Only two warriors were allowed to visit and keep check on Kela in the dungeon. Provide her with food and other basic necessities along with other prisoners who had been incarcerated.
But Ghala permitted the warriors to attend the feast, hence clearing the way for Walan to sneak in and speak with Kela. They had a plan in place.
Holding a torch Walan discreetly maneuvered his way in, walking along many dark passageways. He stepped down the steep stairways carved in the ground, watching his step so he wouldn't fall.
The dungeon was a dark, stinky place. There was no natural light and very little air ventilation, which made it a terrifying place to live in.
He knew exactly the place where they had thrown Kela, confidently sauntering over; he paused right outside her cell and raised the torch. The dingy, sunless square chamber with silver-coated bars and mesh was illuminated.
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