the clan currently.

"Kayn, I have some personal matters to attend to, so I have to leave for a while. I will leave my shadow clone behind just in case you have further questions."

Kayn waved his hand and said "Please go ahead and do your work Senpai. It just so happens that I'm planning to take a rest now as well."

Inahiro simply nodded in response before hurrying away after leaving a shadow clone behind.

On the other hand, Kayn looked in the direction where Inahiro left, his eyes flickering.

He took the initiative to say what he said because he wanted to use him to convey this information to Uchiha Setsuna.

The reason why he didn't tell Uchiha Setsuna directly was because he wanted to make his standing clear. 

Well as they said. It is good to lean on a big tree to hide from the scorching rays of the sun. But he cannot always depend on it, otherwise, he will be stuck. That's not good especially if that tree is just as dangerous as the scorching sun itself.

Kayn retracted his gaze with a sigh. After that, he started dismissing the other shadow clones. The one that was doing nothing all day but training.


Complex memories came back all at once, along with mental fatigue.

Exhausted, Kayn started digesting the memories of his shadow clones all while staggering back to his room

Staring at his soft-looking bed, Kayn could not help but make a face full of regret. "It's too bad I couldn't just dig a hole and make a hidden sleeping area there."

Kayn's chakra attributes are fire, lightning, and water, plus the yin that comes with the Sharingan, a total of four. Regardless, none of that can help him when it comes to achieving his little secret bedroom plan.

Besides, using earth release to dig a hole would make too much noise. It would attract attention for sure. 

"I need to change the sleeping area. I can't keep sleeping under the bed."

After Kayn changed into his pajamas, he went to the next best hiding place he could ever think of.

The closet.

He went inside it and quickly made himself comfortable. Showing that a few days of sleeping in such cramped places made him used to it already.

That's the same reason why, not long after that, while hugging his little pillow tightly, he quickly fell into sleep. Unbothered by the awkward sleeping position he's currently making.

And with that, the current day came to an end.


If you want to read ahead then consider checking out my Pat-reon. There you can unlock and read the advanced chapters.

Socksniffer Socksniffer

I will start setting up some GOALS since I'm just that awesome.





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