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34.69% As A GAMER In One Piece / Chapter 14: CH-14 - TEAR-JERKING AHH BACKSTORY



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'____' are used for thoughts




Buggy,Ivankov, the residents of Newkuma, Jimbe, and... that's it. without Crocodile, Mr 3, Bon clay, Luffy would not be able to go through the Journey of Impel down. without Mr 3:-

'Ace would die before he is even able to escape!'

'What should i do? should i stop his death from happening?' I look over to Luffy, who is smiling while dancing with Bon Clay, remembering what he suffered. from thinking that his friends were gone forever in Sabaody, to reducing his own life to get out of Impel down, and running on pure willpower when he released Ace with the help of Mr 3. I still remember his breakdown into madness, and without Jimbe, maybe Luffy would have gone mad-

but. a question arises, Can I change the outcome from happening? SHOULD I change the outcome? Ace's death destroyed Luffy's mind, Jimbe helping him reforge it and allow Luffy to grow stronger, training with Rayleigh. so, If Ace Doesn't die, would that mean that Luffy would not stay to be trained by Rayleigh and learn Haki? should i let Ace die without Involving it-

I-No. I shake my head. It doesn't matter if Ace's death leads to Luffy becoming strong, there is no way in hell I would stay silent if there is an option of Ace Living. I just could not see Luffy destroyed like that. If I had the chance to save Ace for Luffy, then I would. I could convince Luffy to train under Rayleigh for 2 years, but sacrificing Ace just for Luffy to stay with Rayleigh for 2 years, I cannot do that.

since, if i don't at least try to make sure Ace survives, then the thought of Luffy's despaired face, and i just cannot have that in my conscience. I sigh, knowing that i might need to make some grand plan to save Ace-



With the looming Death of portgas D Ace on the horizon, make sure he doesn't die due to his daddy complex.Find out a way to save Ace and Make Sure That Luffy does not go into a catatonic state.

Limited Time:- None

Rewards:- +200,000,000,000 EXP, Skill Book <FIRE MANIPULATION>, +100% Favorability With The Whitebeard Pirates, ??? , ???.

??? - ???

??? - ???


my eyes almost bulge out of my head, but my Gamer's mind calms me down. what the fuck is wrong with the EXP? 200 billion, What in the absolute fuck? no, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK!!. Does this world think saving Ace is that Much? i get it, he is Luffy's brother, He has all three types of Haki, He is the adoptive Son Of Edward Newgate, the 2nd in Command of Whitebeard Pirates, and the biological son of the Pirate King Himself, Gol D Roger, not only that, he is also part of the D clan has one of the highest Destructive devil fruit-

Yeah, it is understandable why the fans of my world call him Wasted Potential, Mr LIght Novel man, or Useless D Potential ( or, is it for someone else, like Useless D Mid, the person who is swimming in water in the current canon?). Ace is a big shot in this world, and IF he survives, he could help change it-

yeah. makes sense why the EXP would be 200 Billion, but damn, it's like the author just added some random numbers since he was in a hurry to go on a trip or somethin. Anyways, the quest just motivates me to stay with my decision to save Ace, though, what are the question marks for, i Don't know...yet. like, the author didn't know what to add the 

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Usopp, who somehow appears in front of me, asks in confusion. i realize that this MIGHT not be the time to think about a plan, so i put this matter in the back of my mind while accepting the quest, and then looking at Usopp, especially his nose while trying to come up with an excuse-

"Well, I am thinking about what Mine, Luffy, Zoro and Chopper Bounties would be." seeing Usopp's nose made me remember money for some odd reason, and by that, it made me remember and understand one important point. 

not just Luffy and Zoro, there is a 90% chance of Me also getting a Bounty, along with Chopper.

"What?" As I was thinking about Chopper, He himself turns to look at me in surprise, and I decide to explain more.

"Well, we did fight the marines while Luffy dealt with Crocodile. Zoro held off Smoker, though not strong enough to defeat him apparently-" Zoro looks at me in anger-

"OI!-" he wants to have a go at me, but I ignore him and continue on, noticing Chopper's fear. mostly because he might have a bounty.

"Chopper fought Tashigi, a Petty officer while also deal with Marine Soldiers, while he didn't defeat her, he did significant damage to her-" Chopper winces, not proud of what he did to that women, since he kinda had to go full power, using a rumble ball to transform into his 4 Extra different Forms. Sanji screams in rage, his hair raising up, Flame covering his body, HE is completely pissed.

"CHOPPER!YOU FUCKING RACOON! I SHOULD COOK YOUR MEAT RIGHT NOW. HOW DARE YOU TRY AND HARM THAT BEAUTIFUL LADY-" i speak up, over-voicing Sanji's screaming and Chopper being terrified at what Sanji is saying about him.

"- allowing me to finish her off, so me and Chopper would get some kind of Bounty." Sanji snaps his head towards me, and I feel bloodlust, but my Gamer's Mind Calms me down. He rushes towards me, his fire-y body erupting into Blue flames, his anger turned into rage, all directed at me.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARDDD-" before he could speed-blitz me and rip my head off, ( and trust me, he really meant it) ,Nami Slams her fist right into Sanji's skull, with Conquerors Haki erupting. Did- Did she just use Advanced Conqueror's Hak-

"SHUT UP!!" Sanji gets Knocked out for a couple of seconds, while all of the males gulp their saliva, except me, since my Gamer's Mind doesn't let me get affected by Conqueror's Haki. Subconsciously, Nami Using Conqueror's Haki is really terrifying. but, HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE HAVE THAT? is the gag so strong that it can will non-existent Abilities into reality, or something?

"....As i was saying, Chopper and Me beating up Tashigi has got to have some consequences, that mostly being us getting Bounties." Sanji picks his head out of the deck, staring at me in rage, but it has calmed considerably.

"How much do you think we will have?" Luffy speaks up in happiness, wonder in his tone, since he is excited about his bounty.

"Well, since you did defeat Crocodile, I would say your bounty would be around 80-90 Million, maybe even higher, since you were a no named Rookie before this big thing." Luffy grins, excited at the prospect of him having a worth around 100 Million, though i cannot say the real amount, since that would be suspicious.

"Zoro might get a bounty ranging from 60-70 Million, since you had a Bounty Hunting Gig before joining the crew, and You Did Hold of Smoker, though you didn't defeat him." Zoro looks pissed off by my repeated comments on his fight with Smoker, and I know that I need to stop antagonizing him, but why? Why should I stop antagonizing him since he is my friend?

Yes, I have friends, unlike you people. Nami holds her head in despair, starts to mumble something, and with my enhanced Physical stats, I am able to hear it.

"-why is our luck so bad? already Luffy had a bounty and that was a threat to us, but now, Not 1, but 4 people in our crew have bounties now? why? why?-"I interrupt her despairing monologue, deciding to at least clarify, or irritate her a little, which I found out that I like irritating her. Like, seeing her explode in anger, completely irritated by the crew's actions makes it a fun watch.

"well, it's not our fault That Marines were in Rainbase, Me, Chopper and Zoro were only for backup, not fighting 100s of Million Members, 50+ Marine Members, Tashigi and Smoker. that was completely out of our control-" before i could end with my sentence, Nami spins to look at me, anger in her eyes.

"Why Couldn't YOU think of a plan to handle that? you Love making plans right?" what the hell is her problem? why the hell is she jumping on me for. while other beta males would cover in fear ( Sanji, Chopper, Usopp) while Nami rages, I- A Sigma Male will counter-argue with her-

Yeah. This shit is Cringe AF.

"How was I supposed to know that Marines were in Alabasta? you guys are the one who encountered them earlier before we met. Couldn't you have at least informed me about this so I could take this into consideration?" Nami doesn't like it when someone talks back to her, and looking over at Sanji, he doesn't like it when someone talks back to Nami.

"W-Well, you should have thought of that anyways." What is it with girls not accepting responsibility and blaming others for their mistakes? Nami turns her head to the side, indicating that she is done with this conversation, but i ain't done. i get up, surprising Chopper, and before he could argue against it, I speak up.

"How the hell am I responsible for your Stupidity?" that...might not be a good choice of words, since Nami turns to look at me with a stare that makes me imagine that she would want to stab me with knives or something. she comes in front of me and butts her head with mine.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY??" While it was weird for her to confront me like this, I noticed something interesting. When I arrived in this world, I was weaker than the average man in this world. my manly ego got hurt when i couldn't forcefully remove Vivi's hand from my collar, but now-

I am superior in strength compared to Mr Toto and Vivi, and without even looking at her stats, I can know that I am either equal to her in strength or superior, and that is without the stat boost I am having right now due to my Skill. 

"YOU HEARD ME!" i put power in my head, trying to push her away, feeling resistance-

"YOU FUCKIN BASTARD-" Sanji gets up and rushes to me, but Nami twirls and shoves her arm right into Sanji's head, sending him crashing to the deck.

"SHUT UP!" Nami screams at him, then huffs, then walks away, leaving me satisfied. my manly ego, which was crushed by Vivi, now restored. I look at Sanji whose difficulty raises his head to look at me, with a question in his mind.

"wh- what about my Bounty?"I looked at him, surprised that he would ask this stupid question. I mean, he hasn't done anything noteworthy as of yet for the Marines to put a bounty on him.

"You haven't done anything Noteworthy in the Eyes of the Marines till now. so, you won't get a bounty until you do." HE looks at me in shock ,and I realized something. Sanji believed in his hype that he thought he would have gotten a bounty.

"But I defeated Him." He points towards Bon clay, who jumps in surprise after being pointed on, and he looks offended.

"your win against him...wasn't noteworthy enough-" 

"OI!" Bon Clay screams in anger, insulted by my remark.

"And even if you did, did you do that infront of the Marines?" I raise my eyebrows and look at him, and he immediately becomes downcast, him knowing the answer.

"no..." he whispers, but all of us could hear it, I shrug.

"there you have it." Sanji grabs his.....napkin? and bites on it, having tears run down from his face, before it evaporates into anger when he hears Zoro laugh. Sanji immediately jumps onto Zoro, riding his hate-train, which Zoro responds by jumping him with his swords.

" We have reached the area." all of us stop doing our thing and come and look at the harbor, which is empty. Nami Looks at me, implying me to drop the barrier, but I shake my head in a no.

"We still have an hour till noon. we can wait here, and 10 Minutes before the time, i will break the barrier." this satisfies the group, and they continue doing whatever the hell they were doing-

Wait, why the hell is Zoro staring at me like that?

"We have all the free time left, now, you wanna explain?" Well damn, I wanted to explain my situation, but with us having around an hour, it's just better to explain my 'story.' everyone looks over to me, even Sanji comes out of the Kitchen and decides to listen to me. and i sigh, deciding to start-


"Robin, stop hiding and come out, will ya?" i look straight at the lounge room, and for a second, everyone stares at me dumbly, before-

"WHAT!!" Usopp, Chopper and Nami are all spooked out, Sanji is shocked, but his eyes turn....heart shaped? Luffy is mildly surprised but doesn't care much, Zoro holds his sword, ready to attack if needed, Bon Clay looks Confused on who robin is. for a couple of seconds, it is silence, until they all look at me, pissed off, and Nami opens her mouth, most likely wanting to chew me out, before-


The door unlocks, and coming out of it is Nico Robin, in all of her beautiful Glory. 

"MISS ALL SUNDAY?" Bon Clay looks at Robin in Surprise, while Robin looks at BOn clay and waves, smiling at him before turning to me, an amused... and a satisfied smile on her face?

"you knew i was here from the start right?" oh hell nah, she ain't turning this on me, so i feel the wrath of my crewmates, while this woman is sly, her intentions are kinda easy to understand.

When we first came to the boat, my intention was to check if Robin was there or not, and after feeding her in my Map, listed as Green, I used her as a 10% boost for my Skill as well. I look at her, an amused smile on my face.

"What do you want, Robin?" she looks at me, and smiles...seductively? what the hell? that is so hot-

"you forgot what happened? you forgot how we were Together for a couple of hours, you forgot... Our Promise? you forgot that you told me something so important to me, and then left me...all alone?" her seductive smile turns emotional, like I broke her heart. holy shit, this vixen is hot AND sly? damn, a combo deal-

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" Sanji blitzes me and grabs my coller, shaking me furiously, making me look at him, and all of my crewmates, Nami looks scandalized, Zoro looks surprised, Usopp looks Shocked, Luffy, Chopper and Bon Clay just stare confused at me, and Sanji is furious. While this woman threw me into the pit of fire known as Sanji Simping, I decided to have fun with it.

"Oh Yes. We did a lot of things during that hour when we were All alone. the smell of her beautiful hair, a smell which reminded me of Flowers, her lustful eyes, her cold breath that gave me goosebumps, her skin, which was perfect, a combination of hot and cold, her bo-" 

"YOU FUCKING BAS-" Sanji starts having a nose bleed while trying to scream at me and choke me, his speak stuttering. i chuckle a little bit, looking over to others reaction, Nami looks even more scandalized, Zoro's is in shock, Usopp is opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, Bon clay has a wide grin on his face like he understood what i was saying, Chopper looks red, like Crimson red, and Luffy.... looks Like Luffy, confused, Robin though-

She looks at me in shock, not at all prepared at my detailed description. I grin at her, and then chuckle, snapping all of us out of our daze.

"im joking-" before i could finish, i got slapped around the face by...Nami?

"YOU FUCKING PERVERT!!!" She looks like.... she is blushing?... damn, who knew giving details in womens body made Nami blush. I get up and look over at Robin, who composed herself and sighs, already annoyed at my behavior.

"Well, you didn't forget about our Promise, did you?" This time around, there is a serious tone in her voice, but I just shrug, since there are many different ways to fulfill her promise, and I kinda already did.

"yeah i do, but that doesn't explain why YOU are HERE." She has an annoyed look, mostly looking at my amused grin. She figured out why I am giving her round-about answers. so, she then decides to turn towards Luffy.

"Mr strawhat, i have a favor to ask." Luffy looks confused on why Robin is speaking to him of all things, but he shrugs, letting Robin speak.

"Let me join your crew." everybody, except Mine and Luffy has their eyes widened in shock at Luffy's response, Luffy stares at her, and then me, to which I grin, and he nods.

"Sure" Robin looks at Luffy in a little bit of surprise, not expecting to join this easily. and as for the others-

"WHAT!!/WHAT-YO!" all of the crew, excluding Me, Luffy and now, Robin scream in shock. Immediately, people are against it (Nami and Usopp) , some people (Sanji) are extremely happy about it, some people (Chopper, Bon Clay) are confused on how to react, and the last people (Zoro) look at Robin with suspicion, accepting Luffy's decision.

"LUFFY!! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU ACCEPT THAT? We don't know what the hell she is planning-" Nami and Usopp start trying to undermine Luffy's decision, trying (and failing miserably) to make him understand how suspicious Robin is, but i cut them off, since i do need to explain my 'Past'. and what better way other than to reveal Robin's importance to the crew.

"Well, we kinda need her to reach the final island and get One piece-" all of the members, including Robin and Luffy pay attention to my words, surprising them. Even Robin is surprised at what I am telling, but there is an.....interesting gleam in her eyes.

"-since she is the only one of us who could even read the Road Poneglyph, which would lead us to Laugh tale.?" This confuses the crew, even Robin, but her expression changes from curiosity to surprise when she hears about a different kind of poneglyph. though, Usopp voices out the confusion.

"Uh, you mean Raftel-" i interrupt him, no point in them not knowing the true name of the final island.

"no, it's not Raftel. The island which contains the One piece and named by Roger is called Laugh Tale. and to reach that, you need to have all the Road Poneglyphs. There are 4 of them, One is in Wano, with Kaidou, One is with Big Mom, The third is in Zou, and the last, which was in fishman island, is now lost. I am trying to find its location though." I noticed Robin wanting to ask me a question, so I answered her question before she could voice it out. When I specify the Fishmen Island, Nami's eyes go dark, but she comes back to normal immediately.

Robin looks at me, her expression unreadable, so I decide to look towards other members, and see Sanji open his mouth, so I get ready.

"how do you know all of this?" Sanji looks at me, his eyes in suspicion... and more. I have a feeling that he might have understood something with the words he is using, and is asking me for confirmation.

"Well, I shall start from the beginning, Hello there, my Name is Rai Adam, for the people who don't know me-" I look at both Robin and Bon Clay for this, continuing my speech.

"I was born and Raised in Sabaody Archipelago, located at the end of the Paradise and an island where every single person wanting to go to the new world, weather it be Pirates, Bounty Hunter, Or Marines themselves, they stop at the Island, talk, buy supplies, and go their merry ways. I used to work there, in the black Market-" Robin, Bon Clay, Sanji and Nami's eyes widened, understanding what I was saying. 

"-where i used to be an Information Broker, collecting information through any means, and selling them for an appropriate price. And just so you guys know, I Know a LOT of stuff. I have so much information that I even get dizzy sometimes.... so, that's all." I shrug, inviting their questions, and they have a LOT of questions.

"What Kind of information do you have?" Chopper speaks up before anyone could ask, but this is basically what they wanna ask too.

"Well, My information ranges from A Housewife having an affair somewhere, to what the hell the Gorosei do in their free time, when not trying to bring 'Peace' to the world." except for Luffy, everybody's eyes widened considerably, to the point that I thought that they would pop. Luffy, though, looks excited. while i do not know what the fuck the Gorosei do in their free time (Idk, suck Imu's dick or somethin?), some bullshitting never hurts anybody.

and even if someone here asks what they do, imma just say some random shit that comes to my mind. What are they gonna do? fact-check the information? lol, good luck with that.

"What is the best Island where Meat is the best?" Luffy zooms in front of me, jumping up and down excited, wanting to know. i put my hand on my chin, genuinely thinking about it, Luffy had the most intake of Food in Wano, Water 7, Amazon Lily-

"Well, you might have the best Meat in either Amazon Lily, or Wano." i give him a thumbs up, and he screams in excitement, he immediately jumps on top of Going Merry's head, and points to the ocean.

"LET'S GO TO WANO RIGHT NOW!" I looked at him in surprise, him picking Wano just CANNOT be a coincidence. especially if you take his devil fruit into consideration, and What Sun God Nika is said to do, Liberate-

"Now Luffy, Wano is in The New World, and We have to reach the New World only after passing through Sabaody, and that will take AT LEAST a couple of months with how the Log works." While Luffy's enthusiasm is infectious, i gotta put water on it, since not only are we NOT ready to go to Wano, we also cannot reach there fast enough.Luffy sags, depressed that i broke his wish or something.

"What else do you know?" I look at Nami, and her eyes show her fear. I nod, giving her the answer.

"I know things about you guys. like, your bad relationship with Arlong and the entire Fishman Race-" Nami flinches a little, I look at Chopper next.

"Your relationship to Dr Kureha and Dr Hiriluk-" Chopper looks shocked, and a little scared-

"your relationship to this Ship's Owner, Kaya, if i remember correctly-" Usopp gets spooked, and i look towards Zoro, who is surprised and is looking at me in shock-

"your....promise to become the World's strongest Swordsman. i know why-" Zoro still is in shock, since he never believed he would have his closest secret out like this-

"I told you already about your situation Robin-" Robin at first looks distraught, but her tears leak out and.... she looks Happy?

"and you..... I'll be honest, I don't know much about you man." I point at Bon Clay, who goes from shock to... confusion? and then he goes from confused to angry.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN-YO!" I ignored him, yet again, while looking at Luffy, who was staring at me blankly.

"I know about your relationship with Portgas D Ace, Vice Admiral Monkey D Garp-" Luffy strutters a little bit, but everyone snaps out of their shock to scream all at once, even Robin has her eyebrows raised to the maximum.

"WHAT!!! MONKEY D GARP, THE HERO OF THE MARINES IS LUFFY'S RELATIVE??" Everyone is excited at this revelation, and I nod, deciding to give them even more of a bomb.

"Well, Grandfather actually. Luffy's father though, is the Revolutionary Leader, Monkey D Dragon-"

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Even Robin raises her voice. Luffy looks at me in surprise.

"I had a father?" he scratches his head, causing a comedic relief of everyone falling straight first into the floor, even Robin grabs her head in annoyance. I look at Luffy for a second, debating telling him something, but deciding to tell him anyway. since he deserves to know about this.

"Yeah, and the catch, his second in command, is your other brother, Sabo." He looks- No. Luffy Stares at me for a couple of seconds, before-

"WHAT!!!" He jumps on me, tackling me to the ground, climbing on top of me and grabbing my coller and yanking me to face him, his eyes in anger, and desperate hope.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SABO?" He starts shaking me over and over again, while i think of a way to-

oh yeah, that might work.

"L-Luffy, your brother has blond curly hair, with a hat with blue goggles wrapped around it right?" Luffy stops shaking me, looking me deep in the eyes- No, He is looking deep into my soul.

"Sa-sabo-" I Nod, having a smile on my face to driving the point closer, he continues to stare at me, until i notice water-

"SABO IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!" He lets go of my coller and screams to the heavens in joy, tears coming out of him in spades, I continue to smile, seeing Luffy like this and being genuinely happy for him.

"Wait, Sabo of the Revolutionary-" Usopp could not continue since he gets jumped by Luffy and gets dragged along. Chopper and Bon Clay are also unlucky since they get caught in Luffy's grip, Luffy starts dancing with all of them, with tears in his eyes, and being absolutely happy.

"SABO IS ALIVE!- SABO IS ALIVE! - SABO IS ALIVE!-" Luffy starts chanting while Usopp, Chopper and Bon Clay also get mixed up with the excitement and start chanting with him. so, the dumbass trio (Luffy, Usopp and Chopper) has transformed into the dumbass Quartet ( with Bon clay mixed).

"Who is Sabo?" Nami helps me up while looking at Luffy's contagious laughter. she smiles, feeling happy for him.

"Well, Sabo is a sworn brother of Luffy, he WAS a noble, but during his escape from that Life, He was attacked by a World Noble, destroying his escape Ship and giving him memory loss." Nami looks horrified by the implications. if what i said was true then-

"Sabo doesn't remember Luffy?" I shake my head, Making NAmi sigh. it would make sense to her now why Luffy was acting like Sabo died. since in Luffy's eyes for all this year, Sabo was dead.

"Where is he? Where is Sabo?" Luffy rushes back to me, asking me about Sabo's whereabouts. I think for a couple of seconds, and come up blank. I forgot about where the base is. I know it was mentioned, but I don't know where it is in this world. After the timeskip, they were located on Ivankov's island, but before the timeskip, I don't know.

damn it, i need to find a way for me to re-watch the anime, as well as the specials and movies. I even read manga. I need to use the Internet to use my phone, but the question is, How? Should I create the Internet from scratch like my ancestors did? but, how the fuck will i even do it?

wait, i have the skill <ENGINEER>, while that alone might not be usable to create an internet, i might create a skill for data programming too. i might need to level up those skills to a level similar to the geniuses in my world to even try to create an internet connection applicable to my phone-

Damn it Mr -NOTHING-, if you gave me my mobile, why the hell could you not have given me internet access?

"Beside me, i Don't know where Sabo CURRENTLY is, while I know where the Revolutionary Base is, that is located in the New World." i just give off a random location, causing Luffy to get disheartened, but then he stands straight, determination in his eyes. and I know what he wants.

He wants to meet Sabo. and he will do whatever he needs to Meet his brother again.

"Oh right, Ace also needs to know about this. where is he currently?" wait, why the hell is he asking me Ace's location. If I remember correctly, Ace should currently be in his Cover story arc, trying to find Blackbeard. if Luffy deverts his direction to chase after Ace, then he will be caught in the crossfire between Ace and Blackbeard and-

"Well, I don't know. last i got to know, he left from Drum Island Chasing a dude named Blackbeard." Luffy and Chopper recognise that Name, but Luffy Nods, understanding Ace's situation.

eventually, i answer the crew's questions, like Usopp, Nami and Sanji wanting to know how i get my information (i tell them i used to hire people to bring me information,) and Robin trying to make me open my mouth to tell her more about the void century, which i vehemently deny. Luffy, Chopper and Zoro don't ask much, while Bon Clay.... is well, Bon Clay.

"Wait, if you were in Sabaody, where would you be in Alabasta?" CHopper looks at me in confusion. and to be truthful, i didn't think of a reason for that. I just started talking nonsense.

"well, i did send people here, but they were killed by Crocodile thinking them of Pirates, so i had no other options, since my entire network force was killed, I had to personally come to alabasta to check a rumor about a Ancient Weapon in alabasta. But, I got dragged into a storm and washed up in alabasta, with no food, no clothes, nothing. I traveled for a couple of days, starved, and then met Mr Toto, who gave me food and water, and then you know the rest." while i just did bullshit all of this reason up, they do accept it. but that's when that's when all of the Zoro remembers something.

"your ability, what is it?" I look at Zoro, and shrug. While at first, I decided to create an elaborate plan of my powers coming from an artificial devil fruit, which has a mixture of three devil fruit powers, but then I realized.

"I Don't know honestly. I have had this since I was born." Why create bullshit excuses when it might bite me in the ass later on, when you could just feign ignorance of it and say you were figuring things out as you go on.

"Is it a devil fruit?" Nami asks, but I shake my head, and then shrug once more.

"I can swim, so probably No. But honestly, I don't care much. While I might have used it to gain information, now, I found out about another ability, so all's good." Zoro looks at me again, and opens his mouth, mostly to ask me what the ability is-

"It's 10 Minutes to Noon, it might be best for you to break the Dimension." Nami notifices me, and I nod. I raise my hand, this time having a different hand-sign than before, a handle sign of Gojo Satoru, and speak out loud.

"Break" a crack sound reverberates, making all of the crew members look around, before-

"AHHH!" we hear a scream of surprise and look to -

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GUYS DO THAT?" Vivi screams from where she is standing. her dress looked like she should be at a festival. I shrug at her, seeing no point in explaining it to her. I turn around, and walk backwards, while looking at Robin And Bon Clay.

"You guys might wanna hide for now, since Vivi might jump to the ship and try to blow both of your heads off." She looks at me amused, but Nods and walks back into the lounge, closing it. I slanted onto the wood wall, listening to Vivi talk about her feelings with the strawhats.

Since we are safe for now, we might-


Water explodes near us, making us realize that we are getting fired upon. i look sideways, to see Hana's ship approaching us, along with her squad and-

A Wind slash-

Zoro immediately counters that with one of his own, dissipating. i look closer to a different ship that is closing in on us, and see-

"RAI!!!!" Well, Shit. Tashigi is here, with bandages covering her body. She looks at me in rage, and I wave at her, making her more pissed. He releases a primal scream which shows her emotions perfectly.


"I AM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" She releases another Wind Slash, which travels through the water (Similar to How Mihawk did in Live action, but a lot smaller) and Zoro once again counters it, looking at me, annoyed.

"What the hell did you do?" I shrug at him, while looking at Sanji simping for Tashigi. Damn, just how sex-deprived is he? I notice the ship moving away, with Vivi Continuing her speech while the straw hat looks at her.



more canons are shot, with this time, iron rods are shot out towards us, i immediately react, raising my hand, while timing it right. since this might be my only chance to do it. the moment i feel the danger of us getting hit, I summon my ultimate defense-

The Poneglyph, an Item with Indestructibility.

The Iron Rods bump into the Poneglyph, and fall down, with their inertia getting dismissed. I time my summoning correctly, and the moment the rod's collide with the Poneglyph, I summon it back into my inventory, since the Poneglyph weighs more than I could handle, and if it falls on the deck, it would destroy it in one fell swoop.

"WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW." While I wanna let the crew have their goodbye's with Vivi, we just don't have time. somehow, the Marines predicted us coming here, i don't know how, but they did. I have a feeling it is because of Tashigi, with her Observation Haki and all, but that might not be possible, since her range would not be this high in such a short amount of time.

that's when-


a Big ass fish comes out of the water and literally slams into one of the Marine ships. this fish, a catfish, according to the window is known as the Sandora Catfish or somethin-

"DUGOOOO" literal screams arise from the body of the..... knocked out catfish? and out jumps-

"DUGONGS!!" Chopper scrEams in delight, confusing me. what the fuck is happening?

"DUGO GO GUO DU!" the pack of Dugongs, around 50, start swimming what the hell-

"Luffy, The Dugongs wanna join you in your adventure! they wanna be with their master." AYO WHAT THE FUC-

"OH HELL YEAH!!! COME ON KONGS!!" Luffy raises his arms and screams in excitement. WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUC- 

the Dugongs jumps from the ocean, all coming towards our ship, my mind calms down, and i am able to think calmly-

"JUMP TO THAT SHIP!" I scream out loud, pointing to the ship that is tied to us, the Ship belonging to Bon Clay, the Dugongs immediately fix their posture and land on Going Merry-

Before jumping to Bon Clay's ship, filling it up-

Going Merry starts moving, making me realize that Robin started the ship, Vivi continues to talk her heart out with the Den-Den Mushi- 

wait. I have one too. Den Den Mushi possess a mysterious capability to engage in telepathic communication with one another across extensive distances, ostensibly facilitated by electronic signals-

wait, electronic signals? I have an idea, not just one, but two. I store the first one in my brain, deciding to tinker with it when my <ENGINEER> Skill reaches a high level. but, now-

I take out my own Den-Den Mushi from my pocket ( Since Den-Den Mushi cannot be stored in Inventory, believe me, i tried) that i bought from Alabasta, and dial the number which is connected to the Den-Den Mushi of Vivi.



"WILL YOU GUYS STILL ACCEPT ME AS YOU-" a ringing sound interrupts Vivi's heartfelt speech, and she looks at her Den-Den Mushi, confused by who the hell is calling her. the number that I read in the books of Alabasta's library while understanding how Den-Den Mushi works. By this call, the connection with Alabasta's speaker is cut off. I raise my hand, with Den-Den MUshi, the Snail staring at me with its wide eyes. Vivi looks at my hand, and understands what the hell is happening, and she clicks the button to accept the call.

"....." i don't know what to say, since i kinda called her in a hurry, but words come to my mouth anyways. Even though Vivi and I are not close friends like she is to the Older Members of the Strawhat, she is still...somewhat of a friend? An acquaintance I guess?

"....Don't forget to keep in touch." I say awkwardly, and this awkwardness consumes me so I pass it to Nami, and walk towards the Lounge, trying to look mysterious or something. i open the door-

"Vivi, you will always be our friend-" I close the door while Luffy is speaking to Vivi on the other side of the call.

"Domain Expansion-"


Smoker is enraged. similar to his subordinate Tashigi. He immediately goes into his smoke form and tries to fly towards the StrawHats ship, seeing them raise their hands all at once, before-

"STRAW HAT!!!" Strawhat screams in rage, yet again. The Strawhats have escaped him. this is the fourth time-

The first time was in Loguetown, where 'The Revolutionary' Dragon came and saved Luffy for some odd reason. The second time, Portgas D Ace, who called Himself Luffy's brother, Came in-between Luffy and Himself, letting that Straw-hat go away again. The third time, All the Marines were defeated, including Tashigi, and the Strawhat was carried away by Roronoa Zoro when Some random ass Creatures with Weird Ass Kung-Fu moves jumped in and distract us.

this is the fourth time, and the fucked up thing is, the Dugongs messed it up again, with that bastard, who defeated Tashigi and made her swore revenge on him, made the two ships disappear, similarly to how he did an hour ago.


"Sir-" Tashigi comes to Smoker to inform about something, but Smoker cuts her off.

"GO AFTER THE STRAWHATS, NOW!" With his command given, he grabs his Jitte and looks over the horizon. noticing that the ship is not moving. he turns to Tashigi to shout at her, but stops when she shoves a...Den-Den Mushi-

"Captain Smoker, you are ordered to stand down, and are required to come to HQ immediately-" Smoker sees red, his rage exploding, not even realizing who is speaking in the den-den Mushi.

"FUCK THAT! THE STRAWHATS ARE RUNNING AWAY AFTER DEFEATING YOUR PET WARLORD, AND YOU WANT ME TO GIVE UP-" a clear voice cuts through his ramblings, making him realize whom he is talking to. a voice that he recognises-

"Smoker, Calm down and Return to Base. Sengoku wants to talk to you personally. for now, forget about the Strawhats." This voice, a deep, but calm voice, makes a smoker reminisce about his past a little bit. since this voice belongs to-





SpiritFest13 SpiritFest13

this chapter took me 10 hours to write, since i was bored writng it. since i was traveling and all. but, here you go.

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Chapter 15: CH-15 - MARINE HQ


"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




"Smoker, Calm down and Return to Base. Sengoku wants to talk to you personally. for now, forget about the Strawhats." This voice, a deep, but calm voice, makes a smoker reminisce about his past a little bit. since this voice belongs to-




Smoker is pissed off about the entire situation. He is Currently In MarineFord, the Marine Headquarters, where he has been summoned to meet the Fleet Admiral, the boss of the Marines for some odd reason. His Sensei, the one who trained him, Zephyr called him and ordered him to come to base, while abandoning the mission to chase and capture the Strawhats.

Remembering about the strawhats makes Smoker more pissed than before, those bastards escaped from his clutches yet again. While he might admit that staying in Loguetown made him arrogant to believe that no one would run from him, the Strawhat Pirates not only ran from him once, but THREE FREAKING TIMES.

"S-Sir?" his Subordinate, and protégé Tshigi calls him out, making him look at her. He still feels anger when he looks at her injuries. She had many broken bones, and cuts all over her body. While the damage was healed, she now has a scar over her arms, her stomach and even a scar in her forehead. (AN:- Similar to the scar that Coby has Post Timeskip)

"We should go in." Tashigi points to the door leading to the Fleet Admirals room, and Smoker sighs, releasing Smoke out of his mouth. He is smoking, and even being near the big boss is not gonna make him spithis cigar out. HE nods, making Tashigi take a deep breath, calming her nerves, while Smoker puts his hand on the door, pushing it and-

"You are late." Smoker looks up, to see a chair in the high ground, and sitting there, is the big boss of the Marines. Sengoku The Buddha.Sengoku is a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache. He is usually seen alongside his pet goat. His cap covers his hair, which is set in a large afro.He typically wears black-rimmed glasses and a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals. The most distinctive features of this uniform are a life-size seagull on top of his cap, and his oversized Marine coat which he wears like a cape. His coat has the kanji for justice, in blue, emblazoned on the back, and has unique colored cuffs, with his being white.

"My Subordinate was quite nervous, so I had to calm her down." Smoker removes his Cigar and lets out a puff of smoke.

Tashigi looks at Smoker in betrayal. How could he? She might be thinking. A sigh erupts from the side of the room, and from the shadows, comes out a person who is wearing a glass. Smoker rolls his eyes, shows off.

The person who came from the shadows is Zephyr. Zephyr or Black Arm" Zephyr is a large, muscular, tan-skinned man, standing around twice the height of a typical man, with short purple hair and a large mechanical right arm connected to the left hip with converted mast rigging. Underneath that mechanical arm is a regular-sized and pitch-black prosthetic arm.he wears baggy trousers tucked into his boots, and a pair of triangular sunglasses.

"Can you stop putting others under the bus?" Zephyr scolds Smoker, showing just how much he knows Smoker. Smoker shrugs, making it seems that he doesn't care, but that's when-

"Bwahahaha, you have one hell of a student Z." A laughter reverberates in the room, making Sengoku and Zephyr annoyed. The voice reveals itself as the Hero Of the Marines, Monkey D Garp.

 Garp is a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man. He has a beard and a scar over his left eye.his eye color is blue, and his hair is gray. Smoker notices something, but before he could think upon it, Sengoku speaks up with a serious voice.

"Now, Captain Smoker, Explain WHY you left your Post in Loguetown. And remember, don't leave any details." Sengoku narrows his eyes, and a pressure surrounds Smoker, making him sweat. Smoker mods, deciding to explain everything.

And he does, Smoker explains everything, from his subordinates informing him about the StrawHats Arriving at Marineford, to The Call from Zephyr, making Him lose the StrawHats. Smoker stares at Zephyr, but it isn't effective since he is staring at his Glasses.

Smoker also explains all the abilities that he figured out that the StrawHats have. From his first fight with Luffy to his recent fight with Roronoa Zoro. Tashigi continues his words by explaining her fight with a monster looking like a deer and then-

"Wait, hold up. You....heard the voice of all things?" Garp asks in surprise, sitting straight and putting his rice crackers to the side. Tashigi gets nervous, and Smoker gets confused. Even he was confused when Tashigi explained her situation, but it might seem that Garp, even Zephyr and Sengoku know what is happening to Tashigi.

"y-yes sir!" Tashigi Yelps a reply due to her nervousness. Garp looks at Zephyr and Sengoku, all of them come to a single answer.

"so, you learned Observation Haki This early on huh? Interesting. Continue." Smoker's eyes widen, finally understanding what Tashigi's newly awakened power is. Tashigi is confused but still continues on with her explanation. Smoker starts thinking to himself.

At first, he didn't understand what tashigi was talking about, since she was talking gibberish like she was hearing things, but now that the most powerful marines have said what this is, Smoker understands. Smoker knows what Observation Haki is, even if he personally doesn't have it. the fact that HIS protégé has unlocked it makes him proud of her, but from his knowledge, there is one question that is bothering him-

"wait. you are saying that- you were not able to 'sense' this Rai person when he 'disappeared' or his weapons 'disappeared'?" Smoker notes that this is the same question he had in mind, but when Tashigi nods, all the three start discussing amongst themselves in low whispers-

"is there a person out there that can disappear from observation haki-" 

"it must be a devil fruit power, but the Suki-Suki No Mi is in the hands of Gecko Moria-"

"must be some other devil fruit. but for it to not be in the Encyclopedia-"

"maybe it was a fruit which was never discovered by the World Gover-" 

Similarly, the three Superiors continue whispering, after a minute, they look back at Tashigi and Smoker, making Tashigi squirm under their serious gaze and Smoker to be surprised that even Garp, the supposed easy- going of the trio, is serious.

"Chief Petty Officer Tashigi, I want you to explain every single detail you know about this Rai Person." Smoker raises his eyebrow, since the tone that Sengoku is using is serious. After thinking about it, it would make sense. While Tashigi explains all she knows about Rai, Smoker goes back to thinking.

From what he has heard till now, it would make sense WHY Sengoku would want as much information as possible. Haki is a power that allows someone to use their Willpower to either attack, subdue or receive incoming attacks. Haki is a power that the World Government is reliant on since it is one of the most effective ways to deal with Devil fruit users across the world. the fact that there might be a person in the world that is somehow resistant to this power, then it is a cause for concern.

Smoker continues from Tashigi, explaining how Rai helped Roronoa Zoro to develop a technique to counteract his smoke abilities. He is still pissed off about that. even though he didn't know that he had a weakness like that.

"So, HE is Smart enough to rile an officer up-" Tashigi goes red with embarrassment when Sengoku speaks up. and even anger at Rai. even Smoker is angry at Rai for the words he said to Tashigi. THAT DAMN SEXIST-

"- he can figure out weaknesses of devil fruits that had no weaknesses till now-" Smoker is annoyed that this matter is brought up by Zephyr. His weakness being brought up is pissing off smokers even more.

"- AND has an ability that allows him to bypass the senses of an Observation Haki User, even though she might be terrible at using it." Garp finishes up for Sengoku. Tashigi winces, and Smoker is pissed off for real this time. why the hell is Monkey D Garp pissing on-

Wait. Monkey D-

"The Strawhat is your relative?" Smoker is surprised that it comes out of his mouth. he looks at Garp who snapped his head towards him, causing Smoker to sweat at the pressure being extruded from Garp-

"Garp, Calm down. we don't wanna knock these poor fletchlings out." Sengoku speaks up, causing Garp to turn towards him and....pout?

"how the hell did he-"

"your name you idiot. you and your grandson have the same name if you forgot. obviously people will figure out you are related to them." Senoku narrows his eyes at Garp, causing Garp to throw his hands in the air in frustration.

"I told That brat to join the Marines-"

"YOU COULDN'T CONTROL YOUR GODDAMN GRANDSON YOU IDIOT. BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDNESS, A FUCKING WARLORD IS DOWN." Sengoku gets up in rage, causing Garp to stay still while his friend releases his anger. Zephyr cleans his ears while looking elsewhere, not even wanting to be a part of this.

Smoker sweat drops, at the 180* Attitude change from Garp. But he Swallows his spit, calming himself from the outburst from what he thinks is Conqueror's Haki. he looks towards Tashigi to see her shaking, almost losing consciousness. Smoker puts her hand on her shoulder, making her look at him, and calming herself eventually.

"Okay, thanks for the important information that you guys have given, you may leave now." Sengoku mods, and then looks to both his friends, expecting Tashigi and Smoker to leave the room. while Tashigi immediately turns to run away from the room, Smoker has one question that he wants to ask.

"why did Strawhat Luffy's bounty not get updated?" he narrows his eyes, thinking about how corrupt the Marines are that they will not update a bounty on a dangerous person JUST because of his relationship to the Hero Of the Marine-

"Well, we would have if SOMEONE had picked up the Transponder Snail when We Called two weeks ago but-" Smoker's face becomes red from embarrassment, but Sengoku still had more facts to spew.

"-But NOOO! That Someone had to be Mr "I Smoke, So I Am So Cool"! GET OUT!" Sengoku screams, causing Smoker to turn and run out of the room, embarrassed while Garp laughs hysterically.

"So Zephyr, you wanna take the case-" THe door closes before Smoker could hear more, and he sighs, releasing that he MIGHT have instigated things beyond his comparison. and that it MIGHT be his fault in the first place-

"Oi, What the hell are you looking at?" He glares at Tashigi, who is shaking, mostly due to laughter.





"how did you know about my dream?" Now that We are far away from danger, Zoro approaches me while I am lying down on the deck, my hands behind my back. I look confused, so he explains.

"The Promise I made, only I and My Master know it. How did you know?" Zoro has a serious tone. While I can guess that he wouldn't point swords at me IF I don't tell him a possible answer, any favor I had with Zoro might be lost since he won't be able to trust me. while he might not care about me knowing other's secret-

His secret is something very important to him. as important as his Wado Ichimonji. I know I have to give him a satisfactory answer, so I start thinking. my Gamer's mind, combined with My High INT, WIS and my <Genius Trait> perk, i start formulating a reason.



This Perk allows the user to understand and process information at a tremendous rate.This perks makes the user highly analytical and makes the brain go faster during rapid thinking.It Boosts INT by 50% and gives a special effect of Super Speed thinking, allowing for faster brain processing during analytical thinking.

This skill allows a 50% increase in my INT stat permanently, while also giving me Super Speed thinking when I am thinking deeply about something, like right now. I try to think of something and my eyes go to the sword on his hilt, the Wado Ichimonji-

"Oi, Answer me." Zoro snaps me out of my thoughts, and I realize that I haven't answered him for the past five seconds, but looking at Wado Ichimonji, I get an idea.

"What do you know about Wado Ichimonji?" Zoro looks Confused, so i tell him that i will start from the beginning, gathering my random story line, while also remembering a crucial detail about Zoro's past.

his relation to Kuina being more than a promise.

"Wado Ichimonji is one of the 21 Great Grade Swords, and was forged by a blacksmith named Shimotsuki Kouzaburou. the father of Shimotsuki Koushirou." Zoro'

Zoro's eyes widen when he hears his Master's name. but this also makes me remember one thing. Zoro's bloodline being related to them.

"My master?" He looks surprised, but then a look of realization comes upon him.

"that old geezer was the one who created this sword?" Zoro picks up Wado Ichimonji and looks at in surprise. I don't know who this 'geezer' is. I completely forgot that Zoro met Shimotsuki Kouzaburou when he was little. 

"Due to Wado being one of the 21 Great Grade swords, I kept tabs on it just in case, but who knew it would fall on YOUR hands. like, the irony." Zoro looks at me in confusion, and while I know Zoro won't care about this knowledge anyways, it is good to tell him.

"After you became a pirate hunter in east blue, I looked into your past to figure you out, and to my suprise, you were trained under Shimotsuki Koushirou, especially you being related to him in blood." Zoro looks at me in surprise yet again, and I nod.

"related?" i sigh, acting like this is annoying, but getting even a second of time to formulate my words to continue my bullshit-

Well, this is the truth, but you get my point.

"You are related to Shimotsuki Ryuma. The God Of The Blade." Zoro looks confused, and I sigh loudly this time, annoying Zoro.

"Sword God Ryuma, is from Wano Country and he is hailed as the strongest swordsman in the void century. you are a direct descendant Of THAT Ryuma. your parents illegally immigrated from Wano Country years ago and founded the Shimotsuki Village." Zoro is still surprised, I mean, this is big information if you think about it.

Zoro is interested in something else though-

"How does this relate to my Promise?" He looks impatient, and I almost smile, since this Zoro is the same as I know, a person who doesn't give a shit about backstories and all.

"Well, since I was a child, I was in the information treading business, I joined a group whose entire life revolves around information. and they collected all information about the sword god Ryuma and his descendants. even Kuina, the daughter of your master. and I can guess you can understand what happens next." Zoro looks at me with Disgust, and it is reasonable too, at least if this bullshit were real that is.

"You are a creepy weirdo." He shakes his head when I shrug at his accusation. there is no point in denying it if i wanna continue my bullshitting backstory. and now that i remember-


Name:- Rai Adam

Job:- The Gamer

Gender:- Male

Level:- 17 (EXP:- 16,723,400/26,214,400)



HP:- 1480

MP:- 5,136 (2140)

STR:- 72

VIT (HP):- 78

DEX (AGI):- 48

INT:-102 (68)



Stat Points:- 15

A person who was orphaned during his young age, Rai Adam has always worked hard to sustain himself independently. his job however, is not to his satisfaction, and due to this, he watches Movies and Anime to take his mind of his bad days. he Dies in his sleep and is Summoned by #@!#$#@ and sent to a different world.

When my INT was raised to 100, I received Skills like <LOW MANA AFFINITY>,<MEDIUM MANA CAPACITY> And <MANA REGENERATION> Similar to the Manwha. My MP is almost 2000, meaning my skills have become easier to use.




3)OBSERVE -ACTIVE- (Lv16) (EXP- 1.1%)


5)DIGGING -ACTIVE- (Lv32) ( EXP:- 0.2%)




 ->SHOVEL STYLE - ACTIVE - (Lv5) (EXP - 4%)


10) THROWING -ACTIVE- (Lv7) (EXP -98%)





15)ACTING - ACTIVE - (Lv12) (EXP-8.9%)

16)STEALING - ACTIVE - (Lv10) (EXP - 60%)

17) SENSE DANGER - PASSIVE - (Lv20) (EXP - 22.2%)

18) SWORD MASTERY -PASSIVE- (Lv33) (EXP - 73.3%)

 ->ONE-SWORD STYLE (Ittōryū) - ACTIVE- (Lv15) (EXP - 2.4%)

 ->TWO-SWORD STYLE (Nitōryū) -ACTIVE- (Lv30) (EXP - 9.5%)

 ->THREE-SWORD STYLE (Santōryū) - ACTIVE - (Lv21) (EXP - 1%)

19)GUN MASTERY -PASSIVE- (Lv10) (EXP - 0%)

 ->DUAL- WIELDING -ACTIVE- (Lv7) (EXP -99.9%)

20)H2H COMBAT - ACTIVE / PASSIVE - (Lv13) (EXP - 55%)

21)ONE-MAN ARMY - ACTIVE - (Lv2) (EXP -0%)


23)DASH -ACTIVE- (Lv5) (EXP - 4.5%)

24)FOOTWORK -ACTIVE- (Lv17) (EXP - 2.3%)

25) MOUNTAIN CLIMBING - ACTIVE - (Lv5) (EXP - 77.7%)

26) FISSURE - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 0%)

27) SAND MANIPULATION - ACTIVE - (Lv20) (EXP - 55.6%) (MP - 5 Per second)

 ->DESERT SPARDA - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 13.5%)

 ->SAND ATTACK - ACTIVE - (Lv5) (EXP - 12.3%)

 ->DESERT SPIKE - ACTIVE- (Lv21) (EXP- 55.5%)

 -> SAND COFFIN - ACTIVE - (Lv7) (EXP - 69.6%)

28) ENGINEERING - ACTIVE - (Lv 5) (EXP - 33.3%)




32) ENERGY BOLT - ACTIVE - (Lv7) (EXP - 4.6%)

33) MANA ARROW - ACTIVE - (Lv4) (EXP - 77.7%)

34) MANA ROPE - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 33.3%)


While I upgraded some skills during my week of training, it is still not much, but it is satisfactory. The feeling of growing stronger, and having the ability to confirm that you ARE going stronger is one of the biggest thrills of my life. While I might not be much of a fighter, just seeing these stats rise up while I get new skills, it makes me addicted to grow stronger.

Maybe, the Gamer's mind influences my thought process into an addictive Leveling Up Player.

"Luffy, what are we supposed to do with that Ship?" Usopp raises a question that has been bugging him since the start. He points towards Bon Clay's ship, and the people in the ship start panicking, Bon Clay interrupts them by Speaking directly to luffy.

"Those are my people-YO. I am not gonna abandon them."He puts his foot in this matter, and all of us can see what he wants. He wants his ship and his people to come with us. but Nami raises an objection.

"But, having two ships would slow us down If Marines attack us. we would have to drag that Ship with us when we are getting fired- No Offense." She looks at the sad faces of the BOn Clay squad and back-pedales in criticizing them. 

Bon Clay nods, understanding, but he still does not want to abandon his mates.

"what should we do then?" Luffy raises a question, normally, he should be answering it, but then-

Everyone looks at me? I raise my eyebrow, but shrug.

It seems that everyone here trusts me enough to let me make the plan. I look over to the other ship, counting all the members in it, and a total of 12 Humans and 50+ Dugongs. I-

Huh, this might work.

"Well, I MIGHT have an idea. CHOPPER!" I scream for Chopper to come out, and he comes out from the lounge and wobbles to me. I point him at the dugongs, and he understands what I want from him. I turn to look at Luffy and propose my idea.

"These guys could come under us as a GrandFleet." Everybody looks at me in confusion, except Robin, who has a surprised look on her face. knowing nobody here understands what i am saying, i explain.

"A Fleet is a subordinate of us, the main crew. They sail under OUR Flag, meaning whatever they do, they are under OUR protection. These fleets are mostly used as scouting regiments or backups if our Crew gets into a fight with other crews in the sea." Luffy looks like he is contemplating, while the others nod their head in understanding. The Dugongs start speaking something, and Chopper translates it to us.

"We are okay with it." all of the Dugongs give a thumbs up, but Luffy unsurprisingly denies this.

"No. I don't want to be a pirate that forces other people to come under them. this GrandFleet Nonsense feels too restricting." I expected this, so I looked at the other ship, looking at them and indicating to them to give an answer.

"It's your choice. you guys could come UNDER our flag, or you guys can do your own thing. you guys decide- and No Bon, No Influencing them." I look at Bon CLay, who is trying to secretly make him agree. She scratches his head in embarrassment, and we all look upon the Other ship.

the Dugongs already said yes, and to reaffirm it, they nod their head again, while the humans talk among themselves for a couple of minute until-

"yeah, we are okay coming UNDER your flag. we just wanna stay connected with Bon Clay-sama." a dude, whose name is Wiggi Wiggi (don't ask me why) speaks up, being the representative.

I look at Luffy and shrug, and he looks at me, and shrugs.

"Okay then." immediately, the second ship screams in joy, excited at the prospect of being under the Strawhat Crew.but, someone steps up to start talking.

"Now now, calm your horses my people. you might not know how to move around these waters without a leader guiding you, DO NOT WORRY. Captain Usopp-sama will-"

"Oi, here you go-" I toss Wiggi Wiggi a spare Transporter Snail, since he came front and spoke on behalf of all the members of the ship, i decided to make him the leader of this Fleet.

"my number is in there, i will contact you if anything comes up. until then, you guys can act as my Information network." I smile at the awed look that the Fleet members are giving me, while I ignore Usopp's flabbergasted look. I basically simented myself as the superior that commands the grand fleet.

"Oi, what are you doing?" I look back at Usopp's pissed off face. i know he isn't truly pissed off but putting an act, and i shrug, leading him to continue speaking.

"don't you know that i have more than 8000 Men under me-"

"WOW!" Chopper is awed at what USopp is teeling, causing Usopp to swell in pride, while i start walking towards the lounge to pick up paints to create the flag, while passing Usopp, i pat him on the shoulder.

"Sure Sure, If You WILL have 8000 Men under you, then I Am GOD." I smirk at his face, realizing that he has been caught, and continue to go inside.

After this, I bring out the paint and drop it to Usopp, which causes him to stare at me, this time genuinely pissed off, but I start talking to the Fleet Leader Wiggi and instructing him on what to do. and what I expect him to do. Usopp sighs in defeat, understanding that he cannot push me around with his lies like he can with Chopper and Luffy. He grabs the paint and starts his artist work.

Eventually, with all the instructions given and painting done, the Fleet leaves, making Bon Clay Cry, waving goodbye to them with a handkerchief. WIth that done, I walk towards Usopp.

"What?" He is annoyed at me it seems. but I grin at him, deciding to make an offer that he cannot refuse.

"I Would like to consult you on some items I wanted to create. I want your help." Usopp immediately turns serious when mentioning items, and he nods, walking towards the Lounge to tinker with stuff.

i walk behind him, with my goal being only one thing-

Grind My Engineer Skill So Much that I Am able to create an Internet. Data science comes later on.





SpiritFest13 SpiritFest13

creating this fanfiction is hard because i only have the story in an initial draft. i have uploded the image as an example for you guys to understand, so check that out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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