Before Cassandra and Siroos could resume their practice, the mind link opened and a very confused sentinel warrior who was posted towards the North border spoke in an uncertain tone.
'Alpha! There is a very angry woman accompanied by a man, here to see you. She says she is Nissa's sister. What needs to be done?'
Siroos's forehead creased in perplexity.
'Black hair or light brown hair? Tall or short?' He questioned through the mindlink while keeping his arm around Cassandra's and adjusting the position of the dagger in her hand.
'She is rather short and has light brown hair.' The warrior answered and Siroos's lips curled up into a cunning grin.
'Bring her to the Dwelling, take her to the guest chamber and make her feel at ease. We are coming,' Siroos ordered, closing the mind link and plucking the dagger away from Cassandra's hand.
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