A gust of wind engulfed them both whispering about the breaking of the curse that had plagued them and their pack. It was done, they had successfully journeyed to this strange part of their world and lifted the curse.
Their eyes dazed as the wind carried images of how they had suffered, how their pack members had suffered, how the hearts of people around her had been hardened.
Cassandra understood now why Tholarian and Stephanie treated her the way they did. Their callousness towards her made sense to her. It was all her real father's doing.
Siroos was having it worse. He sat so still, coiled into himself, lost and vulnerable as memory after memory of what he had been made to endure returned to him.
Of what she was forced to battle and witness. It wrecked his heart.
The wind swirled away and headed in the direction where the pack was situated. Carrying with it the essence of hope, all was going to be well.
Thanku everyone who supported Cassandra, we didn't advance but it was very close. I appreciate you all. love you.
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