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9.67% Template System in Demon Slayer / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

"Tsk, that's disgusting..." I grimaced as I wiped the blood from my hands. The first 2 hours were interesting but now I got bored when she lost her emotions.

"I should be stronger than Muzan right now. But I still have to kill more to get all the power." Even though I killed and tortured 2 people, the Sukuna template did not increase even by 1%. "Maybe I should commit genocide." Before I could think any further, an idea came to my mind.

"If my subordinates commit massacres on my orders, could this open the Sukuna Template further? However, I do not have the power to create subordinates for now." I immediately grinned. "It would be good for me if I could control the State leaders to create an army for myself."

"I should be in Japan, considering the neglect and structure of the place I'm in. I probably have to be around the time Japan was starting to Modernize since people like Akame and Yoshida couldn't even get a calendar yet. 1850s or early 20th century…?"

"Still, to be sure, I need to find the village elder." After making my decision, I looked at the sun, which was about to set. In half an hour, when the sun has completely disappeared, I can continue my research. Maybe I can learn about one of the Demons Akame mentioned.


Yamamoto, the village elder and usually the breadwinner of the village, looked at the darkening sky with concern. Unlike many others, Yamamoto knew about the existence of demons.

However, as Japan began to Modernize and people learned more, belief in Demons, Gods and supernatural things decreased. Demons, whose existence was accepted a hundred years ago; It had now become a folk tale.

But experienced people like Yamamoto knew about the existence of Demons. Cities like Edo may be safe, but villages were the biggest hunting ground for demons.

Night was when demons emerged and began hunting. There was an organization established against the Demons who took the lives of many people, destroyed countless families, and hunted People at night. Demon Slayer Corps

Yamamoto is an ordinary man who has knowledge about the Demon Slayer Corps. The reason he knew this was because he saw his grandson and his family being killed and eaten alive by a demon.

Yamamoto went home after checking everyone in the village. His legs hurt due to old age, but he still quickly went home due to his trauma.

After Yamamoto's family died, he started to stay in this house alone. No matter how much he wanted to leave his home, this house was the only thing left of his family. Yamamoto valued this.

After entering the Yamamoto house, deep silence greeted him. Yamamoto didn't care because he was used to it. His house was better than Akame and Yoshida's squalid house.

"What a happy family you have. I'm really jealous." The old man immediately jumped in fear and fell to the ground. I grinned at his expression of horror and fear.

The old man looked at me with fear for a while and swallowed. "Who are you?! How did you get into my house!"

"I do what I want. Because I am powerful. I am a higher being. And you, inferior beings, were created to serve my perfect being." I almost laughed with excitement when I said this. When the words I always wanted to say come out of my mouth, I can now show everyone my true self.

The old man just looked at me with surprise and fear. Before the man could react, I grabbed his neck and made him kneel. "Now you will answer my questions. If you please me, I won't kill you."

The old man nodded, although he was barely breathing. I smiled and stopped squeezing his neck. The old man immediately fell to the ground, out of breath.

"Now tell me what day, month, and year it is."

Even though the old man was out of breath, he still managed to speak. "**/**/ 1915."

"tell me... are demons real?" The old man's eyes widened in shock when he heard my question. His eyes widened in fear, as if remembering something, and he began to back away. "Aren't you-Aren't you the Demon!?"

"Don't compare me to imperfect races, you bastard." I lightly kicked the man in the stomach. The old man flew back with the force of the kick and crashed into the wall. He spat blood from his mouth. "You-you promised you wouldn't kill me!"

I just grinned. "I said I wouldn't kill you. But I can make you suffer."

The man looked at me with fear. I looked into his eyes. "Now. Don't get me confused. Are demons real?"

"Yes-yes. They hunt people every night." When the old man confirmed this, I cleared my doubts. I don't need Adam anymore. While he was about to break the man's throat, he spoke with all his strength. "Stop! Don't kill me! If you kill me, the Demon Slayers will hunt you!"

Wait, Demon Slayer? This sounds familiar. True! Could this be the Demon Slayer universe? Logical. At least I'm at the beginning of the story.

The old man became more confident when he saw me standing. "That's right! I can stop the Demon Slayers from coming here!"

I grinned at the old man. His heart was clearly beating fast, which meant he was lying. "Old man, you are very brave. Tell me your curse. Now I must punish you."

"No! No! I'm not lying! Please!" Despite the old man's screams, I held the man by the throat. I opened a grave in the ground using Dismantle. Then I dropped the old man into it.

The old man struggled to go up, but I stepped on the man's hand. The man screamed and looked at his bleeding hand. "Ahhhh Please! Stop!"

I put a cloth I found in the house into the old man's mouth and put it on the man's head with an empty bag. After tying the old man's hands with rope, I closed the grave. Then, to prevent the man from being crushed by the soil, I took off the legs of the table and placed them inside the grave.

The old man struggled wildly and trembled with fear. I laughed when I saw this. "I wonder how you will die, from lack of oxygen? From dehydration? Or from hunger, maybe a heart attack?!"

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch this. Adios." Then I covered the grave. This is one of the most terrible torture methods. The old man's hands are tied, his mouth is gagged, and he is buried alive in a narrow grave.

No matter what he does, no one will hear his voice, he won't be able to breathe, he will just wait to die. This is a terrible death for a human being.

"Anyway, now that I know where I am, I should head to Tokyo, or Edo, for now." After doing some research around the man's house, I found a map. As I was about to leave, I thought about the other villagers in the village. My grin turned terrifying.

"Maybe I should play some more games first." I smiled and left.

Screams surrounded the entire village throughout the night.

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