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50% The Dark Prince and Golden Lioness / Chapter 6: Northern Justice.

Chapter 6: Northern Justice.


Balon faces Northern Justice, Daemons spends some time with his cousins before heading back to Kings Landing. While in Kings Landing Rhaella and Bonifer begin to make their presence felt.

Winterfell 300 AC.



With news of Balon being dragged to the dungeons having spread around the keep faster than he'd have thought possible, any thoughts he had of rest were gone. He knew of course that he'd need to explain it all to his uncle, but it seemed that almost every lord present wouldn't let him go until he told the story. So Daemon asked his uncle to call a meeting and he'd tell everyone at once what he'd done. As he sat in the hall he looked down at the white wolf, Robb beside him smiling at the fact that he had one of his own now.


"How is your mother faring cousin?" Daemon asked rubbing the wolf's neck.

"She's doing much better Daemon, she's eating and seems to be more like herself."

"It may take some time Robb for her to fully recover, the thoughts of what she went through won't pass for a bit."

"Aye I know, we're here for her and now knowing the threat's been dealt with that will help, won't it?" Robb asked hopefully.

"I think it will." he said smiling back.

"You know the small folk call him The Ghost right?" Robb said.


Daemon looked down at the wolf, it's white fur and red eyes made him stand out among the others, Robb's own Grey Wind was as grey as his name as were the others, all varying shades of grey with yellow eyes. Rickon's wolf was different though black with green eyes but Ghost looked like the very symbol of the North, like the Weirwoods with their white bark and red leaves. A gift from the old gods?. But why would they honor him? His own god wasn't one who shared his favor or his chosen, still as he looked at the wolf and how it stared back at him, he was grateful for whoever had sent him to him.


"Ghost." he said and the wolf licked his hand "I think he agrees cousin." he said laughing as Ghost played with him now, tugging his hand back and forth.

"When we found our wolves, I felt something but I dismissed it, I wonder now if it was him?" Robb said.

"Given how often Direwolves are seen south of the wall I'd say it was.

"We heard tales of a white wolf who moved silently through the Wolfwoods, The Ghost though none of us ever saw him.


They were interrupted by his uncle walking in before Robb could tell him more, the Greatjon, Lady Maege and her daughters, Lord Wyman and some others following in his wake. His uncle's expression was hard to read though when he saw the white wolf he smiled as did the Mormont's. He took his seat at the head table and the servants moved other tables closer and then he nodded to his lords who took their seats beside him. It didn't take long for the hall to fill up after that and Daemon waited until his uncle spoke.


"Balon Greyjoy rests in my dungeons thanks to my nephew Prince Daemon" his uncle said loudly to cheers.


"Fucking squids."

"Off with his head."

"Hail to the Prince."


His uncle raised his hands and there was immediate silence and Daemon smirked, it was true then what Arthur had said to him many years ago, the north belongs to the Starks.


"He's ranted and raved, called my nephew a monster, a madman, said he rained fire down on his peaceful people." his uncle said to hisses "Aye I know, but I'll ask my nephew for the truth of things, my prince if you'd tell us what happened?"


Daemon stood up and looked out at the faces staring back at him eagerly, he turned to his uncle, nodded and began to speak.


"Lyanax and I flew to Pyke and gave them fair warning, under a flag of parlay I warned them to stand down and hand over Balon Greyjoy to face justice. His sons Maron and Rodrik broke parlay and attacked and I was forced to defend myself at the cost of their lives." Daemon said.

"They attacked you under a banner of truce?" his uncle asked.

"They did my lord."

"What happened afterwards my prince?" Lady Maege asked.

"After giving them some time to respond which they ignored, I mounted Lyanax and we flew to the other islands, every ship I saw I burned, every pier or dock I burned, before coming back to Pyke. They had over one hundred ships ready to attack the North, now they have none." Daemon said.

"They are gone, all of them?" Lord Wyman asked.

"They are my lord."


The cheers which rang around the room were deafening, men and women looking to each other both with relief and joy, he looked to see his uncle sitting with a small smirk on his face as he looked out on the room. Beside him his cousin was laughing with the Greatjon while Maege and her daughters were drinking mugs of ale. Daemon took a seat and was immediately slapped on the back by the Greatjon while Lord Wyman raised his mug to him, his uncle leaned in and whispered "Thank you nephew".


It took a long time for the cheers to die down and for his uncle to rise to his feet once again, as before when he did so things quietened immediately. Daemon not the only one eager to hear what his uncle would say.


"Tonight we feast in honor of my nephew, Prince Daemon, the White Wolf of the North." his uncle said as Ghost stood up and brushed against him.


A northern feast was unlike any he'd been to before other than a Dothraki one he'd interrupted, the ale flowed, the food was plentiful and the noise incredible. Men cheered and jostled each other in a way which anywhere else would be aggressive yet here it seemed to be anything but. Songs he knew and some he didn't were sung and he joined in with enthusiasm, he sat with his cousins, having forgone the high table to do so.


Sansa sat with Jeyne and Beth who were her friends and all three were perfect ladies, more than could be said for his other cousin Arya who though she wore a dress looked uncomfortable. So much so that Daemon in the end changed seats so he could sit beside her, much to Sansa and her friend's annoyance.


"You're not enjoying yourself cousin?"

"I hate this." she said softly.


"No dresses, look at it, I look stupid."

"You look anything but stupid cousin, you look like what you are."

"What am I?" she said looking at him almost angrily.

"A northern lady like my mother was." he said with a smile.

"I'm no lady, not like Sansa." she said looking at her sister.

"Who says you need to be like Sansa, look at the Mormont's Arya, do they look like Sansa?"

"No." she said laughing as she looked at one of the Mormont girls beating a man in an arm wrestle while her sisters cheered her on."

"Come with me" Daemon said.

"What, where?"

"Come on." he said smiling.


They got up from the table and walked over to where the Mormont's were drinking, taking a seat Daemon made room for Arya to sit beside him.


"Ladies have you met my cousin Arya?" Daemon said.

"We know Lady Arya, though we've not spent much time together my prince" the oldest Mormont girl said.

"It's just Arya is that not right cousin.?"

"Aye, and he's just Daemon." she said with a small smile.


They sat together for an hour before the dancing began, Daemon asking Arya and then Sansa to dance, before finding himself dancing with the oldest Mormont Dacey. She was almost as tall as he was and he could feel her toned body beneath her clothes, smiling at her he was tempted to see where things went, but something held him back.


"What you did, for us, for the North, it was incredible Daemon."

"I merely held onto the back of a dragon, Lyanax did all the work." he said with a chuckle.

"Still you came, we feared no one would."

"My family is here, it's the land of my mother, I'd not leave it undefended." he said and she smiled at him.


When the dancing was over, he said goodbye to his cousins as they went to their beds. Taking a seat beside Robb, he looked around at the others at the table. There were two brothers he found out were Karstarks, a Hornwood and Cerwyn lord and some of the younger men who were theirs and Robb's guards, he soon found himself bombarded with questions.


"Gods you must get all the finest ladies, being a prince and all."

"Are the southern ladies pretty my prince?"

"I hear the Rose of Highgarden is a beauty".


He answered as best he could, he hadn't met Margaery Tyrell nor many of the southern ladies other than Myrcella and found he had no real desire to. When talk turned to tales of his adventures in Essos though he was less forthcoming with his answers, he spoke only generally and found himself drinking more. In the end he staggered back to his room and almost feel into bed, Ghost accompanying him as the white wolf fell asleep at his feet.


Waking the next morning he washed and got up to go break his fast in the hall, finding Arya and the boys the only members of the family there. He japed with the two younger boys and had to turn down Arya's request for a ride on Lyanax, not that the dragon wouldn't allow it, but more he knew if he gave it to one he'd need to give it to all of them. Once done he walked back down to the crypts feeling the need to speak to his mother, Ghost followed beside him and this time for some reason he heard no voices.


He stood in front of the statue and said a soft prayer, reaching out to touch her face he closed his eyes and could almost feel her there with him. Something he knew of course was nothing more than a dream, he turned to walk away and wondered when he'd next get the chance to spend some time with her. After Balon's trial he would leave and fly back to the Red Keep, all in all his trip to the north had lasted just a little over a week, rather than the moon he had anticipated.


"The stables are they near?" he asked a passing guard as he left the crypts.

"Aye your grace, they're over there." the man said pointing to a building on the left.


He walked over and looked around for the stable master, finding a tall older man named Hullen, as the man came towards him he searched for what he was looking for before seeing an unfinished saddle.


"My prince how may I be of help?"

"I need some straps and a saddle, but not for a man, one so a wolf can lie across it." he said and pointed to Ghost.

"I'd need to measure the wolf and how big do you wish the straps?"

"About twenty feet each, I'll need two of those ones and another two about four feet or so."

"Aye I think I can sort them out, when do you need them my prince?"

"Later today." he said sheepishly and the man looked at him as if he was crazy until he took out the two gold dragons."

"I couldn't, this is far too much." Hullen said while staring at the coins.

"It's important that I have it made today, so you deserve to be well paid." he said and the man nodded.

"I thank you my prince." he said taking the coins.


Daemon turned to walk back and prepare for the trial, it wouldn't be long until it started.




She woke to find Bonifer had already risen and left, her knight was always an early riser and with work to do even more so. She got up and dressed herself, she had brought no ladies with her having sent for some from the Crownlands who were always her friends. She was leaving to break her fast when she noticed Ser Barristan seemed worried about something, debating whether or not to speak to him about it she decided it was better to wait, as it was she didn't have to wait for long.


"My queen, I've been remiss in my duties." he said as they walked.

"In what way Ser?" she asked curiously.

"Prince Daemon, he gave me a letter for you, I'm afraid yesterday I forgot it my queen."

"You forgot it?" she said annoyed.

"I did, I was feeling badly about Daemon leaving and with your own anger it escaped my attention." he said and she laughed despite her annoyance.

"Am I really that terrifying?" she asked.

"When it comes to your grandson, yes my queen." he said handing her the letter which she immediately opened.



My sincerest apologies, both for my hasty departure and for my omitting telling you of Lyanax.

I did not do it to keep it a secret, but more I was not ready to answer the questions her existence would bring up. I found myself enjoying our time together how it was without further questions of my past, please forgive me for that if for nothing else.

I must go north Grandmother, you know the reasons why, but now with the news of the IronBorn it seems I'm fated to go there too. I promise you I shall be safe, I'll take no risks that are not necessary and I shall return within the moon.

I'm sorry I shall not be there to welcome you when you arrive, but know that I am thinking of you always.

Your loving grandson.



She smiled at the letter and placed it in her pocket, readying herself for the meal with her family. Upon entering the room she looked to see Elia and Rhaegar sitting with Oberyn and Rhaenys, Oberyn's daughter's presence annoyed her but she said nothing as her son rose.


"Mother I wasn't sure if you were joining us." Rhaegar said as he kissed her cheek.

"Why would I not?" she said as she took a seat.

"No reason Rhaella, we just thought you'd perhaps lie in." Elia said.

"I'm far too used to early mornings now Elia." she said as a plate was placed in front of her.

"It' is good to see you well my queen." Oberyn said a smirk on his face.

"Is it, now that's a surprise considering the last time we spoke Oberyn." she said as she buttered some toast.

"Mother." Rhaegar said and she smiled before pouring some honey into her tea.

"What news on the North?" she said and caught the glance Oberyn gave Rhaenys.

"Rhaella can we just eat a meal in peace?" Elia said sighing.

"Very well, is my grandson not joining us?" she asked.

"My brother slept elsewhere last night." Rhaenys said pointedly to a glare from her mother.

"Recovered from his illness rather quickly then didn't he." she said looking to her son.

"Will you be joining us for tea today Rhaella?" Elia asked changing the subject.

"I'm afraid not Elia, I have other business I need to attend to."


They ate in silence for a bit, Rhaella watching as her granddaughter and uncle almost couldn't stop from glancing at her every so often. As she was looking at them her son and daughter entered both clearly surprised to see her here, Viserys it seemed almost hesitant to sit down, Daenerys though smiled at her.


"Mother what a pleasant surprise." her daughter said walking over to her to kiss her cheek.

"Mother." Viserys said more curtly as he took his seat "Isn't this nice, all of us eating together, it's so good to see the family all here." Viserys said a moment later with a smirk on her face.

"My grandson is not here." she said looking directly at her son.

"Oh has Aegon not joined us." he said and she fought the urge to slap the grin from his face.

"No he has not, nor has Daemon, though I'm sure he'll be back soon after all Winterfell is no more than a dragon ride away now." she said and all eyes turned to her.


Her daughter looked eagerly at her and she smiled remembering the little girl who was fascinated by the dragons on Dragonstone, Rhaegar's look was more wistful, while Visery's was pure jealousy. It was Rhaenys and Oberyn's she concentrated on though, her grandson would need to be careful around the vipers it seemed. After finishing breaking her fast Daenerys asked if she'd like to accompany her as she visited the local orphanages, while she felt some pride in her daughter for doing so, she had to decline.


"Perhaps another time my love, we can eat later just you and I if you'd like?"

"I would." her daughter said a little sadly.


With the meal done with she walked to the Tower of the Hand, twice her grandson had snubbed her in two days, she was interested to see if he'd snub her to her face. Walking up the stairs, Barristan behind her she saw the Dornishman her son had given a white cloak too and sighed, not of the Kingsguard as Barristan would say.


"My queen." Ser Daemon said as she opened the door."

"Ser." she replied curtly and entered the room, she could hear the angry voice of her grandson straight away as well as the placating one of Jon Connington.


Before she had a chance to listen in though the Dornish Kingsguard knocked and opened the inner door which led to the Hand's solar and coughed to announce her arrival. She walked into the room to the shocked faces of Jon Connington and her grandson who at least had the common sense to stand up and attempt a polite welcome.


"Grandmother it's good to see you."

"You look well for an ill man Aegon." she said and saw his face drop.

"I was feeling better so I decided on a walk and met Jon." he said lying as if it was second nature.

"Well it's good to see you up and about grandson, Jon." she said noticing the grimace when she used his name.

"My queen." the Hand replied kissing her own offered one and she cursed she'd forgotten her gloves.

"I wished to speak to you on the Iron Born threat Jon." she said enjoying the second grimace, the day she'd address this fool as Lord Hand would never come.

"There is no Iron Born threat my queen." he said and her grandson's worried look was not lost on her.

"Really, so Lord Stark my grandson's own uncle somehow made this threat up in his mind did he?"

"The northmen are well known for their tall tales grandmother, creatures beyond the wall, Direwolves and Giants, Grumpkins and Snarks." Aegon said dismissively.

"Perhaps grandson you need to visit the North for once in your life before you dismiss things you know nothing of." she said and he glared at her. "Now as I said the Iron Born Jon, I wish a full report before the morrow on all their activates."

"My queen this is most irregular, you are the queen mother and not entitled to such news on the realm." he said his chest puffed up.

"Very well Jon, I'll no doubt mention that to my son when next we speak, grandson, Jon." she said turning and walking from the room her smirk matched by Barristan's both knowing she'd get a report of some sort from the odious man now.


She walked next to the Maester's tower more to see he who lived below the rookery than Marwyn himself, but in the end she bumped into the Maester as she was walking to Varys's chambers.


"My queen it's good to see you once again." Marwyn said his smile genuine.

"You too Maester. I was meaning to come see you later, but since we've had this most fortuitous of meetings, perhaps you can tell me of which of my kin have come to you to speak on dragons?"

"My queen, you only need ask, both your daughter and grandson have come to speak to me, both not happy with my answers I'm afraid to say. We simply don't know enough about Prince Daemon's dragon or how he acquired it you see."

"Who else Marwyn?" she asked.

"One of Prince Oberyn's daughters has come by more than once, Nymeria I believe my queen."

"I thank you Marwyn, perhaps when my grandson comes back I'll have him come speak to you himself." she said and saw the Maester's eyes light up.

"I would be most appreciative my queen, most appreciative indeed." he said and she nodded before walking onward.


Marwyn was an easy man to get on her side, knowledge being his one great desire. Many years earlier he had asked for and been granted permission by her to study on Dragonstone and she found his thirst for knowledge useful. When the truth of Pycelle had been found by Daemon she had convinced her son that Marwyn should be chosen and the Maester welcomed her patronage gratefully. She walked on and knocked at the small nondescript door and the smell of perfume soon hit her nose.


"My queen what a welcome surprise." the eunuch said and she resisted he urge to snort, she doubted apart from Daemon's return that the man had ever been surprised in his life.

"Lord Varys we should talk." she said walking into the room.


Winterfell 300 AC.



He sat in the hall taking a seat at one of the lower tables, his uncle had suggested he sit at the high table but Daemon felt it should be the northmen there and not he. When Balon was brought in he noticed the man had more than a few bruises on him, which was nothing less than he deserved he thought. The room was silent but on a knife edge, at the high table his uncle, Lord Wyman and the Greatjon sat in judgement, but it was clear by the tone in the room that they weren't the only ones.


"Lord Balon you're charged with ordering repeated attacks on the North, with reaving and raping and with planning an invasion of the North with no provocation. How do you plead." his uncle's voice rang out.

"Who do you think you are to judge me Stark, you're not a king. I demand to be taken to Kings Landing, I am a Lord Paramount."

"You're a fucking squid and nothing more." The Greatjon shouted.

"Your crimes are against the North my lord, it's Northern Justice you face today." Lord Wyman said and Daemon heard the sounds of mugs being banged on the tables.

"As I said Lord Balon how do you plead?"

"I demand a trial by combat." Greyjoy said catching them out, Daemon saw the looks from one to another and knew they'd not been prepared for this.

"My lord if I may?" Daemon said standing up and addressing his uncle.

"You let this murderer in here, he killed my sons, attacked my people and me you call to account for guilt, why not him?" Balon shouted.

"Because my lord unlike you I followed all laws, it was your sons who broke parlay, you, yourself who refused to surrender even after being offered the choice, perhaps had you then it would have been a different trial you face today." Daemon said to more loud bangs of mugs.

"You wished to speak Prince Daemon?" his uncle said a small smirk on his face.

"I did my lord. The right of trial by combat is not applicable here my lord. Lord Balon's offences are against the North and by definition the kingdom itself, by attacking the North without provocation Lord Balon has made himself a traitor to the crown and treason is not covered by right of combat."

"Aye, The prince speaks true my lord, should Lord Balon be found guilty he is not covered under the right of combat, it is not the gods who judge him here today but men my lord." Lord Wyman said nodding to him.

"Very well my prince, Lord Wyman. You've heard the judgement here my lord, you have no right to trial by combat. Now how do you plead?" his uncle said.

"Fucking northerners, I did nothing wrong, we are Iron Born, we are reavers, we do not sow." Balon shouted.

"Aye you don't, you also will not reave my lands ever again my lord." his uncle said even louder, once the cheers had died down he turned to the Greatjon." What say you my lord?"

"Guilty." The Greatjon shouted.

"Lord Wyman?"

"Guilty." The lord of White Harbor said equally loud.

"Guilty." his uncle said to cheers "To the Godswood." he said a moment later and Balon was dragged basically screaming from the hall.


The northerners almost ran from the hall in order to get a good position for the execution to follow, Daemon though walked a little slower. The white wolf he found outside playing with the others and he was surprised to see his aunt walking with all her children towards the Godswood. He had expected the younger ones, Rickon especially, to be spared this but this was the north, their way was he old way. His aunt smiled at him when she saw him, and he smiled back before hesitating when crossing into the Godswood itself.


He felt something niggling at the back of his mind, voices clambering for attention, while a louder voice shouted them down, it unnerved him some but he walked and saw it then. The heart tree was enormous, it's white bark pristine but for the face carved into it, it's eyes and mouth seemingly bleeding. The leaves were a blood red and the whole sight was as imposing as Lyanax when she roared, there was power here, in this tree, this place, a power older than time and he felt it try to reach out to him.


But his god was a jealous god and the power retreated though the promise it held was one of return, he felt the white wolf as it walked to him, he rubbed his hand through it's fur and suddenly it was like being at complete peace. He had known that feeling a few times in his life, once in a woman's arms, on Dragonstone with his grandmother as she'd read to him and sitting by the fire with Thoros and the others, but it was always a fleeting feeling and he missed it when it was gone.


"Have you ever seen Northern Justice my prince?" Dacey said waling to him.

"No my lady I've not."

"There will be blood spilled here today." she said smiling and he nodded as Balon was placed before the tree and his uncle arrived carrying a giant Valyrian steel sword.


He stared at it in all it's glory, Ice a sword of legend, the ancestral sword of House Stark was larger than any greatsword he'd ever seen, it's blade an almost icy blue making it's name most apt. He thought of his own two swords, Flame and Spark, their own Valyrian steel a darker grey, but just as impressive. He looked around confused though, he had expected more than a beheading and given what Dacey had just said he was almost certain it would have been much bloodier than one.


"We come before the old gods today, to render Northern Justice. Balon Greyjoy you have been found guilty of crimes against the North, guilty of crimes against man and in the sight of the old gods you will pay the ultimate price."

"Aye." the chants rang around before his uncle began to speak again.

"In the name of his grace Prince Daemon Targaryen, I Eddard Stark Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell sentence you to death." Daemon looked at his uncle in shock, saying his name in such a way was tantamount to treason, before he could absorb it though he heard the chants.

"Northern Justice, Northern Justice." the men and women around him shouted loudly.


He looked on as his uncle handed Ice to Robb and took a small sack from him in return, reaching in he pulled out a long thin knife and began to tear away at the clothes of Balon, the man struggling all the way. His uncle then had two men hold Balon's arms out and then he pulled out a small hammer, leaning forward he smashed the hammer down on one of the Greyjoy's knees, before repeating it on the other, the screams deafening.


He did the same then to each of the man's elbows, before he then reached in and took out a small curved knife, Daemon looked on as his uncle grabbed the man's head before using the knife to take out each of his eyes, the man's screams even louder now. No one in the crowd moved or looked away as he then reached in for another knife and took the man's tongue before he walked back to Robb and took Ice from him. Given how Balon was screaming still, though less clearly with only half a tongue, Daemon felt that perhaps it was right his uncle ended it now.


"For the gods who watch over us, an offering." his uncle said.


Daemon waited for the blow to come but it seemed the ritual wasn't over yet, instead of taking his head, his uncle used Ice to open his stomach before reaching in and throwing the man's insides over his shoulder. He watched then as ropes were tied to Balon and to one of the branches before he was hauled up and left there, still alive, as people watched on. In the end it took over an hour for him to die and he could swear people were upset at the quickness of it.


As he walked back from the godswood he stopped off at the stables to collect his harness and got ready to say his goodbyes, he wished he could stay longer but his work was done and he had worried his grandmother enough by now. Saying goodbye was easier than he expected though, perhaps because he knew now he could now return far more easily.


"You deserve a boon for what you did for the North nephew." his uncle said and he saw Lord Wyman and others nod in agreement.

"I didn't do it for that uncle."

"Aye I know that, but sill is there nothing we can do for you?"

"Actually there is one thing." he said thinking on his friend "Gwyn Whitehill she is unmarried still?"

"Aye she is." his uncle asked confused.

"My friend Asher Forrester and she they were in love before his exile. I'd like to see them married and settled on your lands uncle, under your direct rule. I'll pay for their keep, can it be done?" he asked and his uncle smiled.

"She'd have been proud of you Daemon I want you to know that. Aye it'll be done you have my word." his uncle said hugging him.

"Thank you uncle, should you have need of me ever, send word to my grandmother on Dragonstone and Lyanax and I are yours." he said.

"Likewise nephew, the North Remembers." his uncle said.

"The North Remembers." The Greatjon and others shouted.


He walked to the hill with Ghost beside him, when Lyanax landed he took time to explain to her about the wolf and his plans before tying the straps around her, once done he watched as Ghost ran up the dragon's wing more gracefully than he. Tying the wolf down to the saddle, he made sure he was comfortable and then with a few flaps of her wings he was off.


Red Keep.



Having her brother back was confusing for her, those old feelings of the shame he brought her mother still hard to shake. But it was what he meant to their plans that was causing her the most aggravation, how much it changed them and forced her to rethink things. Aegon would be a terrible king, she knew, Oberyn and Doran knew and she had no doubt her father and mother knew it too. With Daemon gone there would be no other choice, they would need to name her queen and so she had been preparing for it for years.


Where Aegon barely attended the lessons, she would ensure she'd always be there, ensure that she learned all she could about running a kingdom. She took lessons in trade and politics, spent her time learning what each region's strengths and weaknesses were. She made sure she knew who wanted what and how they'd react when they either received or didn't receive the crown's favor. While Aegon took his lessons on ruling from that idiot Jon Connington, she learned from Doran or she watched her mother.


But all of that would count for nothing next to the two facts she could do nothing to change, she was not a man and she did not have a dragon. Daemon had her beat on both of them and so he was second in line and he would benefit from Aegon's inevitable fall and not she. So she hated her brother, hated him for what he was, what he is and what he could very well be and yet a part of her wondered if it was right she should. Walking in the gardens alone with Ser Jonathor a part of her wondered if she should embrace him as a brother and perhaps find she would be embraced back.


"Princess." Jonathor said and she looked to see her solitude about to be interrupted.

"Thank you Ser." she said looking as the rose and her petals walked her way.

"Princess Rhaenys what an unexpected delight." Margaery said with a curtsy as her ladies stood silently behind her.

"Lady Margaery a pleasure." she said a forced smile on her face.

"I was hoping we could speak your grace?" Margaery said and she reluctantly nodded.

"Of course my lady, why don't we take a seat over here." she turned and walked to the small garden seat.

"It was most exciting to see a dragon in the flesh was it not your grace?" Margaery said as she sat down, her ladies staying where they were.

"A wonder for the ages." she replied bored already.

"Is there any word on Prince Daemon, he flew off so unexpectedly?"


Or before you could get a chance to speak to him you mean, she thought looking at the Rose of Highgarden.


"No my lady, no word at all."

"I do so hope he returns soon, to see a dragon again. Even grandmother has returned from her trip in order to see it for herself."

"I'm surprised my lady, I had assumed your grandmother was needed back home?" she said knowing full well as soon as the queen of thorns heard she turned back around.

"She was your grace, but the thoughts of seeing a dragon flying in the air were too good to resist."


"I have heard Prince Daemon is fond of Lady Myrcella." Margaery said then moving closer and whispering as if she was telling her a big secret.

"Is that so, I find myself unaware of what interests him." Rhaenys said.

"It would be a good match don't you think, Prince Daemon and Lady Myrcella. Perhaps that is why Lord Tywin and Ser Jaime have arrived." Margaery said and that news did catch her by surprise.

"Lord Tywin is here?" she asked a little more abruptly than she wished.

"Grandmother said he arrived yesterday your grace."

"If you'll excuse me my lady, I find I'm late for my next appointment."

"Of course your grace, it was so nice to speak to you so." Margaery said smiling.

"You too my lady."


She quickly made her way to her uncle's rooms finding him and Ellaria thankfully clothed for once, she had walked in on them naked more than once over the years and usually not alone either.


"What is it my dear?" Ellaria asked seeing her distress.

"Lord Tywin and Ser Jaime have arrived." she said perking her uncle's interest.

"What's caused the old and white lion's to stir from beneath their rock?" Oberyn asked.

"Daemon, apparently he's been quite friendly with Myrcella."

"You think?" Oberyn asked.

"I don't know, but he arrives back after all these years as a dragon rider of all things. Then grandmother and now Tywin. Should they be matched…"

"Your father would never allow it." Oberyn said assuredly.

"How could he stop it? Daemon has a dragon uncle."

"We need to make a suggestion for a match first, Arianne perhaps?" Ellaria said.

"You think I'd give my niece to that bastard." Oberyn said angrily.

"I think we need to think of how to get the dragon under our control uncle." Rhaenys said.


Kings Landing 300 AC.

Ser Bonifer Hasty.


The tavern was out of the way and suited their purpose well, the hundred knew how to keep out of the way of spying birds far better than most. He sat there and waited until Ser Jareth arrived, his second in command had been with him from the days of the holy until now. When he arrived the tall blond haired man sat down, a smile as always on his face.


"What news old friend?" Bonifer asked.

"More of the same Bon, more of the same. Plots, plots and more plots, the wheel never stops turning, though the prince's arrival seems to have broken a spoke or two," Jareth laughed.

"What say they of the prince?"

"That he knocked the Darkstar into the dust so hard, the man now only comes out at night."

"Good, fucker always thought he was far better than he was." Bonifer said and Jareth laughed loudly.

"Indeed, apparently Aegon tried to show the prince up and found out to his cost it can't be done."

"Anything else?" Bonifer asked.

"The prince doesn't trust the Red Keep at all, hides his armor with Barristan rather than leaves it around, good thing too, it seems Aegon tried to steal it?" Jareth said and Bonifer nodded Daemon having taken Rhaella's lessons well.

"That boy always was too keen on what others have." Bonifer said to a nod from Jareth "The old Lion?"

"Heard Aegon was to be betrothed to Margaery Tyrell, so he came to fond out why it was not his granddaughter instead."

"He's better off that it wasn't." Bonifer snorted.

"He is, though it seems she's caught the attention of our own fair prince." Jareth said and Bonfer looked at him curiously.

"Daemon's interested in the girl?"

"He is or so it would seem."

"What of Rhaenys?"

"Laying down in the vipers nest old friend, waiting for a time to strike."

"Daenerys and Viserys?"

"The princess has no interest and Viserys not the temperament, the boy is still petulant but harmless."

"Good, anything else I should know?"

"Thoros of Myr." Jareth said.

"The drunk priest?"

"He and Daemon have a history it would seem Bon. The prince went to see him, told him to sober up and paid for his room, the man it's like he's been reborn, I've nought seen anything like it, well apart from once before." Jareth said looking at him with a small smile on his face.

"I had a good reason." Bonifer said.

"That you did my friend. How fares the queen?"

"She's good, worried about him now he's back but she's found that spark again." Bonifer's own smile large and beaming.

"That's good to know, you should speak to Thoros yourself Bon, he'll not talk to me or anyone else. But you, well if he's friends with Daemon?"

"I will, thank you old friend." Bonifer said.

"I am but one in a hundred." Jareth said as he stood up and placed his hand on his chest.

"As am I." Bonifer replied copying the gesture.


When Jareth left Bonifer walked down to the tavern where he knew Thoros had been staying, smirking at the little birds as they fluttered in the alleys and side streets when he passed. Entering the tavern he found the man sitting at a table eating a meal, walking over he ordered two drinks and took a seat facing him.


"Thoros, a drink." he said pushing a mug towards the red priest."

"You'll find I've no appetite for it Ser."

"So it's true then, Thoros is sober and well?"

"It is, what brings you here Ser Bonifer?"

"I've come to speak on Prince Daemon."

"I've nothing to say about the prince."

"You know who I speak for?"

"I do Ser and I'll not break my prince's confidence, not even for your queen." Thoros said determinedly.


Before he could say anything else to the man the shout went up.




"The Dragon's back."


Bonifer looked to Thoros who had an excited look on his face and both men jumped up and ran from the tavern. They were no sooner in the street than he saw it, it's black scales as dark as night, he looked up in awe as did most of the others. Thoros though just looked happy to see it, no surprise, no shock, no awe, just pure happiness on his face. Bonifer was torn between running to the Red Keep for Rhaella or to the Dragonpit for Daemon, Thoros was already gone and in the end he followed.




They had stopped off in the Riverlands mainly so Ghost could stretch his legs, his uncle had provided food but the wolf it seemed preferred fresher meat so they had dined on rabbit rather than dried meat. Sitting by the river Daemon had considered fishing but in the end even the wolf didn't want to go into the water, so they'd sat and ate and then looked for a place to rest that night. He curled up with Ghost and Lyanax curled her body around them, the heat from her keeping all three of them warm.


Waking up the next morning he waked to the river to wash and then after relieving himself, ate some of the dried bread and meat which Ghost turned his nose up at, and then they got ready to set off again. Lyanax it seemed had taken to the wolf well, which was more than could be said for the armor and sword he'd tied to her. But she knew when they landed in Kings Landing he'd remove it all and so she bore it for now.


He saw the city come into view from miles away and found himself for once excited to be going there, when he was a boy he had hated it. Seeing it in the distance always making him wary and scared, now though he felt no fear, not for what was in that city at least. He flew over the city and began to show off, Ghost looking at him as if to say don't you dare, but he couldn't help it and he knew Lyanax loved it so. So he flew over as much of the city he could, flying over the Sept of Baelor and the Red Keep, he skirted over the bay and slowed down flying over Flea Bottom, before finally heading for the Dragonpit.


"Looks like were home." he said and Ghost looked at him while Lyanax chose now to roar.


Landing he found the Dragonpit far from empty though people kept their distance, he saw the royal procession as it entered, saw the other noble lords and ladies as they struggled to keep up. Helping Ghost down first, he untied the saddle to find the straps were almost melted, the saddle itself a ruin. He took the sword and strapped it to his back and held the breastplate in the sack with his clothes. Leaning forward he told Lyanax to fly and give them a show, moving quickly away from the discarded saddle he and Ghost looked on as the dragon burned it up before flying in the sky and releasing more flames.


"Still showing off my prince," he heard Thoros's voice and looked to see him walking towards him.

"A wise man once told me always make an entrance." he said hugging his friend.

"A drunk priest you mean." Thoros said with a chuckle.

"It's good to see you well, but you may need to watch yourself. I see my father and more worryingly my grandmother approaching. Oh and check the bag, I got you a gift old friend." he said laughing.


Thoros looked first to see the king, queen and the rest of the royal family arriving, Daemon's grandmother leading the way, he bent down and opened the sack pulling out the breastplate and looking at it in shock.


"This is Valyrian steel, I can't accept this my prince."

"Consider it a down payment," Daemon said.

"Down payment?"

"Well I owe you far more than that." he said and Thoros laughed.

"The wolf?"

"It seems my list of protectors grows every longer Thoros." Daemon said smiling as he petted the sitting wolf.


His father and the others arrived and Daemon gave a quick smile to his grandmother who was looking from him to the wolf, as was his father.


"My son you have returned." his father said.

"I have your grace." he replied.

"You are well Daemon?" Elia asked.

"I am my queen." he said with a smile.

"Daemon." his grandmother said her smile beaming and he was glad he was in public or no doubt he'd be getting a "Ouch," he said when he felt her slap hit his ear.

"That's for rushing off without telling me." she said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek "That's for coming back." she whispered.

"It is good to see you well nephew." Daenerys said as she hugged him.

"Daemon." Rhaenys said and was followed by an even more curt greeting from Aegon and then Viserys.

"Your graces, grandmother, may I present my friend Thoros of Myr." he said as Thoros was still looking at the breastplate. "And this fellow here is Ghost." he said as the white wolf looked up at them all disinterestedly.


He saw Aegon stare at the priest and then the breastplate, then him and then the sword on his back, he smirked as he shrugged his shoulders forcing his brother to scowl. He was about to turn to his grandmother when he saw her then, she was standing with Tyrion and her mother and some other men he didn't know at first. One was almost Cersei's double so could only be Ser Jaime beside him stood a younger blond man and then an older balding one.


Seeing her there and the smile she gave him, knowing what he was carrying on his back he couldn't resist and walked over towards them passing Ser Bonifer who he stopped to greet warmly. When he came in front of the Lannisters he could feel all the eyes in the Dragonpit on him and he was sorely tempted to present the sword to Lord Tywin then and there. But it wasn't him he'd walked across to greet, so he moved to stand in front of her.


"Lady Myrcella it's good to see you again." he said kissing her hand.

"You have returned safely my prince."

"As I said I would, perhaps we could speak later once I've had time to settle?"

"I would be honored my prince." she said with a smile.

"Lord Tywin, Ser Jaime an honor." he said turning to greet the two men.

"My prince." they said one after the other.

"Lord Tywin if you're not busy later perhaps we can speak also?"

"Of course my prince." Tywin said and he glanced at the swords on his back when he turned, his eyebrow raised at the sight of largest of them.


Up Next Daemon meets with an Old Lion while Thoros reminisces about the past. Rhaella continues to make her presence felt and Rhaegar and the small council learn of events in the Iron Islands.

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