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18.18% The Arcane Path / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: A Cold Welcome

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: A Cold Welcome

Atlas sat alone by the fireplace in the Slytherin common room, his expression unreadable. The room's dark, elegant decor seemed to match his mood perfectly. Greenish light filtered through the windows overlooking the lake, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. He observed his fellow students with a detached interest, noting the cliques forming and the whispered conversations. Despite the warm glow of the fire, a chill seemed to surround him, a reflection of the emotional walls he had built over the years.

Daphne Greengrass, who had taken a seat nearby, glanced at him. She was curious about this new boy who seemed so different from the rest. "So, how are you finding Hogwarts so far?" she asked, her voice soft but laced with genuine curiosity.

Atlas looked at her, his gaze steady and cold. "It's... interesting," he replied, his tone giving away nothing.

Daphne tried to keep the conversation going, but Atlas's responses were short, measured, and gave away little about his thoughts or feelings. He was polite but distant, and Daphne felt a pang of frustration mixed with intrigue.

Later, a senior Slytherin approached, sneering at Atlas. "Mudbloods don't belong here," he spat.

Atlas's eyes narrowed, but he remained calm. "Is that supposed to scare me?" he said coolly, his voice steady. "Because it doesn't."

The bully was taken aback by Atlas's lack of fear and retreated with a muttered curse, leaving Daphne even more impressed by Atlas's composure and strength.

During Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Snape demonstrated a complex spell and invited students to try. Atlas watched carefully but didn't volunteer. Instead, he observed the other students, noting their mistakes and silently correcting them in his mind. When Snape's eyes fell on him, Atlas met his gaze steadily, neither challenging nor retreating.

In Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall asked Atlas to perform a difficult transformation. He hesitated, his mind replaying every detail of the spell from his readings. He took a deep breath and performed the spell with precision, his face a mask of concentration. Hermione, sitting nearby, was struck by his talent and effort. She tried to engage him in conversation after class.

"That was impressive," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "Where did you learn to do that?"

Atlas glanced at her, his expression softening slightly but still distant. "I read a lot," he replied, before turning away. Hermione felt a mixture of curiosity and frustration at his aloofness.

At night, Atlas wandered the castle, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. He avoided interaction, preferring the solitude. His mind drifted to the hardships he had endured, reinforcing his resolve to never let anyone close enough to hurt him again. In these quiet hours, he practiced his magic, honing his skills through sheer determination and hard work.

In the library, Atlas immersed himself in advanced magical texts. Hermione, noticing him, approached cautiously. "What are you reading?" she asked.

Atlas looked up, his eyes cool but polite. "Just some advanced magic. I like to be prepared," he replied, not inviting further conversation. Hermione watched him for a moment before returning to her own studies, her mind lingering on the mysterious boy who kept everyone at arm's length.

As the weeks passed, Atlas's dedication to mastering his abilities became evident. In mind arts classes, he demonstrated an uncanny ability to protect his thoughts and subtly read others'. His proficiency was so advanced that even the professors took notice, though he never showcased his talents openly.

In dark arts, Atlas's silent perseverance paid off. He showed a natural affinity for complex and powerful spells, executing them with precision when necessary, but never flaunting his skills. His calm demeanor and unyielding focus made him stand out as a formidable wizard in the making, though he remained under the radar to most.

One evening, Atlas found a mysterious letter slipped under his door. The letter hinted at dark challenges and dangers awaiting him. He read it carefully, his face betraying no emotion. He decided to keep the letter's contents to himself, his mind already strategizing his next steps.

Meanwhile, the baby creature he had chosen as a pet began to exhibit unusual behavior. It was growing quickly and showed signs of intelligence. Atlas observed it with interest, making a mental note to investigate its origins further.

As Atlas lay in bed that night, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The letter's ominous warning echoed in his head, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was on the horizon. He closed his eyes, determined to face whatever challenges came his way with the same resilience and determination that had carried him this far.

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