Finally, it was time... Shika with both Naruto and Jiraiya waited for both Shizune and Tsunade to come.
"Are you sure you wanna do that kid? Tsunade will not show mercy just becuase you are a child you know." Jiraiya asked with a little contemplation on his face.
The man internally knew that there was no way that Shika could win outside using some unseen means like using Tsunade's fear of blood against her, but the boy already told everyone that he knew about this fear and wouldn't use it against Tsunade.
This was making Jiraiya anxious, as much as he had seen Shika by now, he knew that he was like any typical Nara with his high intelligence, though maybe not the best person when it comes to that and he lacked the typical Nara laziness somehow.
This makes him wonder what exactly the boy was thinking, becuase he is not like Naruto who will just head first enter a fight that he can't win.
"I have a way. However, I would like Jiraiya Sama to be ready. What I am planning on doing gonna be dangerous. I have full confidence that it will work but just in case you should enter Sage Mode if you think things are going south." Shika narrowed his eyes with a serious face.
"What, Sage mode! brat how do you even know about that, do you even understand what sage mode is ?" Jiraiya said with a comical face.
"Hey Pervy Sage, what's sage mode ?" Naruto seems a little confused seeing how none of what Jiraiya and Shika were talking about getting into his head.
"Nothing for you to worry about..." Jiraiya replied quickly to Naruto before returning his attention back to Shika.
"What are you planning on doing," Jiraiya asked with a serious tone now.
"What I am gonna do, well just exactly what I promised yesterday. I'm gonna beat Tsunade and make her go back to the Village." Shika replied with a smirk playing on his lips like he had been planning this for a long time.
Jiraiya didn't like that smile, now fully sure that the boy was planning something big.
He was still sure that whatever the chunin was planning wouldn't hold back Tsuande but there was a tremble in his heart when he saw a Nara smiling like that.
"A motivated Nara is a Scary Nara..."
After some time all three of them started to feel like Tsunade wouldn't come, it was way past morning now and they started to get depressed. Just when they were thinking of returning back, they all saw two people walking towards them.
A long Sigh of relief left all three of their mouths seeing the very recognisable piglet held by one woman and another woman sporting her 106 with all her glory.
"You are late." Naruto was the first time to call out.
"Tsunade didn't bother acknowledging that and only squinted her beautiful honey-coloured eyes at Shika with all the fury she could muster.
"If only looks could kill..." Shika mutters with a sigh... purposefully saying he himself finds this a bigger drag than the sannin.
"Brat just give up, there is..." Tsunade was saying but was stopped midway.
"Let's not talk pointless things. You are late as is. I win you go back to Konoha with us. You win and all the money I saw you will be yours.
I won't draw blood..." Shika looked pretty annoyed and repeated the conditions once again to make sure that there was no mistake in their terms.
"Hmph..." Tsunade huffs with disdain in her voice before nodding.
'Good, I was expecting her to ask for proof that I have that much money in the first place.
I have it but I don't have any proof besides the account books to show her right now.
As for losing...' Shika thought and a big ass smile appear on his face.
"Jiraiya Sama and Naruto, both of you go back by two hundred meters and stay there, don't come near until it's not absolutely needed," Shika said with a serious tone, making Jiraiya once again purse his lips wondering whether he should even listen to this. But ultimately they did it nonetheless. Though 200 meters was a stretch, usually a distance would have been enough to spar... so why 200 meters beyond them? Still, they did it.
Shizune also did the same as she joined both Jiraiya and Naruto on the side.
"There was no reason to ask them to go back by that much. The battle will end soon enough." Tsunade rolled her eyes while crackling her knuckles.
"Yes it will end faster, but it's important that they stay away so as not to get targeted in the summoning ritual..." Shika replied without any hesitation, he slowly exhaled out to get ready.
'Summoning ?' Tsunade's eyes narrowed, according to her Shika might have a big summon that he wanted to use, in that case, it does make sense for him to send them that far.
"Brat don't bother, because I won't let you..." Tsunade didn't want to have that much trouble fighting with a giant summon. So she acted first, rushed at Shika with blinding speed and then punched him... though she was still holding back, she didn't want to kill the boy after all.
Unfortunately for her, the moment the attack connected, she saw that it was a clone.
Then she hears the voice from her behind...
"I am sorry to do this to you, but I have no other way than this. But it's only becuase you are you that I dare to bring him out..." Shika was standing a little far away from Tsunade while holding a particular hand sign.
Tsunade didn't bother hearing this, she wasn't planning on letting Shika summon whatever the summon beast he was planning period. She rushes at him.
"Eight-Handed Sword Divergent Sila Divine General, with this treasure... I Summon...
Hahaha Surpirse bitch...
Here is the goal for this Week.
500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday
1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter
"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"
If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
"Eight-Handed Sword Divergent Sila Divine General, with this treasure, I Summon...
Shika shouted, the scream was enough to turn heads but it was actually the behemoth figure which appeared after this chant which attracted everyone's attention.
It stopped Tsunade in her tracks, seeing the monster summon which was 4 times her height, there was a feeling of trepidation in her heart.
She had seen bigger [No Pun Intended] summons in her life but there was something about this eyeless humanoid monster with a sword attached to his arms that made her body instinctively stop like she knew this guy wasn't good news.
Shika immediately vanishes from his place after summoning Mahoraga. Good thing that he did because he the next second a giant fist fell where Shika was standing.
The earth shattered by the powerful punch, no doubt Shika would have died if he hadn't vanished from his place then.
"What is that..." Jiraiya asked with narrow eyes, he too was having a feeling inside him, a feeling that only those who have honed their instincts on the battlefield can have... it was a sense of danger that they only feel after seeing a really troublesome opponent.
" A very special summon called Mahoraga. One of the strongest and most dangerous which I have in my arsenal." Shika's voice suddenly ranks in Jiraiya's and others' ears making them turn back in surprise.
"Brat, what are you doing here ?" Jiraiya's snapped.
Shika just waved his hand for the old man to calm down first.
"I never said that I will fight her myself, all the fighting will be done by that Summon of mine. I am not an idiot to fight a Sanin alone." Yuta said with a nonchalant expression on his face. Making Jiraiya pursed his lips.
He knew something was wrong with all this.
However, that wasn't what he was interested in right now, he wanted to know what that summons was, it looked like no animal, and this feeling he had.
Shika knowing what Jiraiya was thinking just shook his head and said.
"I won't be explaining anything just know this I am too not sure how strong that guy is... he is the only one which I can't control out of all my summons.
So be ready if Tsunade falls into a desperate situation." Shika said and folded his hand to see the fight now.
'More summon, he has more of these things ?' Shizune and Naruto both looked at Shika with amazement while Jiraiya looked at him with curiosity.
Tsunade on the other hand looks at the giant with a grin forming on her mouth, 'So this is what that Brat was bunking his victory on. Okay, let's see what you are capable of." Tsunade said with a smirk on her face and rushed at the monster in front of her.
She clenched her fists, this time not holding back, she didn't care about killing this summon unlike she was in the case of Shika.
"Haaa," she roars under her breath. "One punch is all it'll take."
With a fierce yell, she launched herself at Mohoraga, her fist glowing with chakra. The ground cracked beneath her feet as she put everything into the punch, slamming her fist into the side of the beast. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, and Mohoraga was thrown back, crashing into the ground with a thunderous boom.
Shika, standing off to the side, widened his eyes in disbelief. "Did she… did she one-shot him?"
Knowing why Mahoraga was a tricky opponent he also knew the only one problem the Shikigami had. If there really exist attacks out there which can one-shot him then it's over.
'Don't tell that violent woman really killed Mohoraga in one shot...'
Tsunade cracked her knuckles, thinking the fight was over. "Huh that's it, I was honestly expecting more..." She said while looking for where Shika was, now it was that brat's turn to get punched.
But to her surprise, Mohoraga began to stir. Slowly, the massive creature rose from the ground, the Wheel of Mahoraga above its head-turning with a soft hum. The damage from Tsunade's punch seemed to fade away as Mohoraga stood tall once again.
'God... that almost gave me a heart attack, the only ace I had getting destroyed before even it can start the fighting...' Shika muttered and let out a long breath he didn't know he was holding up to now. Seeing the wheel turning now he was happy. Becuase once that buggy ability acts up, hehe...
"What the—?" Tsunade blinked, taken aback.
Shika's voice cut through the confusion. "Tell us when you have enough... we will stop him."
'Well, we'll try ...' Shika didn't say that out loud.
Tsunade gritted her teeth, not one to back down easily. "Fine. you need more, then come on!" She darted forward again, fists blazing with chakra as she aimed a flurry of punches at Mohoraga. Each punch landed with the force of a battering ram, but with each hit, the beast took less and less damage. Its body seemed to harden, adapting to the strength of Tsunade's chakra-infused strikes.
After several blows, it became clear. Mohoraga wasn't just enduring her punches—it was becoming immune to them.
Tsunade's fists, which could crush boulders and shatter mountains (literally), but now had no effect.
"What the hell?!" Tsunade growled, frustration building. She leapt back, eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation. "This damn thing is shrugging off my punches like it's nothing now!"
She was confused, rightfully so, those punches were enough to shatter even the likes of Susano Armor. And now they were doing nothing.
Shika, observing from the sidelines, watched in silence, his brow furrowed.
'Though, no matter how fun it is to see Daddy Raga kicking others' butts, it puts me in a bad mood when knowing that it's just gonna be that much harder for me to beat him. Even to this date, I have no idea how I'm gonna do it...' Shika sighs with a helpless look on his face.
Mohoraga, now completely immune to her strikes, took a step forward. The ground trembled beneath its weight. Before Tsunade could react, it swung its massive arm at her. The blow connected, sending her flying backwards, crashing into the earth with bone-rattling force.
Tsunade spat blood, grimacing as she stood. "Damn it…"
She was trying not to see her own blood, thought her tolerance for her own blood was much better.
She wiped her mouth. "Guess I don't have a choice." she activated her Hundred Healings Mark, black markings spreading across her face as her body began to heal at a rapid pace.
"That..." Jiraiya and Shizune knew what this was, more surprised seeing this than Tsunade punches were useless against that Summon.
"Alright, big guy," she muttered, her voice filled with anger and a lot of irritation. "Let's see you deal with this."
She charged forward again, but this time too, her strikes weren't effective. Becuase the medium of attack was still punches, no matter how strong they were. Until she is Saitama or something, those punches ain't doing shit.
Unfortunately for her, she didn't know that...
Mohoraga had already adapted to her punches, and now, even her enhanced strength wasn't enough. Each punch landed with less impact, and the creature barely reacted.
Mohoraga countered with a powerful swipe, catching Tsunade off guard. The blow sent her skidding across the ground, coughing up more blood. She quickly healed the damage, but Mohoraga wasn't done. The next hit slammed into her harder, and this time, the wounds weren't healing as fast.
"What's going on?!" Tsunade grunted, staggering to her feet.
Shika's voice echoed in the background. "Don't be a stubborn hag, tell us when you can't take it anymore." Shika wasn't actually trying to rile her up, though unintentionally that was his intention, he was really looking out for her, it's hard to cope with how much Mahoraga have adapted to the point that a sudden attack from the Shikigami could be fatal. He has to be vigilant.
Tsunade cursed under her breath. "This isn't fair. I punch that thing to death and he shrugs them off like they were flies! How do you fight something that can just ignore all your attacks?!" Tsunade shouted with irritation, finally catching up on what was going on, at least to some degree.
Mohoraga advanced, relentless in its assault. Each punch from the beast felt like a mountain crashing down on her.
She tried using other jutsu on the shikigami like elemental jutsu but again Mohoraga adapted to it. None of the attacks were strong enough to beat Mahoraga in one shot.
She dodged as best she could, but with every hit, her healing was becoming slower, less effective. And then, with a sickening realization, she felt a wound on her side that refused to heal.
Tsunade's eyes widened in horror. "It's... it's not healing... my hundred marks is now completely refuse to heal me?!"
Mohoraga swung again, and this time the blow was too much. Tsunade collapsed to her knees, panting, her body struggling to recover. Blood dripped from her mouth as she tried to stand.
"Come on, damn it," she muttered. "I've faced worse than this." She tried to move but nothing was going like she wanted.
"This is ridiculous!" she shouted, punching the ground in anger. "How the hell am I supposed to beat something like this?!"
Just as Mohoraga raised its arm for the finishing strike, Jiraiya standing beside Shika and others moved with blinding speed a giant rasengan already in hand ready to knock off that Summon.
All his Amazement and surprise were forgotten for the time being, right now he only wanted to save Tsunade...
Mahoraga really is a cheat...
Here is the goal for this Week.
500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday
1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter
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