"What do you think of this bracelet? It's made from real seashells! Only 10 silver coins!" A middle-aged woman held up a blue bracelet, smiling eagerly at the young couple in front of her.
Cynthia glanced at Lucian, who seemed more focused on scanning the surroundings, his eyes darting around as if he were being hunted by some unseen danger.
She shook her head, knowing exactly why he was acting so paranoid.
He probably has his men tailing us, in case I try something. What am I going to do with this man? Isn't he a little too cautious?
With a small sigh, she gently poked Lucian's shoulder, like she was knocking on a door.
He turned his head toward her, frowning at the sudden contact, but she simply grinned, nodding toward the bracelet the woman was holding.
"Isn't it pretty?"
I will come back with side-stories soon so be patient!