- A while ago -
"Your Highness, are you in there?" a manly voice called, knocking on the door.
"Ah! Suyou!" Arisia gasped, covering her mouth to stifle her words, but it was too late. The turquoise-haired man had already entered the terrace.
"Please come. The king has noticed me, and I couldn't help but—"
"Oh! You're too loyal to him! You're working for me!" Arisia sighed, shaking her head.
"Oh! Right, Your Highness. Let's meet again! I asked Brother Lucian for a visit. Please come soon. It was really nice meeting you," Arisia smiled before exiting the terrace.
Once the door closed, Cynthia placed her hand on her chest, her heart racing.
I will come back with side-stories soon so be patient!