Siroos's eyes widened in curiosity and his gaze dipped to the food she held. His hunger intensified seeing her place the large plate in front of him and the delicious-looking bread it contained.
"Really? I am starving. This looks so appetising."
Faris quickly leaned in. Much to Siroos's chagrin, he stole one flatbread before anyone else. Like a conniving crow, sitting in ambush to pounce and steal.
He was holding it in his hand ready to bite.
"Faris! When will you act your age? His mate has cooked for the first time, your brother gets to taste it first." Haylia quickly reprimanded her younger son before he could take a bite.
Cassandra was bunching up her lips so as not to laugh at her brother-in-law's mischief.
"Bless-o, ma. I am sure brother won't mind. Right?" He asked with a curiously raised brow towards Siroos.
"I do. Put it back," Siroos answered with a glare.
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